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i 1.1 Ifpis.a pressure, Va velocity, and p a fluid density, what are the dimensions (in the MLT system) of (a) pip, (b) p¥p, and () p/pV? p.m tpn @ pepe = SD u- 2, Fs (b) pp a'r -2)(L7~) (sae2) = LT Pp. An ° By Tr = MT? ( dimensienl, 5 LZ 1.2. Verify the dimensions, in both the FLT system and the MLT system, of the following quantities which appear in Table 1.1: (a) acceleration, (b) stress. (¢) moment of a force. (@) vol- ume, and (e) work. velocity (@) acceleration = Fime force . Fiz FL =p 7 fh (L) stress = area. Sinee FS MLT} 2 stress = elie a, a i (0) tnoment of a force = forcex distance = FL ffir dL = ner? (a) volume = Cength)?= 1? (@) work = force x diitnce = FL Ont l = mirr* 3 1.3 If Pisa force and x a length, what are the dimensions (in the FLT system) of (a) dP/ dx, (b) P/de', and (c) SP dx? ca) 222 f = ee? ak z = () PEs axe LF oe [eu 2 FL 14 1.4 Dimensionless combinations of quan- tities (commonly called dimensionless parame- ters) play an important role in fuid mechanics. Make up five possible dimensionless parameters by using combinations of some of the quantities listed in Table 1.1. Some possible examples: acceleration x time , (LT?) , Ler velocity ~ “(L774 Frequency xtime = TT) 2 7? (velocity). tur~)* length « acceleration (L)(L 7) sted force x time . (FAT) , (FMT) FLT? Prementum ~ (mM L7) - (Freya) density « velocity x length . (mu *)(eTNL) _, ee dynamic viscosity ML TT “Ls 15 | Ze] ‘A formula for estimating the volume rate of flow, , over the spillway of a dam is where C is a constant, g the acceleration of gravity, B the spillway width, H the depth of water passing over the spill- way, and V the velocity of water just upstream of the dam, ‘Would this equation be valid in any system of un..s? Explain. fh @=C vig 8 CH)” . awh fore (ele) fers) “0 tol ry Cer')2 fe] fe] [1] (11+ (4})" (er }efew) [PT] Since each term sn the eguation must have the same climensions The Constant CVZ tnust be dimension less. Thus, The eguation is a general hemegeneous eguation that would be valid 1h any consistent set of units. Yes. OQ = CV2g BH + V42g)? 1.6 The pressure difference, Ap, across a partial block: age in an artery (called a stenosis) is approximated by the equation ae By A, p= KR 4 (4 1)ev where Vis the blood velocity, the blood viscosity (FL~27), | pp the blood density (ML), D the artery diameter, Ay the area of the unobstructed artery, and A, the area ofthe steno- sis. Determine the dimensions of the constants K, and Ky. ‘Would this equation be valid in any system of units? | tee ky Aen ee] OY foc) ] (eaten) Lele] ELE] ro”) = [a]fec' + fe) (Fe] Since each term must have the same dimensions, K, and K, are dimensionless, Thus, the equation is a general homogeneous equation that would be valid ‘in any Consistent system of units. Yes. by 7 1.71. According to information found in an old hydraulics book, the energy loss per unt Weigh of fuid flowing through aimozzle connected to those can be estimated bythe formula ht = (0.04 to 0.09D/d)*V"/2¢ where his the energy loss per unit weight, D the hose diameter, d the nozzle tip diameter, V the fluid velocity in the hose, and g the acceleration of gravity. Do you think this equation is valid in any system of units? Explain 4 = (0.0% 4 0.09) aye [é4]= [>-o# te 2.09] [SIE] UIE [1] [0.04 boo) lL] Since each term in The eguation must have the Same dimensions, The Constant term (0.04 t 0,09) must be dimensionless. Thus, The Cgaatiy fs & general homogeneous ef uation that 1s Valid jn any system of anits. Yes. I-S LF LJ Make use of Table 1.2 to express the following quantities in SI units: (a) 10.2 in./min, (b) 4.81 slugs, (c) 3.02 Ib, (d) 73.1 ft/s*, (e) 0.0234 Ibs/ft. Gos @) 10.2%, = (102 %,) (rsx 2) (Len) = 3 7m ame %azxlo” Ps 432 fan oe (2) 3.02 Ib = (302) (4400 BH) = saew A) 13.) = (1314) (B04000"' Bh). 223 Zi 2 () 0.0234 es = (0.0234 e2) ) (4: r0¢x0 = L/2 ws (4) #81 slugs= (487 shgs ) (48000 AB) 2 102 dy 10 1.10 Make use of Table 1.3 to express the following quantities in BG units: (a) 14.2 km, (b) 8.14 N/m’, (¢) 1.61 kg/m’, (d) 0.0320 N-m/s, (©) 5.67 mm/hr. (a) 142 bm = (142210%m) (3291 )= #66 x10° Ht ib (2.4% ) (+ 366010"? Be). sien #, ms q a) a AS \ -a sh ce) Lb) &, (14 & ) (nen? FBV. 3.12.10 stess a oe | me Me ; a (a) 0.0320 2 = (0,0320 2") (1 sm00! 2% ) = 23bx10" ei (2) 567 wt (547x107 a) (220/#) Lhe) “tt = ST KI [277] 1.11 Clouds can weigh thousands of pounds due to their liguid water content. Often this content is measured in grams per cubic meter (g/m’). Assume that a cumulus cloud occupies, a volume of one cubic kilometer, and its liquid water content is 0.2 g/m’. (a) Whats the volume of this cloud in cubic miles? (b) How much does the water in the cloud weigh in pounds? (a)Yolume = Im) = 10% m3 Since (m= 3.281 [4 5 lene . at) 3201) (5: 250x103 #eY3 = 0.240 me? (b) W=Y¥« Yolame | x= pg = (0.2 3) (w? 8) (98) B)= | 96110 aes Dy = (1.462 x07, )(Jotm?) = 1.12 x10" N = (1.462 x2 nia ape x10 2) = 441 x10" [b a 1.1Z An important dimensionless parameter _the Froude number using SI units for V, g, and in certain types of fluid flow problemsis the Froude _& Explain the significance of the results of these number defined as V/Vgl, where V is a velocity, calculations. g the acceleration of gravity, and a length. De- termine the value of the Froude number for V = 10 ft/s, g = 32.2 ft/s*, and ( = 2 ft. Recalculate Ln 86 anits , ft 105 2 vo. = 128 WF Gn Raw wy In SI units: & - a V= (lo & ) (2 sone Fi) 3.05 g- 231 B Q = (244) (03008 ws 0.b10 m Thus, 3, , 0 25 vi. s¢ - Ge VGai %)(o.siom) The value of a dimensionless Parameter 1s independent of the unit s4stem. 4d 113 1.13 The specific weight of a certain liquid is 85.3 1b/tt Determine its density and specific gravity Lb 83 ye 2.65 slugs eta eo 4 3222 s6 2 _ 2us Ae ~ @ #4 slugs uo® * Ain Se 1.14 A hydrometer is used to measure the specific grav- ity of liquids. (See Video V2.6.) For a certain liquid a hy- drometer reading indicates a specific gravity of 1.15. What is the liquid's density and specific weight? Express your an swer in SI units. SG Go @4%C Bele (8 op BE es p= (115)CI000 *,) = 1150 aa y= pg = (150 44)(2.81 &) = 32% om I-/o [eT 1.16 When poured into a graduated cylinder, a liguid is found to weigh 6N when occupying a volume of 500 ml (milliliters), Determine its specific weight, density, and spe- cific gravity weight _ on = a0 4t volume (2.002) (10°22) on * _ ve. j2.0% 10° Bs = /22xi0 hE P= Fal Om oa 3 P _— 4.22 x10 Ae so= ope * . = /.22 ‘no sor 7, Fi MIT *® "1.17 The variation in the density of water, p, with tem- perature, 7, in the range of 20°C = T= 60°C. is given in the following table. Density ckgfm') | 998.2 | 997.1] 995.7] 994.1 | 992.2 | 9902 | 998.1 Temperature CC) 120 125 30 Tas Fao Tas Tso Use these data to determine an empirical equation of the form p= c, + cq0 + csT?, which can be used to predict the density ‘over the range indicated. Compare the predicted values with the data given. What is the density of water at 42.1 °C? Fit the deta to a second order pelynomial using & standard curve-fitting pregram such as fund in EXCEL, Thus, A= (20l = 0.0537 T ~ 0.00%) 7? 0) As shown in the table below, 2 (predicted) fron Eyl) 18 1 geod agreemeat with p (gi%n). T,.°C _p, kgim’3_p, Predicted 20 998.2 998.3 25 997.1 997.1 30 995.7 995.7 35 994.1 994.1 40 992.2 992.3 45 990.2 990.3 50 988.1 988.1 At Te #21 °C 7 43 Pe foo) ~ 0.0533 (42./°%C)- 0.0041 (92,1 +t) = G41.5 1-12 LIF 1.19 Some experiments are being conducted in a labo- ratory in which the air temperature is 27°C and the atmo- spheric pressure is 14.3 psia. Determine the density of the ait. Express your answers in slugs/ft? and in kg/m’. peeRT Temperature = 27°C = [18 (27)+32°] °F = 80.6 °F Bb, (43 Be) a) p= RT > (mn BE [G0 uF Hho) ] = 0.00222 rg Rg 114 = 20 1,20 A closed tank having volume of 2 ft? is filled with (0:30 Ib of a gas. A pressure gage attached to the tank reads 12 psi when the gas temperature is 80 °F. There is some question as to whether the gas in the tank is oxygen or helium. Which do you think itis? Explain how you arrived at your answer. 4 d s thank = Might ~ 2300 easity of Gas in tan ? x tolume Gat a1 .) 3 sh = HbEK 10 pe Since p= Zz with pe (iar #7) poe Catmosphene pressure assumed to be % 147 psia) ank win T= (0° +460) rt hilows thet ps (207 ips) Cer BE) 22 she ¢) GZS) Rk fe From Table 6 R= L55¢xI07 for oxygen ana R= 1242 x10% Feb fe Ly behum. slug *R Thus, from Fg.l\) if the gas is oxygen = 7/2 slugs. L55¢103 AF ana tee Peluim BH) 42 22 7 = £77 X10 “5 h2g¢2xio* 45 Ex 10> sluss fe2 A Compansov of These values with The actual dens;ty of the gas Wa The tank indicates That The Gas must be OX ygen. lt [zzz 1.22 A rigid tank contains air at a pressure of 90 psia and a temperature of 60°F. By how much will the pressure increase as the temperature is increased to 110 °F? “p= PRT Ce. 1.7) Por @ rigid closed tank The ath mass ane Volume are Constant go P= constant. Thus, from &g.47 (wite R constant) hoe fe a) T Te where p= Fo psia, T= bo’ F +40 = F20°R, and Ty = U0°F +460 = SIR. From ERC) F70°R 5 . a AF oe) (0 psia) = 98.7 posta 23 1.23 Determine the ratio of the dynamic viscosity of water 10 air at a temperature of 70 °C. Compare this value with the corresponding ratio of kinematic viscosities. Assume the air is at standard atmospheric pressure. From Table 3,2 im Appendiz B: -¥ uy 2 <7 (for water af 70°C) PA = Hoe? 210 “ey DV = 4 13¢x10 a From Table 8.4 in Appendix 8: am ~! “> Chr air at 70°C) pox anand 2S 5 Y= U9 K10 Thus, . fino 4.042 X10 - oe = 147 Pale 2.03 x 10°F Vino - £/24x10 2 ~ 97 x10-> Vai 497 x10 2/0 x/0™ £24 1.24 The kinematic viscosity and specific gravity of a liquid ate 3.5. 10~* m?/s and 0.79, respectively. What is the dy- namic viscosity of the liquid in SI units? Pare 02650, @ ye) 44. f= (3.5210 ' 2*) (0.179 «10° 4) 0.277 Shanks 1.25 The time, f, it takes to pour a liquid from a con- tainer depends on’several factors, including the kinematic viscosity, v, of the liquid, (See Video V1.1.) In some labo- ratory tests Various oils having the same density but differ- ent viscosities were poured at a fixed tipping rate from small 150 ml beakers. The time required to pour 100 ml of the equation for the pouring time in seconds was f= 1 +9 x 10% + 8 X 10°? with in m’/s, (a) Is this a general ho- ‘mogeneous equation? Explain. (b) Compare the time it ‘would take to pour 100 ml of SAE 30 oil from a 150 ml beaker at 0°C to the corresponding time at a temperature of 60°C. Make use of Fig. B.2 in Appendix B for viscosity data, oil was measured, and it was found that an approximate @) t= 14 FxlOU 4 Sxjory? ’ () . 2 L Er]2 Lid + [raw'] [2°] + [oxo] [] Since each term in the eguation muyst have the same dimensions the tonstants appearing 11 The eguation Must have dimenswns, Le : Z p24 3] 2/3 OVS Oy [axe (E) [3x10] -[F] Thus, with a change th units The value of the Constants wedld change ¢nd This 1s not a general homogeneous eguation, No. (3) Frem Table B.2 14 Appendix B: (her SAE 011 @ OC) V= 2.3% 107 mils Chor SHER oi! @00°C) V= Ox 1° mf, Thus, From 3.) > @ oc de f+ 9x0" (2.3x0)+ 3x3 (2.3x 109) = Zils 2 @ 60°C te I+ prio (40x10) + sai? (box 169) = [045 26 1.26 SAE 30 oil at 60 °F flows through a 2-in-diameter pipe with a mean velocity of 5fi/s. Determine the value ofthe Reynolds number (see Example 1.3 . = 1.77 Slee Rox? Les pen gf D 77 1B) (5H) (2 Res AUP 2 (07 BFE) AF) «gy x Box ion? bs Fie A2T 1.27 Calculate the Reynolds numbers for the flow of water and for air through a 3-mm-diam- eter tube, if the mean velocity is 2 m/s and the temperature is 30 °C in both cases (see Example 1.3). Assume the air is at standard atmospheric pressure. For water at 30°C (trom Table Bi 1 Appeatix B)* ae -4 Mes : = 7975 x10) SE P= 995.7 Fes / x10 fe = CYP- (9951 88) (22) (2.003 m) x 7.975 «107? MS ae For air at 30° ( Crom Table B.4 in Appendix B) : “8 Ws aa = Ae a a 116s ms ft * 18 x10 pee yo | (1,105 74) (2 2) (6,003 m) & 1.86 <10* Mo — t18 z LZ 1.28 __ ANewtonian fluid having a specific gravity of 0.92 and a kinematic viscosity of 4X 10~ m'/s flows past a fixed surface. Due to the no-slip condition, the velocity at the fixed surface is zero (as shown in Video V1.2), and the velocity profile near the surface is shown in Fig, P1.28, De- termine the magnitude and direction of the shearing stress developed on the plate. Express your answer in terms of U and 6, with U and 5 expressed in units of meters-per sec- cond and meters, respectively. ‘) Ct sure = lay Geo) Go o 7 (G3 y = 0562 ¥ Wh — b M3 an plete 429 1.29 As shown in Video V1.2, the “no-slip” condition ‘means that a fluid “sticks” to a solid surface. This is true for both fixed and moving surfaces. Let two layers of fluid be dragged along by the motion of an upper plate as shown in Fig. P1.29. The bottom plate is stationary. The top fluid puts a shear stress on the upper plate, and the lower fluid puts a shear stress on the botton plate, Determine the ratio of these two shear stresses. For fluid 1 a = FIGURE P1.29 zt ‘du : way 89-29) 2 aN it Kila Lop surfs (6.472) arm on For Fluid 2 de = (02%) £2)- zon Oe sedan Bm Thus , ~ Ny C4, surface 20 me | Craton surloce tone 1-20 30 1.30 Whena viscous fluid flows pasta thin sharp-edged adjacent to the plate surface develops in , changes rapidly from zero to the ap- proach velocity, U, ina small distance, 6. This layer is called boundary layer. The thickness ofthis layer increases with the distance x along the plate as shown in Fig. P1.30. As- sume that u = Uy/6 and 8 = 3.5V/vx/U where v is the Kinematic viscosity ofthe fluid. Determine an expression for the force (drag) that would be developed on one side of the plate of length 1 and width b. Express your answer in terms of J, b, », and p, where p is the fluid density. So That B+ [tebe Since ts & (Be d with fo 35 [PE , 1+ folbus From v Boundary ta J- way Counc inver Plate — . with =| 6 m FIGURE P1.30 Dmg, 82S Tur dA Where das bake ay /-21 . (ear 1.3] A 10-kg block slides down a smooth inclined surface as shown in Fig. P13]. Determine the terminal velocity of the block if the O.l-mm gap between the block and the surface contains SAE 30 oil at 60 °F. Assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear, and the area of the block in contact with the oil is 0.2 m*, m@ FIGURE P1.3] y y ZF Fo = \_-. * Thus, W sin Zo = TA ae Since To 4# ¥ jwhere b 1s film thickness, W sin o° = fw ¥ A Thus, (art W=me) bw sin 20°, (0,0001m)(104s)(41 % Yorn 20°) ye 2c ZA (0.38 US (02 on) = 0.0442 LBZ 1.32 A 40-Ib, 0.8-ft-diameter, 1-ft-all cylindrical tank slides slowly down a ramp with a constant speed of 0.1 fus as shown in Fig. P1.32. The uniform-thickness oil layer on the ramp has a viscosity of 0.2 Ib - s/ft?, Determine the an- ale, 8, of the ramp. Tank mW FIGURE P1.32 TA Thee _—, ” W sing = TR a h = Since o = a where Ui is the velocity of tank itis Mo? and b is Thickness fe ei! layer (0 [bes (2 21%) ney tb Ts (02% te) door ) ~ " Fe From &¢.C1) ! 2 Go Ib) in = (10 H-)(F) (0.2 ) ana sino = 0.1257 so Met /~23 33 1.33 A layer of water flows down an inclined fixed surface with the velocity profile shown in Fig, P1.33. Determine the magnitude and direction of the shearing stress that the water exerts on the fixed surface for U = 3:m/s and h = 0.1 m. =p de Th Gy | FIGURE P1.33 du 2 2 HUF 4) ae od the tized surface (y=0) Sh) : we 20 So ime fi ) To M( 3) = rao a) 2B = 692x107 4 acting in direction ef low 734 1.34 Water flows near a flat surface, and some mea- surements of the water velocity, u, parallel to the surface, at ifferent heights, y, above the surface are obtained. At the surface y = 0. After an analysis of data, the lab technician reports that the velocity distribution in the range 0 < y < 0.1 ft is given by the equation w= 081 + 9.2y + 4.1 x 107 with w in fs when ft. (a) Do you think that this equation would be valid in any system of units? Explain (b) Do you think this equation is correct? Explain. You may want to look at Video 1.2 to help you arrive at your answer. cas bee O84 9.24 + KIKI? fir-J= Bele GALL] + ferxw] [2] Each term sa the eguation must have the same dimensions, Thus, The toastant O81 aust have dimensions sf LT) G2 dimensions of T|, ana 41X10? dimeaswas of 1 a Since The Constants ja The eguatios have cimensuns Melt Values will change with a change tu Units. Ne. (b) Equation cannot be correct since at Yy=0 Uz 0,8) ft/s, a Nen-pere value which would Violate the ‘no-slip” Condition. Not Correct. Fixed 1.35 The viscosity of liquids can be measured eninge through the use of a rotating cylinder viscometer of the type illustrated in Fig. P135. In this device the outer cylinder is fixed and the inner cylinder is rotated with an angular velocity, co. The torque ‘required to develop w is measured and the vis- cosity is calculated from these two measurements. Rorating Develop an equation relating y, «, 5, ,R, and cylinder R,, Neglect end effects and assume the velocity distribution in the gap is linear. FIGURE P1.35 Torgue, dT, due +0 shearing shess en taner cylinder 1s egual 7S d7= RP: TAA where dh=(k.da)h, Thus, a7: R°LT de top view and forgue reguired to rotate inner cylinder is (L~ cylinder length ) ETA 1.36 The viscosity of a soft drink was determined by Glass using a capillary tube viscometer similar to that shown in strengthening Fig. P1.36 and Video V1.3, For this device the kinematic eee viscosity, vis directly proportional tothe time, r, that it takes for a given amount of liquid to flow through a small capil- Etched tines lary tube. That is, v = Kt. The following data were obtained from regular pop and diet pop. The corresponding measured specific gravities are also given, Based on these data, by coi ily ‘what percent is the absolute viscosity, 1, of regular pop a ‘greater than that of diet pop? wu Regular pop | Diet pop 13) 3778 300.3 SG 1.044 1.003 Sunce v=/p, dekt and P= CANhs , @42c rt follows that Carey -1 of Greater = Cpace =| (E% S4)rey — fx too Chex Sa)diet x 100 = [377.8 s\(Low) _ i} x 100 (300.35) (1.003) = 310° £37 37 One type of rotating cylinder viscometer, called Siormer viscometer, uses a falling weight, W', to cause the cyl Inder to rotate with an angular velocity, w, as illustrated in Fig. PL.BI. For this device the viscosity, y1, of the liquid is related to W and w through the equation W = Kyw, where K is a constant that depends only on the geometry (including the liquid depth) of the viscometer. The value of K is usually determined by using a calibration liquid (a liquid of known viscosity). (a) Some data for a particular Stormer viscometer, obtained. using glycerin at 20 °C as a calibration liquid, are given below. Plot values of the weight as ordinates and values of the angular velocity as abscissae. Draw the best curve Weigt through the plotted points and determine K for the vis- |—Fised outer cometer. quia ejinger Wb) 022 | 066 | 110 | 154 | 220 wirev/sy) | 053 | 159 1 279 | 383 T sa9 y mw FIGURE P1.37 (b) A liquid of unknown viscosity is placed in the same viscometer used in part (a), and the data given below are obtained. Determine the viscosity of this liquid. way oot | ou | 022 | 033 | 044 wev/s) | 07 | 1a9 1 373 T saa 1 742 (2) Since W=KpwW the slope of The 2) us, Ws curve Wb) fi sys + hype wht So thet f") Far the glycerin date (see plot on next page) The slope Chased en a least squares Fit of The deta) & Slope (glycerin) = 0.399 tes Since A gheenin) = 313 x10 ths then 7 Ibs 0.398 TS 513410" bes. Ft> Ke = 27 rev (4) For the unknown Hurd deb (see plot on nevt page) The slope (based on a least sguans fit of the date ) Us Slepe Cunkaoun Plurid) = 2.060) 'BS Ceont) “29 137 J Cet) Thus, from 8] lt) Mos slope _ 2.060/ oe = #£73axK10” es Planteou fad) Fe = ny ; Fee Rr a Weight vs Angular Velocity 25 {|| 1 y= 0.398x+ 0.0112 8 1, revs | @ Giycerin Unknown Liquid Linear (Glycerin) __ ~~ —Linear (Unknown Liquid) 1-29 438 1.38 A 25-mm-diameter shaft is pulled through ‘a cylindrical bearing as shown in Fig. P1.38 The lubricant that fills the 0. shaft and bearing is an viscosity of 8.0 x 10-*m?/s and a specific gravity of 0.91. Determine the force P required to pull the shaft at a velocity of 3 m/s. Assume the ve- locity distribution in the gap is linear. --_—05 m4 FIGURE P1.38 ZI 20 tS Tha: ops tA where A= 1D « (shatt length in bearing) = OL and (elocity of shaft) 4 V Teh ( Gap widtn) ars So thet ps Ue ¥ Nlros) Smee abe = VENA oye), P= (0x0 an Viogy x 10° 84 M/3-F Nr) (0,025m)(0.5m) (0. 0003m ) = asin I-30 [237 T 1.39 There are many fluids that exhibit non-Newtonian behavior (see for example Video V1.8). For a given fluid the distinction between Newtonian and non-Newtonian be- havior is usually based on measurements of shear stress and rate of shearing strain, Assume that the viscosity of blood is to be determined by measurements of shear stress, 7, and rate of shearing strain, du/dy, obtained from a small blood sample tested in a suitable viscometer. Based on the data given below determine if the blood is a Newtonian or non- ‘Newtonian fluid. Explain how you arrived at your answer. 10m!) [004 |006 | 0.12 | 018 | 0.30 | 052 [1.12 [2.10 auldy (5°) 12.25 Taso Trias 225 Taso To00 taas Taso For a Newkenan Fluid The ratio of t te du/dy 1s & Constant, Foy the data given: 2 (u-s/nt) du/dy The ratio ts net a Constant but clecreases as the rate of shearing Strain mereases. Thus, This Fluid Cblaed) 4 4 pon-Newdbonen Fluid. # plot of the deta & Shown below. Foy « Newtonian Fluid the curve would be a straight sine with « slope ef / to |. 2178 | 0.0133 |2. 9107 | 2.0080| 0.067 | 0.0058 |0.an50 | 0.007 Shear Stress vs Rate of Shearing Strain T.Nime2 /-3] 440 1.40 An important dimensionless parameter concerned with very high speed flow is the Mach number, defined as Véc, where Vis the speed of the object, such as an airplane or projectile, and c is the speed of sound in the fluid sur- rounding the object. For a projectile traveling at 800 mph through air at 50 °F and standard atmospheric pressure, what is the value of the Mach number? Mah number = ¥ From Table 8.3 in Appendix B = [106 ol Soin @ 50°F Thus Goo 5190 FE) (ste Mac nome = Seemed) (a) ob = = 106 1-32 L4/ 1.41 _ Often the assumption is made that the flow of a certain fluid can be considered as incompressible flow if the density of the fluid changes by less than 2%. If air is flow- ing through a tube such thatthe air pressure at one section is 9.0 psi and at a downstream section it is 8.6 psi at the same temperature, do you think that this flow could be con- sidered an incompressible flow? Support your answer with the necessary calculations. Assume standard atmospheric pressure, For s30thermal change in density aA A 4 So That A Cr The percent change sh ait densities Yetween sechons C1) GC2) Ie oh, change AP x 190 = (j- Bev = (1- B) «te Seip Thus, C.L+ 7 )psca Change = [/- (Fo 4187) pia x 100 = 1.b9% Since hLIh< 2% The Flow could be considered incompressible, Yes. 1-33 “G2 1a2 sure of 14.7 psi is compressed isentropically to a solute pressure of 60 psi. Determine the final density and temperature of the gas. For /sentrepie compression , a = Constant 50 that 4, ° # where bv inihal sate and a F f~ #ina/ state, Thus, 4 te ot a" ge l er % a: (ae i: Also 4 U47 & in ) ? . # 14,7 $8, \(/44 7 a aT 4,099 se 7 = 2h ig 5 5 > (3 “me Tea) [00% + 169%] fe se that = “3 2 = | 60 pse'Gabe) -3 sh ~3 = LP Pa)! 0129 x Ip eg) = BIT xo sly 4 1417 pst lobs) ( fe8 alee al and in® Ge A. loo (me) @R zh 3 aT aio? slugs \/e fel [2.772187 Site V3 09x10 = = 740 *R er Ge T40R- Y40 = 280 EF ‘Natural gas at 70°F and standard atmospheric pres- new ab- “34 FZ 1.43 Ina test to determine the bulk modulus of a liquid it was found that as the absolute pressure was changed from 15 to 3000 psi, the volume decreased from 10.240 to 10.138 in.’ Determine the bulk modulus for this liquid, =. GP (£3. 19) d+ /¥ Since _ - . dp Ap = 3000-15 = 2785 psi ana dee 44 = 10,240 -10,/32= 0/02 ind uy 2 ; Bye — ARE Int = 300x105 pe ©,102 in? —_—_—_—— 10.240 In? ) LIE 1.44 Estimate the minimum absolute pres- sure (in pascals) that can be developed at the inlet of a pump to avoid cavitation if the fluid is ethyl alcohol at 20 °C. Cavitation may occur when The suction pressure at the pump inlet eguals the Vapor pressure. For ethyl alcohol at 20°C p54 BR (a4) Thas, minimum pressure = 5.94F (abs) 145" 1.45 At what atmospheric pressure will water boil at 35 °C? Express your answer in both SI and BG units. The vapor pressure of water af 25°C Is 591 2B Cabs) (trom Table 8a in Appendis B using Vnear interpolation). Thus, if water beiks at this temperature the atmospheric pressure must ge egual to 5.8) hfe labs) th SL units, En BG units, (S21 x10? &,)(0450x 10" a ) = 2.642 pot fs) (-3t 146 __ Estimate the excess pressure inside a raindrop hav- ing a diameter of 3 mm, apna? 7 Cut a spherical drop sh half as shown. The force developed around edge due to Surface Penson = 27RT. This Levee 1s balanced by the fevce due te The pressure difference, Ap. Thus, fr eguilibrium, 2TRT = Ap R* and 4p= a 2 Ap= 2 (7.34 x1? M%) © 0.0015 m 97.9 Pa 147 1.47 Two vertical, parallel, clean, glass plates are spaced a distance of 2 mm apart. If the plates are placed in water how high will the water rise between the plates due to capillary action? For eguilibrium in the verdieal divechiw, 7% elert Ws 2 (cL cose) + Since, we yhbs & 4 YR LL= 27h cos feb or 27 tos6 As ¥b Thus, (for 6=0) 2 (7340? % 0) ( 480x10°, \(0.00am) (Q~ width of plates) -3 = 74 XID m= TG nn 1°37 __| LYE 1.8 An open, clean glass tube, having a diameter of 3 mm, is inserted vertically into a dish of mercury at 20°C. How far «will the column of mercury in the tube be depressed? Az 200858 YR (23.110) For @ = 130) 2 (nscsw HL) tos 20 (133 x10°£, (0, 0015 m) Thus, Column will be depressed 2.00 ma -3 = — 3,00 x/d ™ 1-38 149 As shown in Video VLS, surface tension forces ccan be strong enough to allow a double-edge steel razor ‘blade to “float” on water, but a single-edge blade will sink. “Assume that the surface tension forces act at an angle 0 rel- itive to the water surface as shown in Fig. P1.49. (a) The mass of the double-edge blade is 0.64 X 10~*kg, and the {otal length of its sides is 206 mm, Determine the value of 8 required to maintain equilibrium between the blade weight tnd the resultant surface tension force. (b) The mass of the am FIGURE P1.49 Single-edge blade is 2.61 10~°kg, and the total length of its sides is 154 mm. Explain why this blade sinks. Support your answer with the necessary calculations. Surface tension force T T (a) 2 Krerheat © . WwW = Tsin6 a where Wer, x* 4 and T= 7x length of sides. blade J (0.64 x10-kg) (4.81 omge) = (34 xi?) (0.206 m ) sind sing = OWS (b) For single-edge blade W= mM girie® G7 (2.61 x10 bg) (4.8) mj) = 0.0Z254N and Tt sine = (Tx lengh of blade) sin & = (7.34x 10? Mm) (0.1540) sin B = 0.0113 sinB Ln order for blade to “float’ WW < Tsino. Since maximum value for sine 1s 1, r+ follows tnat W>Tsine and single-edge blade will sink. 1-34 1soO ca) 1.50 To measure the water depth in a large open tank with opaque walls, an open vertical glass tube is attached to the side of the tank. The height of the water column in the tube is then used as a measure of the depth of water in the tank, (a) For a true water depth in the tank of 3 ft, make use of Eq. 1.16 (with @ ~ 0°) to determine the percent error due to capillarity as the diameter of the glass tube is changed. Assume a water temperature of 80 °F. Show your results on 4 graph of percent error versus tube diameter, D, in the range 0.1 in, < D < 1.0 in, (b) If you want the error to be less, than 1%, what is the smallest tube diameter allowed? The excess height, h, caused be the surface tension t Eg. hie) pe 20 Ces 8 3. xR For OF O° with a ez “ From Table B.[ sn Appendix 8 for water at 30°F T= 49 x07 Ibfft and F = 62.22 |o/fE, Thus, From 3.61) h(t) = 4 C441 KID 3H) _ 219 x) cz) (62.22 fs) Din DCin) (t follows from Eg (2) oS -3 eb error = aS x100 a, o.12b (3) Din.) A plot of error versus tube chameter 1s shown on The nect page. Since oh error = hn ee Piioe (voit ine re depth (con't ) [-40 450 | (lont? Diameter % Error of tube, in O14 1.26 015 0.84 02 0.63 03 0.42 04 0.32 05 0.25 os 021 07 0.18 08 0.16 08 014 1 0.13 [Values obtained lfrom Eq. (3) 1.50 1.00 % Error 0.50 0.00 04 06 08 Tube diameter, in. (bh) Por Ihe error trom £4.03) 0.126 Js DUin) D = 2.126 in i-4/ 451 1.51 Under the right conditions, it is possible, due to surface tension, to have metal objects float on water. (See Video V1.5.) Consider placing a short length of a small di- ameter steel (sp. wt. = 490 Ib/ft’) rod on a surface of water. ‘What is the maximum diameter that the rod can have before. it will sink? Assume that the surface tension forces act ver- tically upward. Note: A standard paper clip has a diameter of 0,036 in. Partially unfold a paper clip and see if you can get it to float on water. Do the results of this experiment support your analysis? rh rh In erder for rod +0 float (see figure) it follows that 2oh >W =o) Steel a a = bod Thus, for The liniting case ae Dp = 278 _ 8r max (EL Vstee| WB steel Vy, sO Treat 53 a 3 (s.03x19 2) =: Dmax . a = 5M xiv He wr C490 7, ) Since a standard steel paper clip has a diameter of 0.036 in, Which is less than 0.0614 In, 1 should Float. A simpk experimmt will verify This. Yes 1-42 LS2 1.52 Fluid Characterization by Use of a Stormer Viscometer Objective: As discussed in Section 1.6, some fluids can be classified as Newtonian flu- ids; others are non-Newtonian. The purpose of this experiment is to determine the shearing stress versus rate of strain characteristics of various liquids and, thus, to classify them as Newtonian or non-Newtonian fluids Equipment: Stormer viscometer containing @ stationary outer cylinder and a rotating, ‘concentric inner cylinder (see Fig.P1.52 ); stop watch; drive weights for the viscometer; three

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