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Our problem is how to float a Coke down the Nile River. A Coke does not normally float down
the Nile River because it is denser. So we are building a contraption to float the coke down the
river. This contraption must be able to displace the weight of the coke so it will be able to float
on top of water. Our Contraption also must be able to take on waves.

Our hypothesis is that if we make a contraction shaped like a canoe it will be able to put the
coke. This will only work if we put the Coke in the dead center of our contraction. We think this
will work because a canoe shape will displace the weight of the coach on the water. It also helps
that we are making our canoe out of Styrofoam wrapped with aluminum foil to keep it durable
but also keep it light weight and less dense than water. We will carve out a indent for the coke in
the canoe and the canoe would displace the way allowing it to float.

Experiment is the fill up a kiddie pool with water to represent the Nile River, then we will place
our construction with the coke on it. After that if the contraction works then we will shake the
pool to create waves and if it floats then we have passed successfully. After that we will be new
the contraction and the coke. Is that and we will hand it out to the next group and wait patiently
and watch each group do this experiment and if needed make adjustments to ours so that it will
be able to complete the experiment.

The data we've collected for this experiment is that the density of the Nile is 1. Which is the
normal density of water. We also found out that Styrofoam surrounded by aluminum foil is less
dense than water. This information was useful for this experiment because it allowed us to
calculate where to put the coke on a contraction and If it would float or sink.

The result we came up with is that are contraption did float but, it flipped over when the waves
came. Are Coke with situation at the center of our canoe like contraption where was secure but
not secure enough for when it was flipped over. It flipped over because it was not stable enough
because it did not have enough for surface area and it was a square block which is not very stable
on the water in waves. We could fix this by maybe carrying the edges to make it like a boat.
Because that would let it cut through the water and stuff floating on top of it.

Chris Covin

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