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Knowledge Base Article: 000447321

Alert: Failed to communicate an alert message (000447321)

Version: 2

Article Type: Break Fix

Audience: Level 30 = Customers

Last Published: Sat Feb 20 20:22:13 GMT 2016



Why did the AlertServices provider fail to send an alert message?

Failed to communicate an alert message
An email alert was not sent or received as expected.

Please check the existing configuration in VNXe and trace the problem in the network environment.
From Unisphere:
Check the Management Settings - Settings > Management Settings.
Check configuration on the Alert Settings page - Settings > More Configuration > Alert Settings.
View the System Health page to see if there are indications of a system problem - System > System Health.
The AlertServices provider failed to send an alert via email, ConnectEMC, or SNMP. You may need to resolve the
problem with the E-mail server (SMTP server), ConnectEMC gateway, or SNMP server.
About SMTP and SNMP settings in VNXe please see the following sections:
SMTP Settings
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) is an outgoing mail server protocol that is used to transfer email messages
between computers, generally from email clients to email servers. Most email systems use SMTP for transferring
messages from email clients to an email server over a network. You can configure VNXe SMTP server settings from the
SMTP server section of the Alert Settings page.
Once you provide an SMTP address, you can enable the following features from the Alert Settings page:
ConnectEMC - Enables VNXe to send email messages to the appropriate service group when problems occur that affect
service or require user action.
Email alerts - Configures the system to send email messages to specified addresses when it encounters alert or error
conditions. You can specify the email addresses where VNXe sends the messages and the level of severity (critical,
alert, or informational) required for sending messages.
Note: You can test the SMTP server connection by configuring one or more email alert addresses, and clicking Send
Test Email. If both the SMTP server and destination alert email addresses are valid, you will receive a test email
message at the specified addresses.
SNMP alert and trap settings:
The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application layer protocol for transferring system status and
management information between network devices. SNMP enables network administrators to assess network
performance, monitor the status of network devices, and remotely manage these devices.
SNMP communicates status and event information for network devices through SNMP traps. Traps are asynchronous
messages that notify a network management system when events occur at a network node. The three types of traps are:
Information - Provide routine status information about system operation.
Warnings - Indicate that a problem has occurred or may occur.
Error traps - Report system problems that occurred or are occurring.
SNMP traps can be directed to one or more network locations called trap destinations. A trap destination is a host that is
configured to receive trap messages from one or more hosts on a network. You can configure the types of alert
information the VNXe reports (informational, error, or emergency indications) from the Alert Settings section of the Alert
Settings page, or add, delete, and modify the list of destinations where the VNXe system sends SNMP traps.
Test communication between the VNXe system and its configured SNMP trap destinations by clicking Send test SNMP
trap, and then verifying that the targets receive the test messages.

Configuring VNXe SNMP trap destinations

Configure the VNXe list of trap destinations by adding, modifying, or deleting entries from the SNMP target list.
VNXe requires the following information for each configured trap destination:
Network name or IP address of a trap destination host.
Port number on which the host receives traps.
(Optional) Message digest used to verify the integrity of information contained in trap messages (MD5 or SHA), and the
associated username and password.
(Optional) Encryption algorithm used to encode trap messages (DES, AES128, AES192, or AES256) and the associated

VNXe3100,VNXe3300,VNXe Series,VNXe3150

RCA Status:

Not Started





Legacy Solution ID:


Article Properties:

Validation Status: Approved

Original Create Date: Thu Mar 03 09:52:00 GMT 2011

Channels: Customer , Internal App

First Published: Fri Feb 05 19:11:28 GMT 2016

Originally Created By: Dinesh KR

Last Modified: Sat Feb 20 20:22:13 GMT 2016

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