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Wal koththamalli- Scoparia dulcis

Botanical name:- Scoparia dulcis

English name :Sinhala name:-Wal koththamalli
Tamil name :Descriptoin;-Erect, perennial herb; stems up to 60 cm high, 5-6
angular , glabrous. Leaves ternately whorled 1.4- 3.5 0.8 1.5cm,
tapering to base; petioles up to 9 mm long.Pedicels 5- 7 mm long;
corolla white. Capsule subglobose, longer than 3 mm, pale brown.
Seeds 0.5 long, dull brown.
Edible parts:-Leaves and Young stem
Distribution:-Sri L anka, India, Taiwan, Nigeria,
Nicaragua,Central America,Trinidad, Venezuela
Ayurvedic usage:
Treatment for:-Diabetes mellitus, Liver Diseases, Menstrual,
Parasitic infections, Ear disease, Eye diseases, Venereal Diseases,
Stomach ailments, Vomiting, Leprosy, Noso pharyngeal infection.
Boil this plant and take it as a drink to control diabetes
Parts used to make medicine:-Leaves, Seeds,Roots,Whole plant.

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