A La Juventud Filipina

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Alma Beatrice T.


BSRT 2-3


Unfold, Oh timid flower!

Lift up your radiant brow,
This day, youth of my native strand!
Your abounding talents show
Resplendently and grand
Fair hope of my motherland

I cant help myself from singing a few lines from the song Ako ay Pilipino, written by
George Canseco after reading the poem of Dr. Jose Rizal. Skipping the first few lines, then
follows, Bigay sa aking talino/ Sa mabuti kong laan/ Sa akiy katutubo/ Ang maging
These lyrics reminded me of what the first stanza of the poem A La Juventud Filipina
means. Rizal wanted every Filipino youth to believe in them and not to be fearful; not to be
afraid in exploring and gaining knowledge; not to be afraid in showing and sharing their talents,
skills and abilities. Most of all, to have faith in achieving freedom not only for themselves but
also for our country in which during that time was under the colonization of the Spaniards.
Rizal wanted to awaken the spirit of nationalism. He thought that the youth should be
aware of the social, political and moral situations of our beloved country under the rule of Spain.
He believed that as we gain knowledge through education, a great realization will eventually be
inculcated in the heart and mind of every Filipino. As we become educated and conscious about
the struggles and sufferings of our country, the need of freedom from the oppression and

suppression of the Spaniards will stimulate an outcry. The love for country will evolve. Freedom
and sovereignty will be their utmost desire. Thus, timid Indios will no longer be timid for in their
hearts they know that freedom, equality and justice should prevail. These will serve as their
motivation to study hard and hone their skills. Dr. Jose Rizal believed that our youth armed with
good education and outstanding skills will surely rise and hold their heads high in achieving a
country of freedom and justice. Freedom, indeed!
Fair hope of my motherland
The youth will surely be future leaders. You are the hope of our nation. You are capable
of bringing changes, having the ability to protect our freedom and knowledge for the
development of our dear Philippines. Dr. Jose Rizal once said, Ang kabataan ang pag-asa ng
bayan. Be wise. Always remember, No one can make you feel inferior without consent, as
what Eleanor Roosevelt said. Dont allow other people to make you feel bad at what you do. And
dont forget, Ako ay Pilipino/ Taas noo kahit kanino/ Ang Pilipino ay ako, as the last lines of
the song goes.

Is your interest in education unfeigned?

Would your answer rather be kept or opined?
Will a seed blossom into a fig tree
When one of sunlight and water is an absentee?

Just like a fig tree which is deeply rooted

Education is the foundation, learning included
Like a fig tree of many uses
Education has its purposes

Without learning, neither one can read nor write

But always remember that education is a right
To be able to properly understand and communicate
Is the baseline of ones improvement, thus, good fate

Improving oneself using education

Is a success, for future selfs formation
Not only for selfs satisfaction
But also a contribution to the nation

With proper learning

One can properly assess how to live and truly
Proper education can lead to knowing your world and surroundings
And also as a preparation to good work, to perform skillfully and accurately

To be a able to think critically

Can help in decisions and reasoning out logically
Education is the cure for ignorance
Education is for a future of better chance, a self enhanced

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