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A Necessity Of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids In IndianTributes

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Posted by : Electrical India

Posted date : Jan 5, 2016


A Necessity Of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids In

Indian Electricity Sector
The grid collapse can cause half of the population to face darkness focusing a need of reliable well
monitored supply system. Hybrid AC/DC microgrid can be the answer to resolve this problem of energy
scarcity and uncertainity of supply particularly for remote, sparsely geographically rural population...

- Dr. Mrs. G. A. Vaidya,

Prof. Mrs. Kalyani M. Kurundkar

In India, 300 million i.e. quarter of the countrys population do not have access to electricity. About 70% energy
generation capacity of India is from fossil fuel, with coal accounting for 40% of Indias energy consumption
followed by crude oil and natural gas respectively. India is largely dependent on imports of fossil fuels.
Due to rapid economic expansion, India is worlds largest energy market and going to be second largest in
global energy demand by 2035. About 10-15% of villages in India are still to be electried.
The grid collapse can cause half of the population to face darkness focusing a need of reliable well monitored
supply system. Hybrid AC/DC microgrid can be the answer to resolve this problem of energy scarcity and
uncertainity of supply particularly for remote, sparsely geographically rural population. Hybrid AC/DC microgrids
have high reliability, high eciency, low emissions and aordable cost.

(/uploads/2253/A Necessity of Hybrid AC-DC.jpg)

Therefore, a universal access to energy services through Hybrid microgrid systems can be India's enduring
contribution to human development.
In past several years India has seen signicant growth in the renewable energy generation. At present, 12% of
energy in Indian Electricity sector is from renewable energy sources. With the nancial assistance from MNRE,
solar power plants in coordination with bio power plants have been installed at some locations. As India is
having the worlds highest solar intensities with annual solar energy yield of 1,700 to 1,900 kilowatt hours per
kilowatt peak of the installed capacity, the Jawaharlal National Solar Mission has set the ambitious target of
deploying 20,000 MW of grid connected solar power by 2022 and aims at reducing the cost of solar power

generation in the country through (i) long term policy; (ii) large scale deployment goals; (iii) aggressive R&D; and
(iv) domestic production of critical raw materials, components and products. It has been envisaged to achieve
grid tari parity by 2022. Many Private players like Softbank, Airtel, Foxconn are investing $20 billion for grid tied
solar, wind power and other renewable power projects. Also, entrepreneurs like Mera Gao Power, Gram Power,
Minda Next Gen Tech, Sun Edison have electried many households in the state like Uttarpradesh, Bihar and
Madhya Pradesh. Although a rise in renewable energy generating sources have been observed, due to the
dependency on solar power projects the grid experiences the sudden drop in the supply at certain hours that
have to be met by conventional fossil fuel based power plants.
This phenomenon is called as 'duck curve.' This shortage of power for only certain hours can be overcome
using storage in the grid or system typically by using batteries or a ywheel. Such storage helps to quickly
restore the supply, but are costlier.
A system therefore consisting of Solar-Biogas Mix or Solar-Wind-Diesel generation mix or sometimes SolarHydro power generation mix called as Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid is the need of the hour.
Nearly all microgrids in India run on power from photovoltaic panels. Few Hybrid AC/DCMicrogridsare installed
in Karnataka and Uttarakhand which are networks based on Solar-Hydropower generation mix; in Bihar and
Uttarpradesh these Hybrid microgrids are Solar-Biomass based. All these cover only a tiny part of the overall
power needs of rural India.

Fig 1: Block diagram of Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid...

A study has revealed that with DC Load and AC Source or AC load with DC source, many power conversion
stages are to be incorporated which contribute to the total losses of the system. Therefore, instead of having
only DC microgrid with Solar panel as the source and only the LED lamps and Solar fans as the load, one can
have a combination of AC microgrid and DC microgrid with variety of linear and non-linear load i.e., the Hybrid
AC/DC Microgrid. Hybrid AC/DC microgrids have separate supply lines and reduce the total conversion losses of
the system. There are benets and limitations for both DC and AC systems when considered as a supply system
In order to incorporate the advantages of both the systems the pairing of AC output source and DC output
source i.e., Hybrid AC/DC microgrid is necessary. Fig 1. shows the basic block diagram of Hybrid AC/DC
microgrid. This Hybrid AC/DC microgrid system uses Solar with Gas or Wind or Hydro or Biomass as a source of
energy in combination with each other with a battery or ywheel as storage, this can address the issue of
variability, uncertainty and intermittent characteristics of these renewable energy sources giving a continuous
and reliable electric supply.
With a combination of AC electric system that is already existing and a low voltage DC system i.e., nearly less
than 50 Volts when considered, it can simplify the setup process, reduce the cost and will be also safer for the
user for operations.
Typical loads like lighting, charging phones, powering fans, Laptops, LCD TVs etc. are either DC System loads or
can be converted to DC, and there are some non-linear loads like pumps motors etc. a separate AC supply line
and a DC supply line can prove to be benecial to reduce the tremendous conversion losses. In this condition,
with a separate Biomass,Hydro, Wind or Biogas (AC source) in combination of Solar panel (DC source) and a
battery as an energy storage system, a continuous and reliable supply to this type of load is possible.For this, a
group of customers can contribute towards the initial installation and setup charges which can be recovered
Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids are very essential for sustainable energy required for human development with a
robust economy. Due to Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids installations in near future, it will be possible to (1) supply
electricity to 300 million Indians without the access to the electricity grid. This will help them, not only to increase
their working hours, but also to run schools and colleges, hospitals and small scale industries. Improve their
standard of living; (2) load management not only in rural areas but also in urban areas, university campuses,
hospitals; (3) improve energy eciency; (4) help with the existing grid stability, with renewable proportion
increases in generation mix; (5) increase self-suciency of the customers, which can become Prosumers
(producers and consumers of electricity) in future; (6) reduce transmission and distribution losses by increase in
number of microgrids.
Due to these manifold benets of Microgrids, the technological cost will also be reduced, which will cause
lowered initial investment and decreased operational cost to the market, entrepreneurs and government.

This will enable the investors to include more and more resources and create modern infrastructure.
Even when Microgrids are essential, there are various Economic, Technical and Social issues to be addressed
for the deployment of microgrids in India.
Economic issues i.e., prepaid or postpaid metering system, which may lead to debts to the private player.
This is because collection becomes a top challenge, also investment in technology optimally and cost recovery
with maintenance comes under economic issues.
Technically: Tari mechanisms, government policies for volume scale deployment of these technologies, joint
optimization of heat and electric supply, connection charges, joint optimization of demand and supply, quality
and reliability of supply are the major challenges and in addition to this there are also many social barriers.
Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids reect a new way of thinking about designing and building sustainable grids, leading
towards SmartGrids. Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids can have a faster implementation and can create a power system
with redundancy, distributed generation and storage, cogeneration, heat and power ecient utilisation, with
better consumer control.
This will help work together with bulk power grid or system as an integrated whole to provide its consumers
with maximum economic and environmental benets. In future, the microgrids will be 'Smart' to make decisions
about what clean energy source to run at what time and regulate the energy demand using power management
The Smart Hybrid AC/DC Microgrids will be able to optimize the cost reductions,energy savings and CO
emission reductions. The integration of multiple 'Smart Hybrid AC/DC microgrids' will lead this country towards
Smart Grid contributing to sustainable human development..

Dr. Mrs. G. A. Vaidya isProfessor and Head of Electrical Engineering Department, PVGs College of
Engineering and Technology, Pune. Prof. Mrs. Kalyani M. Kurundkar isAsst. Professor in Electrical
Engineering Department, PVGs College of Engineering and Technology, Pune.
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