Unit4 Workbook

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Exam Survival Guide


Law Unit:

Unit 4 Criminal Law (Offences Against the Property) and

Concepts of Law

Name: .. FFT:

You will be given specific tasks at different times, not necessarily in the order
You will be expected to bring your revision booklet to every lesson and after
school sessions as you will be using it!
You must keep your booklet neat and tidy as this is your survival guide to
getting through the exams.
You must work independently to complete tasks set.

Revision Tasks

Complete the table of cases / theories for the offences /

concepts that you have studied

Practise exam questions work your way steadily

through the exam questions to develop your exam

Review your exam questions identifying where you have

used PEA or PEE and what were your strengths and areas
for improvements

Complete overviews of each offence / concept in the

templates provided.

Organise and deliver a revision workshop for your peers


Specification at a glance:
Section A

Theft and

Criminal Law (Offence against the Property)

Actus reus (appropriation, property, belonging to another).
Mens rea (dishonesty, intention permanently to deprive)
(s1 Theft Act 1968).
Theft with use or threat of use of force (s8 Theft Act 1968).


Elements of s9(1)(a) and s9(1)(b) Theft Act 1968, burglary in dwellings

and other buildings.


Unwarranted demand with menaces (s21 Theft Act 1968).


Fraud by false representation (s2 Fraud Act 2006) and obtaining

services dishonestly (s11 Fraud Act 2006).

Making off

Making off without payment (s3 Theft Act 1978).


Basic (s1(1), Criminal Damage Act 1971) and aggravated (s1(2),

Criminal Damage Act 1971) and by fire (arson s1(3), Criminal Damage
Act 1971).


Intoxication, duress, duress of circumstances, self-defence/

prevention of crime.

Section C

Concepts of Law

Law and

The distinction between law and morals; the diversity of moral views
in a pluralist society; the relationship between law and morals and its
importance. The legal enforcement of moral values.

Law and

The meaning of justice, theories of justice. The extent to which

substantive legal rules, legal institutions and processes achieve
justice or create barriers to justice.


The meaning and importance of fault in civil and/or criminal law.

Key Terms:

Section A:
Theft: The dishonest appropriation of property belonging to another with the intention of
permanently depriving the other of it.
Appropriation: Any assumption by a person of the rights of the owner
Property: Includes money and all other property, subject to the exceptions later in the
Theft Act 1968
Intention to permanently deprive: Occurs where a persons intention is to treat the thing
as his own to dispose of, regardless of the others rights
Dishonesty: This is set out in the Ghosh test and also the three situations which will not be
dishonest as set out in S.2 Theft Act 1968
Robbery: If someone steals, and immediately before or at the time of doing so, and in
order to do so, uses force on any person, or puts or seeks to put any person in fear of
being then and there subjected to force, they are guilty of robbery
Blackmail: An offence where there is a threat made so that a person does an act against
his will, or in order to obtain the persons money or property
Unwarranted demand: A demand for something that the defendant is not legally entitled
Menaces: These can be threats of violence, including threats of any action detrimental to
or unpleasant to the person addressed. It may also include a warning that, in certain
events, such action is intended.
Burglary: Entry as a trespasser with intention to commit one or more of the stated offences
or whilst trespassing, committing one of the stated offences
False Representation: A false or misleading statement of fact or law which may also be
done by conduct
Duress: This occurs where the defendant is forced to perform the criminal act by someone

Section C:
Legal Positivism: Laws are valid where they are made by the recognised legislative power
in the state; they do not have to satisfy any higher authority
Command Theory of Law: Law is a command from a sovereign reinforced by a sanction
Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart: A leading 20th century British legal philosopher and Professor
of Jurisprudence at Oxford University; he developed a sophisticated theory of legal
positivism, and wrote The Concept of Law

Natural Law: A higher authority to which man-made law must conform in order to be valid
Do good and avoid evil: Thomas Aquinas first and most important general rule of
conduct derived from natural law
Inner morality of law: Describes the eight principles adopted by Lon Fuller. Laws must
satisfy these eight principles, otherwise the legal system lacks validity.
Emile Durkheim (1858 1917): Regarded by many as the founding father of sociology,
Emile Durkheim explored a wide range of issues, including crime, law, suicide, education
and religion
Anomie: The term used by Durkheim to describe the breakdown in society that can occur
when traditional norms of behaviour disintegrate. This happens when collective
consciousness is significantly weakened
Wolfenden Report 1957: The report of a 14-member committee appointed to examine the
law on homosexuality and prostitution, and to make recommendations for law reform
Tyranny of the majority: A term used by Mill to describe the situation where the elected
majority in government, or the majority within society as a whole, force their views upon
others, thereby restricting their freedom.
Harm Principle: Mills belief that an individuals private conduct can be restricted only
where it brings harm to other people. Otherwise an individual is sovereign over his own
mind and body
Patrick Devlin: Lord Devlin a leading 20th century judge and Law Lord, and opponent of
the recommendations of the Wolfenden Report
Conventional Morality: Morality that is based upon a commonly agreed view of what is
Distributive Justice: Concerned with the fairest way of distributing societys benefits and
Corrective Justice: The principle that remedies ensure not only that the wrongdoer does
not benefit from his wrongdoing, but also that the victim doesnt suffer permanent loss
Proportionality and Equality: Two principles adopted by Aquinas for allocating societys
benefits and responsibilities (proportionality), and for the exchange of goods and services
Utilitarianism: The doctrine that all actions should be judged in terms of their utility in
promoting the greatest happiness for the greatest number
Social Justice: A key term used by John Rawls to describe a system where the burdens
and benefits of society would be distributed in an equitable manner

Inalienable Right: Rights which cannot be traded in or sold. For example, the American
Declaration of Independence declared that every man hath an unalienable right to
Libertarianism: The belief that all people are at liberty to do whatever they wish with their
lives or their property, provided they allow other people the same liberty
Legal Aid: Government money made available to support people to assert or defend
their rights in court; this is increasingly means-tested for civil cases
Criminal Case Review Commission: an independent public body established under the
Criminal appeal act 1995; there are 11 commissioners, who review possible miscarriages
of justice in the criminal courts of England, Wales and Northern Ireland; they refer
appropriate cases to either the Crown Court or the Court of Appeal
Natural Justice: This generally refers to the rules that those sitting in judgement must be
free from bias, and that each party to the dispute has the opportunity to state his case
Voluntary actus reus: Voluntariness requires that the defendant is in control of their actions
at the time of committing the actus reus of the offence. It has nothing to do with mens rea
Partial Defences: Where a defendant succeeds with a partial defence, he does not
escape liability altogether. For example, a successful plea of Loss of Control reduces
murder to manslaughter
Aggravating and mitigating factors: aggravating factors are likely to increase the severity
of the sentence; mitigating factors to reduce it
Exemplary damage: These are awarded to punish the defendant and to serve as a
Strict Liability: Liability is described as strict because the defendant may be convicted
without the presence of mens rea
Absolute Liability: Where liability is absolute, the defendant may be convicted even
though the actus reus of the offence was committed involuntarily
Vicarious Liability: The defendant is liable for the wrongdoing of another person for whom
he is responsible
Individual Responsibility: The belief that people are accountable for their actions and for
the harm they cause
Deterrence: The belief that imposing liability and punishment will make individuals and the
public at large more careful in their conduct

Top Hints!
1. Read all the questions
2. Understand the questions. Reading them and understanding them is not always
the same. Make sure that you carefully read the question and discover what is
being asked of you. Look for words like Explain, Describe, Discuss
3. Think, then write.
4. Write clearly and Logically. Don't waffle and try to fill space for the sake of it. Write
clear sentences in a well-structured answer. Follow a logical sequence of events,
but don't panic! Use your Cases, PEA and PEE
5. Talk the talk. The examiner will be looking for Legal terminology, phrases and
cases in your answers. There are marks available for using the right terminology,
phrases and cases. Using good legal terminology shows that you know what you
are talking about, that you understand what the specialist terms mean, and will
impress the examiners. In short, it will help you to get more marks.

Activity 1: In the table below add in the cases / theories that you think are important to
know/understand within Unit 4. Try to be realistic with the number of cases you include, for
each case/ theory you will need to know some brief details and how they relate to that
particular area of law or concept. (The number of boxes included does not necessarily
mean you need to fill in all of them!)
Case Name or


How it relates to area of law

/ concept being discussed

Activity 2: Practise answering the exam questions below

Revision Technique 1: Without using your notes answer the question in one colour below:
While Eddie was walking to a local football match, he decided to carry out violent
attacks on supporters during the game. After buying his ticket, Eddie entered the
stadium, a structure made of brick with a metal roof. As Dan, one of the rival supporters,
was running down some steps during the half-time interval, Eddie pushed him. Dan fell
heavily on one of the steps and was knocked unconscious. Eddie, pretending to help,
took Dans wallet from his coat, intending to keep it. However, when a stadium official
came to help Dan, Eddie put the wallet back. He then went to the stadium bar and put
a foreign coin from his pocket into a vending machine for a bar of chocolate, but the
machine rejected the coin.
Dans brother, Colin, ordered a meal in a restaurant. During the meal, he drank several
glasses of wine. When he was presented with the bill at the end of the meal, he suddenly
realised that he had left his money at home. While the waiter was not looking, Colin left
the restaurant without settling the bill. When he got to his car, which he had parked in a
nearby street, he found that it had been blocked in by a badly-parked van. As a result,
he was unable to drive away. To get his own back on the driver of the van, Colin
loosened the nuts on one of the vans wheels.
Question 1: Discuss Eddies possible criminal liability for property offences arising out of his
activities in connection with the football stadium.
(25 marks)


Having written your answer look over your notes and add in using a different colour the
areas that you missed out, the try to write out the answer again on the next page
including a)your first attempt and b)the areas you had to add in! Try NOT to look back at
the answer you have already written!

Revision Technique 2: Answer the question below using your notes, but time yourself to
answer the question in 45 minutes!
Question 2: (Using the same scenario) Discuss Colins possible criminal liability for property
offences arising out of his activities in connection with the restaurant and the van.
(25 Marks)


Now see if you can answer the question again, but this time without your notes and in 30

How did you do with question 1 and 2? Why do you think this was the case?

Using your preferred revision technique answer the following Concepts of Law Question:
Consider the view that there is a close relationship between law and morality. Examine
the debate as to whether the law should reflect moral values, and discuss issues which
show the continuing importance of that debate.
(30 marks + 5 for AO3)



Activity 3: Now that you have completed some past exam questions, you must now go
through them and identify where you have used PEA (Point, Evidence and Apply) for
Questions 1 and 2 and PEE (Point Evidence Evaluate) for Question 3. On your answers I will
expect to see a P where you have made a legal point, an E where you have used
evidence (this doesnt have to be a case!!) an A for application and finally an E for
Once you have identified these identify two strengths within your answers and one area
for improvement in the boxes below.
Question 1:
Self Feedback:




Question 1:
Teacher Feedback:





Question 2:
Self Feedback:




Question 2:
Teacher Feedback:





Question 3:
Self Feedback:




Question 3:
Teacher Feedback:





Activity 4: Complete overviews of the offences and concepts that you have studied in
Unit 4 in the templates below:
What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law say?

Cases I need to know:

What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law say?

Cases I need to know:

What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law say?

Cases I need to know:

What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law say?

Cases I need to know:

What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law say?

Cases I need to know:

What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law say?

Cases I need to know:

What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law say?

Cases I need to know:

What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law/Theory say?

Cases/Theories/Examples I need to know:

What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law/Theory say?

Cases/Theories/Examples I need to know:

What do I need to know? (What does the specification say?)

What does the Law/Theory say?

Cases/Theories/Examples I need to know:

Activity 4: Your final activity is to organise and deliver a revision session based on either an
offence or concept of law to other year 13 students. To do this you will need to firstly
speak with either Miss Bowles or Mr John and discuss what area you would like to deliver.
You must then plan and put together the session, this could include issuing students with
an exam question, going through how to answer the question and then reviewing the
mark scheme. It could simply be work shop showing how to remember cases. It is up to
You must detail you thoughts and plans below and then produce a detailed plan to Miss
Bowles or Mr John who will arrange a date and time for you to deliver your session! Try to
be imaginative!!! Good luck!!!

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