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Vocabulary Worksheets Activity 1

Vowels + y
The following words belong to the same semantic field:

1 Look at the picture and decode the words by completing the gaps with the missing
vowels (a, e, i, o, u + y).
a.__ MM__GR__T____N

f. __CC__PT__NC__

k. H__TR__D

b. __NT__GR__T____N

g. H__M__S__CKN__SS


c. ST__R____T__P __S

h. TR__D__T____N

m. PR__J__D__C__

d. R__C__SM

i. C__ST__MS

n. C____NTR__

e. C__LT__R__SH__CK

j. T__L __R__NC__

o. __NCL__ S____N

2 Complete the following gaps with a word from the list above in the appropriate
form (singular or plural) and tense.
a. Nowadays almost every nation has_________________ problems as most people have
to leave their home countries to find a better life somewhere else.
b. Discrimination and_________________ can lead to serious conflicts and injustices
which are very traumatic for those who need shelter and support.
c. Asian families follow their own_________________ which sometimes create a
generation gap with their children who long for more freedom.
d. There are some associations that foster peoples integration by promoting social
e. When I left for Canada, I had to cope with_________________ as I missed everything
and everyone I was used to.
f. At school we must fight against_________________ , which is a form of racial
g. Its urgent to teach cultural_________________ to young people who want to work in
multicultural environments.

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