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Learning Management System (LMS)

Requirements Checklist
Use the table below to begin considering and rating the importance of different features and functionality your organization is looking for in a
Learning Management System (LMS). This template aims to be comprehensive, but is by no means all-inclusive. Add, delete or modify
requirements as necessary to meet your unique circumstances.

Required Optional Not Required


Hosting & Support

Software as a Service (SaaS)/hosted delivery model
Methods of data exchanges and encryption supported
Interoperability with other modules/applications (describe)
Help Desk options available for administrators, SMEs and employees
(email, phone, text chat, fax, etc.)
Help Desk support for multiple languages (list)
Help Desk support for multiple time zones (list)
System Training/Certification programs available

Security Capabilities
Password and user IDs determine secure authentication
Set authentication rules based on hard life time, idle life time and Singlesign-on life time
Configurable security settings (password characteristics)
Automated system to help users who have forgotten passwords
Login encryption/validation

Platform, Domains & Interface

Product Roadmap that benefits all customers
Based on Microsoft .NET and is database independent for flexibilty
System can integrate with HRIS/ERP systems using a Web services API
Built in wizards to guide administrator on difficult tasks
Learner interface available in multiple languages / multibyte characters
ADA Section 508 compliant
LMS built to support Extended Enterprise Training (training partners,
vendors, customers, etc.)
LCMS functionality
Analytics tools such as Knowledge Advisors
Document repository that accepts files, links to other web sites, or easily
creates of web pages on the fly
Integration with virtual meeting/classroom tools such as WebEx
Integrated performance and talent management tools such as

System is modular, allowing deployment of only required functionality

(turning on or off features and modules)
System allows configuration of the navigation eaily without vendor
System allows addition of custom web pages directly to the LMS
navigation easily without vendor involvement
Support for heirarchical domains at the enterprise, subsidiary, business
unit, client or other defined levels
Support for multiple groups (business units) within the same domain
Manage interface branding themes and specify user settings
Provide different themes to multiple domains
Provide different themes to multiple groups
Ability to brand themes with single logos
Ability to brand one theme with multiple logos
Ability to create and manage text and branding of the login page
Specify the colors in the user interface
Specify the layout of the user interface
Ability to modify/customize the user interface
User configurable home page/landing page
Ability to easily create pages in the LMS that dynamically render content
based on the user viewing the page
Customizeable Contact Us page
Business rule definition configurable on a domain-by-domain basis
Restrict data users see to the group(s) they belong to
Restrict data users see to their subordinates
Single-sign-on functionality with third party tools

Workflow & Approval Process

Create a custom workflow and a custom approval form for student to
complete without intervention from vendor
Ability to create multiple workflows and forms for different scenarios
requiring approval
Ability to create approval process for courses within the LMS catalog or
courses taken externally
Approval Manager module may be in use without affecting whether other
modules may or may not be used
Include custom user attribute as an automatic trigger for approval flow
Include values for course duration and cost as triggers for approval flow
Users belonging to specified groups can be prompted to go through the
approval process
Flexible approval process to allow multiple levels of approvals
Identify supervisors as approval level
Identify specific individuals as approvers
Identify specific roles as approval levels

Ability to specify which fields are viewable, editable or required for each
level of the workflow
Ability to fitler approval requests for approvers to just see the requests
submitted within their same group
Ability to manage certification requests
Enterprise Human Resources Integration (EHRI) fields are automatically
displayed when EHRI module is turned on
Support for Certifying Official Approver for EHRI (federal government

User Features
Ability to personalize and configure user interface and functionality (i.e.
modules on or off) per domain without vendor assistance
Allow users to pick their own theme
Ability for user to select a specific view for the calendar (day/week/year)
and modify time zone
Forgotten password/change password automated responses
Configurable amount of access to change profile information
Change user name
Access eHelp (search for topic/context sensitive)
Plug-in Installation Center (that may be required for certain courses)
Ability for a new learner to request an account
Ability for a new learner to create an account without approval
Ability to toggle between role types while remaining logged in
Ability to view and manage short-cuts
Ability to view dashboard data, regardless of role (Learner as well as
Ability for users to select specific language
Ability for user to select time zone
Request permission to waive a prerequisite
Filter views of learning plan (i.e. by training type)

User Management
Configurable permissions/roles - Create and manage new
Create, change and view user information/profile
Copy an existing role
Ability to assign multiple roles to one user account
Create custom fields in user profiles without intervention from vendor
Configurable standard and custom user fields in user profile screens
Configurable standard user fields and custom user fields in and account
request forms
Advanced search includes custom user fields
Ability to create (or batch upload) new users
Web services API to allow user data to be imported real-time

Ability to create and manage user groups

User can belong to multiple user groups
User can belong to multiple domains
Set/change user status (i.e. active/inactive/deleted)
Define student to supervisor relationship
Designate/change a user's supervisor
Enroll users in courses (individual, groups/batch)

Learning Content Creation & Management

SCORM 2004 compliant
SCORM 1.2 compliant
AICC compliant
Support for online training, instructor-led training, virtual classroom and
informal learning objects (such as on-the-job training) to be assigned and
tracked by the LMS
Allow administrator to select option for learner to mark a user defined
training object as complete
Has ability to integrate with thousands of courses from any vendor or
custom content built by a client that follow AICC or SCORM standards
Pre-integrated with thousands of courses from multiple vendors
Mass registration for multiple learners to one course
Utility to upload SCORM or AICC custom content without vendor
assistance (course upload tool)
Interoperability with content that is NOT standards-compliant
Ability to add additional resources to any course
Manage course properties (CEUs, duration, test required, etc.)
Can disable a course without removing it from the LMS
Ability to set an expiration date for a linked learning object so that it no
longer links to any learning plans
Manage grade book by marking any learning object as complete or
incomplete and designate a grade
Learner can self-register for learning offerings
Learner can unregister from all learning offerings
Learner can self-enroll for ILT classes
Learner can unregister from instructor-led training
Ability to set prerequisites for courses
Ability to waive a prerequisite
Approve/deny a request to waive a prerequisite
Create/edit an ILT/V-ILT and appropriate resources
Recorded V-ILTs are created as OLTs
Assign multiple instructors to a class and/or session
Assign resources at the session level
Ability to set (and override) the max students for a course at the session
Waitlist functionality (i.e. for a "full" ILT class)

Automatic waitlist functionality (user at top of waitlist is automatically

enrolled when a space opens up)
Ability to create private classes to prevent learners from self-enrolling
Ability to restrict management of individual classes beyond permissions to
specific groups or a set of users
Review/print a completion certificate (student accessible)
Access online resources (ie PDF instructor has posted for a course)
Enroll and cancel registrations for learning activities
Create/edit reason to drop students from learning activities
Registration with manager approval
Registration confirmation via email
Manage the waitlist and roster
Manage a registration request queue (approve/deny)
Courses can be grouped into curriculum and topic areas in the catalog
Ability to request/reserve (blockout) rooms, equipment and other ILT
Create, modify and delete learning plan templates
Assign learning activities (single or bundle) to an entire domain
Assign learning activities (single or bundle) to specific groups
Assign learning activities (single or bundle) to specific users defined by
specific user attributes
Manually assign a learning plan to learners (individually/user
Automatically assign learning plans using sophisticated criteria
Edit a learning plan template (and auto-update for assigned users)
Edit the contents of a learning plan for all users
Create certification plans (compliance) or traditional plans (new hire
Set due dates for entire plan completion
Update due dates for plan completion for multiple students en mass
Configure learning plan completion requirements based on either number
of learning objects completed (all or specified subset) or based on
number of CEUs completed
Set auto-reminder email for assigned students / instructors / managers /
administrators regarding due date for entire learning plan
Require courses to be completed in a defined order
Recurrance for courses can be set automatically based on rules
Set auto-reminders for recurrances using rules
Assign learning activity due dates for employees
Certification tracking
Determine access window for recurrent plans to prevent learners from
falling out of compliance

Continuing Education Unit (CEU) tracking

Courses can be set to automatically renew on periodic basis (i.e. for
annual certification)
Built-in testing and survey creation tool
Tests and surveys that can be assigned to multiple learning objects (reused)
Ability to set passing scores for tests
Ability to require passing score on test to complete the course
Set how many times a test can be attempted
Select duration of test or make it unlimited
Tests can be auto-graded by system
Ability to edit tests after some learners have completed
Ability to remove or replace tests in a course
Web-based student notes feature (per course)

E-Commerce Features
Integrated e-commerce capability for payment of courses (ILT, OLT,
webcast, etc.)
Buy courses via e-commerce
Built-in shopping cart
Create vouchers based on groups, number of uses, specific products or
open ended
Discount features (and can differ across domains)
Invoices automatically emailed to customers
Support for multiple price lists
Special pricing capability
Support for multiple currencies
Support for multiple languages
Can support credit card transactions without manual effort
Multiple merchant accounts (i.e. because you have multiple domains)
Payment reporting features

Catalog Features
Select general business rules for how users will access the catalog and
enroll in courses
Manage terms / time frames when courses are available in the catalog for
learner enrollment
Manage which user groups has access to areas of the catalog through
catalog access codes
Searchable course catalog
Course catalog can be filtered by ILT properties (location, instructor, etc.)
Add external courses to the main catalog
Catalog allows online resources to be selected by learners
Catalog has Featured Courses area
Catalog allows for learners to rate courses
Integrated search throughout the LMS tied catalog

Reporting Capabilities
Real-time reporting
Report can be run on demand through the LMS interface
Web-based reporting interface with results appearing in application
Report can be printed from application workspace without having to
Standard "out-of-the-box" reports
Option to use filters for reports instead of having to create a new report
Custom reporting capabilities
Can report on all learning objects, including on-the-job training
Wizard-driven report creation (for custom reports)
Ability to export report data
Report formats (browser view, .xls, .csv, .doc, .rtf, .pdf, etc.)
Report on domains seperately as individual business units or learning
Report is filterable by groups
Custom user fields are used in any report with user profile data
Sort a report by fields (i.e. alphabetically or chronological)
Pull reports for subordinates (but access is governed / flexible)
Ability to build a new report and share with other users
Report on learning plan progress across groups / globally
Student transcripts (viewable and printable)
Student certificates (e.g. for course or curriculum completion)
Review / print a transcript (student accessible)

Communication & Collaboration

Automated reminder notices via email
Manage event communications by enabling or disabling as well as
recipients easily through user interace
Mass distribute communication to learners by domain
Edit and manage content of notification message
Ability to turn on or off notification events
Online access to course materials (e.g. supplemental material)
Fully integrated live webcasting and virtual meeting capabilities
Web-based calendaring and scheduling (integration with Outlook)
Ability to send emails to user's email address listed in their profile
Create and launch WebEx events
Identify multiple hosts per WebEx event
Automatic register/de-register notification via email
Ability to send emails to selected users

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