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Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage

Serial NO.111433SM

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd.


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


IPreface ..................................................................................................................... 3
IIBoiler Specification & Technical Parameter ............................................................. 4
IIIBrief Description of Boiler Structure ....................................................................... 5
1. General Description .............................................................................................. 5
2. Drum ..................................................................................................................... 6
3. Heat Surface ......................................................................................................... 6
4. Steel Structure & Platform and Stair ...................................................................... 6
5. Rapping Hammer System ..................................................................................... 7
6. CasingDuctFurnace Wall ............................................................................... 7
7. Spare & Wear Parts............................................................................................... 7
IVInstruction of Erection ............................................................................................ 7
1. General Provision .................................................................................................. 7
2. Equipment Storage................................................................................................ 8
3. Construction Preparation....................................................................................... 9
4. Erection ............................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Boiler Orientation ........................................................................................... 10
4.2 Installation Flow Chart ................................................................................... 11
4.3 Installation and Acceptance of Steel Structure and Platform & Stair .............. 12
4.4 Installation of the Heat Surface and Inner Casing ......................................... 15
4.5 Installation of Rapping Device ....................................................................... 17
4.6 Drum & Internal Equipment ........................................................................... 18
4.7 InletOutlet duct & Location for Gas Measuring ........................................... 19
4.8 Boiler Proper Piping & Valves ........................................................................ 20
4.9 Hydrotest ....................................................................................................... 20
4.10 Furnace Wall & Insulation ............................................................................ 21
4.11 Painting ........................................................................................................ 24
4.12 Dry-out, Boil-out and Commissioning, etc.................................................... 24
VUsage & Maintenance .......................................................................................... 27
1. Water Quality Requirements ............................................................................... 27

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


2. Normal Startup .................................................................................................... 28

3. Requirements for running and control ................................................................. 28
4. Measuring ........................................................................................................... 30
4.1 Stop of Boiler ................................................................................................. 30
4.2 Maintenance of Rapping Hammer System .................................................... 31
4.3 Schedule of Periodic Maintenance ................................................................ 31
4.4 Periodical Maintenance of Drum.................................................................... 33
4.5 Requirements for Maintenance Crew ............................................................ 33
4.6 Maintenance after Stop of Boiler .................................................................... 33
4.7 Routine Maintenance ..................................................................................... 35
VISummary Sheet of Heat Transfer Calculation ...................................................... 35
VIISummary Sheet of Gas Resistance Calculation ................................................. 36
VIIIThe Change Curve between Evaporation and the Temperature of Inlet Gas
.................................................................................................................................... 37









Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


Thank you very much for being a customer of Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd.
(hereafter, as HBG). We not only supply you high quality product; but also professional
service all the time from a team of experienced engineers.
The points of the usage and the maintenance provided by this instruction are
just the summarization of some partial experiences, which have a particular premise
before they are applied. Maybe they are practical for a unit, while they arent
practical for another. The users should have an understanding of this when using
this instruction. In general, users should work out relevant standards of usage and
the maintenance according to their own conditions.
This instruction just provides the operating instructions of Waste Heat Boilers
and the components belong to the boiler according to the agreement reached by
supplier and retailer. To help users have a better understanding of this instruction,
we also have some suggestions on components out of the scope of supply. However
users cant mistake that it is our obligation.
This instruction is the summarization of the points which should be abided by in
the running and the maintenance of the equipment, but it is not complete and it is
difficult to be complete.
This instruction can only be the first edition before the end of trial running. All
the experiences and knowledge gained during the time of trial running may be used
for the modification and supplement of this instruction. It can replace the first edition
after being organized and then will tend to reach perfection.
The manufacturer of the parts and components should provide the instruction of
the equipment and the applicable standards of work which users should follow
besides this instruction.
If the content of this instruction contravenes local laws and rules, please subject
to local laws and rules without exception.
This instruction is compiled according to the steps of trial running in order of
precedence, and that is equipment description, preparation for startup, startup,
normal running, malfunction and the operating instruction of the stop of the boiler, and

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


finally the project points of the relevant equipment maintenance which need to check.
The instruction, one of the technical documents offered by the HBG
accompanying by boiler equipment, emphasizes to introduce: Boiler technical
parameter & structure; Code for construction and usage in order to insure the
performance and safety of the whole boiler and each component. Relevant opinion
and advice of design and safe operation for construction organization. Please refer to
the technical documents and relevant drawings for details of each components
dimension, weight, and other information.
This product, (Model: QC206/300-11.3(6.8)-1.95(0.51)/285(196)), is the Waste
Heat Boiler for kiln rear preheater in the cement produce line (for short PH boiler). This
boiler is located between the kiln rear preheater and the high temperature fan.
With the development of the calcination technology of the cement clinker, the
energy conservation in cement industry has got a great improvement. For the high
temperature waste heat has been reused in the cements production, the energy
consumption of the cement clinker has been decreased to 3000~3300KJ/Kg now, in
contrast to 4600~6700KJ/Kg in the past. But there is still plenty of the middle & low
temperature heat wasted ,that is, the energy waste is still very serious. The heat of the
middle & low temperature waste gas, which is below 400, discharged from the
cement clinker cooling machine of the kiln head and preheater of the kiln rear
accounts for about 35% of the total consume in this system. So its necessary for the
cement supplier to recycle the waste heat through AQC & PH boiler,

it will decrease

the energy consume greatly, thus the competitive capacity of the enterprise will be
increased greatly.
HBG has begun to design the heat recovery boiler for cement kiln since 2002. The
first heat recovery boilers (including kiln head and rear) were put into use in 2003; and
several hundred other units are being in use up to now. The product described here is
the partly optimized design on the base of the former experience.

IIBoiler Specification & Technical Parameter

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd


Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage













Rated steam production

Rated steam pressure

Rated steam temperature

Feeding water temperature

Inlet flue gas volume

Inlet flue gas temperature


Designed outlet flue gas temperature


Dust content



Gas composition








IIIBrief Description of Boiler Structure

1. General Description
The product is located outdoor with double pressure system and single drum
natural circulation for both systems. Its designed with compact structure available for
a small place. The flue gas will flow across HP. superheater, HP. evaporator, HP.
economizer, and LP. superheater, LP. evaporator, LP. evaporator in turn, and it will be
in the same direction of the dust falling. Each heating surface has its own rapping
device, and the dust will flow out of the furnace bottom along with the flue gas.
The boiler is produced, inspected and accepted per IBR(Calculation Criterition
Indian Boiler Act 1923and Regulations 1950 up to Amendment 2011), the related
effective state regulations and the technical requirements in its drawings.
The max figure size of the boiler (namely: length x width x height) is
17000mmx10520mmx43340mm. (The size length and width refers to the outset
dimension of the platforms and stairs, and the height is the elevation of the highest

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


point of awning.)
2. Drum
The HP. Drum is 1860mm in diameter with 30mm thickness, and the material is
SA-516 Gr.70. Its located at the top of the steel structure. The LP. Drum is 1836mm
in diameter with 18mm thickness, and the material is SA-516 Gr.70. Its located in the
middle of the steel structure.
Double orifice acts as the Primary Separator of the drum internal equipment, while
the demister the Secondary one. In order to ensure the high steam quality and the
qualified drum water, the drum also has the chemical dosing pipe and surface
blowdown pipe. Rapid drain pipe is fixed in order to control the water lever
In order to keep the safe and convenient operation, there are pressure gauges,
safety valve tube sets on the top of the drum. In the front of the drum, there are a silex
water level gauge and a double-color water level gauge so as to make it easy to set up
the industrial monitoring camera; meanwhile, there is also a set of electrode water
level meter arranged for indicating and alarm in control room; Two water level
balancing containers are installed to record and control the water level.
3. Heat Surface
The flue gas will flow across from up to down, and one HP. superheaters and HP.
evaporators, four HP evaporators, one HP. economizer, and LP. superheater, three LP.
evaporators, and one LP. economizer. are located along the gas direction in turn. To
ensure the safety of the water-steam circulation, some special measures are taken to
the tube and piping of the heating surface.
The material of the tube is SA-210 Gr.A1, and the header is SA-106 Gr.B.
4. Steel Structure & Platform and Stair
Steel structure is designed for seismic intensity no greater than 7 degrees.
In order to keep operation and inspection conveniently, there are 14 floors of
platforms. Except the inspection platform at the top is made of compound chequered
plate, the others are all made of common chequered plate, In order to improve the
operation environment. All gratings for platforms, walkways and stair treads shall be

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


galvanized. Platforms would be capable of bearing 2000 N/m2 live load; the inspection
platform around the drum 4000 N/m2; while the stairs deflection would be no more
than 1/250 when it bears 3500 N/m2 live load.
5. Rapping Hammer System
Because there is a lot of dust in the flue gas, the rapping hammer system is
designed particularly for the SP boiler. There is two units of rapping hammer located at
each side of the block. Each unit is driven by one motor, and there are 40 units in total.
Rapping frequency is 1 times per minute, and the impact force is 1500N.
For motor, its available for 415Voltage, 50 Hz, and IP55.
Sprocket wheels could be interchanged so that the rapping frequency could be
changed to 2 times every minute when necessary. Inverter could also be adopted for
the motor to get a better control.
The rapping device is a very important component of this product . Each motor
has its own switch, i.e. each unit of rapping device could be controlled separately on
field. So when one unit is in repair, others will run without interference. For
weatherproof and noise protection, there is a shield casing with detachable slide door
arranged for the rapping hammer system.
6. CasingDuctFurnace Wall
The inner casing is located around the heating surface. It forms a gas chamber
along with the duct. The insulation is laid between the inner casing and the duct .
Outer casing, made of colorful steel plate mainly ,is laid all over the out surface of the
boiler, Its make sure that the boiler is in a good appearance, and harmony with the
surroundings while painted on site.
7. Spare & Wear Parts
To avoid operation failure because of some instruments accident, some spare and
wear parts such as rapping device, gaskets for drum manholes, gaskets for valves and
so on, are extra-supplied on purpose.

IVInstruction of Erection
1. General Provision

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


Boiler erection is a complex technical work finished by many different work types
together. Pay more attention to the erection quality, because whether the boiler
can run smoothly will depend on it. The construction must be carried out according to
the requirements in the installation drawings and technical documents Hangzhou
Boiler Group Co., Ltd. Provides. and it should also follow the national relevant
professional technical codes and standards below:
(1) IBR(Calculation CriteritionIndian Boiler Act 1923and Regulations 1950 up to
Amendment 2011).
(2) Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage(111433SM).
When some engineering change is necessary, the construction must be paused
and not restarted until the related imperative procedure is implemented. Afterward, the
data on the change should be kept carefully and completely. By the end of the boilers
construction, the following documents must be available:
(1) Certified and co-signed record on equipment defect;
(2) Data on design change (or modification);
(3) Certified and co-signed record on midterm acceptance of concealed work;
(4) Certified and co-signed technical record of construction.
2. Equipment Storage
On the site, all the equipment, insulating and refractory materials should be stored
and protected well; Depending on their categories, weight, dimension and their
wrapping methods, outdoor, indoor, and semi-outdoor could be adopted respectively.
The stacking field should be plane and clear. Ditch should be arranged there to keep
all the articles dry, and to avoid water accumulating. No piling up on the earth
2.1 Outdoor Storage
It is mainly applicable for boiler steel structure, drum, platform, superheaters,
evaporators, headers, down-comers, connecting tubes etc. As for the steel structure,
in order to avoid distortion, its columns and beams should be put on a steadier, which
are fabricated and straightened beforehand. The drum and headers should be put on
a pillow; their convex part should be away from ground; the caps and lids should be

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


preserved well and completely.

Coil pipes, loose packed pipes and ducting works should be supported well to
avoid distortion. The lids of tubes should be kept well to keep contaminant from
entering. As for the articles kept outdoor, they should be repair-painted where the paint
falls off.
2.2 Semi-outdoor Storage
Its mainly for inner & outer casing , steel-plate part in bulk, metal hardware for
insulation etc.
2.3 Indoor Storage
Its mainly for valves, flanges, fastening details, instruments, water level gauges,
sample cooler devices, motors, rapping device, electricity control tank for rapping
device, anchor bolts, insulation material etc.
3. Construction Preparation
Boiler installation drawings, relevant technical documents and safety measures
should be understood before the erection starts. Meanwhile, detailed erection plan
and quality inspection reports should be made according to the technical specification
& code, specific circumstance and requirements. Every procedure would be inspected
and recorded carefully. Each part, component should be accepted strictly in the
different phase, and the whole boiler would be accepted strictly as well.
The quantity and the size of each component would be checked according to the
drawings to make sure whether its correct before the erection. Look though all the
components and parts and record the detriment caused by transport and storage ,
then make a proper adjustment measure. If the deflection is very small, cold
adjustment could be used, but be sure that there is no pit and crackle etc. in the
surface after adjustment; If the deflection is a little large,while this part is firm enough,
hot adjustment could be used.
They could be assembled when the parts are certified after the flaws are removed.
Alternate, concurrent, current constructing method could be adopted as much as
possible while erecting. In order to insure the erection quality and make the
construction go smoothly, all the workers in this project should cooperate and a close

Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


construction plan should be made.

4. Erection
4.1 Boiler Orientation


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


4.2 Installation Flow Chart

Foundation below Elevation

0 finished, Mark up
foundation center
Count, inspect, test the parts arrived

Before starting, a complete

understanding on boiler layout is
necessary. For some beams,
backguys, its convenient to have
them installed after the heat
surface and inner casing finished

Bottom up

ECO installation

EVAP installation

Rapping hammer
system installation


Drum installation

Down-comer, Riser, etc


Heat surface installation

should be done along
with that of inner casing,
expansion joint etc.
Attention its sequence

Inlet/outlet Duct installation

Piping line, Valves &

Instruments installation


Piping line installation

Furnace Wall, Outer casing installation

Boil-out, safety valve set-point


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


4.3 Installation and Acceptance of Steel Structure and Platform & Stair
4.3.1 Lineation and Acceptance of Foundation
The owner and Erector witness and record carefully and completely the process
While the boiler begins to erect, the foundation will be re-checked according to the
inspection & acceptance records, and it should agree with the following codes:
(1) The longitudinal and transverse centerline should be vertical.
(2) Deflection between the centerlines of two columns: 2mm.
(3) Diagonal deflection of the foundation is no more than 5mm.
(4) Deflection of embedded holes for anchor bolts: 10mm.
After inspection and acceptance, the longitude centerline and drum centerline
would be inked on the operation base, and would be marked with the paint for the
check-up of the installation.
Measuring, recording the elevation difference of the steel structures embedded
parts, and take the highest point as the installation base. As for the low-embedded
parts, they will be block up with the backing strip, but pay attention that the backing
strips number should be no more than 3 pieces.
4.3.2 Every part should be checked before the installation, and it should be adjusted
if it doesnt follow the table below.
Allowable Tolerance of Steel Structure before Installation


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage



Allowable Tolerance


Length of Column(m)







Length of Beam(m)





Straight Line Degree of Column About 1/1000 of the length, and no

and Beam

larger than 10.

4.3.3 When installation, it should be in consistent with the table below.

Allowable Tolerance and Inspection Method of Steel Structure Installation:


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


Allowable Tolerance (mm)

Location of column


Inspection Method


1/1000 of the distance, and

no larger than 10.
deflection preferred)



Elevation 1m to the Base



column supporting

Point of Elevation





water level


between Columns




1/1000 of the highness,

and no larger than 10.




Difference of Columns


1.5/1000 of the length, and

Elevation 1m and

no larger than 15.








Measured at the
1/1000 of the length, and

Difference of Columns in

both ends of the

no larger than 10.

Vertical Plane


Elevation of the Beam

Supported Drum






Beam Supported Drum

Elevation of other Beams

1/1000 of the length, and

no larger than 3.

4.3.4 Platforms, stairs, brackets, handrails, stair railings, pedal etc. would be welded
fast and erected straight; The pitch between the stair railings would be uniform, and
welding joint would be smooth.


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


4.3.5 The oblique brace would be installed with no interference with other parts. In
order to avoid the distortion of the beam, the oblique brace at both sides should be
installed before the heat surface is assembled. Thereinto, air-cooling beams at the
superheater need grouting with insulation material on site.
4.4 Installation of the Heat Surface and Inner Casing
Tube panels are adopted in the heat surface and shipped in bulk. The panels will
be hoisted up to the air-cooling beams of each heat surface on-site, and then
assembly-installed. And because this boiler will be operated under high negative
pressure, its sealing is very important, so expansion joints between the heat surfaces
and the positions where the tubes penetrates the wall should be seal-welded. At the
same time, heat surface would be assembled along with the erection of the inner
4.4.1 Preparation for Heat Surface Erection
(1) Check the devices of heating surface before installation according to Supply List,
Package List and Drawings to see if theres any crack, contusion, staving, blister or
lamination and so on. The depth of these disfigurements should be no more than
10% of the tube thickness.
(2) Ball-passing test would be taken in the heat surfaces tube, and the diameter of the
ball is: 0.7Dn, here Dn is the inner diameter of the tube.(The Dn of HP system tube is
35mm, LP evaporator and SH 35mm,and LP economizer 31mm).
(3) Each tube panel would be rectified before the superheater, evaporators ,
economizer are erected.
4.4.2 Co-erection of Heat Surface and Inner Casing
Diagram of Heat Surface and Inner Casing Co-erection


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage







Heat surface would be erected from the bottom to the top, thats to say, LP.
economizer will be erected first, then LP. evaporator 3#, LP. evaporator 2#, LP.
evaporator 1#, HP. economizer and LP. superheater, HP. evaporator 5#, HP.
evaporator 4#, HP. evaporator 3#, HP. evaporator 2#, HP. evaporator 1#, and HP.
superfeater will be the last. For each heat surface, its sequence is generally as follow:
(1)Install Left Side Inner Casings , Baffle and Right Side Inner Casings in turn, then
weld the Expansion Joint

between the side casing up and down with the same

sequence as above.
(2)Install Back Inner Casing, then weld the casing with the lower casings expansion
(3)Look through the drawings of the front and back inner casing first, weld the loose
parked u-bar with the corresponding deflection plates and put them in the right
place, then weld the expansion joint which is connected with the u-bar above.


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


(4)Start to hoist tube panel, and weld the comb plates with the tube after one tube
panel is assembled.
(5)Install the front inner casing after the erection of the tube panels is finished.
Note: for Step 3, 4, 5, its just to emphasize the installation sequence. It doesnt
mean that all the steps must be done immediately one by one. Anyway, step 4 behind
step 3 is okay; but step 4 before step 3 is definitely forbidden. Its similar for step 4, 5.
4.4.3 Attentions for installation of heat surface and inner casing
(1) Make sure the welding seam is qualified enough so that the chamber is totally
sealed inside with inner casing.
(2) The tube panel would be assembled neatly. The pitch between each panel would be
uniform and its deflection from the drawings will be no more than 2mm.
4.4.4 Requirements of the tube welding
(1) The tube should be welded per IBR(Calculation CriteritionIndian Boiler Act 1923
and Regulations 1950 up to Amendment 2011).
(2) As for the slant degree of the welding tube end, it will be 0.5mm if the diameter
60mm ,others will be no more than 0.6mm.The unfitness of mating tubes
central-line will be 10% of the tube thickness and its no more than 0.8mm. The
deflection caused by the welding would be inspected at the distance 200mm from
the welding centerline, and it should be no more than 1mm.
(3) All the tube welding fittings would be welded before the hydrotest.
(4) The tube should be hydro-tested singly before assembly, which is potentially difficult
to be remedy post welding, once any defect happens. The hydrotest will be 2 times
of its working pressure.
4.4.5 Allowable Tolerance of Header Installation

Inspection Item

Allowable Tolerance(mm)

Header Elevation Difference

Header Line Degree

Difference of Header Centerline


4.5 Installation of Rapping Device

Rapping Device should be installed strictly according to the dimensions and the


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


forth item of technical requirements on the drawing (Draw. NO. 1433/82-0) especially,
the difference would be no more than 2mm, and the rapping rod equipments
(96982-1-0) should contact with the rods (Draw. NO. 1433/82-24-0, 1433/82-31-0)
sufficiently. The heads of rapping rods would be level and the rods would be at the
same level, while the hammers should be put in the proper places to insure the
accurate, smooth rapping.
Before leaving the factory, inject into oil cup of supporting bearing with lithium
base grease, ensure adequate lubrication of the bearing in test switch. On-site
installation, must first check the status of support bearing oil cup, clean up the aging
grease, and re-put fresh lithium grease, when running, add appropriate amount of
grease during each shift squeeze must be rotated and promptly added lithium grease
in the screw-cap-type oil cup.
Rapping motor should be put in the right place to ensure the proper tightness of
the chain, the awning for it will be fabricated with the colorful steel plate on site, but
make sure its tidy and in good appearance .
After running under hot state for 72 hours, each rapping device should be checked,
and the hammers should be adjusted where the hammers deviate from the rapping
4.6 Drum & Internal Equipment
Drum will be supported with saddles which are fixed on the steel structure. When
erected, the drum would be adjusted to make it level and in the right elevation, and at
the same time, the bolt would be screwed according to the drawing detail.
Arc striking and welding random at drum skin is prohibited during
4.6.1 Drums Inspection & Rectification
The number, specification and location of tube stubs should be inspected to make
sure they are right. Meanwhile, confirm if there is any damage to them. If any, it should
be repaired on the ground. The drums internal and external skins should be checked
carefully to confirm if there is any nick, contusion or other defect. As for the defect
whose depth is less than 2 mm, it could be milled to the extent of smooth transition; for


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


greater than 2 mm, it must be repair-welded, then milled smooth. Its longitudinal and
transverse central lines should be checked and settled according to the practical
positions of the tube stubs. (Theyre marked up on the drum skin before shipped.
Confirmation is necessary.)
4.6.2 Drums Hoist
When its ready to be hoisted, the drum should be laid at the location right below
the lifting direction to relieve the possibility of its swing, which could cause collision or
damage. When the drum is lifted beyond the ground, it should be held on for a while;
then its transverse horizontality be adjusted; at last it could be lifted slowly to its own
installation position and laid down.
When its put on its installation position, the drum should be aligned strictly and
accurately. Make sure it conforms to the requirements in Table below:

Inspection Items



Longitudinal/ Transverse


Distance to Column

Measuring the distance

Axial position

between ends tube stub and

columns centerline

4.6.3 Internal Inspection and Cleaning

The drum should be internally inspected and cleaned carefully after all the tubes
connecting with drum are installed, before the whole hydrotest is conducted. After its
confirmed acceptable, the manhole doors should be closed firmly. After installation of
drum is accomplished, level of 0 (i.e. normal level), highest, and L. for water gauge
should be marked up according to drum central line: level 0 is the drum central line.
4.7 InletOutlet duct & Location for Gas Measuring
The duct should be installed according to the drawings; and it should be sealed


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


firm. At the same time, attention should be paid to avoid damage on headers and
tubes while its welded. Air tight test should be taken after installation.
The gas measuring would be located according to the measuring drawing, refer to
the drawing(111433-8) for the actual location. Installation company will cut the outer
casing and erect it on site. The inspection sleeves, whose interface dimension is M33
2, will be supplied by HBG. See 1433/89GM, and it can also be fabricated on site.
4.8 Boiler Proper Piping & Valves
4.8.1 The valve should be sealing-tested by the clean water one by one.
4.8.2 The bleed-off line on safety valve should be fixed on site.
4.8.3 After calibrated as qualified, the pressure gauges should be marked up with
certificate and lead-seal.
4.8.4 The blowdown and drain piping line should be expedite. The slant degree to the
flow direction will no less than 0.2%, moreover, as less as possible elbow is
4.8.5 The elevation difference of water level gauge will be no more than 2mm(keep
the normal level as the base). HHH,HH, Normal, LL ,LLLshould be marked on the
glass tube.
4.8.6 Other valves and instruments should be installed according to relative
instruction and requirements strictly.
4.9 Hydrotest
Hydrotest should be done per IBR(Calculation CriteritionIndian Boiler Act 1923
and Regulations 1950 up to Amendment 2011) after the steam, water system and the
fittings are erected.
4.9.1 Preparations:
(1) Clean up the remnant of the drums and headers; Inspect if the tubes are blocked,
and if the bolts on the manholes, handholes, flanges are wrenched firmly.
(2) Assemble the pressure gauge qualified;
(3) Install the drain piping and vent valve;
(4) Check if all the instruments are isolated, and they will not be damaged for
over-pressure in this state .


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


(5) Check hydrotest procedure in the safety valves instruction. Some protection
measurement should be taken according to the requirements of the instruction
when the whole boiler is being hydrotested.
4.9.2 Water Quality & Temperature Requirements of Hydrotest
The testing water would be in high quality, and the chemical added would be
mixed completely.
4.9.3 Hydrotest Pressure
The maximum allowable working pressure of HP. drum is 2.3MPa(333.5Psi), and
the maximum allowable working pressure of LP. drum is 0.7MPa(101.5Psi). The
hydrotest pressure of the whole HP. boiler system will be 3.45MPa(500.3Psi), and the
hydrotest pressure of the whole LP. boiler system will be 1.05MPa(152.3Psi).
4.9.4 Hydrotest Process
(1) The water would be injected as quickly as possible to vent the air off the boiler
(2) All the vent valves should be open to give the air off completely when the boiler is
(3) The dew on the metal surface should be cleaned up when the boiler is filled with
water. When the pressure is raised to 10% of the working pressure, the boiler
should be checked to remove the abnormal phenomena; the bolts on the manholes,
handholes, flanges may be wrenched firmly if necessary.
(4) When the hydrotest pressure is raised to the working pressure, the complete
inspection should be done. The hydrotest pressure could keep rising slowly and the
boiler could have an over-pressure test now if the working pressure doesnt drop.
(5) The water should be let out completely after the hydrotest. If it will be a long time to
start the boiler after the hydrotest, rust-resistant measures of the steam-water
system would be taken.
4.9.5 Others will be processed per IBR(Calculation CriteritionIndian Boiler Act
1923and Regulations 1950 up to Amendment 2011).
4.10 Furnace Wall & Insulation
For this product, its furnace wall is constructed with the inner casing, outer casing


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


filled with insulation. It should be constructed according to the corresponding

requirements on the insulation thickness and specifications and codes quoted in this
instruction. For any change on furnace wall structure or material, HBGs permission
must be acquired first. Otherwise, any complaint or claim will be unacceptable to HBG.
As for the construction procedure, the erector can make it according to its own
practice and working conditions.
4.10.1 Material
For the characteristic for the heat recovery of the low temperature gas, insulation
material would be not only heat-resistant, light, but also has low heat conductivity
capacity. For insulation material at sealing device, it will be not only suitable for sealing
and insulating, but also flexible for expansion.
The Character of the refractory and thermal insulation materials see the drawing
of furnace wall and metalwork.
4.10.2 Construction
Furnace wall would be constructed after the boiler proper is installed and
hydrotested as qualified except that the insulation for air-cooling beams are
constructed beforehand.
1)Some relative technical documents and drawings would be referred to for details
before the construction. Pay more attention to the construction order between the
furnace wall and its hardware. As for the insulation requirements and material
specification, 111433SM3 Instruction of Boiler Furnace Walls Construction and Piping
Lines Insulation would be referred to .
2)Recheck if those components relevant to the furnace wall, such as boiler proper,
steel structure, casing and so on, are installed properly and ready for construction. For
doors, brackets and other device to be installed along with construction of wall, it
should be done by related technician or worker.
3)Make the construction process and procedure, including the selection of the
furnace wall materials species, budget for the auxiliary material; Compile rules and
regulations for Safety, Health and Environment, and Routine Schedule as well.


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


4)A complete inspection of all the furnace wall material should be done before the
5)At the material warehouse, reserve a spacious room for good working
6)The mechanical equipment for constructing furnace wall and insulation should
be mounted, checked and trial-operated for at least one time beforehand.
7)Check the water and power equipment, clean the yard, install the scaffold and
the necessary auxiliary device.
8)Keep the devices, equipment on the boiler from damage when the furnace wall
is constructed.
9)Compile terms and methods for quality assurance and acceptance of concealed
Furnace Walls Thickness
The thickness and dimensions of the furnace wall can't be altered optionally. If
there is some tolerance at some structures assembly with the wall, it may be adjusted
suitably. Once the changes on dimension are relatively great, HBGs confirmation and
permission must be acquired first. Meanwhile, it must be recorded in details as long as
such changes happen.
Alteration in Material
While alteration is inevitable, HBGs permission must be acquired first.
Construction of Pre-formed Casing
While constructing pre-formed casing, firstly, the supporting anchors should be
welded well in staggered layout as design. When it comes to the wall of no less than
two layers, the seam between layers and floors should be away from each other. That
is, a successive seam at two layers or floors should be avoided. The holes on the
insulation material where the anchors penetrate through will be drilled with proper
tools. Random drilling or embedding is definitely forbidden. The iron web outside the
insulation must be tensed and clamped well. For two adjacent webs, some
overlapping margin should be reserved. The anchors will be clamped with pat behind
the iron web. As for the position where the construction is very complex, it could be


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Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


stuffed with aluminum silicate fiber pasted with mastic. As for seams between plates,
mastic is adopted for connection as well.
4.11 Painting
The steel structure will be painted according to Painting Guide.
4.12 Dry-out, Boil-out and Commissioning, etc
After the boiler passes the hydrotest as qualified, furnace wall, out casing,
steam/water connection tubes, piping insulating and dry-out could be carried out step
by step. When it comes to this boiler, dry-out could be omitted and boil-out conducted
immediately after the construction and insulation is accomplished; because the most
part of wall is just insulation outside the chamber only with a little of castable material
at air-cooling beams. For boil-out, it could be with two kinds of chemical: acid or
alkaline. Either could be selected based on boilers fouling condition and practical
4.12.1 Attentions
Its strongly recommended that clean gas source, instead of flue gas from kiln, is
used for boil-out so as to avoid dust sticking to tube surface; because there is much
moisture and dust content in the kilns flue gas at pre-heater. Otherwise, the feedwater
temperature should be increased as much as possible to avoid flue gas dewing on
tube surface.
4.12.2 It is recommended that alkaline boil-out method should be adopted for this
boiler, and the chemical dose may be as the following table:
Chemical Dose Adding for Boil-out

Sodium Hydroxide(NaOH)
Tri-sodium Phosphate

Dose (kg/m3 water volume)

Thin Rust

Thick Rust





Note: The purity of chemical is calculated as 100%.

Sodium carbonate could be used as the substitute if there is no tri-sodium


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage

phosphate, but the dose


would be as 1.5 times as that of tri-sodium

Sodium carbonate may be used singly in boil-out, and the dose is
4.12.3 Water Volume:

Part Name
HP System

Hydrotest (Full water)






Water Volume
LP System
Water Volume
While the boiler is boiled-out with alkaline, the chemical solution should be
absolutely forbidden into the superheater.
No matter its boiled-out with alkaline or acid, the job must be carried out
under the professional guide of the Chemist or done by the professional team
on person.
4.12.4 Before boil-out, the chemical solution with the purity of 20% should be
confected. When dosing, the water will be at the low level, and the chemical solution
should be absolutely forbidden into the superheater. After the chemicals dosed, the
pressure could be increased. It should last 2~3 days with a blow-off flow-rate of
10~15% of nominal steam production, meanwhile, the dirty water should be blown
down from the lower positions as clean water pumped in until the internal water
quality meets the related criteria. Then it could be stopped; or the pressure could be
increased so to carry out steam blowing, steam tightness test, and set-point the
safety valves. If its boiled out at a low steam pressure, the time should be prolonged
4.12.5 The water in the drum and lower headers should be sampled periodically
during boil-out. When the alkalinity is below 45mmol/L, chemical should be redosed.
At the end of the boil-out, the steam pressure would be kept as 75 percent of the


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Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


working pressure.
4.12.6 After its boiled-out, the deposit in the drum and headers should be cleaned.
Meanwhile, the valves that contacted with chemical solution and the boiler inside
should be flushed. The blowdown valves should be inspected to confirm if there is
any blockage. There should be no oil dirty in the internal surface of the drum and
headers, and no rust spot would exist at the metal surface after the fittings are wiped
4.12.7 The feed-water piping lines for the boiler unit should be flushed and blown to
eliminate the contaminant and rust inside before the boiler starts to be fed water and
to produce steam. Its better to use softened water. The water usage for flushing
should be greater than that of feed-water while running normally. Only when the
outlet water quality confirms to the related requirements could its flushing be certified
as qualified.
Afterward, the first commissioning and steam tightness test could be done:
Increase the pressure to 0.3~0.4 MPa, while heat up; Fasten the bolts of flanges,
manholes, handholes and other connection positions among the boiler unit under the
hot condition; Continue to increase the pressure to boilers nominal working pressure;
Re-check the pressure sealing interface, the expansion and force condition of piping
lines, supporters, hangers, suspending frameworks, etc carefully.
4.12.8 Set-point of Safety Valves
Calibrate the pressure gauges on the drum, confirm its accurate; Adjust and
set-point the safety valve on the drum and the superheater, See the following table for
requirement on set-point; Inspect if there is any leakage or impact phenomena.
HP. Drum: No.1: 2.2MPa(319Psi); No.2: 2.25MPa(326Psi)
Safety valve on the drum
LP. Drum: No.1: 0.65MPa(94.3Psi); No.2: 0.67MPa(97.2Psi)
Safety valve on the

HP Superheater: 2.05MPa(297Psi)


LP Superheater: 0.6MPa(87Psi)

After the safety valve is set-pointed and inspected as qualified, it should be

The start-up & reseating pressure should be recorded and archived after the


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Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


safety valve has been set-pointed and inspected.

4.12.9 The superheater should be flushed with the proper flow rate steam under the
75 percent of the normal working pressure after the boil-out, and it should last no
shorter than 15 minutes.
After all the above-mentioned jobs are completed as qualified, the boiler could run
with full load for 72 hours without stop. Meanwhile, inspection should be conducted
from time to time during its commissioning. The boiler could be confirmed as qualified
with all the equipment runs normally. By now, the boilers construction is FINISHED

VUsage & Maintenance

This boiler is not an independent steam generator, but a corollary equipment of
cement kiln process. So, an operation and maintenance regulation should be
programmed based on the design condition, related boiler codes and standards with
consideration of the characteristics of cement kiln and the requirements of this boilers
This section is organized per the sequence of boilers running, that is, normal
startup, running and stop. And the inspection and maintenance schedule is given for
In the course of running, its the most important that: the operator should be
trained strictly and completely per relevant program to make sure that the knowledge
on boilers safety and the structure, performance, characteristics of each component
be understood comprehensively. He must have enough practical operating skills and
ability. Only when he is identified as a qualified boiler technician could the operator
take part in the routine jobs. Meanwhile, the feed-waters quality must meet the
specific requirements.
1. Water Quality Requirements
Dissolved Oxygen:


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Oil Content:

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage



2. Normal Startup
2.1 The precondition for startup:
(1) Erection is finished with the boiler wholly-hydrotested as qualified.
(2) Chemical cleaning is finished.
(3) Safety valves work well.
(4) Feed water equipment is ready.
(5) Auxiliary equipment is ready.
(6) Power supply is ensured.
2.2 Preparation for Startup
(1) Check and eliminate the rust in the duct, and shut off all the manholes, duct
interfaces, inspection doors firmly.
(2) Inspect if the whole boiler is ok, confirm the display of DCS with field indication,
and the hand-operated valves should be checked manually.
(3) Inspect if all the rapping devices go right.
2.3 After all the preparations are finished, water from AQC feedwater station could be
pumped into this SP boiler. While the feed water temperature is above100 , its
feeding velocity should not be too high in order to alleviate the heat impact on drum,
about 5 t/h is recommended. Make sure the drum water attain to the normal level.
2.4 When the flue gas is being introduced, the boiler could be started up. Regulate
the opening of the gas damper to regulate the boiler load and make each inspection
point attain to the required value as design.
3. Requirements for running and control
3.1 The owner should work out the operation specification fit for this system per IBR
(Calculation Criterition Indian Boiler Act 1923 and Regulations 1950 up to
Amendment 2011) and related specifications, instruction of PH & AQC boiler etc. (AQC
boiler should be considered together with this boiler.)
3.2 Open the regulating damper for flue gas slowly when the boiler is started up.
3.3 In order to avoid the dust sticking to the tube surface, the boiler feedwater should
be kept at a high temperature when the PH boiler is started up, thats to say, AQC


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Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


boiler should be started up first.

3.4 The main point for boiler startup and running is to keep a proper drum water level.
On running with a high level, steam is liable to take much moisture. That means
chemical in the moisture may deposit inside superheater tubes to influence heat
transfer efficiency.
3.5 Rapping hammer system will be put into use when the flue gas is introduced.
3.6 Make sure that the working pressure doesnt exceed the maximum allowable
working pressure.
3.7 To protect boiler circulation parts from corrosion and deposition, the feedwater and
drum water must be treated appropriately.
3.8 Continuous blowdown is the main method to eliminate the impurity inside the
water-steam circulation loop. However, excessive blowdown means more heat loss
and more chemical consumption. Therefore, the blowdown ratio could be kept at a
relative steady level as long as the steam and drum water quality meet requirements. It
should be increased appropriately while the feedwater quality decreases, that is, more
impurity must be removed from drum water.
More attention should be paid that only when the non-dissolvable impurity should
be eliminated periodically could the drain valve set on the inlet headers be opened.
The duration and frequency will depend on the analyse result about the special
non-dissolvable impurity (such as ferric oxide and so on). Too much drainage from the
boiler will bring the bad effect to the water chemistry control, water level and other
operation parameters.
3.9 Patrol Inspection & Specification for the Operator.
Its recommended that at least once patrol should be conducted for each
shift to ascertain the situation of the unit. The following items should be done, but
not limit to:
Check if all the close-valves are shut off firmly, and leakage should be
avoided when the valves are shut off.
Find out where the water and steam leaks and repair it at once
Check if the blow-off valves leak, for they are used more frequently than


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Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


Compare the value of the remote pressure gauges and thermal meters
recorded in the control room with that of field indication periodically, and keep
a record and adjust them while deviating
The water level gauge should be blown down twice each shift to avoid fouling
and unclear display of the water level in the glass tube.
Whether the rapping device is normal or not.
3.10 The inlet flue gas volume of the boiler dont exceed 220,000Nm3/h. The
temperature of the inlet flue gas dont exceed 360.
3.11 When the boiler is working (include stopping), monitor the ash deposition of the
ash bucket. The height of the ash dont exceed 1600mm.
4. Measuring
4.1 Stop of Boiler
The fluctuation of cement producing will result in the change of steam production,
even the interruption of steam output. However, as long as the boiler proper works
well, and its likely that the boiler could be ready for running at any moment once the
cement producing system could startup shortly.
As for this kind of temporary interruption, the main steam valve should be shut off
at first to keep the superheaters being still cooled with steam, meanwhile, the steam
pressure should be controlled carefully, and the continuous water feeding should be
sustained to ensure the economizers could be cooled completely.
As for the necessary stop of boiler, the hot flue gas should be shut off. Because of
duct liners high temperature and its thermal inertia, to cool down the boiler is a long
process. So the cooling-down of duct is also a step of the stop of boiler. Just as above
mentioned, during the relief process of remainder steam, the superheaters must be
cooled well, and the feedwater of economizers should be kept; meanwhile, the boilers
temperature should be under control until the flue gas inlet temperature decreases to
100 .
Attentions for Stop of Boiler
Have a thorough inspection before the stop of boiler.


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Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


Switch off the regulating damper of inlet flue gas, and open the bypass.
When AQC boiler is stopped, PH boiler should be stopped; otherwise, PH
boilers feedwater should be preheated.
4.2 Maintenance of Rapping Hammer System
Rapping hammer system is very important to the boiler and should be inspected
periodically to ensure its reliability.
To ensure the good rapping effect and a long lifetime of the device, the lubricant
should be added timely if it is found lacked in the rapping shaft bearings.
The graphite sleeve should also be changed timely.
4.3 Schedule of Periodic Maintenance
S means Visual InspectionIncluding the boiler or its accessories.
F means Function TestTest the devices function characteristic(e.g.: restrainer,
regulating control valve, safety valves etc.)


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd


Safety Valve
Water Level Gauge
(on field)
Water Level Gauge
Pressure Gauge
(on field)
(on field)
Bleeding or

Rapping Device

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage







Compare with the

gauge on field


Inspection Type



and Depression

Draining Start

Normal Working
State; Bearings
Hammers & Rods


Feedwater System



Flange Connection




Boiler Inspection
(Cooperating with
Gov. Supervision


Vessel Inspection
(Cooperating with
Gov. Supervision


Fasten the bolt
where it leaks.
and Flue Gas
Inspection, UT
for Tube Wall
Hydraulic Test


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


4.4 Periodical Maintenance of Drum

The drum can only be opened as follow:
Make sure water in drum is released thoroughly, and the drum is not under proper
pressure before the manhole cover is removed. Draining pipes and vent valves must be
open. Loosen two bolts on the manhole cover, take off the clamp, then the manhole
cover could be opened wholly.
Reasons for measures:
Though all measures have been taken, if the vent valve is not opened sufficiently,
the drum may be still under vacuum, and this would hurt the operator who is working
before the manhole.
Check following items in drum:
If the internal equipments fastened well.
If theres any rust and corrosion in inner wall or internal equipments.
If theres any contaminants.
If any crack on the welding seam.
If any, repair the disfigurements and remove the rust and contaminants.
4.5 Requirements for Maintenance Crew
Maintenance crew must care for and be in good command of repairing and
inspecting for every component.
Only skilled technical workers could be appointed to maintain. For example:
Electrical equipments technician
Machine ship-fitter
Professional of steel structure
Welder with qualified certificate
Only the skilled healthy professionals could maintain the boiler, they should read and
understand the relative instruction.
Only the professional could take charge of periodic maintenance and repair of such
safety devices as controller, limiter and so on.
It is similar for all the other accessional


4.6 Maintenance after Stop of Boiler


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Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


Precautions must be taken for the boiler to avoid inner/outer corrosion on stop.
Normally, as for the emergency stop of the boiler , wetting maintenance will be adopted;
while, as for the long stop of boiler, dry maintenance or moisture remover will be
4.6.1 Wetting Maintenance
Wetting maintenance could be adopted if there is plenty of the chemical treated
water. It prevents the corrosion by raising the PH value of the water and deaerating the
medium. For medium to be used, it must be treated appropriately and protected with a
positive pressure from air intaking.
4.6.2 Drying Maintenance
No matter whether its possible that it freezes or not, drying maintenance should be
adopted while the boiler is stopped for a long time (over two weeks), or no appropriately
treated water is available. For drying maintenance, the boiler is drained totally and
exhaustively to prevent corrosion.
Nitrogen Protection
Its a very effective method to blast nitrogen to isolate oxygen away from tube inner
surface.. When the pressure is decreased to 0.07Mpa and the boiler begins to drain,
nitrogen will be blown from the drum or the upside connection pipes to replace the
water .When the nitrogen goes out from the drain piping, the drain valves should be
shut off at once, Maintain the pressure of the nitrogen at 0.0354Mpa to prevent the
open air from entering.
Allover blowing with dry air
Allover blowing with dry air (whose relative humidity is lower than 30 %.) is an
economical method of maintenance. Moisture inside the tubes and piping lines etc will
be taken away as dry air flows throughout. With switching vent, drain, blowdown valves
here and there, make dry air could arrive everywhere inside. Shut off all the valves to
prevent the air from entering when the humidity inside attains to related requirements (it
takes about one day). Check the valves periodically.
Drying Agent
Its also a good method to remove the moisture with the drying agent. Silica gel, one


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


of the drying agents, can absorb moisture as much as about 25 % of its own weight.
The dose of silica gel depends on the field temperature and humidity. Otherwise,
calcium oxide could be used as the drying agent too. Put it in a flat anti-corrosive tray,
then lay them into the drum, make sure it doesnt block any holes on the drum. In
addition, the drying agent shouldnt be scattered, otherwise, it will result in the
4.6.3 The general maintenance procedure, details and some important remarks for stop
of the boiler:
If freezing may happen, drying maintenance is recommended for use.
The solution used for wetting maintenance should be tested every week, and the
chemical dosing be adjusted if necessary.
The maintenance chemical may be dosed into the boiler water at the several
hours before the boiler is stopped when the wetting maintenance is adopted.
The air should be prevent from entering when the relative humidity is inspected.
Only when necessary could the manholes be opened.
4.7 Routine Maintenance
4.7.1 For this boiler, its better to have a major maintenance every 5 years, and a minor
one every year, at the same time, at least once exterior inspection every year. For its
rapping system, routine maintenance is indispensable.
4.7.2 For each major maintenance, a interior inspection should be done. When it comes
to a newly-built boiler, the first interior inspection should be done after one-year run.
4.7.3 When the boiler has been stopped for more than one year, and the pressure parts
are repaired or reconstucted greatly, the interior & exterior of the boiler should be
inspected, The hydrotest should be done at the same time.

VISummary Sheet of Heat Transfer Calculation


Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd

Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


1.Working State 1:


Symbol Unit

Tube Specification
The Temperature of

















































Inlet Flue Gas


The Temperature of
Outlet Flue gas

The Temperature of
Inlet Water/Steam

The Temperature of
Outlet Water/Steam

The Velocity of
Inlet Water/Steam

The Velocity of
Outlet Water/Steam

Heat transfer

kJ/Nm3 11.17





Calculated Steam
Utilization of waste


11.3 (6.8)



VIISummary Sheet of Gas Resistance Calculation





Total pressure drop at boiler proper



Stack Draft



Flue gas outlet flow-rate



Flue gas outlet temperature



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Instruction of Boiler Design, Erection, Usage


VIIIThe Change Curve between Evaporation and the Temperature of

Inlet Gas

The change curve between HP. Evaporation and the temperature of inlet gas

The change curve between LP. Evaporation and the temperature of inlet gas


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