Paper 2 June 2000

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2000

1(a) artery/arteriole/aorta ; 1
(b) (P) plaque/atherosclerosis/arteriosclerosis / atheroma / cholesterol/
fat + (Q) muscle/elastic/tunica media ; 1
(c) obstruction of blood flow (i.e. decrease in bore size) ;
high/increased blood pressure ;
reference to effect on named organ e.g. kidney / thrombosis or blood
clots or atherosclerosis/arteriosclerosis if not given in (b) ;
stroke ;
heart ‘attack’ ; [max 4] 4
(d) high in fatty foods ;
animal or saturated fat ;
cholesterol; [max 2] 2

2(a)(i) substrate / qualified food / molecule or compound / insoluble large

molecule ;
product / named product /soluble small molecule / broken down plus
enzyme/digested soluble food ; 2
(b) Any 2 from: product parts smaller than substrate, energy release,
enzyme not used up, active site/same part of enzyme works on
substrate ;; 2
(c) Any 3 from:
unaffected by temperature,
by pH,
not reversible,
pin made of metal/enzyme not made of protein,
noisy/air escapes,
different size of product fragments each time ;;; 3

3(a) respiration ; 1
(b) towards the bell jar/towards the left ;
carbon dioxide released (by plant)/oxygen taken in reduces pressure/
volume ; 3
(c) to re-set apparatus
to measure volume of carbon dioxide evolved/of oxygen absorbed/
rate of respiration ; 2
(d) O2 evolved is equal to CO2 absorbed / rates of respiration &
photosynthesis are equal ;
No change in volume/pressure (in the system) ; 2

4(a) Any 2 from: to colonise new areas / reference to species survival,

prevents overcrowding / limits spread of disease, prevents
competition for light, salts or similar, water, greater chance of
interbreeding/hybrid vigour, ;; 2
(b)(i) seed ;

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2000

(ii) ovary (wall) ; 2

(c) (W) wind ;‘hairy’/parachute / ‘feathery’ / reference to large surface
area/small/light ;
(X) animal (or suitable named, not insects) ;
hook (catches in fur) ; 4
(d) Any 3 from:
no/unsuitable soil, unsuitable PH/wrong place,
lack of water,
may be eaten or damaged,
seed infertile/diseased / not viable
lack of O2 with explanation, ;;; 3

5(a) 31-21.7 (or 8) = 9.2 (or 3) ˚C ; 1

(b)(i) bacteria/fungi/micro-organisms ;
&(ii) respiration ;
decomposition / decomposers ;
energy / heat released ;
Sensor U is inside/surrounded / Sensor T heated on one side only ;
no air blowing on sensor U/effect of air on sensor T;
heat lost from surface (not registered by T) ; [max 5] 5
(c)(i) nitrates/ammonium/nitrogen containing ions, magnesium
any correct which are not on the syllabus, ;; 2
(ii) (nitrate ) / N2 - for making protein/amino acids /nucleic acid
(magnesium) - for chlorophyll production
(any other) - correct specific function (e.g. K for fruit ripening/
stomal action) ;; [max 2] 2

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2000

(structure) (red blood cells) (white blood cells)
circular/disc-shaped variable ;
biconcave irregular ;
no nucleus nucleate ;
haemoglobin ;
granular cytoplasm ;
size comparison ;

[max 5] 5

(function) (red blood cells) (white blood cells)

oxygen carriage/ variable ;
absorption ;
engulf / ingest / digest /
phagocytosis ;
tissue rejection / make
antibodies / antitoxins /
immunity ;

[max 6] 6
(b)(i) more oxygen/oxygenated ;
less carbon dioxide ;
(ii) less water ;
no / less urea ;
fewer salts/toxins/other named, plausible substance e.g. O2 /CO2
with description ; [max 4] 4
(c) reference to fibrinogen/fibrin ;
platelets/enzymes or named ; 2

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2000

7(a)(i) arterioles/arteries ;
dilate ;
more blood ;
to sweat glands ;
hypothalamus ;
(sweat) evaporates (from skin surface) ;
(more blood also) to capillaries / skin surface ;
greater/increased + heat loss ; [max 6] 6
(ii) insulin ;
islets ;
pancreas ;
in blood plus by liver/muscle ;
glycogen ; [max 4] 4
(b) reference to sensitivity of enzymes to temperature ;
constant metabolic rate / homeostasis ;
unaffected by air temperature / hibernation /aestivation ; [max 2] 2

8(a)(i) (root) (xylem) central with star-shaped / discrete areas in circular

arrangement ;
(phloem) in arms of star alternating with xylem ;
both correctly labelled ;
(stem) minimum of 4
vascular bundles shown (must be shown divided) ;
arranged in circle in cortex /scattered ;
position of xylem + phloem correctly labelled ; 5
(b) plant in dye ;
leave for reasonable time e.g. 30 min ;
cut (section of) stem ;
view under microscope/optical aid ;
xylem stained (by dye) ; 4
(c) turgidity ;
xylem ;
reference to value of cell wall / cell sap / cells pushing on each other
osmosis ;
lignin / wood ; [max 3] 3

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2000

9(a) vagina plus extensible / muscular / penis reception / sperm

deposition / birth canal ;
cervix plus closes uterus / dilates for birth / supplies mucus (to
vagina) ;
uterus + spongy lining / placenta plus food / oxygen supply / CO2
or urea removal ;
uterus plus muscular plus birth ;
uterus plus protection qualified / site of implementation / growth /
development ;
oviduct plus carriage of ova / eggs ;
oviduct + place of fertilisation ;
ovaries + supply of ova /eggs ;
ovaries + release of hormones / named hormone ; [max 8] 8
(b)(i) name (e.g. chlamydia, herpes, NSU, syphilis, gonorrhoea, AIDS); 1
Any two from:

(syphilis) (gonorrhoea) (AIDS)

fever, rash, pain on urination, lowered disease
ulceration, chancre/ discharge, swellings resistance, skin
sore or site of e.g. on testes, cancer, diarrhoea,
infection night sweats, weight
any e.g. from tertiary loss,
stage discharge, pneumonia, ;;
(ii) use of condoms / restriction of sexual activity to one partner /
education / inspection of prostitutes / antibiotics (not AIDS) / needle
control (AIDS only) ; 1

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Answer guide for O Level Biology (5090/2) – Paper 2 Theory June 2000

10(a) (ball and socket) many planes / 360˚ / all around movement ;
(hinge) 180˚/ movement in one plane ;
Correct reference to a named hinge or B & S joint ; 3
(b) correct named receptor ;
sensory neurone / nerve cell ;
impulse (accurate reference) ;
CNS / brain / spinal cord ;
relay neurone / synapse ;
motor neurone / nerve cell ;
biceps / effector plus contracts ;
tendons ;
on radius ;
pulling up (fore)arm ;
(while) triceps relaxes ; [max 9] 9

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