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Homework N: 5

Name: Oscar Acero

Level: Three 4
Date: May 19, 2015
This day has been very sad for me, my parents haven't come. But my
girlfriend hasn't forgotten my birthday; she has bought globes for the
party however she still hasn't paid of the cake.
I have never celebrated a birthday, I've always felt nervous but my friends
have motivated me everyday. I have already lost the fear; my cousin
Elena has called us this morning but I have never talked with her, she
hasn't written any letter since 2000.
His husband and me have been good friends for 8 years, He has always
helped me with my problems for that reason I've decided to invite him.
The companies have begun to arrive, my aunt has prepared drinks to
receive them. while my uncle has already started to drink. The music has
put to dance all the people.
The night has already arrived and the companies have gone to their
houses. I have had beautiful days but none so wonderful as today.
The bells of the church have begun to sound and I have not still risen. I
have never risen so early but I have already completed most of age and I
have decided to be more responsible from today.
My brother and I have planned to travel to the United States, however we
have not gotten the enough money. I have always dreamt to visit the city
of New York because all my friends have already visited it. My
grandparents have even been in California for 2 months. Have you ever
left the country?, it is the question that they have done me in all the family
meetings and I haven't been able to respond with happiness.
My life hasn't always been successful. I have experienced many
deceptions, they have helped me to be stronger. Everybody have ever felt
sad, but when the depression has taken control of your life; It's when we
have believed that everything is lost. The truth is different, I have
concluded that nothing is lost while we continue alive.

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