Kabach Kundal of Karna in Mahabharata Explained Scientifically

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Subhasish Pathak, B.

Tech (IIT Kharagpur),

Author- Physics Between the Lines,

Kavach Kundala of Karna in Mahabharata explained scientifically

The other day I bought a high tech car that was equipped with a keyless entry and driving system.
The remote for keyless entry and driving system, which is an elaborate electronic circuit, has the size
of a common key. In the initial days after purchasing the car, after coming close to the vehicle I used
to take out the remote from my pocket and press the unlocking button of the remote in order to
open its door. Then one day, a showroom mechanic informed me, you need not take out the
remote from your pocket at all. You are just required to have the key in your pocket or in your
handbag. The vehicles door will open up whenever you will press this button (showing me a small
black button embedded in the handle of the driver side door of the car). The door will not open up
when someone not having the remote in his pocket or handbag would press this.
Then I enquired, if I wear this remote as a talisman (kavach) in my arm or as the locket of the gold
chain that I am wearing around my neck, would the door open on pressing the door handle button?
That would be best because that way you would have
complete control over your vehicle all the time irrespective
of wherever you stay. No one else would be able to open its
door. If someone enters into it by breaking its window or
cutting its body, he would not be able to switch on its
engine. Because the engine switches on only when the
remote is inside the vehicle the mechanic told in an
assuring voice.
At this very moment, I got the answer to a question that
intrigued me since the first time I read the following part of
Mahabharata...What exactly were Karnas KAVACH and
KUNDALA and why did he lose all his power at the very
moment he handed over the same to Lord Indra. The story
in Mahabharata goes like this...
Duryodhana, the son of Pandus brother (and now king) Dhritrashtra patronised Karna and made him
the king of Angadesh. Duryodhana, in fact, built him up as a counterweight to Arjuna. Indra was
apprehensive that Karna, by virtue of his phenomenal skills as a warrior and his invincibility ensured
by Kavach and Kundal, might be able to overwhelm Arjuna. So, on the eve of the duel of Karna and
Arjuna, the win in which would go as far as deciding the fate of the battle, Lord Indra, the rain God
and king of heavens, guised as an old Brahmin visited Karna just after he(Karna) had finished his
morning prayer and begged for his Kavach and Kundal. Karna had vowed that at the end of his every
day Morning Prayer he would do a charity in which he would not refuse to donate anything in his
Indra therefore tried to rob Karna off his Kavach and Kundal to reduce his (Karnas) strength by
asking for a donation at that hour. The Sun God appearing in his dream had cautioned Karna that
Lord Indra would ask for such a gift. Nevertheless, Karna was so generous that he could not refuse
anyone. Despite being aware that Indra in the disguise of a Brahmin was playing a trick on him, he
did not hesitate to part with his Kavach and Kundal, which were parts of his body since birth and
which made him invincible. He cut his chest with a knife to extract the Kavach and ripped off Kundal
(earlobe).Then he bled profusely. Lord Indra was taken aback at Karna's determination to sacrifice in
order to preserve the sanctity of his vow. He said, Karna, what you have done today, no ordinary
mortal could have done. I am immensely pleased with your generosity. You can ask for any
vardaan. Karna said, if you are truly pleased with me, then you may kindly give me your weapon
Shakti which has the potential to destroy any enemy. Lord Indra gave Shakti to Karna with the

proviso however that he could use it only once and that thereafter the weapon shall return to him
(Lord Indra).

I think both Kavach and Kundala were actually two small remote commands (electronic circuits).
Kavach (visualise it as tiny as a SIM that you have in your mobile) was implanted below the layer of
the skin of the chest of Karna right after his birth by his father Suryadev (an alien who came from a
distant stars planet, much advanced in science and technology). Kavach was the remote command
to an array of missiles and an elaborate missile defence system. Only the person having the remote
command (Kavach) with him can launch the missiles (Brahmastra, Pasupatastra, Narayanastra
etc.).Similarly, the missile defence system would protect the person having the remote command
(Kavach) with him. Now imagine that you have gone through a surgery to implant the remote
command circuit of your cars keyless entry system beneath your skin. This will ensure that no one
can take away the car from you. Even if someone forcibly acquires your car, it would be useless to
him, as its engine will not run in absence of the remote command in the vicinity. Imagine that yours
is the only car in your locality. You have kept it in a crowded open place. People are trying to open it,
to run it and failing miserably. Nevertheless, whenever you place your hand on it, its door opens up
...whenever you have placed yourself inside it, its engine starts.The same was with Karna. Whenever
he was around the missiles would be launch- ready. Only Karna was capable of launching those
missiles. Similarly, the missile defence system would protect Karna only. Kundala was another
remote command fixed in the ear used to receive signal and give voice command to the missiles.
Incising the skin of his chest with a knife, he extracted the remote command and handed it over to
Indra. Ripping off his ear, he took out the Kundala and handed it over to Indra. Consequently, his
missiles became useless to him. Moreover, he became vulnerable to missile attack of his opponents.
Thus, he lost the battle against Arjuna.
In fact, I would not be surprised if some day it becomes public that Barrack Obama had to undergo a
small surgery to remove the remote commander chip of the USAs nuke arsenal at the end of his
tenure as President. Put Vladimir Putin in the same bracket.
Going back to Shakti missile given by Lord Indra to Karna for one time use only, what Indra had given
to Karna was indeed a onetime password (OTP similar to ones, Banks give you or you get during
railway seat reservation). In fact, Maharshi Durvasha on getting satisfied at the service of Kunti had
given her the extremely secret personal mobile number of Suryadev, the father of Karna.
I welcome your thought comments..........

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