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TU Dresden, Faculty of Environmental Sciences FR Hydro Sciences

01062 Dresden, GERMANY


Sohail Ahmed Tufail
M.Sc. Hydro Science & Engineering

Brown Ground: a soil carbon analogue

to the green world hypothesis?

Submitted to the Institute for International Forestry and Forest Products Faculty of Forest- Geo- and
Hydro Sciences, Technical University Dresden

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................... 1
Table of Figures...................................................................................................................... 1
1. Abstract............................................................................................................................... 2
2. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 2
3. Green World Hypothesis..................................................................................................... 3
4. Brown Ground..................................................................................................................... 5
5. Top-down Controls.............................................................................................................. 6
6. Bottom-Up Controls............................................................................................................ 7
7. Competition......................................................................................................................... 10
8. Physical Effects................................................................................................................... 11
9. Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 13
References............................................................................................................................... 14

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Effect of nutrient addition on soil CO2 respiration and cellulose activity during the
decomposition of cellulose ...................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2: Effect of humic acids on b-glycosidase and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities during
soil incubations......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 3: Grid data from a spatially explicit model of microbial growth and enzyme production
(EnzModel) .............................................................................................................................. 11
Figure 4: Polyphenol oxidase activity in different physical fractions of Illinois grassland
soils........................................................................................................................................... 12

Nelson Hairston, Smith and Slobodkin published a seminal paper in the American Naturalist in
1960, since the subject under discussion was Why is the world green? or what prevents
herbivores from consuming most of the plant biomass in terrestrial ecosystems, They argued that
since predation by herbivores is not the controlling factor of plant biomass and their productivity,
they must be keep in check by from bottom-up forces like nutrient availability. Now a days
ecologists like Allison have proposed an analogous question for detritivores to the one proposed
by Hairston et al for herbivores: As detritivores and decomposers have strength and ability to
enhance the decomposition of soil organic carbon? What prevents them from degrading most of
the organic material in soils, or Why is the ground brown? They argue for fresh plant litter,
controls on decomposition are nearly the same to controls on herbivory: both herbivore and
decomposer biomass may be checked by plant physical and chemical defenses from the bottom up
and predation from the top down controls. However, the major portion of SOC is not plant litter
but carbon that has been consumed and reprocessed into humus compounds by detritivores i.e.
humic acids, fulvic acids, humins, with complex and random chemical structures. This form of
SOC persists mainly because the chemical characteristics of humus compounds and their reactions
with soil minerals constrain decomposition by extracellular enzymes in soil. Other constraints on
detritivores, such as nutrient limitation of extra cellular enzymes and competition with
opportunistic microbes, could also contribute to brown ground. A corollary is, the oldest SOC
persists via transformation into complex structures that are intact to enzymatic action and
effectively separated from soil food web.

While provocative discussion of the mechanisms controlling the size of natural populations and
the maintenance of the specic composition of nature during the past century goes back to at least
the 1930s, the continuing prolific debate started with the green world hypothesis proposed by
Hairston et al (1960), addressing why the World is green despite the astonishing abundance and
variety of herbivores having the ability to consume most of plant biomass in terrestrial ecosystem.
Soon after Hairston et al. (1960) propose hypotheses to explain why this is so, currently, ecologists
used to agree (Begon et al., 2006) that the world is green not only because herbivores are checked
by predation top-down constraints, but also because plants are inedible as they present effective
chemical and physical constraints to herbivory (bottom-up controls: Murdoch, 1966). Keeping
in mind the Murdochs ideas, Abe & Higashi (1991) brought detritivores and decomposers to the
discussion, proposing that the world is green because herbivores are able to feed on cytoplasm and
detritivores and decomposers on cell wall, with an admitted rareness of generalists feeding on both
cell components, supposed to be destructive consumers. Abe & Higashi (1991) suggested that, this
rareness of destructive consumers, and the abundance of detritivores and decomposers, could be
one of the cause preserving the green earth by reducing the consumption of the living part of plants
while enhancing the decomposition of the dead part of plants, thereby enhancing the rate of return
of nutrients to the living part. Why is it so, while the detritivores and decomposers exist with
abundance and ability to speed up the turnover of dark- colored soil organic matter? Allison S D
(2006) convincingly hypothesizes that the ground is brown because both bottom-up and top-down

forces reduce the ability of both detritivores and decomposers to process effectively soil (SOC)
into CO2, hence keeping the ground brown because carbon is not able to release and is kept blocked
into soil. (O. DeSouza et al 2008) explore such an idea using termites (Insecta: Isoptera) in a eld
experiment, investigating whether bottom-up and/or top-down forces can delay resource encounter
and hence, usage by these insects. They argue that one of the reasons for the ground being brown
especially in the tropics is that trophic controls prevent termites from processing all available
detritus and humus, the remaining material being left to form recalcitrant dark-colored humic
complexes compounds in the soil.

Green World Hypothesis:

Today we read one of the seminal papers in all of ecology by Hairston, Slobodkin and smith
published in the American Naturalist in 1960. The paper is almost part of every modern ecology
text book. It is called as 'the HSS hypothesis' after the name of Hairston et al, or 'the green world
The premise of the paper states that: Plant populations are checked because of their ability to pick
up nutrients mainly nitrogen: Nitrogen is a key constituent of the most abundant protein on earth,
RUBISCO: common name of Ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase is an enzyme
individually responsible for the photosynthesis, used in the Calvin cycle to catalyze the first major
step of carbon fixation. Without nitrogen, and thus photosynthesis, we would all cease to exist.
The HSS hypothesis states that plants could grow ad infinitum as long as they have N.
However, as we all know, there are a lot of animals out there who love to eat plants, such as human
beings and herbivores. One might think that all the animals might eat all the plants over time. Thus,
a time might come when there will be no plants left, so why is the world green? The Green World
hypothesis describes the world to be green because of the presence of carnivores, like tiger. Often
tigers like to eat juicy herbivores such as deer and cows, as do humans. The HHS hypothesis
suggests that the world continues to be green because the carnivores keep the herbivore
populations in control, thus allowing the world to stay green.
There are several problems with this, first of all Experimental data which are very rare, seldom
support the predictions of the HSS hypothesis for a variety of reasons primarily logistical and
scalar. Secondly, can one really measure any ecosystem in the world today without necessary
evidences and experiments by human beings? Hairston et al. (1960) also Slobodkin et al (1967)
suggested Community structure, population control, and competition are the main controlling
factors for the World to be green. They focused mainly on terrestrial patterns, employing most
examples of plant-insect interactions, they proposed that terrestrial plants are limited by resources
availability for which they compete, while the other trophic levels of food web i.e. (herbivores,
carnivores, and decomposers) are subjected to different mechanisms of control. Plants are
generally abundantly available and intact. Herbivores (the term is restricted to consumers of
plants, but didnt include seed eaters, which supposed to be omnivores) can consume plants,
especially when the herbivores increase in number especially when they dont become victim of
predation by, e.g. man. Herbivore populations, instead of being limited by food (the nutrients
availability), are normally checked by predation and parasites, and for this reason they are unable

to consume all the plants, and the world stays green. In turn, the predators as a trophic level
reducing their own available food have to compete with each other; food available per carnivore
is not comparable to that available for herbivores.
This so-called green world hypothesis challenged ecologists to think systematically about energy
transfer control between trophic levels (e.g., Fretwell 1977; Oksanen et al. 1981; Polis 1999) and
to propose strong alternative hypotheses to explain the green world and the abundance of biomass
C in terrestrial ecosystems. Some proposed that predators could constrain herbivores (creating a
green world) only when food chains contained an odd number of levels i.e. plants, herbivores and
carnivores (Fretwell 1977, 1987). But if there are four trophic levels, top carnivores could check
predators, thereby allowing herbivores to grow and consume plants. Another line of thought was
that while there is a large quantity of SOC in plants, much of it is unchanged and/or so, low in
quality, so unable to control the growth of herbivores (e.g., Schultz and Baldwin 1982). Another
hypothesis that herbivores do not eat all plant matter, largely because it is indigestible structural
material (cellulose, lignin, spines and cyanogenic oxides) or because of plant physical or chemical
defenses. Also, nutritional inadequacy of the food could control optimal growth of herbivores,
thereby, controlling there populations (Conn 1981; Young and Okello 1998 Polis 1999; Worm et
al 2002). Since the 1960s, discussions and eld manipulations have yielded further insights.
Communities of long-lived trees and mammals do not lend themselves easily to experiments, while
in the sea, bottom assemblages with the shorter lifetimes of dominant species proved to be
excellent objects for the experiments (Paine 2000). Generally, however, herbivores determine the
biomass and composition of the algal assemblages, while competition (here principally for space)
and chemical defenses are insufcient to provide dominance by themselves (Karl Banse 2007).
A large, community-wide terrestrial experiment testing the green world hypothesis was created by
a hydro-electric project in eastern Venezuela, approximately at the latitude of the southern tip of
India. Since 1986 the reservoir covers an area slightly larger than the entire state of Goa. From
1990 to 2003, twelve islands of variable size covered by dry forest and initially with the original
but now trapped animal populations were studied (Terborgh et al 2006). Numbers and kinds of
tagged trees, new saplings, and animals were tested. As expected, the persistence of animal species
was highly correlated with island size, such that predators of vertebrates disappeared quickly from
the medium- and small-sized islands (411 ha and 0.61.5 ha, respectively) due to insufcient
prey. On the small islands in 2001/2002, in consequence, some vertebrate and invertebrate
herbivores including leaf-cutter ants were up to two orders of magnitude more abundant than in
the controls (large islands and the mainland); nearly every plant species was negatively affected;
the understory of the forest had vanished; several of the grown trees had died; and perhaps most
importantly, the number of new saplings had declined to 25% of the controls, apparently mainly
due to the ants. In sum, the small islands were clearly overgrazed. The nal situation appears to be
islands nearly without live trees but covered by fallen trees overgrown by herbivore-resistant
lianas. The conclusion of the study is that a viable predator guild is required to maintain the
diversity of the entire community, and that there is top-down control of the herbivores (Karl Banse
2007) as claimed by Hairston et al (1960) . Paine (2000) suggested that including large-bodied
herbivores (e.g. bison, elephant and hippopotamus) alters the conclusions by Hairston et al (1960)
somewhat. He noted that these animals differ from smaller ones by not only consuming plants but

breaking or trampling them and changing the landscape. Jackson (1997) pointed out the same for
large marine turtles and manatees/dugongs. Removal of such grazers, i.e. of the top-down control
mechanism, changes the plant species composition drastically. Moreover, removal may help alter
the herbivore communities indirectly through competition because those grazers may sometimes
be food-limited. On land, the green color, of course, persists. Keep in mind, though, the review by
Polis (1999): the various control mechanisms maintaining the green world normally do not operate
singly, but the relative effects certainly vary (see also Leibold et al 1997 and Menge 2000). So
conclusion could be there is no hard and fast mechanism described yet by the ecologists for the
general conditions of the ecosystem but are site and situation specific, the question which still
demands a satisfactory answer is; which mechanism predominates more frequently on which
spatial and temporal scales?

Brown Ground:
Hairston et al. (1960) categorized SOC as a resource that checks detritivores, but they did not
explain why there is so much C present on the face of earth. The question which arise in our minds
is that could there be other mechanisms to explain the abundance of biomass C, or is it herbivory,
on microbes and/or low quality organic C in soils that sufficiently control rates of decomposition
to make the ground brown? Allison (2006) tried to answer this question and discussed the different
techniques that herbivores and detritivores use to consume SOC. Almost all herbivores
mechanically chew plant biomass, and that is followed by internal digestion and excretion of
indigestible material. This strategy refers that plant C consumption rates are directly proportional
to the number of herbivores that are eating plant material. The rate-limiting step of SOC
consumption is generally supposed to be conversion of complex molecules into small molecules
that microbes can ingest easily (Burns 1982; Sinsabaugh 1994; Sinsabaugh and Moorhead 1994;
Schimel and Weintraub 2003). Allison (2006) broadly dene a detritivore as any consumer of SOC
and keep the term decomposer for only those detritivores that carry out the rate-limiting step of
SOC Consumption. Within the detritivore trophic level, organisms may use three differing
foraging techniques. Decomposers such as earthworms they bore into pieces and use internal
digestion to degrade SOC in a closely identical manner to herbivore consumption of plant tissues.
The second technique that is used by bacterial and fungal decomposers, involves digestion by
extracellular enzymes. Because these microbes are unable to assimilate complex molecules, so
they need to degrade SOC into smaller simpler molecules (by producing extracellular enzymes)
that can be easily diffused across the cell membrane. Lastly, there are microbial detritivores that
Allison (2006) called opportunists directly assimilate low-molecular-weight SOC without
breaking them into small molecules employing any enzymatic action. Decomposers employing
these three techniques may coexist and combat within the primary consumer level of the soil food
web. If SOC decomposition is mainly controlled by enzyme-producing bacteria and fungi
(Sinsabaugh 1994; Scheu and Setala 2002), then limits on foraging with extracellular enzymes
should be above all. Based on the fact that termites play a key role in release from dead humus in
tropical soils, (O. DeSouza et al 2008) explore such an idea using termites (Insecta: Isoptera) in a
eld experiment, investigating whether bottom-up and/or top-down forces can delay resource
encounter and hence, usage by these insects? He found that such delays would prevent prompt

release of CO2 from organic matter to the atmosphere, thereby contributing to enhanced amounts
of humic complexes which adds to the dark appearance of the ground.

Top-Down Controls:
Could predation be only limiting factor for populations of SOC decomposers, leading to brown
ground? Generally from frequently observed incline and decline in decomposer populations,
overall, predation effects on decomposer populations are not directly proportional, they are highly
variate (Coleman et al. 1978; Ingham et al. 1985; Mikola and Setala 1998a; Wardle 2002).several
detritivores are prey for soil micro- and meso-fauna, and these predators may prey up to 60% of
total bacteria in some soils (Moore et al. 2003). Another school of thought says nevertheless,
usually predation and faster alteration of detritivore populations dont cause the accumulation of
SOC but, increase C, N, and P amounts in soils (Cole et al. 1978; Anderson et al. 1983; Ingham et
al. 1985; Mikola and Setala 1998a). Furthermore, lets suppose predation is the only controlling
factor then, if predators consume detritivores that are opportunists rather than decomposers that
produce extracellular enzymes to breakdown complex compounds, predation would have
relatively little or no effect on SOC storage. In many soils, fungi play a key role in SOC
decomposition, but top-down control by fungal grazers have no significant effect on them (Mikola
and Setala 1998b; Wardle 2002; Moore et al. 2003).
However, there are clear top-down constraints observed on decomposition. For example In
ecosystem of a desert, decomposition rates declination of fresh detritus and suppression of bacteria
have been observed by a trophic cascade (Santos et al. 1981), according to a microcosm studies
with agricultural soils, nematode addition showed suppressed long-term C mineralization
(Bouwman et al. 1994). Overall, the evidence for a direct top-down contribution to brown ground
appears even weaker than the limited evidence for predation as a driver of the green world.
Although this conclusion is based mostly on microcosm data, organisms in microcosms are often
chosen for their strong trophic interactions and well-dened trophic roles, and therefore top-down
controls are likely to be even weaker in the eld. There are, however, several preservations to the
conclusion that top-down controls on soil C stocks are weak. First, potential role of disease in
suppressing decomposer populations because there is not enough information to evaluate this
control. In oceanic systems, viruses lyse20%40% of marine bacteria per day (Suttle 2005), yet
no studies have examined the fraction of microbial turnover due to viruses in soil. Second, grazing
on soil microbes may not contribute to brown ground directly, but the associated release of
nutrients could stimulate plant growth and increase soil C stocks indirectly through greater plant
inputs (Moore et al. 2003). This indirect contribution could be minor, however, if microbial N
demand increases by sequestration of N in plants and soil organic pools and causes a negative
feedback to N cycling (e.g. greater fungal : bacterial ratios or higher microbial C : N ratios).

Bottom-Up Controls:
Its the controlling factors from lower levels like resistance to
herbivores which plants offer by their structure (physical) or
composition (chemical).The structural and chemical defenses
that restrict plant eaters can also affect decomposers; after all,
almost 85% of terrestrial net plant production is not used by
herbivores and finally adds to detritus pools directly (Cebrian1999). As leaves grow old, low-quality leaves translate into
recalcitrant (very difficult to decompose) litter for detritivores
because we have several studies showing that leaf digestibility
by herbivores and detritus decomposability by detritivores are
positively correlated (Cornelissen et al. 1999, 2004).
Therefore, because detrital inputs are of very low quality relative to plant C, detritivores should be more severely affected from
bottom-up constraints than herbivores. Detrital inputs to soils are
rich in plant structural compounds (Reiners 1986) and is the portion of plant biomass that was not consumed by herbivores. When
they reach soil, plant materials dont have their most nutritious
parts with them, as they are stripped of both by herbivores and
the plants themselves, if nutrients were resorbed during tissue
senescence. Any plant material that passes through herbivore
intestine on its way to the soil has been predigested and may
contain higher concentrations of decay-resistant compounds
Allison D (2006). Nutrient availability is widely accepted bottom-up control that can regulate both herbivore and decomposer populations. Lower nutrient concentrations in leaves control the growth rates of many herbivore species (Mattson 1980)
and should affect multicellular decomposers the same way
(Davidson et al. 2004).
Figure 1: Effect of nutrient addition on soil CO2 respiration (A) and cellulose activity during the
decomposition of cellulose (B). Adding nutrients in the form of ammonium (N) and phosphate (P)
in combination with cellulose significantly increased enzyme activity (P! .05, Tukeys HSD post
hoc test), which stimulated significantly greater CO2 release from soil than when cellulose and
nutrients were added separately. Data are from incubations with a nutrient-poor Hawaiian soil
(Allison and Vitousek 2005).
Recent research showed that nutrient availability can also restrict the ability of microbes to degrade
C compounds with extracellular enzymes (Allison and Vitousek 2005; g. 1). Therefore, low
availability N can limit the Carbon metabolism of herbivores, multicellular decomposers, and
enzyme-producing microbes that process complex compounds (rich in Carbon but poor in
Nitrogen). Low N availability is probably most significant for those microorganisms that

decompose detritus, which is deficient in N relative to other soil constituents. In some soils, topdown forces may interact to cause an increase in N from bottom-up N limitation if, for example,
grazing by predators increases N availability for the decomposers that avoid predation (Ferris et
al. 1998). Overall, there is strong evidence that bottom-up forces control the microbial processing
of unstable C and plant detrital inputs, but this mechanism is not at all adequate to explain brown
ground. Numerous studies show that decomposition rates are positively correlated with detritus
quality (Melillo et al. 1982; Aber et al. 1990; Aerts 1997), but even the poorest-quality detritus
largely decays within of tens of years. Most SOC can no longer be physically or chemically
recognized as plant material and has turn over times of decades to millennia (Stevenson 1994;
Torn et al. 1997; Trumbore 2000). There is also evidence that added N affects decomposition
positively for detritus but negatively for SOC (Neff et al. 2002) which is contrary to some previous
results. This pattern makes sense because the oldest SOM has low C: N ratios and could meet the
N demands of decomposers more readily (Stevenson 1994). Thus, the plant detritus quality for
brown ground is limited to inuencing detritus decomposition and to affect the reaction of detritus
inputs that adds to slow-turnover pools of SOC (Cebrian et al. 1998).
Generally, the most abundant and oldest constituents of SOC are humic compounds (Campbell et
al. 1967; Olk et al. 1995); humics literally make the ground brown because of their dark colors.
Humic compounds such as humins, humic acids, and fulvous acids are generated through microbial
and abiotic synthesis procedures that organize organic monomers into polymers randomly rich in
aliphatic and aromatic substructures (Tan 2003). Hence, almost all old soil C has been reprocessed
by detritivores one or more times and is no more just plant-derived. This material has been
consumed and reprocessed without being converted to CO2 or other simple compounds. Why these
reprocessed compounds are so resistant to decay? One possibility could be that their metabolism
is unable to provide sufcient energy for microbial growth. However, the subunits of humics (as
well as lignin and tannins) yield an amount of energy similar to that released by glucose upon
oxidation (NIST 2003; Lide 2004). More likely, the complex, random chemical structure of humic
material is responsible for its slow decay and they can be degraded only by extra-cellular enzymes
that are produced exclusively by microorganisms. These humic compounds in particular are not
easily degradable enzymatically, because like many plant tannins (Kraus et al. 2003), they can
directly bind to and stop enzymes (Ruggiero et al. 1996; g. 2), thereby of course showing a strong
bottom-up chemical control on SOC decomposition.

Figure 2: Effect of humic acids on B-glucosidase (BG)

and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities during soil
incubations. Humic acids were incorporated into a
nutrient-poor Hawaiian soil at a rate of 15% of soil
mass, followed by addition of commercially prepared enzymes. Note the log scale and rapid losses of
enzyme activity in the humic acidamended relative
to control soils. S. D. Allison, unpublished data.

In northern peatlands this mechanism is proposed as partial reason for the long-term persistence
of soil C (Freeman et al. 2001). Second, complex compounds with random chemical structures,
such as humic acids and plant lignins are generally not decomposed with normal extracellular
enzymes but oxidant enzymes that may have low catalytic efciency. For these compounds,
naturally microbes dont produce a specic enzyme for every type of chemical bond that exists
(Tate 1987).
(Ten Have and Teu nissen 2001; Claus 2004) believe in natural evolution of oxidant enzyme
pathways that are nonspecic and catalyze bond break with free-radical mechanisms. And of
compounds degrade so slowly in soils. The effect of an enzyme is to reduce the activation
energy required for bond break within a polymer structure, because of the nonspecic reaction
mechanism of oxidant enzymes, this activation energy barrier might not be lowered enough to
allow efcient decomposition of some substrates.
These enzymes work by removing electrons from a nearby substrate or an intermediate compound
that later act as oxidant and oxidizes the substrate (ten Have and Teu nissen 2001). However,
substrates with highly random bonding structures may not be able to approach the enzyme active
site, thereby causing an obstacle in the decrease of activation energy. Oxidative enzymes are
generalists that weakly interact with a variety of complex substrates with diverse degrees of
catalytic efciency. Therefore, many C compounds persist in soil because no enzymes can
specically and effectively catalyze their degradation (Allison D 2006). This hypothesis is
consistent with recent studies showing that Decomposition of low-quality substrates is more
temperature sensitive, which may require higher activation energies for degradation (Mikan et al.
2002; Fierer et al. 2005). Oldest soil compounds have extremely diverse chemical structures, with
the same structure repeating infrequently over microbial spatial scales. , and of course Natural
selection would favor the evolution of specic enzymes to degrade those structures, If humic
compounds were to contain chemical bond structures that repeated frequently as in the case of
cellulose degrading enzymes (Beguin 1990). Instead of specific enzymes, nonspecic and less
efcient oxidative enzymes are available to be the solution to the challenge of degrading random
chemical structures.
Degradation of such structures could be efficient only if too many different enzymes were
produced thats why they, eliminate the evolution of targeted enzymes (Tate 1987; Insam 1996).
Corollary, humic SOC doesnt decay because of its random chemical structure for hundreds of
years even despite the presence of the resource and energy abundantly. Oxygen limitation can also
contribute to brown ground, as a large portion of SOC can be degraded only by oxidative enzymes.
Here are some evidences observed for this constraint e.g. in high-latitude peat-lands, oxygen
limitation is a major constraint on SOC decomposition (Freeman et al. 2001). Additionally, oxygen
limitation can even constrain microbial degradation of complex C indirectly by cutting short
aerobic respiration and the growth and enzyme production of soil decomposers (McLatchey and
Reddy 1998). Oxygen limitation conditions exist normally across several type of soils because of
the formation of anaerobic microsites (Silver et al. 1999), soil water content temporal variation
(Sierra and Renault 1998), and processes of soil aggregation (Sexstone et al. 1985), suggesting


that decomposition declination due to oxygen limitation is probably common in localized regions
of spatially heterogeneous soils.

There exists a competition within the detritivore trophic levels, which along with top-down and
organic matter controls on decomposer populations, could also contribute to brown ground.
Advanced researches in microbial ecology have inspired a greater appreciation of the functional
diversity of microbial communities. Some detritivores, particularly bacteria, may be opportunistic
(those who dont bother to degrade complex SOC and assimilate immediately labile, dissolved
SOC). Within the fungal community, basidiomycetes are one of the few taxa which can degrade
lignin (Kirk and Farrell 1987), while other fungal communities may target cellulose as a substrate
for decomposition (Lynd et al. 2002). This differentiation of fungal behavior could lead to brown
ground if the decomposition of recalcitrant SOC substrates is only possible by specialized
microbes that may not compete efficiently for substrate or where microbial produced antibiotics
stop more efcient decomposers.
Contrary to previous discussed results, increasing evidence suggests that some decomposer fungi
compete poorly under N deposition e.g. C mineralization rates declination and SOC stocks increase
in forest stands that produce recalcitrant litter have been observed in studies at hard-wood forests
of the north central United States, while the opposite response has been observed in stands
producing more labile litter (Carreiro et al. 2000; Waldrop et al. 2004b). A probable explanation
for this pattern that makes sense is that decomposers of recalcitrant litter compete poorly under
high-N conditions and produce lesser oxidative enzymes, while decomposers of labile C stocks
and their enzymes are stimulated under N deposition (Waldrop et al. 2004a) In this case, changes
in detritus decomposition by fungi appear to alter the division of detritus C into soil pools that
contribute to brown ground. One of the reason for the delay in SOC decomposition could be
degradation and interception of enzymes or reaction products and it happens in soils where SOC
degradation depends on specialized microbes that forage with extracellular enzymes e.g. Proteases
are abundant in soils and may cause reduction in enzyme concentrations by either of the above
described processes, thereby reducing the decomposition of other soil compounds (Renella et al.
2002). Because extracellular enzymes produced by detritivores are rich in labile C and especially
N, opportunistic cheaters (who dont forage normally with extracellular enzymes) may exploit
secreted enzymes by colonizing areas adjacent to enzyme producers, further impeding
decomposition (Allison 2005).
It is very well known that microbes are found to grow rapidly on plant exudates in the rhizosphere
(The rhizosphere is the narrow region of soil that is directly influenced by root secretions and
associated soil microorganisms) Cardon et al. (2002), the possibility that microbes intercept the
exudates of other decomposers requires is not yet found. New theoretical evidence does provide
support for the hypothesis that if enzyme producers have to compete with opportunists that
competition could suppress SOC mineralization by enzyme producing decomposers. Simulation
modeling results low enzyme production and reduced decomposition, because of sufcient
interference from cheaters, causing enzyme producers to suffer localized extinctions (Allison
2005; g. 3). The term cheater is not only restricted to opportunistic bacteria, or even facultative


opportunistic decomposers but plant roots could act as cheaters and inhibit decomposition in soils.
Although there exist no empirical evidence for cheater suppression of decomposition, but enzyme
producing and cheater strains of yeast have been identied (Velicer 2003) and could be used to
address this possibility.

Figure 3: Grid data from a spatially explicit model of microbial growth and enzyme production
(EnzModel). Cheaters that do not produce enzymes compete with enzyme-producing microbes
that degrade a complex organic substrate. In this simulation, the degradation of the substrate
declines as cheaters surround and suppress enzyme producers over time. EnzModel parameters
and outputs are described in an article by Allison (2005)

Physical Effects:
For decomposition of organic matter their interaction with enzymes is of course a prerequisite, soil
chemical and physical properties may inhibit enzyme-substrate interactions leading to brown
ground. For example, bacterial and fungal decomposers enzyme foraging could be constrained by
barriers to diffusion, chemical or physical shielding of substrates, and alternative fates for enzymes
and substrates (Ekschmitt et al. 2005). Thus, it is not always true that greater enzyme production
would lead higher rates of C degradation (Schimel and Weintraub 2003). In arid soils with low
water potential, diffusion paths are tortuous and distorted because water film is thin, thats why
extracellular enzymes and labile C compounds are likely to remain near the places where they are
produced (Stark and Firestone 1995). Frozen soils also cause diffusion suppression, thereby
limiting interactions between enzymes and substrates (Mikan et al. 2002).


Soil aggregation also cause physical shielding of organic C from degradation by restricting the
diffusion and interaction of enzymes, substrates, and reaction products (Sollins et al. 1996).
Exudates from soil microbes, such as glomalin production by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,
stabilize soil aggregates resulting in enhanced physical protection of organic C, leading to increase
in C accumulation (Rillig et al. 1999). Positive correlations between soil mineralogy/texture and
SOC inputs have been observed frequently (Oades 1988) and ultimately help the physical
protection of SOC (Sollins et al. 1996; van Veen and Kuikman 1990). A corollary to the continuing
discussion is that in physical shielding interactions between organic substrates and enzyme active
sites are blocked at the molecular level. Although mineral sorption by enzymes often stabilizes
enzymes against degradation (Tietjen and Wetzel 2003; Kelleher et al. 2004), mineral-bound
compounds are unable to diffuse even if adequate water potential is available, thereby reducing
the interactions between enzymes and substrates. Even if substrate diffuse to bound enzymes, the
enzyme active site may be blocked by minerals so that enzymatic action is constrained, as observed
by reductions in the activities of some mineral sorbed enzymes (Gianfreda et al. 1992). Conversely,
even if enzyme diffuse to mineral-bound organic substrates, it may also be physically blocked
from entering the enzyme active sites (Sollins et al. 1996). Large surface areas, meso-pores and
physical structures that are found in many soil minerals can trap small organic compounds,
facilitate mineral sorption but exclude mobile enzymes (Mayer et al. 2004; Zimmerman et al.
2004). In extreme cases, substrates, enzymes, and microbes may all be present in a soil in
abundance but so strongly bound to soil minerals that organic matter degradation is minimal, and
microbes are unlikely to reach enzymatic products (g. 4). This phenomenon could explain why
the C associated with reactive clays can be tens of thousands of years old (Torn et al. 1997).

Figure 4: Polyphenol oxidase activity in different physical fractions of Illinois grassland soils.
POM = particulate organic matter. The highest enzyme activity occurs in the clay-sized fraction,
which also contains carbon with the greatest mean residence time, suggesting that enzymes and
substrates are immobilized on mineral surfaces. Bars with the same letter are not significantly
different at P! .05 (Tukeys post hoc HSD test). Allison D (2006).
Soil minerals can also interact with humic compounds synergistically to increase C storage (Tan
2003). Humic compound become stabilized against degradation after sorption to mineral surfaces
(Cornejo and Hermosn 1996). Humic compounds sorption to soil minerals and degradative


enzymes immobilization are observed in tropical soils that are rich in reactive clay minerals
thereby, further stabilize organic C (Zech et al. 1997). Despite warm temperatures and a favorable
moisture regime for decomposers and detritivores to grow and speed up decomposition, tropical
evergreen forest soils store 20% of global soil C (Jobbagy and Jackson 2000) largely because of
Organic matter stabilization mechanisms. The analogues physical constraints on extracellular
enzyme foraging aboveground have not been discovered yet, like physical factors such as frosts
and droughts can reduce foraging by herbivores on plants. Therefore, soil minerals and barriers to
molecular-level diffusion are additional constraints on C processing that are absent from the green
world but strongly enhance brown ground Allison S. D 2006)


Like the green world, brown soils may result from trophic controls on consumer
populations top-down controls or chemical control by plant tissues from bottom-up forces
(table 1).
Thus, top-down and bottom-up ecological controls influence not only annual NPP but
whole-ecosystem C balance. Nevertheless, these mechanisms alone cannot explain the
phenomenon of brown ground because at any given time, SOC from fresh plant litter
represents a relatively small portion of the global SOC pool.
During decomposition, most of the plant detritus is transformed into random chemical
complexes with the same structure repeating infrequently over microbial spatial scale that
have long residence times in the soil.
The formation of these complexes represents a leak from actively cycling soil organic pools
into a recalcitrant, dead-end pool of SOC, which is effectively separated from the soil food
Large amounts of SOC persist mainly is soils via transformation into compounds i.e. humic
compounds that are characteristically impervious to enzymatic action.
In contrast to the internal digestion of plant biomass by herbivores, a signicant and
perhaps overwhelming fraction of SOC is degraded by free-living microbes that produce
extracellular enzymes.
Microbial enzymes and substrates can be stabilized against enzymatic degradation due to
limitations on diffusion, interception, degradation, or sorption. These processes either limit
decomposition directly by inhibiting enzyme-substrate interaction or reduce the biomass
of microbial decomposers, thereby contributing to organic matter accumulation.
Trophic controls prevent termites from processing all available detritus and humus, the
remaining material being left to form recalcitrant dark-colored humic complexes
compounds in the soil contributing to brown ground
Soil C degradation is limited because cell-bound enzymes produced by decomposers could
not interact with distant substrates. Unlike plants in the green world, soils also contain
minerals, meso-pores and aggregate structures that act as physical constraints to the
enzymatic degradation of organic compounds.
Together with the chemical structure of humic polymers, these constraints largely explain
why the ground is browner than the world is green.


Table 1: Constraints leading to the green world and brown ground (Allison. D 2006)


Contribution to green

Contribution to brown

Predation and disease









Nutrient limitation
Plant structural & secondary
Reprocessing of soil carbon
in humic compounds
Mineral compounds/barrier to
Oxygen limitation

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