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Carers Partnership Board

14 June 2016
Orchard Park Community Centre, Cambridge CB4 2EZ
HB Helen Balsdon
LB Lenja Bell
TC Tracey Cailtun-Weir
KC Kadie Chapman
SC Sally Cleghorn
HD Heather Davison
MF Marie Finch
EF Elaine Fleet
LG Laura Green
SH Sue Honour
GL Graham Lewis
SM Siobhan MacBean
PM Pauline Mansfield
LM Lee McManus
EM Elizabeth Mitchell
AM Angela Moore
LM Lisa Murphy
LOb Leisha OBrien
SdP Stuart de Prochnow
KR Kate Rees
BR Brian Reynolds

Chief Executive Officer, Pinpoint
Young Carer Needs Assessor
Carer Representative
Administration Officer, Cambridgeshire Alliance
Coordinator, Healthwatch
Patient Experience Lead, Hinchingbrooke
Service Development Manager Carers, CCC
Carers Support Team Manager, Carers Trust
Vice-Chair, Carer Representative
Development Officer, Cambridgeshire Alliance
Service Development Manager, Disabled
Childrens Service, CCC
Service Manager, Making Space
Service Development Manager, LDP
Governor, CPFT
Hinchingbrooke Hospital
Primary Adviser, Schools Intervention Service
Development Officer, Cambridgeshire Alliance
Carer Representative
Young Carers Service, Centre 33
Dementia Carers Support Service

1.0 Welcome and Apologies

Apologies: Richard Cross, Zo Nicholas, Christine Walker, Lynne OBrien, Sue
2.0 Minutes of previous meeting and Action Log
2.1 The meeting on 12 April was held at Papworth Everard Village Hall.
Apart from this amendment the Carers Partnership Board agreed the minutes as
a true record.

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2.2 Matters arising

The next meeting is for Young Carers.
Action: GL and SH to liaise with KR.
CTC is responsible for all carers not just those whove received services.
It is constantly trying to reach out to new and hidden carers.

EF to follow up on the list of the Young Carers Team.

SM the information on the Young Carers website gives details of how to
contact them.
The Board agreed to have a Financial Report in October in electronic form.
2.3 Action Log
10.1 Query on the slot for HD. SC confirmed that HD was not expected to
give a presentation at Julys meeting.
Wheelchair Services will attend the meeting in October. The Healthwatch
report on this is in final stages of production.
End of Life care. LG will give GL some contacts.
3.0 Feedback from Carer Representatives
3.1 SH said the Board needs some new carer representatives. She suggested that
alternative days and or times for the meetings might help other people to attend.
LG CTC could promote this in the newsletter.
GL by the end of July CAIL will have done its biannual assessment of
partnership board representatives. It needs to improve the diversity of boards and
the assessment will help to identify gaps.
CTC has run some projects on hard to reach groups. GL and SH on outreach.
KC different people will have different times they are free.
GL confirmed there will be another CPB on a Saturday morning next February.
LG CTC could facilitate for carers who are unable to attend.
SH there are some corresponding members
GL they see all the papers
EF suggested using a Doodle poll.
SdP carers representatives cant always find replacement carers whereas
organisations can usually find someone.
4.0 Feedback from other meetings
4.1 Adult Social Care Forum
Mike Hay Head of Practice and Safeguarding, Adult Social Care who chaired
the ASCF has now retired.

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The new Accessible Information Standard requires organisations to record

individual preferences for how people want to receive information.
Providers of domiciliary care. EF said they have also discussed this.

GL the CCC has heard the complaints. There will be a meeting on this which will
include the Contracts Team.
SM are the minutes for ASCF available?
EF could make SM a corresponding member
Action: Board agreed it would like the ASCF Minutes attached with all the other
papers sent out for CPB meetings.
4.2 Advocacy consultation
This has now ended. GL outlined how service users participated. He will inform the
Board as soon as the result is known.
Action: SM will send the date to GL.
5a Healthcare providers brief outline of policy
o Helen Balsdon said the Carers drop in centre is working well in the
concourse but they couldnt get funding to continue.
o There is no overarching policy carers policy.
o Understands the value of time-out places for times when people have
to make difficult decisions.
o Aims for better information.
o One Space is where people can get independent support and
guidance. Its difficult because of the number of out of county people
who attend Addenbrookes. They need to ensure staff have the right
o Increasing conversation with the Third Sector.
o Carers support comes from specialist nurses who are key over a long
period for carers.
o Tried to get feedback particularly with dementia carers.
o Bereaved relatives and the service they receive. There are some
issues about side rooms and privacy but generally feedback has been

o Supports carers of patients with dementia.
o Supports staff including medical teams about involving carers.
o Carer procedure is being updated using Johns Campaign and carers
feedback forms. A Carers Charter is in progress. Is looking at a carers
hub and has identified an area where other organisations could also
run sessions.

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o Actively working with CTC in the Treatment Centre. Have Carers

badges, looking at carer passports and key fob linked to the What If?
o Look at facilities, meal vouchers and overnight accommodation.
5b Healthcare Providers outline of policy
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Foundation Trust (CPFT)
Sent a message shortly before the meeting that they were unable to send a
The Triangle of Care has been rolled out.
There is staff training to identify carers
Is looking for carers to sit on the Board of Governors.
GL added that CPFT now also covers Older Peoples services and long-term

Cambridgeshire Commissioning Group

GL said Sue Last had hoped to attend. Due to some computer problems he
has been unable to send her email statement to the CPB but will do so as
soon as possible.
Action: GL to circulate SLs statement.
GL summarised as follows:
The CCG, in conjunction with its commissioning partners, is reviewing the
future strategic direction for carers services.
The vision is for a single Health and Wellbeing Network supported by using
the My Directory of Services (MIDOS) being developed by the new NHS 111/
Out of Hours service.
Many carers remain unrecognised. The National Carers Strategy identified
Primary Care as key for identifying and supporting carers.
Family Carers Prescription provides carers with a prescription for information
advice, guidance and support with a carers break if required.

SM how will CCG involve carers in the new strategy?

GL if the Board wishes he will set up a meeting.
EF it would have been helpful if a multi-agency strategy had been in place when she
was writing the Carers Strategy. She suggested the Board should offer help and
support and maintain the link with Elaine Young so that the CPFT doesnt need to
start from scratch.
LG asked on behalf of Helen Brown if the Board intends to discuss integrating the
Carers Strategy.
Action: The Board agreed that GL should contact CCG and offer the support of the
Carers Partnership Board.

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6.0 Discussion on what is happening based on lived experience of carers

LG clarified that Carers Trust Cambridgeshire has a permanent office at
Addenbrookes sited in One Place. They work closely with other partners. The team
meets Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists and End of Life care. There are
carer champions on each ward.
ZN and RC are currently in a meeting to discuss carers.
CTC welcomes working with Hinchingbrooke as well as Addenbrookes.
SdP spoke of his experience at Queen Elizabeth, Kings Lynn. Each hospital
seems to work independently and approaches to carers vary. Do Addenbrookes
and Hinchingbrooke have a way of recording where there is a carer?
AM have just added that to the paperwork.
HB - at Addenbrookes it would be picked up during the pre-op discussion.
KC it has to be a specific question because many people dont identify
themselves as carers.
TC - Are Young Carers identified? She would be happy to update Addenbrookes
staff on this new requirement.
KC would someone at A& E know about the key fob and the What If? Plan?
HB said she had not heard about this so there is more work to do.
LG met the Ambulance Coordinator and they have care literature on board.
SM is the link a hospital passport which should have carer details in it.
BR as a carer he wears a tag to say he is a carer.
LOb as a former carer are there questions around Power of Attorney? Her
experience was that she was completely ignored.
Hinchingbrooke is changing its questions around Power of Attorney.
HD asked about Hinchingbrookes experience of the What If? Plan.
Its helpful to let staff know that the Healthwatch network can help with out-ofarea questions.
Healthwatch has had recent feedback from carers that their experience at
Hinchingbrooke has been more positive.
MF The What If? Plan would be picked up by the front of house team. Probably
not many nurse know about it. She will feedback for future training.
LG CTC will be more at the front of house.
SM when children become adults then parents can be less involved.
LG CTCs recent event with CPFT ran focus groups. The constant theme that
emerged was that, on discharge, carers were not party to discussions. They will
feed that into the national strategy.
7.0 Next steps in supporting healthcare providers to better support carers
AM what could hospitals do to respond?

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GL CAIL has been tasked as a critical friend by CCC so how can CPB help?
HB a multi-agency strategy would be helpful.
GL more consistency towards carers across the NHS is needed.
KC an individual might attend different hospitals but as a carer needs the same
LG the Care Act made Carers Assessments mandatory. 400,000 fewer people
are being supported. The drive to integrated services (my words) is pushing
health and local authorities to do this.
SdP is there an NHS forum for these issues?
MF/ AM no but they have shared practice with Addenbrookes and
HB - it fits with current work.
EM made two points
The majority of carers are caring for people who are not in hospital. It should
be easier to implement.
Under CPFTs Triangle of Care for those with mental health issues, if theres
parity between service users, professionals and carers then it works.
AM Hinchingbrooke is striving for this.
SH as a carer it would be helpful if she gets information as well.
AM we ensure we ask a person if theyre happy to share information with
certain people.
EM within the Triangle of Care they use common sense confidentiality.
There is also a carer record which is confidential to the carer which can record
a list of concerns which doesnt appear on the patients notes.
Addenbrookes nurses use a similar system which can be used to support a
carer at GPs.
LB the hospital passport can be completed on Addenbrookes website. The
more who use it the better. It takes time to get it embedded.
LM it needs to be in place before anything goes wrong.
HD asked for clarification because passports have been around a long time.
AM Hinchingbrooke has passports for everyone but not sure about children.
8.0 CPFT Carers as part of the Trust Membership
Elizabeth Mitchell, Carer Governor spoke
Governors of CPFT are elected by members and are a voice for the public
There are 14,000 members. It is the closest thing to a statutory public
voice in the NHS
EM urged everyone to register as members
Governors appoint, and can sack, the Chair and the Executive Director
EM is a Carer Governor, it is time consuming but rewarding
KC what is the distribution on the Board?

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EM there are more older people. The carer representatives are at a

healthy level.
SdP suggested putting information about Trust membership in the Carers
Action: GL will send out the links
9.0 Adult Social Care Forum items for and items from

As discussed at 4.1

Any other business

10.1 Information and Advice Service

LM spoke on behalf of Linda Mynott.
He said the contract is currently held by Papworth Trust and is well thought of but not
widely used. The contract is changing. Cambridgeshire County Council will work with
Papworth Trust to signpost enquirers to Area Health Team or CAB. It has been
working with Papworth Trust to continue the service without CCC funding; working to
make the transition for children.
PM asked if the service had given benefits advice. It would be a shame if that
JS it has provided general advice but mandatory considerations or tribunal
cases have been signposted elsewhere. For someone with autism it is important
to complete the form correctly.
LM people with autism get better support from the National Autistic Society.
GL Disability Huntingdonshire and Disability Cambridgeshire have received
referrals from Papworth Trust for more complex cases.
HD theyve done a good job but are struggling financially.
KC under Transforming Lives Tier 1 thats where you need strong support to
prevent people moving down into Tier 2.
LM - under Transforming Lives CCC is more flexible and open and helps people
at any early stage. Signposting services are not the best use of funds.
KC - is there an advice element in the local team?
LM - they have placed learning disability advice in libraries.
Before the service goes there should be some work on mapping where people
can go.
HD - we need assurances that those giving advice are getting training
LM - were working with Papworth Trust on transition with details on where
people can go.
KC if after her sons review she cant find that information shell have to go back
to her sons social worker.

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JS agreed with HD that Disability Huntingdonshire and Disability Cambridgeshire

have more expertise.
KC - what about carers who arent here?
LO the helpline is for signposting
SM will meet Papworth Trust to make sure they keep publicising it.
GL does the Board want this taken to the ASCF?
Action: Board agreed GL should raise the Information and Advice contract at
Action: Board agreed that GL should raise the multi-agency strategy at ASCF
KC people with learning disabilities have a SCIP card. What happens to
those over 25? Would CTC take this up? JS added that there is an Autism
Alert Card. Free training for carers and PAs is no longer free. Theres a
waiting list and the process, though better, is long-winded.
10.3 KR said Juliet Snell will be leaving Centre 33 at the end of July.
10.4 CTC feedback
o Carers Week had more than 50 events
o CTC is resourced to respond to no more than 2 crises at a time
o Last year there were more than 100 activations of the What If? Plan
o Revitalise report showed that 55% of carers are getting less respite.
Carers are bearing the brunt.
10.5 GL - MB has stood down as Chair of this Board. Board members should send
nominations to GL.

Next meeting: 26 July 2016, 1.30pm 3.30pm, Papworth Everard Village Hall,
Ermine St, Papworth Everard, CB23 3RD
Refreshments will be available from 12.45pm.
Carers pre meeting will start at 1pm. Main meeting will begin at 1.30pm prompt

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