Direct Instruction Lesson Plan

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Sandra Lopez


Describe the Class
This lesson is to help students understand the concept of Homonyms and
Homophones. The grade level is 3rd with a total of 20 students, one being gifted
and two being LD.
Present the new material such as what the definitions of Homophones and
Homonyms are and go over the book.
1. After reading the book begin by introducing to them a simple Homonym joke.
2. Next on the board provide the definition of Homonym and Homophone as well
as examples of each.
3. Then as a class, come up with a few homonym/ homophone words, as students are
coming up with words ask questions such as What is the definition of the words
that you are telling us.
4. Throughout the lesson plan ask students to as a class read the definition of
Homophone and Homonyms.
5. Once we have come up with a few words students will be then given independent
time to come up with two complete sentences using two pairs of homonyms and
homophone words. (Ex. One sentence will include a pair of homonym sentences
and another will be a complete homophone sentence.)
6. As the students are on going with their independent practice students with special
needs will be given a different task. The LD students will be sat in the circle table
or the bean table where flash cards will be provided for them to match the
words with the pictures. The gifted student will be assigned the same task that the
rest of the students, but if done before independent practice, student(s) will be
handed their homework assignment to begin.
7. After practice time is up students will be able to volunteer to share their sentences
by writing them on the board and as a class reviewing and correcting sentences.
8. Lastly, sharing time will end and students are to go back to their desks and
Homonym/Homophone homework worksheet will be handed out.

Sandra Lopez


Grouping Structures
Students will be seated in their normal seats with their daily groups.
Students with special needs such as LD will be seated in the bean table for
independent paced flashcard activity.
Gifted student will be seated in their daily seat.
VII. Modifications
Flash card activity and worksheet.
VIII. Assessment
Reviewing sentences completed by students and evaluating homework worksheet.

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