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Designation: A 703/A 703M - 03 Standard Specification for Steel Castings, General Req Containing Parts’ ements, for Pressure- This stand issued ur he ised esgnton A TOA 73M; heme nmi folowing te devintion inate te year of egal adoption inte eae of revise, the year of nt revision A puner in parettese inate the year of fet reapprova Aspen epson () iets an eral che ioe Ie st evan oF RapPONE 1, Scope * 1.1 This specification? covers a group of common require- ‘ments that, unless otherwise specified in an inkividual speci- fication, shall apply to steel castings for pressure containing parts under each of the following ASTM specifications: Tao Spat ST isin eo Goings, Caton Gate Fen Weng A BUNEIO wa ip oacaneSeves st Song Ait oH Tenperte Aasunasit sie Cig Foe an Matuate,Peme: AGUA mes eta op sec Any Speci Hon Tete or ARN 1.2 This specification also covers a group of supplementary ‘requirements which may be applied tothe above specifications as indicated therein, Theve are provided for use when addi tional testing or inspection is desired and apply only when specified individually by the purchaser in the order. 1.3 In case of conflict between the requirements of the individual specification and this general specification, the former shall prevail, 1.4 The values stated in ether inch-pound units or ST units are to be regarded separately as standard, Within the text, the SI units are shown in brackets, The values stated im cach system are not extet equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently ofthe other, Combining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specifi cation. Inck-pound units are applicable for material ordered to Specification A703 and St unis for material ordered Specification A 703M, "This pica is under he judon of ASTM Commie AOL on St AOL IS on Casings. ‘Cuneat edition approved Apil 10, 2003. Pubited Apt 2003. Oily sppeoved in 1974 Last previous stn approved in 2002 a8 A 708A 703M 03, "For ASME Boiler and PesurVesl Cae aplication ace wld Spc cation $A-70¥SA-703M in Sston If tat Cade 2, Referenced Documents 2.1 ASTM Standards ‘A 216/A 216M Specification for Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion Welding, for High Temperature Ser vice® A2DITIA 217M Specification for Sicel Castings, Mantensitio Stainless and Alloy, for Pressure-Containing Parts Suitable for High-Temperature Service? A351 351M Specification for Castings, Austenitic, Aastenitie-Ferritic (Duplex), for Pressure-Containing Pans! A352/A 352M Specification for Stee! Castings, Ferrite and Marensitic, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Suitable for Low-Temperature Service’ ‘4.310 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products! A380 Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of Stainless Steel Pars, Equipment, and Systems A.389/A 389M Specification for Steel Castings, Alloy, Spe- cially HeatTreated, for Pressure-Containing Parts, Si able for High-Temperature Service® A.487/A 487M Specification for Steel Castings Suitable for Pressure Service® ‘A 488/A 488M Practice for Stel Castings, Welding, Quali fications of Procedures anel Personme!® A 609A 609M Practice for Castings, Carbon, Low-Alloy, und Muriowsitie Stainless Steel, Ulrusonie Examination Thereo!* ASI Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for Chemical Analysis of Steel Prodinets* ‘A 800/A 800M Practice for Stee! Casting, Austenitic Alloy, Estimating Ferrite Content Thereo ‘A 802/A 802M Practice for Steel Castings, Surfuce Accep- tance Standards, Visual Examination® A-903/A.903M Specification for Steel Castings, Surface Acceptance Standards, Magnetic Particle and Liquid Pen erant Inspection” 2 tna Hook of ASTM Sando Vol O 2 nna Book of ASTM Standard, Wl 0103 *ASummary of Changes section appears atthe end ofthis standard. (epraht © ASTM ineraera 10 Bar Hater Ove, PO Sox TE, Wert Coneohotn, PA 948.260 Ute Si. ‘opyright by the AST International Mon Jun 16 16-11-40 2005 fy a 703/a 703M - 03 AD4L Terminology Relating « Steel, Stainless Steel, Re- fated Alloys, and Ferroalloys® A967 Specification for Chemical Passivation Treatments for Stainless Stee! Parts* ASOI/A 991M Test Method for Conducting Temperature Uniformity Surveys of Fumuces Used «© Heat Treat Stet Products* 1.29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Conformance With Specifications® E94 Guide for Radiographic Examination” 1 129 Reference Photographs for Magnetic Particle Indica tions on Ferrous Castings? E165 Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination’ 1.186 Reference Radiographs for Ileavy-Walled (2 to 4¥2- in, (1 10 114mm) Steel Castings” 208 Test Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ducilty Transition Temperature of Ferrtic Steels* 1.280 Reference Radiographs or Heavy-Walled (4Y 10 12-in, (114 (@ 305-mm)) Steel Castings” 340 Test Method for Macroetching Metals and Alloys® E446 Relerence Radiographs for Steel Castings up t0 2 in. (51 mm) in Thickness? #709 Guide for Magnete Pariete Examnation” 2.2 ANSI Standard: BI6S_ Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings” 23 Standards of the Manufacturer's Standardization Soci- ety of the Valve and Fitting Industry ‘MSS SP 53 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings, and Other Piping Components (Dry Powcler Magnetic Particle Inspection Method)!® MSS SP 54 Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Filings, and Other Piping Compoments (Ra diographie Inspection Method)'® 3. Terminology 3.1. Definitions: 3.1.1 The definitions in Test Methods and Definitions A 370 and Terminology A 941 are applicable to this specification and those listed in 1. 3.1.2 chaplet, n—a chaplet is a metallic support placed in a ‘mold cavity to maintain the spacing between a core and the mold, 3.1.3 electronic data interchange (EDI), nthe computer to-computer exchange of business information in a standard format such as ANSI ASC X12 3.1.4 heat, n—all the molten metal poured from a single furnace or all the molten metal from two or more furnaces, poured into a single Idle or casting prior to the replenishing of the fimace(s), > dam Book of ASTM Standards, Ve 01.01 fama! Dook of ASTM Standard, Vol 14.02. aman Bo of 4STH Standards, Vo 0 tama! Ho of ASTM Standards, Xo O80 * avaible fren American National Sunda Instat, 25 W. 43ed St, Ah Flog, New Yar, NY 10036 "aval fam the Manus’ Saaization Socaty ofthe Vive and Finings Indus. 127 Dak Se, NE, Viena, VA 2218 Copyright, by the ASTM international Non Jun 16 16A13:12 2006, 3.1.8 dnvermal chill, n—an inwernal chill is a metallie deviee placed in a mold eavity to inerease the rate of heat removal at that location, |. Materials and Manufacture 4.1 Melting Process The steel shall be made by open- hearth or clectric-furnace process, with or without separate refining such as argon-oxygen-decarburization (AOD), unless otherwise designated by the individual specification, 4.2 Heat Treamenc: 4.21 Ferritic and manensitic steel shall be cooled after pouring to provide substantially complete transformation of austenite prior (0 Reat treatment to enhance mechanical prop- cents, 4.2.2 Castings shall he heat treated in the working zone of a fumace that has been surveyed in accordance with Test Method AS9L/A 991M. 4.22.1 When castings are heat treated at temperatures above 2000°F [100°C], dhen the working zone shall ave been. established hy a survey performed at not more than 25°F [18°C] below nor more than 200°F [110°C] above the mini- rmunn heat treatment temperature specified for the grade. IP a ‘minimum beat treatment temperature is not specified for the ‘grade, chen the survey temperacure shall be not more than 50°F [30°C] below nor more than 175°F [100°C] above the furnace set point used. The maximum variation in measured temperatures determined by the difference between the highest temperature and the lowest temperature shall be as agreed between the purchaser and producer except that during production heat treatment no portion of the furnace shall be below the minimum specified temperature wor above the maximum specified temperature for the grade being processed. 5. Chemical Composition 5.1 Chemical Analysis—Chemical analysis. of materials covered by this specification shall be in accordance with Test Methods A 751 5.2 Heat Analysis—An analysis of each heat shall be made by the manufucturer to determine the peroeniages of the elements specified. The analysis shall be made fram a test sample preferably taken during the pouring of the heat, When tilings are used, they shall be take not es than Vain, (6.4 ‘mm] beneath the surface. The chemical composition thus determined shall be reported to the purchases, or his epresen- tative, and shall conform to the requirements in the individual specification for the grade being poured, 5.3. Product Analysis—A product analysis may be made by the purchaser from material representing each heat, lot, or casting, The analysis shall be made on representative materia Duie co the possibilty of decarburization, carbon and alloy steel samples for carbon analysis shall be taken no closer than “4 in [6-4 mm} to a cast surface except that castings too thin for this, shall be analyzed on representative material. The chemical composition thus determined shall meet the requirements specified inthe applicable specitication for the grade involved, or shall be subject to rejection by the purchaser, excep that che ‘chemical composition determined for carbon and low-alloy steel castings may vary ftom the specified limits by the fly A 703/A 703M - 03 TABLE 4 Product Analyele Toleranes {for Carbon and Low-Alloy Stools. Eloment Range ‘der min, Lint can wpwose% 0s x %O, +002 shove 005 6 004%. Manganese (Mn) opt 08% an, 001 shove 1 000 ‘saan 89 tpmoso% 022 x %s\- 001 ove 060% O18%. Phosphor () 7 043 = 6, + 0.008 ‘Sur (5) q 036% 5.0001 Mikal fpe2e O40 98h 002 sbove 2% 025% hromiom (9) tpio2s 907 = cr, +004 shove 255 0188 Molybdenum (Mo) uptoo8 % 04 = Mo, + 008, sbovw08 206% Venadium (7) tptoo25% 023%, + 0004 sbov0 0.25 208 % Tungsten (0) tproot0% 0.08 < % Wi, + 002 sbove 030% 02% Copper) tpootey 218% Ou, +002 sbowo 020% 006% ‘Auminum (8) upioos% 2018 Bosv.010%. eet OB. AHO hove 040% 203% “Tne range dence the compossion tts op To wich fw wera ae compuind hy the eqiation, sabre whch fa ierancan ate gn bY The bec, forth laments each equation indaes atthe is of ho emant spected by the pplcabie specfeeion are fo ba inserted othe ‘equabon fo cst the flerance for te upper nk andthe Foner nk. [Ppleable, respecoe Examples of computing olerences ae pescied Inthe foonote & ‘To compute the tlrenons, consider the manganese ks 0.50 ~ 80 % of ‘Grade Wo! of Specticaten AZ17IN 217M, Acorn to Tabi the manemam ‘ormisbe dovieton ofa prtct nays blew telnet 080 005. (008 = 050 > CG). The bwest wcmpable pct analy of rede WEA, {hereto i 048%. Sine fe maximum parm devieion above the ‘Soper it of 0.00% iw 0074 (O00 80's O01). The ghee seca ‘rodul anaes of Grade WO, threes, 0.878. For Grede WOC of Spec Exton & IGA 210M, the maximum manganese content «120% fhe arbor orant is 0.20. nis case, he gest accent produ analysis is 129 {307 6) amounts shown in Table 1. The product analysis tolerances of Table 1 are not applicable as acceptance criteria for heat analysis by she casting manufaccurer 5.4 Unspecified Elements—When chemical analysis for el ‘ements not specified for the grade ordered is desired, Supple- mentary Requirement $1 may be specified 3.4.1 Grade substitution for stainless and nickel hase alloy castings is not permitted. Girade substitution occurs when the ‘material supplied: (2) contains an clement, other die nitrogen, that is not specified in the ordered grade, and (2) the amount of Uhat element equals or exceeds the minimum requirement for the element in another grade for which it is specified. For this requirement, a grade is detined as an alloy described individu- ally in a table of chemival requirements within any specifi tion listed within the scope of this section. 5.5 The substitution of & grade or composition diferent from that specified by the purchaser is prohibited, 5.6 Where more than one ladle is poured into a single caiting, the molten metal in each ladle must conform to the specified chemical requirements. Copyright, by the ASTM international Non Jun 16 164317 2008, 6, Mechanical Test Methods 6.1 All mechanical tests shall be conducted in accordance ‘with Test Methods and Definitions A 370, 7, Tensile Requirements 7.1 One tension test shall be made ftom each heat, and shall confirm to dhe tensile requirements specified Tes ars shal be poured in special blocks from the same heat as the castings represented, excep that for investment castings dhe vest speci ‘mens shall he cast im the same type of mold as the castings. 7.2 The bar from which the test specimen ig taken shall be Inca treated in production furnaces to the same procedure as the castings i represents 7.3 Test specimens may be cut from heat treated castings, at the producer's option, insicad of from test har 74 Investment Castings—For investment castings, the specimens may be east o shape or machined from blocks dimensions in aeeordance with Test Methods and Definitions 370 or the ICL bar shown in Fig, 1. 13 Other Castings—Unless otherwise. specified hy the purchaser, test coupons may be cas integrally with the castings ‘or us separate blocks in aevordanve with Fix, 2 wnxl Tuble 2, with Fig. 3, or with Fig. 4, except when. Supplementary Requirement $26 is specified. The test coupon in Fig. 4 shall be ‘employed only for austenite alloy eastings with cross sections less than 214 in, [63.5 mm}. Tension test coupons shall be ‘machined oF ground the form and dimension shown in Fig. 6 of Test Methods and Definitions A 370 7.6 If any specimen shows defective machining or devetops flaws, it may be discarded and another substituted from the same heat. 7.7 To determine conformance with the tension test require- ments, an observed value or calculated value shall be rounded off in accordance with Practice F 29 to the nearest 500 psi [5 MPaj for yield and tensile strength and to the nearest 1% for elongation and reduction of area. 8. Repair by Welding 8.1 Repair by welding shall be in accordance with the requirements of individual specification using procedures and ‘welders qualified in accordance with Practice A 488/A 488M, 9. Flanges 9.1 When a flange from a flanged casting is removed make a weld end casting, discontinuities may be observed that would not have been detrimental in a Ganged casting. The disposition of the casting shall be subject 1o agreement berween the purchaser and manufacturer 10, Quality 10.1 ‘The surface of the casting shall be free of adhering sand, scale, cracks, and hot tears as determined by visual "Infomation on te rebsionsip of mechani popes deem on et comp tine a seid in 71 nd 4 wth re ine fom te esting tnny bv owed in “Ti Sel Casings Flamboo” Filth Bon, Stel Founda Sovey of Amerie, 1980, pp 15-38 Hrouph 15-43 fy a 703/a 703M - 03 44g IN FL IN. MIN, T SIN. MIN, fan CN GATOS YANC2 ety Nm] 3751N, to. 851N. 014 D TaKe oa TH = = 7 weed ey 8 ie) wa my fo va FIG. 1 Design and Dimensions ofthe ICl Test Bar ss ec er = | Lewin ———I ‘Side view Keet Block Coupon {ot es for Donte Kes Black Coupon t Anernote Deny for Bend Bor ‘arpa Note: Rodive ot Costing? sverate Oesign for send Bor Coupon interface st 1) Desi for Malte Ket Blok Coop ars ‘ption of Foundry . 1e) Des for "Ate Coon a % = vA 7 2 ae oe = we fn 2 i e a & 2 a Pa a FIG. 2 Test Coupons for Casting examination, Other surface discontinuities shall meet the visual acceplance standards specified in the order. Practice A 802/ A802M or other visual standards may be used to define acceptable suritee discontinuities and finish, Unacceptable visual surface discontinuities shall be removed and their temoval veritied by visual examination of the resultant cavi- ties. 10.2 The castings shull not be peened, plugged, or impreg- nated to stop leaks, ‘opyright by the ASTM International Non Jun 16 1641322 2006, 2 (200 Table 2 for Datalls of Design) 103 Internal chills and chaplets may be used in the mam facture of castings. However, the chills, chaplets, and alfected ‘east material must be eompleicly removed. AM, Hydrostatic Tests 111 Lach casting shall be tested after machining 10 the hhyrostatc shell test pressures prescribed in ANSI BI6.5 for the upplicable sie rating for which dhe easing is designed. Casting shall show 0 leaks. Castings ordered for working fly A 703/A 703M - 03 TABLE 2. Details of Test Coupon Design for Casting (See Fig. 2) Now Fist Conpors for Lange and Hrasy Steel Castings: Te es cups in Fig. 2 ane be ww for lage anal sy se esting. However, atthe option ofthe foundry the cross-sectional area and feng of the standard coupon may be increased e desired, (Norn 2 Rend Rar: Ifa bend bar ie requved, an altorats design ( shown hy dated wes in Fig. 2) is ince eg Design (725 ri ser Daan TT tena ‘AS in. {125 mm] minim ing wb ‘sed This engin maybe neased tthe opon She ounsry to accommodate easona test brs (soe Note 1) 2. end taper seo and we fon taper sa the open of Tho ey 2. Hone 1 ii 2 mp 4 Wah (ation) 484i 2 mm (one Note 1). Raut boom) “én (19 rh. ae Spacing betwcon legs Aein. [Salus wil bo used between he as. Location oftet here Tha ans, hand, end pact bars wi be Taken fom te lower parton of th og (Gee Nate 2. Number ge ‘he open of the foundry providing ey are fscuspaced secon to hom 6 oR Radius rom 00 approximately i. 2 mn. sto ‘Tha numba of agnatached te he coupon ea TL enghy The lent of the rer the aso wil ba the seme es the fop lng ofthe leg Te length of {he ser ath top therefor Sepande onthe uncut ot {aerated tthe ro The wit oft oro he bone of = mpeg coupon ‘hal bo 2 4 87 rn ~ 9618 ml wore rons {ho number of ogeatachod tthe coupon. The wh ot {he nora the op therfore dopant on the arcunt of taper add tothe ise. 3. Tier ape) Height Use af and sine i the opian ofthe foundry. “The minimum height of thesis shall be 2 in. [51m “The maximum Rog ca the opten of he ound for ‘ne okowng reasons: ) Many rses ee cat open (ferent compostone may tage variation fn ag for soundnans, (ilo pow teeta ete atin ang % 32 We 70 2 782 7 208 Me 4a? i 24 [Nors—Pour though head cover molten heud with powdered charcoal, coke dust, ee, immediatly afer pouring, in order to keep head fuk as Jong as posible FIG, 3 Test Block for Tension Test Specimen pressures other than those in the standard ANSI ratings, or those listed for which test pressures are not specified by ANSI B16, shall be tested at a pressure agreed upon between rmanufasurer and the purchaser, 11.2 Tis realized that the foundry may be unable to perform the ydrostatic test prior to shipment, or thatthe purchaser may swish to defer testing until additional work or machining has been performed on the casting. Castings ordered in the rough stuie for final machining by the purchaser may be tested hhydrostatically prior to shipment by the manufacturer at ‘opyright by the AST International Non Jun 16 1644325 2006, pressures to be agreed upon with the purchaser, However, the foundry is responsible for the satisfactory performance of the castings under the final test required in 10.1 42, Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 12.1 All castings shall be made in 2 workmanlike manner and shall conform to the dimensions on drawings tumished by the purchaser. When the pattem is supplied by the purchaser, the dimensions of de easing shall be ax predicated by the pattem unless otherwise agreed upon.

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