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The Special Region of Yogyakarta (Indonesian: Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, or

DIY), is the smallest province of Indonesia (excluding Jakarta). It is located on the
island of Java. It is the only province in Indonesia that is still formally governed by a
precolonial Sultanate, the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat.The city of
Yogyakarta is the capital of the province.

Yogyakarta is located in south-central Java. It is surrounded by the province of
Central Java (Jawa Tengah) and the Indian Ocean in the south. The city is located at
7°47′S, 110°22′E.
The population of DIY in 2003 was approximately 3,000,000. The province of
Yogyakarta has a total area of 3,185.80 km². Yogyakarta has the second-smallest area
of the provinces in Indonesia, after the Jakarta Capital Region. However it has, along
with adjacent areas in Central Java, some of the highest population densities of Java.

Administrative divisions
Yogyakarta province is subdivided into four regencies (kabupaten) and one city
 Bantul Regency (506.86 km²)

 Gunung Kidul Regency (1,485.36 km²)

 Kulon Progo Regency (586.27 km²)

 Sleman Regency (574.82 km²)

 Yogyakarta City (32.5 km²)

Yogyakarta city
Located within the Yogyakarta province, Yogyakarta city is known as a center of
classical Javanese fine art and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry and
puppet shows. It is also famous as a center for Indonesian higher education. At
Yogyakarta's center is the kraton, or Sultan's palace. While the city sprawls in all
directions from the kraton, the core of the modern city is to the north.
Sultan palace in Yogyakarta
The Yogyakarta Sultanate, formally the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, was
formed in 1755 when the existing Sultanate of Mataram was divided by the Dutch
East India Company (VOC) in two under the Treaty of Giyanti. This treaty states that
the Sultanate of Mataram was to be divided into the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta
Hadiningrat with Yogyakarta as the capital and Mangkubumi who became Sultan
Hamengkubuwono I as its Sultan and the Sultanate of Surakarta Hadiningrat with
Surakarta as the capital and Pakubuwono III who was the ruler of the Sultanate of
Mataram as its Sultan. The Sultan Hamengkubuwono I spent the next 37 years
building the new capital, with the Kraton as the centerpiece and the court at Surakarta
as the blueprint model. By the time he died in 1792, his territory exceeded Surakarta's.
The ruler Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX (April 12, 1912 - 1988) held a degree from
the Dutch Leiden University, and held for a time the largely ceremonial position of
Vice-President of Indonesia, in recognition of his status, as well as Minister of
Finance and Minister of Defense.
In support of Indonesia declaring independence from the Dutch and Japanese
occupation, in September 5, 1945, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX of Yogya and Sri
Paku Alam VIII in Yogya declared their sultanates to be part of the Republic of
Indonesia. In return for this unfailing support, a law was passed in 1950, in which
Yogyakarta was granted the status of province Daerah Istimewa (Special Region
Province), with special status that recognizes the power of the Sultan in his own
region's domestic affairs. Hence Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX was appointed as the
governor for life. During the Indonesian National Revolution against the Dutch after
World War II (1945-1950), the capital of the newly-declared Indonesian republic was
temporarily moved to Yogyakarta when the Dutch reoccupied Jakarta from January
1946 until August 1950.
The current ruler of Yogyakarta is his son, Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, who
holds a law degree from Universitas Gadjah Mada. Upon the elder sultan's death, the
position of governor, according to the agreement with Indonesia, was to pass to his
heir. However, the central government at that time insisted on an election. In 1998,
Sultan Hamengkubuwono X was elected as governor by the provincial house of
representatives (DPRD) of Yogyakarta, defying the will of the central government.
He remains the only governor in Java without a military background: "I may be a
sultan," he has been quoted in Asia Week as saying, "but is it not possible for me to
also be a democrat?"
My Favorite Activities

I love exercise. I usually work out every day. I get up early morning and I’m go
running for about a half hour every day.. I often go running in the campus of Unesa
But I’m not go running in the morning every day, sometime I do that in the
afternoon. I’m go running about 5 km for every day. I think run is good for our body,
because make me fresh and healthy. It’s cheap too.

Yosua Danang W.
Pemandanagan Kota

Di beberapa negara di sekeliling dunia, banyak dan lebih banyak orang tinggal di
kota. Kota menawarkan bermacam-macam karakter, tapi juga berbeda dari negara
satu ke negara lain.
Kota Meksiko adalah Kota moderen tapi memiliki pengaruh tradisional Indian dan
Spanyol. Bangunan-bangunan paling penting adalah di sekitar alun-alun utama, yang
mana juga menawarkan fungsi sebagai tampat untuk bertemu dengan kawan-kawan.
Di sana terdapat tempat-tempat pasar terbuka, dimana orang dapat menemukan
hampir segala sesuatu yang mereka butuhkan. Pada tiap hari Minggu, taman-taman
adalah sebuah tempat favorit bagi tujuan keluar keluarga.Banyak orang pergi ke kota
Meksiko dari wilayah pedesaan. Meksiko memiliki banyak kesenangan, tetapi juga
kemacetan dan pencemaran udara.
Kota-kota di Jepang juga meiliki perpaduan antara karakter tradisional dan moderen.
Disana terdapat kantor-kantor yang tinggi dan bangunan-bangunan apartemen sama
baiknya dengan rumah kayu tradisional. Banyak orang lebih senang tinggal di dekat
pusat-pusat kota, tapi karena rumah disana mahal, mereka kebanyakan bolak-balik
dari daerah pinggiran kota. Lalu-lintas, pencemaran, dan keramaian adalah masalah-
masalah. Biarpun demikian, disana terjadi sedikit kejahatan, dan rata-rata kota-kota
yang sangat ramai memiliki beberapa taman dan kebun.
Hampir 80 persen orang Australia tinggal di dekat kota, kota-kota tak sebesar disana
yang terdapat di beberapa negara-negara lain. Kebanyakan orang tinggal di rumah-
rumah di daerah pinggiran kota tidak di apartemen-apartemen. Daerah pinggiran kota
tersebut selalu memiliki gereja-geraja, sekolah-sekolah dan pusat-pusat perdagangan
sendiri. Mereka juga memiliki fasilitas-fasilitas rekreasi. Di kota besar, seperti
Sydney, daerah pinggiran kota kebanyakan jauh dari pusat kota. Karena banyak orang
bolak-balik untuk bekerja, lalu-lintas lambat dan disana terdapat banyak kemacetan
lalu lintas.

Yosua Danang W.

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