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Living Rules

March 2015


Table of Contents

Introduction............................................................. 2
Terrain [8.0 Standard/Advanced]............................ 3
Units [2.0 Standard/Advanced]............................... 3
Weather [4.0 Standard/Advanced].......................... 4
Naval [7.0 Standard/17.0 Advanced]...................... 4
Movement & Stacking
[8.0 Standard/25.0 Advanced]............................ 6
7.0 Combat [9.0 Standard/Advanced]........................... 7
8.0 Reinforcements [10.0 Standard/Advanced]............ 7
9.0 Subordination [18.1 Advanced].............................. 9
10.0 Supply & Isolation [19.0 Advanced]....................... 9
11.0 Targeting [20.0 Standard/Advanced]...................... 9
12.0 Detection [21.0 Advanced]..................................... 10
13.0 Airpower [6.0 Advanced/22.0 Advanced]............... 10

GMT Games, LLC P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308

14.0 Hardened Targets [23.0 Advanced]......................... 11

15.0 Theater Warfare Assets
[26.0 Cruise Missiles Advanced]........................ 11
16.0 UN Resolution Veto [28.0 Advanced]..................... 12
17.0 Optional Rules......................................................... 12
18.0 Scenarios................................................................. 14

18.1 Scenario Setups............................................... 14

18.2 Standard Scenarios.......................................... 15

18.3 Advanced Scenarios........................................ 18
19.0 Advanced Game Air Unit Order of Battle.............. 24
20.0 Integrating Next War: Korea................................... 24
21.0 Extended Examples of Play.................................... 25
Credits ............................................................................ 30
Gazetteer.......................................................................... 31

This is the Living Rules document for the game. It includes

errata and clarifications to the original rules. To aid readability,
errata is indicated in blue text.

Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules


China has indisputable sovereignty over the islands in
the South China Sea and the adjacent waters, and enjoys
sovereign rights and jurisdiction over the relevant waters
as well as the seabed and subsoil thereof.
Letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon from
Chinese Mission to the United Nations, May 2009

U.S. Marine Corps (USMC)

U.S. Air Force (USAF)

1.0 Introduction
These rules extend both the Standard and Advanced series rules
and add extra nuances for the situation in Taiwan. They also outline combining Next War: Taiwan (NWT) with Next War: Korea
(NWK). Unless otherwise specified, Game Specific Rules take
precedence over any of those rules which they may contradict.
Most rules are marked [Standard] or [Advanced] when applicable. Any rule marked [NWK] should also be retrofitted
to Next War: Korea.

U.S. Navy (USN)

U.S. Army (U.S.A)

Commonwealth (CW)

1.1 Components
Next War: Taiwan contains the following:
One 22" x 34" game map
Three counter sheets
One (this) Standard & Advanced Rules manual
One Game Specific Rules (GSR) manual
Nine player aid cards:
1) Combat Results Table & AirSea Battle Scenario Card
2) Air Superiority Display
3) Game Information Display & International Posture Results
4) Terrain Effects Chart & Master Allied Reinforcement Chart
5) Standard Game Tables Play Aid
6) Advanced Game Table Play Aid
7) Advanced Sequence of Play
8) Naval Display
9) Standard Sequence of Play & Unit Identification Chart
One 10-sided die

1.2 Nationality Colors

Counters are colored as follows:
Republic of China Taiwan (ROC)

Peoples Republic of China (PRC)

Japan (JPN)

Philippines (PH)

Vietnam (VN)

Malaysia (MA)

1.3 Replacement Counters [NWK]

There are six Next War: Korea (NWK)
replacement counters included: four AH64s and two F-35As. The AH-64s are
optional replacements for the ROK AH-1
counters. The F-35As optionally replace all four of the ROK
F-4Ds. Each set of optional counters can be chosen by the Allied
player. Give the non-Allied player 10VP for each option chosen.
1.3.1 U.S. Order of Battle [NWK]
We have also provided a completely updated U.S. Army Order of
Battle. Owners of NWK should use the counters from this game
when playing NWK or a combined game [but see GSR17.11].

1.4 U.S. Ground Unit Restrictions

The only U.S. ground Formations used in NWT are the USMC,
82nd Airborne and 101st Air Assault Divisions, and the 4th/25th
Airborne BCT. Ignore references to other U.S. Army units in the
Master Allied Reinforcement Table.

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC

Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

Design Note: While the U.S. might intervene with Air and Naval units
its unlikely that even the light ground combat units would be committed to the defense of the island much less the heavier ones. This
rule assumes some level of ground commitment, but not a major one.

1.5 Allied vs. non-Allied

Several references throughout the rules use the terms Allied and
non-Allied. Allied refers to the Republic of China (Taiwan) and
any nations aligned with it (typically, the United States and Japan
and, sometimes, Vietnam and the Philippines). Non-Allied refers
to the Peoples Republic of China (China) and any nations aligned
with it (usually, Malaysia). When the rules specify a particular
nation, that rule applies only to that nation.

2.6.1 Beach Locations

The four invasion zones from near Kiaohsung (1513) north along
the coast to Hsinchu (4207) are considered Western. The other
three are considered Eastern.
2.6.2 Port Locations
The following ports are considered Eastern: Taitung (2118), Hualien (3616), Su-ao (4415), and Toucheng (4713). Keelung (5011)
is the only Northern Port. All other Ports are considered Western.

2.7 Port Sea Transport Limitations

The Sea Transport Landing Limitations [] for certain
Ports in Taiwan are higher than the standard two stacking points
as follows:
Kaohsiung (1513) is four
Shengang (3306) is three
Keelung (5011) is three

2.0 Terrain
[8.0 Standard/Advanced]

These are marked on the map with a white number near the Port.

2.1 Beaches []

Usable beaches for Amphibious Assault are marked with a light
blue coloring. All-sea hexes which can be used for AMPHs
conducting an Amphibious Assault are outlined in dark blue.

2.8 Non-playable hexes

2.2 Installations

Hex 4809 is a special case. Units are considered to be in the

playable portion of the hex. They may move and attack across
the unplayable portion using the secondary road. They may not
move directly between 4809 and 4709.

The following are considered Installations: Port, Airbase (but

not Airfield), Factory [GSR2.5].

2.3 Friendly Map Edges

Certain hexes on the map contain areas which are colored a darker
blue [4808, 4315, 3716, 1121, 1021 & 4006]. These hexes are
considered inaccessible for ground units.

Due to the nature of the terrain, friendly map edges for retreat
purposes need special definition:


ROC: towards any friendly Supply Source, City, or Installation hex.

[2.0 Standard/Advanced]

All others: towards a friendly Supply Source in Taiwan.

2.4 Hsuehshan Tunnel

This Snow Mountain tunnel runs between hexes 4711 and
4712; it incurs a 2 DRM for all Interdiction attempts against
either hex.

2.5 Formosa Plastics Complex

This complex is in hex 2807. Defenders in this hex receive a
column shift left on the CRT and ignore retreat results. In addition, both players must conduct a Clearing Operation in order to
take control of this hex from the other player.

2.6 Taiwan Amphibious Assault and Port

There are several possible invasion zones marked on the map
[GSR2.1]. The PRC may use Western Ports and Beach zones at
all times but may use Eastern Ports and Beach zones only during
turns in which they have Air Supremacy. Similarly, the Allies
may use Eastern Ports and Beach zones at all times but may use
Western Ports and Beach zones only during turns in which they
have achieved Air Supremacy.

3.1 Marine Units [8.5.8]

All USMC and any Marine, Naval Infantry, or Amphibious units
(see the Unit Type Identification Chart) are considered Marines
and may conduct Amphibious Assaults and/or Sea Landings.
3.1.1 PRC Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Divisions
These units may only embark on an AMPH in the
PRC Holding Box.

3.2 U.S. Marines


U.S. Marine Expeditionary Force (I or III MEF), when available,

generally appears piecemeal and includes 4 additional HQ units:
11 MEU, 13 MEU & 15 MEU. These HQs are considered subordinate to the I or III MEF HQ. Thus, as Marine units appear, they
will be task-organized to one of the I or III MEF subordinate HQs.
These HQs function as normal HQs for all purposes with the
exception that they may utilize their combat capability only once

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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

during a turn (i.e., they are rotated 180 degrees upon use). These
HQs also contain only a single step.

3.5 US Army Brigade Combat Teams (BCT)


Once the I or III MEF HQ appears on the map, the U.S. player
must remove a subordinate HQ from the map when it is within the
I or III MEF HQs range and can trace a Line of Communication
to it. After removal, the player may also place it back onto the
map during an Amphibious Assault involving U.S. Marines. In
this case, simply place the HQ in a hex with a successfully assaulting unit. The HQs are removed when they once again meet
the requirements above.

Due to the nature of the BCT organizational doctrine, U.S. Army

units are considered subordinate to any U.S. Army HQ, and, in
turn, any U.S. Army HQ can act as the Formation HQ, for any
purpose, for any U.S. Army unit regardless of the color in the
unit type box.

Design Note: The MEUs are Battalion Landing Force HQs. They exist,
in game turns, to provide the Marines with HQ support while they are
conducting amphibious landings, either when the main HQ (MEF) isnt
present or as a raid or diversion.

3.2.1 Subordination
Marine units are considered to be subordinate to any Marine HQ.
3.2.2 Task Forces
The USMC forces in NWT are depicted as battalions
so the USMC can be used as flexibly as the player
desires. Operationally, however, the Marines are
often brigaded together as a task force. The two
USMC Task Force counters in the counter-mix, I TF and III TF,
are provided to represent this ability. They may be formed in the
Reorganization Phase whenever USMC units in the following
configuration are stacked together:
I TF: 2 infantry battalions, an armored battalion, and a LAR
III TF: 3 infantry battalions and a LAR battalion

4.0 Weather
[4.0 Standard/Advanced]
4.1 Season
Before a scenario begins, the PRC player may choose the Season
in which the game begins. Seasonal choices affect the Weather
Die Roll [4.0].
Weather DRMs:
Summer: 1
Spring/Fall: +0
Winter: +1

4.2 Weather Effects

Weather affects only the Taiwan Straits At Sea Box, Taiwan
Straits Inshore Box, and the map area itself. If the weather is
Storm, either side may retreat its naval units to a friendly port
in Taiwan or any friendly, adjacent At Sea Box. PRC naval units
may retreat to the PRC Holding Box. Allied naval units in an
affected area may retreat to Japan. [GSR17.14/.15]

Once the TF is formed, it may not be broken back down into its
constituent units.

5.0 Naval

3.3 Airborne Units

[7.0 Standard/17.0 Advanced]

The following are considered Airborne units: the brigades and

HQ of the U.S. 82nd, the 4th BCT (4/25) of the U.S. 25th, the
Japanese 1st Abn Brigade, the brigades and HQs of the 3 PRC
airborne divisions (43rd, 44th, 45th), and the three Malaysian
Parachute battalions (8 Para, 9 Para, 17 Para).

Next War: Taiwan contains a much expanded version of the

naval rules which includes far more than just moving around in
a couple of At Sea and Inshore Boxes. The following rules are
in addition to and sometimes override the Series rules.

3.4 Naval Air Units


The Naval Display contains a representation of a portion of the

Pacific Ocean. This Display contains four types of locations:
Holding Boxes, At Sea Boxes, Inshore Boxes, and Land Areas.
Holding Boxes represent abstract home country areas of the
major participants. At Sea Boxes are represented as areas or
zones, and they may contain Inshore Boxes and/or Land Areas.
Inshore Boxes are square and represent the littorals of specific
portions of the At Sea Box. Land Areas are hexagonal in shape
and represent an abstraction of some significant portion of land
(or collection of islands) which is not represented with a full map.

For the purposes of the rules and Strike table, all USN air units
and the PRC J-15s [GSR17.12] are considered Naval Air.
3.4.1 U.S. Carrier Air Wings
A U.S. carrier air wing consists of 1 x F/A-18E, 2 x F/A-18F,
and 1 x EA-18G. [GSR17.5].

5.1 Naval Display

5.1.1 Holding Boxes

Holding Boxes always contain Ports and, in most cases, Airbases. The Holding Boxes have special rules [GSR6.5]. Ports
and Airbases in Holding Boxes may be attacked (follow the
rules in GSR6.5.3).
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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

Exception: The U.S. Holding Box may not be attacked.

The PRC and Japan Holding Boxes on the main map represent
the same locations as the ones depicted on the Naval Display.
5.1.2 At Sea Boxes/Areas
At Sea Boxes on the Naval Display are represented as areas. All
the rules which apply to At Sea Boxes apply to those areas as well.
5.1.3 Inshore Boxes
Inshore Boxes are contained within At Sea Boxes and, unless
otherwise specified, may only be entered after first entering the
associated At Sea Box [8.5.6]. Naval units in an Inshore Box
may provide Combat Support to ground Combat occurring in the
associated Land Area (see below) when no enemy Naval Units
are present. Marine ground units in a Land Area [GSR5.1.4] may
embark on AMPHs in the associated Inshore Box. Two boxes
are shown to relieve stacking; they are the same location. The
Taiwan Straits Inshore Boxes on the main map and on the Naval
Display represent the same location.
5.1.4 Land Areas
Design Note: Penghu represents the Quemoy (Kinmen) and Matsu
islands as well; interestingly, the latter were declared strategically
indefensible by then Senator Kennedy in the 1960 Presidential debates
vs. then Vice President Nixon.

Some At Sea Boxes also contain

Land Areas depicted as single
large dual-colored hexes. Although there are two sides to the
hex, this is to facilitate stacking;
both sides represent a single location. Ground units may use Air or
Sea Transport or Airmobile
Movement to enter or leave a
friendly-controlled Land Area.
Enemy-controlled Land Areas may be entered by Airmobile
Movement subject to the restrictions below. Land Areas may be
entered via Amphibious Assault from the associated Inshore Box
per those rules. Specific capabilities per Land Area are: Senkakus: Airmobile Movement and Helicopter Strikes/
CS are permitted to/from the Japan Holding Box and to/from any
hex on or north of hexrow 41xx in Taiwan. Paracels: Airmobile Movement and Helicopter Strikes/
CS are permitted to/from the PRC Holding Box and Vietnam. Spratlys: Airmobile Movement and Helicopter Strikes/
CS are permitted to/from Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines
Holding Boxes. Penghu: Airmobile Movement and Helicopter Strikes/
CS are permitted to/from the PRC Holding Box and any hex of
Taiwan. Airborne Movement/Paradrop is permitted from the PRC
Holding Box, Japan Holding Box and Taiwan.
Design Note: Airmobile/Helicopter movement is marked on the Naval
Display as is the Airborne Movement into Penghu. Land Area Stacking: Both sides may stack together

in the same Land Area. The Stacking Limit, per side, is three
Stacking Points.
Design Note: Keep in mind that this is, in general, an abstraction of
having several battalions or even companies and platoons scattered
over several islands in an area. Land Area Combat: When opposing sides occupy a

Land Area (via Airmobile or Airborne Movement or Amphibious Assault), combat is conducted normally in each appropriate
Combat Segment, except that Retreat results are ignored. Treat
the terrain as Rough. Opposing units can co-exist in the Land
Area until one side is eliminated or withdraws. Air Defense Fire: Use the ADF values of any one friendly
Naval Unit in the associated Inshore Box when ADF is applicable.
For Penghu or the Senkakus, if an Allied HQ is present, the Allies
may use the Taiwan or Japan ADF values as appropriate. If none
of the above applies, use Local ADF values. Land Area Control: To control a Land Area, a successful Clearing Operation [8.4.1] must be conducted. A Clearing
Marker is randomly drawn and placed when the players forces
are the sole occupiers of the Land Area. If the enemy subsequently
places units in the Land Area, the Clearing Marker is removed.
The Minimum Safe Stacking Point requirement is two (2).
Exception: The Allies do not have to conduct a Clearing Operation to
retake either Penghu or the Senkakus. Effects of Land Area Control: When a Land Area is

controlled by the enemy, entering its associated At Sea Box, Inshore Box, or All-Sea hexes is always considered a Contested Sea
Movement and incurs an additional +1 DRM to the movement.
Exception: Penghu only affects Sea Transport if moving between the PRC
Holding Box and Taiwan. It affects Naval Unit movement into the At Sea/
Inshore boxes as above. Land Areas and Supply: Units in a Land Area are

considered in supply if the associated Inshore Box is friendlycontrolled or Contested.

5.2 Sea Control

Maritime strategy normally consists of two major phases.
The first, and it must be first, is the establishment of control
of the sea.
Rear Admiral J.C. Wylie
Design Note: The situation surrounding this game demands a slight
variation to the normal Sea Control rules.

5.2.1 Inshore Boxes

If the associated At Sea Box is controlled, make a Sea Control roll
for any Inshore Boxes which are either Contested or controlled
by the side which does not control the associated At Sea Box.

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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

5.2.2 At Sea Boxes

If there are any Allied-controlled At Sea Boxes, roll for any
PRC-controlled or Contested At Sea Boxes connected to them.
If the Northern Approaches, Marianas, or Ryukyu Islands are
PRC-controlled or Contested, always roll for them. In all cases,
always roll for the Spratly Islands At Sea Box.
If any At Sea Box becomes or remains PRC-controlled, roll for
any adjacent At Sea Boxes which were Allied-controlled prior
to the Sea Control step.
The PRC player may affect Sea Control die rolls by expending
Cruise Missile Points. [GSR15.1.3]
Design Note: The intent is to portray the ebb and flow of control and
the importance of both an actual presence of naval units and the ability
for air units and cruise missiles to affect control.
Example: On GT2, the PRC player rolls for the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box
(as he controls the associated At Sea Box and generated a Contested result
on GT1). The Allied player (who took control of the Northern Approaches
and Marianas on GT1) rolls for the Central Approaches, Philippine Sea, and
Ryukyu Islands. The Ryukyus become Allied-controlled with help from the
presence of the Japanese SAG, the Philippines Sea remains Contested,
but the Central Approaches becomes PRC-controlled. Because of the
latter result, the PRC player rolls for the adjacent Marianas and Northern
Approaches. Finally, either player rolls for the Spratlys At Sea Box. Japanese Intervention: If Japan intervenes at Level 2

or higher, the Sea of Japan At Sea and East Sea Inshore Boxes
are considered permanently Allied Controlled and are not rolled
for in the Sea Control step.

5.3 PRC Movement Restrictions

PRC Naval units are only allowed to move into the East China
Sea, Taiwan Straits, South China Sea, Ryukyu Islands, and
Spratly Islands At Sea Boxes (including the associated Inshore
Boxes) and all-sea hexes on the Operational Map. If the PRC
takes control of the Senkakus Land Area, they may move into
the Central Approaches At Sea Box.
Design Note: The PRC has yet to demonstrate significant, extended
underway replenishment capabilities, so they are restricted to areas
from which they can easily receive resupply.

5.4 Naval Unit Return [27.4]

As an exception, ROC, VN, MA & PH Naval Units are permanently removed when suffering an X result.

6.0 Movement & Stacking

[8.0 Standard/ 25.0 Advanced]
6.1 Multinational Stacking
Ground units from different nationalities which stack together
have their Efficiency Ratings reduced by one for all purposes.
Design Note: These units do not train together and their commands
are not integrated; we do not believe that they will have the capability
to work effectively together within the same command net.

6.2 Air Transport Limitations

In any allowable Movement Segment, the Allies may transport
three Stacking Points; the PRC may transport one Stacking Point.

6.3 Airborne Movement Limitations

The PRC player may use Airborne Movement for four Stacking
Points of Airborne [GSR3.3] units in each eligible Movement
Segment. The Allied player may drop any or all of his U.S., Japanese, or Commonwealth Airborne units in each eligible Movement Segment. All other nations are limited to using Airborne
Movement for one battalion per each Game Turn.

6.4 Sea Transport Limitations

The PRC player may transport five Stacking Points of units per
eligible Movement Segment by Sea Transport. The Allied player
may transport three Stacking Points per eligible Movement Segment. The Allied limit is increased as indicated by the arrival of
reinforcements per each scenario. Vietnam, Malaysia, and the
Philippines may each transport one stacking point per Game Turn.

6.5 Holding Boxes

There are two Holding Boxes shown on the main map: PRC and
Japan. These correspond to the same areas on the Naval Display.
In addition, there are Holding Boxes on the Naval Display for
the U.S., Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. The entire area
with the label is considered to be the Holding Box in all cases.
6.5.1 PRC Holding Box
Only PRC units are allowed to enter the PRC Holding Box.
The Holding Box can be used to receive and hold reinforcements.
Ground units must utilize some other mode of movement in order to enter or leave the Holding Box, i.e., Air or Sea Transport,
Airborne Movement, etc. Airmobile Movement & Attack Helicopters: To conduct Airmobile Movement or Attack Helicopter Combat Support
from the PRC Holding Box to Taiwan, count hexes starting from
the west edge of the map, with the moving unit having already
expended eight hexes of movement, i.e., with 16 hexes of movement remaining.
Attack Helicopters may Rebase from the PRC Holding Box to a
friendly Airbase/Airfield in Taiwan and vice versa.

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC

Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules Naval Units: Naval units may move from the PRC
Holding Box directly to any all-sea hex, friendly-controlled Port
in Taiwan, the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box, or the East China,
Taiwan Straits, or South China Sea At Sea Boxes and vice versa.
Note that this counts as the units one At Sea Box for movement limitations. PRC Holding Box Port Destruction: Each time a Destroyed result is achieved against the PRC Holding Box Port, the
PRC player must remove an AMPH from play and place it two
turns ahead on the Game Information Display. In addition, the
PRC Sea Transport limit is reduced by one while each such unit
remains on the Game Information Display. If all PRC AMPHs
have been converted to SAGs [], only the Sea Transport
Limit is reduced for two turns.
Design Note: This means that the Sea Transport is raised back to
normal when the AMPHs are released. This effect represents the rerouting of shipping assets to other ports along the coast.

6.5.2 Japan Holding Box and Basing Box [NWK]

Only Japanese and U.S. units may enter the Japan Holding Box. Japanese Activation: The first Cruise Missile or Air
Strike on the Japan Holding/Basing Box will automatically bring
Japan into the conflict at Level 4 Intervention (and increase the
U.S. Intervention Level by two). Naval Units: Units may enter the Northern Approaches,
Ryukyus, Sea of Japan, or East China Sea At Sea Boxes from the
Japan Holding Box. They may also move directly to or from the
Holding Box to the Senkakus, Yellow Sea, or East Sea Inshore
Boxes. Attack Helicopters: Helicopters in the Japan Holding
Box may Rebase to any friendly-controlled Airfield/Airbase in
6.5.3 Strikes Against Holding Box Installations [Advanced]
The Airbase and Port icons in a Holding Box represent a collection of such facilities. As such, they can be the targets of Strikes
and SOF Raids and receive Strike markers. After a successful
Strike/Raid against such an Installation, place Strike markers as
appropriate. If a Destroyed result is achieved from the Strike/
Raid itself, simply record the VP and roll for Collateral Damage
when appropriate; subsequent strikes may still be conducted.
Once the Collateral Damage Step has been resolved, for every
3 points of Strike damage, record double the appropriate Victory
Points and remove those Strike damage markers from the affected
Holding Box. Reduce Strike markers as appropriate during the
Reorganization Phase. Airbase Strikes: An Airbase in a Holding Box is considered to be in Rough terrain for all purposes. For each Destroyed
result achieved per GSR6.5.3 above, advance the appropriate
Airbase Captured/Destroyed Marker on the Game Information
Display. Strike markers in a Holding Box do count for the Air
Superiority Sortie Step of the Air/Naval Phase. Port Strikes: A Port in a Holding Box is considered to be

in Flat terrain for all purposes. For each accumulated Destroyed
result, the appropriate Submarine Threat or ASW Level is reduced
by one in the Reinforcement/Replacement Phase.

6.6 Clearing Operations in the Republic of China

Due to numerous reserve and paramilitary-type organizations
within the ROC, all Clearing Operations incur an additional
1 DRM.

7.0 Combat
[9.0 Standard/Advanced]
7.1 Mixed nationalities in Combat
When different nationalities of units attack together, they incur
a +1 DRM for each nationality beyond the first. This does not
count as a multi-formation attack unless a particular nationality
other than the U.S. also has a multiple Formations involved in
which case that DRM also applies for that nationalitys Formations.
Example: One ROC brigade and two U.S. BCTs (from different Formations)
are attacking: DRMs are +1 for multi-national. One Malaysian battalion
and two PRC brigades from different formations are attacking: DRMs are
+1 for multi-national and +1 for multi-formation.

8.0 Reinforcements
[10.0 Standard/Advanced]
8.1 Standard Game
Both sides receive additional units or other points, e.g., Airmobile
Points, as outlined in each scenario. Unless otherwise specified,
these Reinforcement rules also apply to the Advanced Game.
8.1.1 Reinforcements
In game terms, Reinforcement allows activation of reserves for
the ROC as well as the insertion of U.S. and other forces into
the theater. The Scenario Reinforcement Tables and the Master
Allied Reinforcement Chart group these reinforcements into
packets that arrive as indicated by the scenario. In addition,
Replacements, Supplies, Airmobile Points, Cruise Missile Points,
and others are also specified.
Note that Reinforcements are listed for the turn they arrive. In
other words, if a given reinforcement is listed for GT2, then in
the Reinforcement Phase of GT2, it is pulled from the counter
mix and placed on the map or the points marker is increased in
accordance with the rules below.
8.1.2 ROC Reserves
ROC Reserve units are indicated by an R in the
upper right corner of the counter. Except in the Extended Buildup scenario, when some of these units
begin the game on the map, these units arrive in the

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC

Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

Reinforcement/Replacement Phase of the game turn as directed

by the scenario. They are randomly chosen as indicated in the
scenario-specific reinforcement schedule and placed in any
friendly-controlled Urban, City, or Installation hex according to
their Corps Setup Area [GSR18.1.2.1] or, in the Advanced Game,
within range of and with an LOC to their parent HQ. The hex
may not be in an EZOC. If no such hex is available, the unit may
not be placed and is considered eliminated for all purposes. Indian Ocean Box Arrival: The Allied player rolls a die
for arriving USN CVNBG, SAG, AMPH, and USMC ground and
attack helicopter units which are part of the same Reinforcement
group. If the roll is less than the R# listed on the Master Allied
Reinforcement Table, it arrives in the Indian Ocean Box instead
of the U.S. Box.
Exception: USMC Reinforcements marked B may arrive in the Japan
Holding Box.

8.1.3 PRC Reinforcements

PRC reinforcements are placed in the PRC Holding Box (or
Basing Box for Air Units) as indicated by each scenario. If the
PRC had any level of Air Superiority on the turn they arrive,
PRC Attack Helicopters may be placed at any friendly controlled
Airbase/Airfield in Taiwan; otherwise, they are placed in the
PRC Holding Box and may subsequently Rebase to a friendly
controlled Airbase/Airfield in Taiwan.

8.2 Advanced Game

8.1.4 Allied Reinforcements

Reinforcements may land in the ROC by air or sea. USAF Arrival: U.S. Air Force units may reinforce to

the ROC if the Allies had any level of Air Superiority for that
turn. If not, then the air units may be placed in Japan, or in the
Philippines if the Philippines has entered the war [GSR18.3.3.3].
In either case, they are placed in the Ready box. USMC Arrival: USMC units arriving during the Reinforcement Step are placed in the U.S. Holding or Indian Ocean
[] Box (see Naval Display). The Allied player may voluntarily delay them for a turn and have them arrive in the Japan
Holding Box instead.
Exception: Reinforcements marked B may arrive in the Japan Holding
Box on the turn of their arrival.

Units placed prior to the start of the game, i.e., in the Tactical
Surprise or Extended Buildup scenarios, may be placed in the
Japan Holding Box. U.S. Army Arrival [Standard]: All U.S. Army units
arrive in the ROC by Air Transport. Units are placed at any
friendly Airbase (not Airfield) not in an enemy ZOC (Exception:
Storm delays). If no Airbases are available, these reinforcements
may arrive in Japan or are delayed a turn instead at the players
option. U.S. units arriving by Air Transport do not count against
the Allied Air Transport Limit.
Helicopter units may arrive at any friendly Airbase/Airfield.
Units placed prior to the start of the game, i.e., in the Tactical
Surprise or Extended Buildup scenarios, are placed in the Japan
Holding Box.
This rule is superseded by GSR8.2.2 in the Advanced Game. USN Arrival: U.S. Naval Unit reinforcements arrive in
the U.S. Holding or Indian Ocean [] Box. The Allied player
may voluntarily delay them for a turn and have them arrive in
the Japan Holding Box instead.
Units which are being placed prior to the start of the game, i.e.,
in the Tactical Surprise or Extended Buildup scenarios, may be
placed in the Japan Holding Box or the Sea of Japan, Northern
Approaches, or Central Approaches At Sea Boxes.

These reinforcement rules are in addition to the Reserves and

Reinforcements from the Standard Game.
8.2.1 Air Unit Reinforcements
During the Reinforcement and Replacement Phase of each game
turn, a player may receive air units as reinforcements. Place these
reinforcements as follows: USMC Air Arrival: USMC Air Units are placed in the
same manner as Air Force units, except that USMC AV-8Bs (or
F-35Bs [GSR17.4]) may opt to arrive in a U.S. Carrier box if a
CVN BG is also arriving. If basing on a CVN, they may operate
from that carrier as normal, and they may Rebase at a later time
to an eligible Basing Box. USN Air Arrival: U.S. Carrier Air Wings [GSR3.4] are
placed in the appropriately numbered carrier box or on the CVN
BG unit if the carrier is in a Holding Box. Japanese Air Units: If Japan has intervened at Level 2
or higher [GSR18.3.2.3], and an Air Unit arrives as a reinforcement, the Allied player may either place that type of unit at full
strength (if it has been eliminated) or bring that type of unit up
to full strength (if it has been damaged).
8.2.2 U.S. Army Reinforcements
[Advanced: replaces GSR8.1.4.2]
If the Allied player had any level of Air Superiority during the
turn, these units may arrive at any friendly-controlled Airfield
(Helicopters only) or Airbase (any unit) in the ROC which is
neither Destroyed nor contains a Strike 2 marker. If the PRC had
any level of Air Superiority or no Airbases/Airfields are available,
they arrive in the Japan Holding Box instead [GSR6.5.2]. U.S.
units arriving by Air Transport do not count against the Allied Air
Transport Limit and must undergo ADF only if, in the Advanced
Game, they arrive in any hex within two hexes of an enemy HQ.

8.3 Weather Effects

On Storm Turns, no units may arrive in the ROC. Units intended for the ROC may, instead, arrive in Japan, or, for those
able, in the U.S. Holding Box.

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC

Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

8.4 Air Unit and Helicopter Replacement

The process may be used only for the following unit types:
US: F-15C, F-15E, F-16, A-10, F-18, and AH-64.

10.4 Allied Supply Sources

ROC forces trace supply normally. Non-ROC Allied forces trace
supply as follows:
10.4.1 Beachheads and Ports
Friendly Eastern and Northern Ports and Beachheads are Supply Sources as long as the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box is either
Allied-controlled or Contested. Western Ports and Beachheads
are Supply Sources if the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box is Alliedcontrolled [see GSR2.6.2 for Port Locations].

PRC: J-7, J-8, J-10, Q-5, H-6, & Zhi-10.

9.0 Subordination
[18.1 Advanced]

In both cases above, the Allies must have some level of Air

9.1 HQs
This rule establishes the subordination of the higher HQ units:
The USMC 11 MEU, 13 MEU & 15 MEU are subordinate to
the I & III MEF.

10.0 Supply & Isolation

[19.0 Advanced]
Because of the nature of the battle area, special rules are required
for determining supply and isolation.
Units in Holding Boxes are always in supply and never Isolated.

10.1 Ports as Supply Sources

In general, Ports are Supply Sources for both players units. They
have a Supply Range of six MPs [19.1]. To be used as a Supply
Source, they must be friendly-controlled and cannot be in an
enemy ZOC. The rules below will delineate which Ports can be
used under certain circumstances based on Air Superiority Level
and control of the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box.

10.2 PRC Supply Depot Establishment

In order to establish a Supply Depot in Taiwan, the PRC must
first Sea Transport two MSUs from the PRC Holding Box to
Taiwan. Once on the island, during any Supply Phase in which
both MSUs are stacked in the same hex, the PRC player may
expend two Supply Points and replace the MSUs with a Supply
Depot. This is the only method by which a PRC Supply Depot
can be placed.

10.3 PRC Supply LOC

Friendly Western and Northern Ports and Beachheads are Supply
Sources. Eastern Ports and Beachheads can be Supply Sources if
the PRC player has Air Supremacy. In addition, once a Supply
Depot is established, it functions as a Supply Source provided
that a LOC of 6 MPs can be traced to it from a friendly, eligible
Port [see GSR2.6.2 for Port Locations].

10.4.2 U.S. MSUs and Supply Depots

In lieu of receiving a Supply Point from the Master Allied Reinforcement Table, the Allied player may create a U.S. MSU at
a Beachhead. Thereafter, the MSU follows all normal Supply
rules. [19.4] The MSU and any U.S. Supply Depot created from
it may supply only U.S. units. In order to convert the MSU to
a Supply Depot and for this sole purpose, the MSU may use
the Beachhead as a Supply Source in lieu of a Supply Depot or
Urban hex [19.4].
10.4.3 USMC HQ Supply
A USMC HQ in any coastal hex may be considered a Supply
Source for USMC units only.
Design Note: This reflects the Marines Expeditionary Force 21 doctrine.

10.5 Isolation
There are no Supreme HQs in Next War: Taiwan.
10.5.1 PRC Isolation
If the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box is Allied-controlled, all PRC
units are Isolated regardless of their ability to trace to a Supply
10.5.2 Land Area Isolation
Units in a Land Area are never Isolated.

11.0 Targeting
[20.0 Advanced]
When a unit is successfully targeted by Special Forces, place a
Target 2 marker if it is a U.S. or Commonwealth [GSR17.13]
SOF mission; otherwise, place a Target 1 marker on the target.

In all cases above, the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box must be PRCcontrolled or Contested for their Supply Sources to function.

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC


Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

12.0 Detection

13.2.1 Air Superiority

Air units may fly Air Superiority missions as long as their range
allows them to reach the South China Sea, Taiwan Straits, or
East China Sea At Sea Boxes.

[21.0 Advanced]
12.1 Electronic Detection

Exception: The Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia add zero attempts to

their respective sides.

13.2.2 Interception/Escort
Air units may Intercept and/or Escort only those missions for
which they have the appropriate range, e.g., a Medium range unit
from Japan would only be able to Escort and/or Intercept into
the Sea of Japan, East China Sea, Ryukyu Islands, or Northern

Example: The PRC gets 3 attempts. If the U.S. has intervened at Level
1+, the Allies get 4 attempts. If the Japanese have also intervened, the
Allies get 5 attempts.

13.3 Attack Coordination


Both players may make Electronic Detection [21.3] attempts

against specific enemy HQs during the Electronic Detection
Phase. Intervention Levels and the weather determine the total
number of attempts per side. [See Electronic Detection Table.]

12.2 Air Reconnaissance Detection

Until the PRC capture an Airbase/Airfield, they trace from the
map edge having already expended eight hexes worth of range,
i.e., if the Air Superiority Level is Contested, the PRC cant
trace on to the map. If it was Advantage, they would be able to
use seven hexes of the 15-hex range from the map edge hexes.
Play Note: The landing forces second priority should be to capture an
Airfield/Airbase, preferably intact.

13.0 Airpower

U.S. units may freely coordinate missions with any nationality.

No other Allied coordination is allowed. Units that begin in different Ready boxes MAY be part of the same Strike or Combat
Support missions, assuming all units have the Range to do so.
No non-Allied coordination is allowed.

13.4 Air Basing Limitations

Unless otherwise specified, units may base only in their own
country. Air units are restricted as to where they may base as
U.S. Air Force units may base in Japan, or the ROC.
U.S. Navy air units may base only in U.S. Carrier boxes.

[6.0 Standard/22.0 Advanced]

U.S. Marine air units may base in Japan, the ROC, or in U.S.
Carrier boxes.

13.1 Weather Capabilities

When determining Air Points in the Standard Game both sides are
considered to have All-Weather Capability (i.e., for the purposes
of Overcast or Storm Weather).

13.2 Air Unit Ranges

The range of each air unit (the letter in the upper left hand
corner of the counter S = Short, M = Medium, L = Long, U =
Unlimited) determines how far an air unit, in At Sea Boxes, can
fly missions from its Basing Box:
0 (same area only)
M 1
L 2
U Unlimited
Exception: Short range air units can fly missions between the PRC Holding
Box and the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box, Penghu, ROC Basing Box, and
any hex on the main map.

Commonwealth units [GSR17.13] may base in Japan, or the

If the Philippines enter the war, USAF, USMC, and CW Air
Units may base there.
13.4.1 SOP Designated Bases
For the purposes of Steps 1a and 1b of the Air/Naval Phase,
designated bases are those in the ROC and any Holding Box
Airbases with Strike or Destroyed markers.
13.4.2 Lack of Airbases/Airfields
If, through a series of unfortunate events, there are no nonDestroyed, friendly Allied-controlled Airbases or Airfields in the
ROC, all Air Units currently based in the ROC must immediately
Rebase to Japan (the US may Rebase to the Philippines if theyve
entered the war). ROC Air Units may fly missions from Japan
only if the latter has intervened at Level 2+. Units may Rebase
to the ROC as soon as there are Airbases/Airfields available.

Unlimited range air units may conduct missions anywhere.

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC

Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

13.5 PRC Combat Support Ratings

Some PRC air units have a Combat Support Rating of . These
units are allowed to fly Combat Support missions even though
their CS value is less than 1. This means it requires two such
aircraft to obtain a DRM (assuming no effect from ADF).

13.6 Holding Box Air Defenses

The various Holding Boxes, except for the PRC, have permanent,
non-reducible Air Defenses as marked in the Holding Box.

14.0 Hardened Targets

[23.0 Advanced]
These represent targets, in addition to those identified
in the series rules [23.4.3], that are underground,
specially protected and reinforced, or just plain hard
to hit.
The ROC has two Hardened Airbases: 2219 and 3616. These also
provide a +1 DRM on the Collateral Damage table.

15. Theater Warfare Assets


Design Note: These attacks represent roughly ten missiles, each individually targeted and programmed to fly different courses to the target.
They are flying at very low altitude with terrain following capabilities
providing a high degree of protection from detection or attack. Given
the relative lack of AWACS and the paucity of look-down/shoot-down
missile-armed aircraft, its hard to imagine a situation where at least
half of the missiles would not reach the target. Thus, in game terms,
Cruise Missiles are virtually invulnerable except to CIWS. The adverse
DRM applied to non-U.S. strikes represents both the onboard targeting
systems and, depending on the target, superior detection and antimissile defense capabilities. Cruise Missiles and Theater Weapons/
Warfare Assets are generally interchangeable terms and represent
a wide variety of different weapons from ballistic missiles to cruise
missiles to other types of surface-to-surface missiles.

15.1.1 Allocation
The attacking player announces all targets, reduces the points
on the General Records track, then resolves the Strikes using the
Cruise Missile column on the Strike Chart and the appropriate
DRMs. Players must allocate all Cruise Missile Strikes before
resolving them. PRC Cruise Missile Range: The PRC may allocate
Cruise Missile Strikes only against targets in the East China Sea,
Taiwan Straits, South China Sea, Spratlys, Central Approaches,
and Ryukyu At Sea Boxes (and associated Inshore Boxes and
All-Sea hexes).
If the PRC Controls the Senkakus Land Area, then this range is
increased to include the Philippine Sea, Marianas, and Northern
Approaches At Sea Boxes as well as the Guam Basing Box.

[26.0 Cruise Missiles - Advanced]

15.1 U.S. and Chinese Cruise Missiles
The U.S. and PRC are assigned a number of Cruise Missile points
at the beginning of a scenario and/or receive them as reinforcements. Use the appropriate marker to record this on the General
Records Track. Each time a Cruise Missile attack is initiated,
reduce the appropriate Cruise Missile points by one. Once all
points have been used, no more Cruise Missile attacks may be
initiated unless additional points arrive as reinforcements.
Each U.S. and PRC CV/CVN or SAG unit not in Port has the
capacity to launch one Cruise Missile Strike per Strike Phase.
Each U.S. AMPH unit in an all-sea hex of the map has the capacity to launch one Cruise Missile Strike per game turn.
Each H-6, Tu-22, B-52, B-1, and B-2 unit in the game may launch
one Cruise Missile attack per game turn. Move the unit immediately to the Flown (or Recovery [17.3]) Box, no Interception
or ADF is allowed.
The PRC may fire Cruise Missiles without requiring a specific
unit, but are then subject to range restrictions [].

The PRC may ignore range restrictions when using an H-6 air
unit to perform the Cruise Missile attack. In addition, they may
use a CV/SAG to launch Cruise Missile Strike into any adjacent
At Sea Box.
15.1.2 Site-busting [NWK]
The PRC possesses land-based Theater Weapons allowing the
Allied player to target the PRC Cruise Missile marker per 26.1.3.
A2/AD capabilities are those which challenge and threaten
the ability of U.S. and allied forces to both get to the fight and
to fight effectively once there. Air-Sea Battle Concept Summary, May 2013
15.1.3 PRC A2/AD (Anti-Access/Area Denial)
The PRC player may elect to spend one CM Point to provide
an additional DRM to a particular Contested Sea Movement or
Sea Control die roll. Affecting Sea Movement: When the Allied player attempts to move a Naval Unit or use Sea Transport, the PRC player
may reduce the CM Point marker by one. If he does this, this
has two effects: (1) the move attempt is automatically resolved
as Contested Sea Movement, and (2) the Allied player incurs an
additional +1 DRM to the Contested Sea Movement die roll.
He may only affect movement into or out of areas to which his
Cruise Missiles have range [].

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC


Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules Affecting Sea Control: The PRC player may expend a

CM Point to affect Sea Control DRMs (both At Sea and associated Inshore Boxes). For each die roll on which a CM Point is
expended, apply a DRM as follows:
2 in the East China Sea, Taiwan Straits, and South China Sea
1 in the Northern Approaches, Central Approaches, Ryukyu
Islands and Spratly Islands
if the Senkakus Land Area is PRC-controlled, 2 in the
Northern Approaches, Central Approaches, or Ryukyu Islands

16.0 UN Resolution Veto

[28.0 Advanced]
The PRC may always veto the Resolution. If that player chooses
not to do so, then the Allied player may veto the Resolution
regardless of the U.S. Intervention Level. [See also GSR17.16.]

17.0 Optional Rules

Basing Box during the Reinforcement Phase of GT1. They may

not Rebase. Ignore any reference to these Air Unit types on the
Master Allied Reinforcement Table.
After a mission, if the air unit was not Aborted, place it in the
Recovery area rather than the Flown area of the Basing
Box. [22.7]

17.4 USMC F-35Bs [NWK]

[Advanced; +7 VP non-Allied]
At his option, the Allied player may replace both
USMC AV-8Bs with the optional USMC F-35Bs.

17.5 USN F-35Cs

[Advanced; +10 VP non-Allied]
At his option, the Allied player may replace any one
F/A-18E/F per carrier with one of the optional F35Cs.

17.6 Additional Wild Weasels

17.1 F-22 Deployment [NWK]

[Advanced; +10 VP non-Allied]
The F-22 Raptor counters included in the
game are marked as optional units. Due
to procurement and operational decisions,
the Air Force has decided they will mix
elements of F-22s with F-15s as a force multiplier and enhancement mechanism. The F-15 counters show upgraded abilities in
the non-optional version. Recent information, though, indicates
the USAF may deploy the F-22s as operational squadrons. This
optional rule allows the Allied player to deploy full F-22 squadrons. Replace the non-optional F-15 (5**-0-0) counters with the
optional F-15 counters (5*-0-0) and include the F-22 counters
in the force mix. These enter as reinforcements when the first
F-15 reinforcements arrive. In the Tactical Surprise and Extended Buildup Scenarios they have both arrived.

17.2 Forward Deployment [NWK]

[Advanced; +10 VP non-Allied]
The USAF has shown a tendency, as part of the Pacific Pivot
to forward deploy F-22s and B-2s. The Allied player may use
this option to start with a B-2 (and an F-22 if using GSR17.1) in
Japan in all scenarios. Ignore the row R B-2A reinforcement
from the Master Allied Reinforcement Table. When using this
in conjunction with GSR17.3, the B-2 is based per that option
but starts in the Ready Box.

17.3 U.S. Long-Range Bombers

[Advanced; +15 VP non-Allied]
To represent more accurately the availability and operational
cycle of these air units, the Allied player may receive all LongRange bombers (3 x B-52s (4 if playing with GSR17.11), 2 x
B-2s, and 2 x B-1s) in the Recovery area of the U.S.A/Guam

17.6.1 USMC AH-1Z

[Advanced; +3 VP non-Allied]
The USMC AH-1Zs can carry ARMs (Anti-Radiation
Missiles). The Allied player may use this option to
allow AH-1Zs to conduct Wild Weasel Strikes against
Detection and SAM tracks. They may only be used
for this if the PRC has HQs in any hex in Taiwan or if the AMPH
on which they are based is in the eastern hexrow (the shaded
portion) of the map or the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box.
17.6.2 U.S. F-22 and F-35
U.S. F-22s and F-35s are considered to be Wild Weasels when
conducting Strikes against the Air Defense Track.

17.7 Combat Support Restrictions

[Advanced; +10 VP Allied]
Both players may agree that Combat Support [23.5] missions may
only be performed by air, helicopter or naval units of the same
nationality as at least one of the attacking and/or defending units.
17.7.1 PRC Restrictions
[Advanced; +5VP non-Allied]
As an additional optional rule (usable alone or in conjunction
with the above), both players may agree that the PRC may only
commit a single air unit to CS missions.
Design Note: The PLAAF and PLA do not appear to have embraced
CAS as a whole-hearted doctrine given their weapon load out choice
and reliance on SSMs. If players wish to operate with Chinese doctrine,
then invoke this rule.

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC


Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

17.8 Japanese Ground Forces

[Standard/Advanced; +3VP non-Allied]
While Japanese ground forces are listed on the Allied Reinforcement Chart and referenced as part of the International Posture
Matrix, they are only available if the Allied player invokes this
rule. When Japanese ground forces become available, they are
placed in the Japan Holding Box.
Exception: They are automatically available if Japan is attacked via Cruise
Missiles [GSR6.5.2.1] or Air Strike, or if the Senkakus are invaded. In
Next War: Taiwan, this applies solely to the Japanese Airborne Brigade;
no other Japanese ground forces are available. Unless Japan is attacked
as above, Japanese ground units may only be in the Japan Holding Box
or the Senkakus Land Area.

17.9 Refugees (Internally Displaced Persons)

If both players agree that this rule is in effect, the road net in the
ROC is clogged with people fleeing the embattled forces in and
around the landing site(s). The GTs listed are in reference to the
turn PRC forces first land on the main island, i.e., GT1 is the
turn of landing. The effects are as follows:

Secondary Roads are treated as hex terrain.

Primary Roads are treated as Secondary.
Highways are treated as Primary.

GTs 2 & 3 Secondary Roads are normal.

Primary Roads are treated as Secondary.

Highways are treated as normal.

All Roads are normal.

17.10 U.S. Readiness

In a sense, population-centric counterinsurgency has perverted a better way of American war which has primarily
been one of improvisation and practicality.
Gian P. Gentile, A Strategy of Tactics:
Population-centric COIN and the Army
If both players agree, reduce U.S. Army units Efficiency Ratings
by one for the duration of the scenario.
Design Note: This represents U.S. forces having concentrated on COIN
(Counter-insurgency) operations to the detriment of force readiness

17.11 U.S. National Defense Budget Cuts

[Advanced; +10VP non-Allied]
Congress repeals the Budget Control Act of 2011 that slashed
the national defense budget by a trillion dollars. If the Allied
player chooses this option, the following U.S. reinforcements
are available:


4/82nd BCT
4/101st BCT; 1 x A-10C
4/2nd BCT; 1 x A-10C
1 x B-52H
1 x A-10C
4/1st Cav BCT
1 x B-52H
4/3rd BCT
4/1st BCT; 1 x F-16D
4/10th BCT; 1 x B-52H

When using this option in conjunction with GSR17.3, no B-52

Reinforcements are received as they all start on the Air Superiority Display.
Players with Next War: Korea should simply use the U.S. Army
Ground units provided in that game when using this rule as Next
War: Taiwan assumes that each division has lost the 4th brigade
and gained an additional battalion for each BCT. Players who
do not own NWK receive two U.S. Replacement Points when
the last BCT of a particular division becomes available as a
Reinforcement, or, of course, they may buy Next War: Korea.

17.12 PRC Air Power

17.12.1 PRC Carrier Air Units
[Advanced; +3 VP Allied] [NWK]
Because the PRC doesnt currently operate its carriers in the same fashion that the U.S. does and is using
them for trials and training, their CV does not act as
a base for any air units. This option allows the PRC
player to simulate having a fully functioning carrier rather than
a glorified SAG. When using this option, the PRC player may
base one of the optional J-15 air units on each CV.
17.12.2 PRC Stealth Air Units
[Advanced; +15 VP Allied]
The PRC stealth platforms have a projected in-service date of around 2020. The
PRC player may choose this option to
include the two J-20 and one J-31 Air
Units in his At Start forces.

17.13 Commonwealth Involvement

[Advanced; +5 Non-Allied VP]
The Allied player may choose to allow Commonwealth forces to
be involved. In all cases, the Commonwealth posture will follow
the U.S. Intervention Level. CW ground units are available if
the USMC is available. This option requires a copy of Next War:
Korea for most of the counters.

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC


Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

17.14 Weather Control Satellites

One turn of Storm weather will make the PRC player sweat bullets; two consecutive turns of Storm weather will likely doom
the invasion. Both players may agree to apply a 1 DRM to
any Weather determination roll if the previous turn was Storm.

17.15 Pacific Typhoon

Both players may agree to roll for weather for each At Sea
Box. Roll for weather in the following order: South China Sea,
Spratlys, Taiwan Straits (main map weather), Philippine Sea,
East China Sea, Central Approaches, Northern Approaches,
Celebes, and Marianas.
If Storm is rolled for any At Sea Box, naval units in the affected
At Sea Box may either retreat to an adjacent, non-Storm, friendlycontrolled At Sea Box or do one of the following before rolling
for the next At Sea Box:
1. If Allied retreat to the Japan or U.S. Holding Box
2. If PRC retreat to the PRC Holding Box
17.15.1 Ride it Out
In the Advanced Game, Naval Units may stay in the At Sea Box
and have a Strike 1 marker placed on them.

17.16 UN Mandate
[+10VP non-Allied]

17.18 Naval Bombardment [NWK]

Both players may agree that Naval Units may conduct a single
Naval Bombardment at any detected target [as per 23.4] (Exception: Not ADF Tracks) within range as the last step during each
Strike Phase using the Combat Support value as their Strike
value. Cross-reference the Naval Units Combat Support value
with the appropriate terrain and roll the die. There is no ADF and
the only DRM which applies is if the target hex is overstacked.

Scenario Development is the artistic and quasi-scientific
process of producing succinct and persuasive stories
about trends in an unreal state of future conflict to enable
Alec Barker, Fight the Scenario,
CASL Lectures on Strategic Gaming
Scenarios are divided into two types: Standard and Advanced.
Standard scenarios generally examine smaller actions within only
a portion of the map, use fewer playing pieces, and are shorter
although there is also a full map, full game scenario. These
are all played with only the Standard Game Rules. Advanced
Scenarios involve the entire map, the Naval Display, use all the
pieces (potentially), and will take longer to play.

The Allied player may choose to use this option. Every time the
non-Allied player Vetoes [28.1] a UN Resolution or Refuses to
Obey a Ceasefire [28.2], increase the U.S. Intervention Level by
one. The non-Allied player only earns VP each time this option
is exercised.

18.1 Scenario Setups

17.17 Coup de Main Scenario Start

[Advanced; +x non-Allied/+x Allied]

Unless otherwise specified within a scenario, the Allies set up

first, followed by the non-Allies. Use the following guidelines
when setting up forces for both Standard and Advanced scenarios:

As an alternative start for all Advanced Game scenarios, the non-Allied player may choose to use this
option to automatically take Control of Penghu, the
Paracels, the Senkakus, and/or the Spratlys. Distribute
the units of the PRC 1st Marine Brigade (6 counters) amongst
any of the Land Areas chosen for this option. Place one PRC
AMPH in each associated Inshore Box of the Land Area. Remove
the ROC 77th Marine Brigade from the game if Penghu is chosen.
All game effects such as entry into the war and increases in
Intervention Levels are performed as normal, e.g., if the PRC
elects to occupy Penghu and the Senkakus, then Japan enters
the war at Intervention Level 4 and the US Intervention Level
is increased by two.
The non-Allied player receives pre-game VP per the VP schedule
on the map for controlling Land Areas, and, if Penghu is chosen,
an additional VP for eliminating the ROC 77th. The Allied player
receives 5VP per Land Area chosen.

Design Note: In all cases, scenarios reflect a PRC which feels compelled
to respond to a Taiwanese declaration of formal secession with varying
degrees of preparation.

18.1.1 PRC Setup

Unless otherwise specified, all scenario forces should set up in
the PRC Holding Box or the PRC Basing Box as appropriate.
18.1.2 ROC Setup
Within the restrictions of the Corps setup areas, non-HQ Leg
ground units set up, one per hex, in any Urban, City, or Installation hex; non-Leg ground units set up, one per hex, in any Urban
hex. HQs may set up in any Urban hex in Taipei, Taichung, or
Kaohsiung. Air units are set up in the ROC Basing Box. Corps Setup Areas: Within the guidelines above, ROC
units must set up within the areas listed below:
6th Corps: On or North of the 40xx hex row.
8th Corps: On or South of the 25xx hex row.
10th Corps: Between the 26xx and 39xx hex rows (inclusive). Attack Helicopters: ROC AH-64s may set up in any
friendly Airbase or Airfield in Taiwan.

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC

Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

15 Surface Action Groups: Unless directed otherwise, the

ROC SAGs may set up in any friendly ROC Port, any All-Sea
hex, or the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box. If they start in the Inshore
Box, they are automatically Area Detected in Advanced Game
scenarios and the pre-game Detection Roll cannot cause the PRC
to lose Detection, i.e. it can only get better.

This scenario represents a PRC landing in the south and an attempt to capture Kaohsiung. It uses only a portion of the map
and units and has special Victory Conditions. ROC Marines: The ROC Marine brigades set up as

indicated on their counters. Note that the 77th Brigade (Penghu)
will only be used when the Naval Display is in play.

Play Area: Use only the southern portion of the map. No movement is allowed north of the 24xx row. ROC Movement Restrictions: In all scenarios, no

Allied ground unit may move from its starting hex until a PRC
ground unit has attempted via Airmobile or Airborne Movement
to land in a hex in Taiwan or has successfully Amphibiously Assaulted into a hex on Taiwan.
18.1.3 Sea Control
Place control markers as follows:
PRC Control: Taiwan Straits, South China Sea and East China
Sea At Sea Boxes; Yellow Sea Inshore Box.
Allied Control: None.
Contested: Northern & Central Approaches, Marianas, Sea of
Japan, Philippines Sea, Celebes Sea, and Spratly Islands At
Sea Boxes; East Sea, Spratly Islands, Paracels, and Taiwan
Straits Inshore Boxes. (The absence of a Control Marker
indicates a Contested State.) Land Area Control: Place Allied control markers in
Penghu and the Senkakus. All other Land Areas start uncontrolled.
18.1.4 Other Nations
[Advanced Game] U.S.: If the U.S. Intervention Level is 2+ in any Advanced Game scenario, 1 x F-15C, 2 x F-16D, and 1 x A-10C
set up in the Japan Basing Box. Japan: If Japan begins the game having intervened at
Level 2+, its SAG starts in the Japan Holding Box and half of
each type of Air Unit sets up in the Japan Basing Box. [See also
GSR8.2.1.4.] Philippines, Vietnam, and Malaysia: These forces are
only available in Advanced scenarios and do not start in play.
When they enter play, all Naval and Ground units are placed in
their respective Holding Boxes on the Naval Display. Air units
are placed in their respective Basing Boxes on the Air Superiority
Display. Each nation has a single Airmobile Point.

18.2 Standard Scenarios

Standard Scenarios are intended to be played using the Standard
Rules except where noted in the Scenario Special Rules (SSRs).

18.2.1 Target Kaohsiung

Game Length: 4 Turns (2 weeks)

Exception: Units which start outside of the play area may move in. Helicopter units may base in out-of-play areas.

Initial Setup:
PRC: All Marine units; 43rd Airborne Division; 1st Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Division; 1 x Zhi-10; 1 x CVBG;
1 x SAG; 4 x AMPHs; 4 x Airmobile Points; Submarine
Threat Level: 4
ROC: 8th Corps; 99th Marines; 1 x AH-64; 2 x Density 1 Mine
Markers; ASW Level: 2
GT1: 124th Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Division
GT2: 1 x SAG; 127th Motorized Infantry Division
GT3: 1 x CVBG; 44th Airborne Division
GT1 (Reaction Movement Segment of the Initiative Phase):
200/10th Corps (arrives in any hex on the northern edge of
the playing area with 3 MPs remaining)
GT1 (during Second Movement Segment of the Basic
Movement/Combat Phase): 586/10th Corps (arrives in
any hex on the northern edge of the playing area with 3
MPs remaining)
GT1: 1/82nd BCT
GT2: 2 x 8th Corps Reinforcement brigades; 373/10th (in any
hex on the northern edge of the playing area)
GT3: 2 x 8th Corps Reinforcement brigades
Scenario Special Rules:
1. Naval: The Submarine Threat and ASW Levels do not change
in this scenario.
2. Sea Control: Do not roll for Sea Control in this scenario.
The PRC controls both the Taiwan Straits At Sea Box and the
Taiwan Inshore Box throughout the scenario. Penghu is also
PRC controlled.
3. Initiative: The PRC player has the Initiative for GTs 1, 2, and
3. GT4 is Contested.
4. Surprise: All PRC attacks during GT1 receive a one column
shift right.
5. Weather: PRC players choice on GTs 1 & 2. Optionally,
players may have clear weather for the entire scenario. If Storm
is rolled, halve available air points and round up.
6. Replacements: PRC 1 on odd turns; ROC 1 on turns 1-3
7. Air Points (Air Superiority is in brackets):

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ROC: 10th Corps; 1 x AH-64; 2 x Density 1 Mine Markers;

ASW Level: 2

12 [Sup.]

12 [Adv.]

3 12 9

4 12 10
Optional: Roll normally for Air Points using 1/3 of the rolled
value rounded up, but use the actual rolled values to determine
Air Superiority.
Note: Track Air Point losses as permanent losses normally including
recalculating the Air Superiority Level.

8. Interdiction: The PRC player may, immediately after determining Air Points, spend six Air Points to delay 10th Corps
reinforcements from arriving during the turn. A particular unit
may be delayed only once. If delayed, the Reinforcements arrive
during the Reinforcement Phase of the current turn.
9. Movement Restriction: No ROC unit in an Urban hex may
move in the GT4 Basic Movement and Combat Phase.
Victory Conditions:
Major PRC Victory: Control 5 Ports and/or Urban hexes in
Minor PRC Victory: Control 3 Ports and/or Urban hexes in
Draw: No other Victory Conditions met
Minor ROC Victory: no Urban hexes and no more than 1 Port
under PRC control
Major ROC Victory: no Urban or Port hexes under PRC
The Hardened Airbase in 2219 counts as an Urban hex for Victory Condition purposes.
Destruction of all ROC units shifts Victory level one in PRC
favor. ROC control of any Beachhead hex shifts Victory level
one in ROC favor.
18.2.2 Target Taichung
This scenario represents an invasion in the middle of Taiwan. It
uses only a portion of the map and units and has special Victory

GT1: 124th Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Division
GT2: 1 x SAG; 127th Motorized Infantry Division
GT3: 1 x CVBG; 44th Airborne Division
GT1 (at the end of the Reaction Movement Segment of
the Initiative Phase): 298/8th Corps (in any hex on the
southern edge of the playing area with 0 MPs remaining);
269/6th Corps (arrives in any hex on the northern edge of
the playing area with 2.5 MPs remaining)
GT1 (Second Movement Segment of the Basic Movement/
Combat Phase): 564/8th Corps (arrives in any hex on the
southern edge of the playing area with 3 MPs remianing);
542/6th Corps (arrives in in any hex on the northern edge
of the playing area with 3.5 MPs remaining)
GT1: 1/82nd BCT
GT2: 2 x 10th Corps Reinforcement brigades
GT3: 2 x 10th Corps Reinforcement brigades
Scenario Special Rules:
1. Naval: The Submarine Threat and ASW Levels do not change
in this scenario.
2. Sea Control: Do not roll for Sea Control in this scenario.
The PRC controls both the Taiwan Straits At Sea Box and the
Taiwan Straits Inshore Box throughout the scenario. Penghu is
also PRC controlled.
3. Initiative: The PRC player has the Initiative for GTs 1, 2, and
3. GT4 is Contested.
4. Surprise: All PRC attacks during GT 1 receive a one column
shift right.
5. Weather: PRC players choice on GTs 1 & 2. Optionally,
players may have clear weather for the entire scenario. If Storm
is rolled, halve available air points and round up.
6. Replacements: PRC 1 on odd turns; ROC 1 on turns 1-3
7. Air Points (Air Superiority is in brackets):
12 [Sup.]

12 [Adv.]

3 12 9

4 12 10

Game Length: 4 Turns (2 weeks)

Play Area: Use only the central portion of the map. No movement is allowed south of the 25xx row or north of the 42xx row.
Exception: Units which start outside of the play area may move in. Helicopter units may base in out-of-play areas.

Initial Setup:
PRC: All Marine units; 43rd Airborne Division; 1st Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Division; 1 x Zhi-10; 1 x CVBG;
1 x SAG; 4 x AMPHs; 4 x Airmobile Points; Submarine
Threat Level: 4

Optional: Roll normally for Air Points using 1/3 of the rolled
value rounded up, but use the actual rolled values to determine
Air Superiority.
Note: Track Air Point losses as permanent losses normally including
recalculating the Air Superiority Level.

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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules


8. Interdiction: The PRC player may, immediately after determining Air Points, spend 6 Air Points to delay either 6th Corps
or 8th Corps reinforcements from arriving that turn. A particular
unit may be delayed only once. If delayed, the Reinforcements
arrive during the Reinforcement Phase of the current turn.

GT1: 1/82nd BCT

GT2: 2 x 6th Corps Reinforcement brigades; 373/10th (in any
hex on the southern edge of the playing area)
GT3: 2 x 6th Corps Reinforcement brigades

9. Movement Restriction: No ROC unit in an Urban hex may

move in the GT4 Basic Movement and Combat Phase.

Scenario Special Rules:

1. Naval: The Submarine Threat and ASW Levels do not change
in this scenario.

Victory Conditions:
Major PRC Victory: Control 5 Ports and/or Urban hexes in
Minor PRC Victory: Control 3 Ports and/or Urban hexes in
Draw: No other Victory Condition met
Minor ROC Victory: no Urban hexes and no more than 1 Port
under PRC control
Major ROC Victory: no Urban or Port hexes under PRC
Hualien, 3616, does count for Victory Condition purposes.
Destruction of all ROC units shifts Victory level one in PRC
favor. ROC control of any Beachhead hex shifts Victory level
one in ROC favor.

2. Sea Control: Do not roll for Sea Control in this scenario.

The PRC controls both the Taiwan Straits At Sea Box and the
Taiwan Straits Inshore Box throughout the scenario. Penghu is
also PRC controlled.
3. Initiative: The PRC player has the Initiative for GTs 1, 2, and
3. GT4 is Contested.
4. Surprise: All PRC attacks during GT1 receive a one column
shift right.
5. Weather: PRC players choice on GTs 1 & 2. Optionally,
players may have clear weather for the entire scenario. If Storm
is rolled, halve available air points and round up.
6. Replacements: PRC 1 on odd turns; ROC 1 on turns 1-3
7. Air Points (Air Superiority is in brackets):
12 [Sup.]

12 [Adv.]

3 12 9

4 12 10

18.2.3 Target Taipei

This scenario represents the PRC invasion more to the north of
Taiwan with a target of Taipei. It uses only a portion of the map
and units and has special Victory Conditions.
Game Length: 4 Turns (2 weeks)
Play Area: Use only the northern portion of the map. No movement is allowed south of the 40xx row.
Exception: Units which start outside of the play area may move in. Helicopter units may base in out-of-play areas.

Initial Setup:
PRC: All Marine units; 43rd Airborne Division; 1st Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Division; 1 x Zhi-10; 1 x CVBG;
1 x SAG; 4 x AMPHs; 4 x Airmobile Points; Submarine
Threat Level: 4
ROC: 6th Corps; 66th Marines; 1 x AH-64; 2 x Density 1 Mine
Markers; ASW Level: 2
GT1: 124th Amphibious Mechanized Infantry Division
GT2: 1 x SAG; 127th Motorized Infantry Division
GT3: 1 x CVBG; 44th Airborne Division
GT1 (Reaction Movement Segment of the Initiative Phase):
200/10th Corps (in any hex on the southern edge of the
playing area with .5 MP remaining)
GT1 (Second Movement Segment of the Basic Movement/
Combat Phase): 586/10th Corps (in any hex on the southern
edge of the playing area with 2 MPs remaining)

Optional: Roll normally for Air Points using 1/3 of the rolled
value rounded up, but use the actual rolled values to determine
Air Superiority.
Note: Track Air Point losses as permanent losses normally including
recalculating the Air Superiority Level.

8. Interdiction: The PRC player may, immediately after determining Air Points, spend 6 Air Points to delay 10th Corps
reinforcements from arriving that turn. A particular unit may be
delayed only once. If delayed, the Reinforcements arrive during
the Reinforcement Phase of the current turn.
9. Movement Restriction: No ROC unit in an Urban hex may
move in the GT4 Basic Movement and Combat Phase.
Victory Conditions:
Major PRC Victory: Control 4 Ports and/or Urban hexes in
Minor PRC Victory: Control 3 Ports and/or Urban hexes in
Draw: No other Victory Conditions met
Minor ROC Victory: no Urban hexes and no more than 1 Port
under PRC control
Major ROC Victory: no Urban or Port hexes under PRC

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Control of any two or all three Ports on the northern and eastern
side of the island5011, 4713, and 4415counts as control of
one Port for Victory Condition purposes.
Destruction of all ROC units shifts Victory level one in PRC
favor. ROC control of any Beachhead hex shifts Victory level
one in ROC favor.
18.2.4 Red Dragon Rising
This scenario is simply the Standard Game campaign scenario.
Players use the full map, all Standard Game units (i.e., no HQs,
or Air Units) in their normal setup areas, and the full Victory
Conditions [12.0].
Initial Setup:
PRC: All Marine units; 3 x Airborne divisions; 1st/1GA Amphibious Mech. Inf. Div. (AMID); 1 x Zhi-10; 1 x CVBG;
2 x SAG; and 4 x AMPHs are placed in the PRC Holding
Box or in the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box. Submarine Threat
Level: 3. Airmobile Points: 4.
Allies: All ROC non-Reinforcement units set up as defined in
18.1.2. 2 x Density 1 Mine Markers. ASW Level: 2. Do not
set up ROC SAGs for this scenario.
Special Scenario Rules:
1. International Involvement: The Allied player may use the
Japanese SAG, U.S. Marines, U.S. Navy, and U.S. Army 101st
and 82nd Divisions and 4/25th BCT as they arrive.
2. Sea Control: Roll for control as per GSR5.2.
3. Initiative: The PRC player has the Initiative automatically on
GT1 and GT2.
4. Initiative VPs: 11.
5. Automatic Victory VPs: +75 or more
6. Surprise: All PRC attacks during GT1 receive a one-column
shift right.
7. Weather: PRC player choice on GTs 1 & 2.
8. Air Points: Roll for Air Points normally.
9. Japan Intervenes: Japan is considered to have intervened.
GSR5.2.2.1 is in effect.
10. Victory Levels:
Overwhelming 110+
Decisive 90-109
Substantive 60-89
Marginal 41-59
Draw 0-40

1 x division; 92nd Inf Bde

1 x division; 179th Inf Bde
1 x division; 36th Inf Bde
1 x division; 1 x Zhi-10
1 x division
1 x division
1 x division

Replacements: ROC 1 per turn on GTs 2-5, 2 per turn on GT6+;
U.S. 1 per turn on GTs 3-6 and 2 per turn on GT7+
GT2 B & C; 2 x random Reserve brigades
GT3 A; 3 x random Reserve brigades
GT4 D & E; 3 x random Reserve brigades
GT5 F; 4 x random Reserve brigades
GT6 G & H; 4 x random Reserve brigades
GT7 I & J; 4 x random Reserve brigades
GT8 K & L
GT9 M & N
GT10 O
GT11 P
GT12 Q & R
GT13 S & T
GT14 U & V

18.3 Advanced Scenarios

Advanced Scenarios are played with the Advanced Rules. To set
up an Advanced Game scenario, players should perform these
steps in this order:
a. Choose a surprise level: Strategic, Tactical, or Extended
b. Determine Intervention Levels for the U.S. and Japan using
the International Posture Matrix [18.3.1].
c. Agree on or choose Optional Rules [17.0] and adjust VP
d. Set up all available units.
e. Follow any pre-game Scenario Special Rules.
f. Begin play with the Weather Phase.
On March 6, Taiwans Minister of National Defense Yen
Ming told the national legislatures Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee the countrys military could hold
out at least one month alone against a Chinese invasion.
Kyle Mizokami, USNI News, How Taiwan Would
Defend Against a Chinese Attack, 26 Mar 2014

Reinforcement Schedule:
Replacements: 2 per turn on GT3+


124th/42GA AMID; 34th Inf Bde; 1 x Zhi-10

1 x CVBG; 1 x division; 3rd Inf Bde

18.3.1 International Posture Matrix

The International Posture Matrix determines the international
climate in which a scenario is played as a function of the policy
postures of the primary players in and around Taiwan: the U.S.

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and Japan. Level of involvement is determined via posture although rate of involvement is determined by scenario. Players
may, of course, simply choose to set the Intervention Levels of
their choice to explore alternative scenarios.

of the 101st Air Assault Division. The Japanese Airborne Brigade

may enter Taiwan [if released, GSR17.8]. Determine International Posture: Consult the Posture

Table. For each nation, the U.S. and Japan, roll a die to determine the attitude of each faction Administration, Military,
and Popular Vote. Each die roll indicates the leanings of that
particular faction and gives a numerical value associated with
it, e.g. Dove (1). Add together the three values and consult the
Posture Result Table to determine whether a nation is Passive,
Moderate, or Aggressive. The PRC is considered to be Aggressive for purposes of the UN Resolution DRM.

Various actions by the PRC player may widen the conflict. Determine International Intervention Level and

UN Resolution DRM: For each nation, the U.S. and Japan,
cross-reference the Posture determined above with the scenario
being played in the International Posture Matrix to determine
each nations Intervention Level in the war and the DRM (keep
only the highest resulting DRM) which will be applied to the
UN Ceasefire roll.
The Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam only enter play under
certain conditions. When they do so, it is automatically at Level 4.
18.3.2 Intervention Levels
The various levels of intervention correspond to the amount of
force each nation is willing to risk in the conflict as determined
by their posture and their surprise (i.e., the scenario). Each level
comprises its own items plus those in lower levels. Level 0 No Intervention: No forces may be involved. Level 1 Supplies, Intel, Special Operations Forces:
The nation provides the number of Supply Points per turn as
specified in the scenario. If no amount is specified, one Supply
Point is provided per turn. These SPs are in addition to those
specified on the Master Allied Reinforcement Table. In addition,
the side may make use of the intervening nations Electronic
Detection attempts [GSR12.1]. The nation may use any SOF
markers for all missions applicable to Special Forces. Level 2 Naval & Air: Naval and Air units may be
used. U.S. Air units may only base in Japan. Only USN CVNBGs
and SAGs and USAF Air Units are available for the U.S. [See
GSR18.1.4.2 for Japan.] AMPHs may enter on their SAG side if
desired but cannot later be converted back to AMPHs. Level 3 USMC, Airborne, U.S. Basing Rights &
Theater Weapons: A nations Theater Weapons are available for
use. For the U.S., all USMC (including Air Units), 82nd Division
Airborne units, and the 4th/25th Airborne BCT may be used.
U.S. Air units may base in Japan, the ROC, and the Philippines
(if the Philippines enters the war). Japan may use its Airborne
brigade [GSR17.8]. Level 4 Full Intervention: All of a nations forces,
markers, etc. are available for use as indicated in the rules and
any Scenario Special Rules. For the U.S., this means the addition

18.3.3 Wider Conflict The 2nd Korean War: The PRC player, at his option,
may widen the conflict before the game begins, by encouraging
and assisting a North Korean invasion of South Korea. Doing so
will affect the schedule of U.S. reinforcements. Each Reinforcement box on the Master Allied Reinforcement has a number. If
the Allied player rolls less than or equal to this number, the reinforcements listed are diverted to Korea (including those which
are part of scenario setup). Otherwise, they are available for use
in Taiwan within the restrictions listed in these rules. This applies
only to U.S. and Japanese forces (Commonwealth units are not
used in Taiwan [but see GSR17.13]). If this option is invoked,
GSR1.4 is ignored, and all U.S. units are available for use in
Taiwan. The U.S. Intervention Level is automatically set to 4.
The Allied player may modify this die roll by expending Victory
Points. For each 3 VP spent in this way, modify the DR by +1.
The Allied player may make the determination to spend VP in
this manner after seeing the die roll.
If the PRC VP total is equal to or greater than double the Allied
VP total OR the PRC player controls an Urban hex in Taipei,
the Allied player automatically receives the reinforcements for
that turn. Sino-Japanese War: If the PRC elects to occupy the
Senkakus Land Box or attack the Japanese Holding Box, Japan
automatically intervenes at Level 4 and the U.S. Intervention
Level increases by +2. Place all Japanese forces in the Japan
Holding Box during the current turns Reinforcement Phase.
The South China [Sea] issue is not Americas business.
Its between China and its neighbors.
General Ma Xiaotian, Deputy Chief of General Staff,
Peoples Liberation Army, May 2012 South China Sea War: At the end of the first Combat
Segment in which the PRC enters either the Spratly Islands or
Paracels Land Areas with ground units, the Philippines and/or
Vietnam may be drawn into the conflict on the Allied side. Roll
a die for each nation. On a 0-3, it remains neutral; on any other
result, it enters the war on the Allied side. This may occur one
time for each Land Area.
If the PRC enters the Senkakus with ground units while either
of the above Land Areas is also occupied (or vice versa), both
Vietnam and the Philippines automatically enter the war.
If both the Philippines and Vietnam enter the war, Malaysia
enters the war on the PRC side. If only one enters the war, the
PRC player makes a die roll for Malaysia. On a 0 or 9, Malaysia
remains neutral; on a 1, they enter the war on the Allied side; and
on any other result, they enter the war on the PRC side.

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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules Entering the War: Nations which enter the war after
the game has begun have all of their starting forces placed appropriately [GSR18.1.4] during the current turns Reinforcement
Phase. The turn of entry is considered GT1 for the purposes of
Reinforcements arrival (note that this will only apply to the U.S.
and Japan). A marker is provided for tracking this. Simply place
the marker on the 1 space of the Game Information Display
to track the turn of entry and advance it when the GT marker
is advanced. Vietnamese Kilos: If Vietnam enters the war, increase
the ASW Level by one. Orders of Battle Vietnam: 2 x Su-30, 1 x Su-27, 1 x SAG, 1 x AMPH,
2 x Marine infantry battalions, 1 x Marine armor battalion, 1 x
SOF Mission Philippines: 1 x SAG, 1 x AMPH, 1 x Marine HQ,
3 x Marine infantry battalions, 1 x Marine armor battalion, 1 x
SOF Mission Malaysia: 1 x F/A-18D, 1 x MiG-29, 1 x Su-30, 1 x
SAG, 1 x HQ, 3 x Airborne infantry battalions, 1 x SOF Mission Japan: 2 x F-15J, 2 x F-4E, 2 x F-2A, 1 x SAG, 1 x
Airborne infantry brigade, 2 x SOF Missions
18.3.4 Strategic Surprise
This scenario assumes that the PRC simply sets sail with whats
at hand and attempts to take the island in an amphibious/airborne
coup de main with follow-on forces coming out of their barracks
to reinforce.
PRC Scenario Specifications
Allocations: 35 Supply Points; 2 Airmobile Points; All Special
Forces counters; 2 Mobile Supply Units; 38 Cruise Missile
Points; Submarine Threat Level: 2
Air Defenses: Detection 6; SAMs 7; AAA 2; AWACs
Advantage 0
Setup: All Marine units; 3 x Airborne Divisions; 1 x Zhi-10; 1 x
CVBG; 2 x SAG; and 4 x AMPHs are placed in the PRC Holding
Box. All PRC air units begin in the PRC Ready box.
Reinforcement Schedule:
Replacements: 1 per turn on GT3+.
Supply Points: 1 per turn on GT4+.
Cruise Missile Points: 2 per turn on GT5+.

1st/1GA Amph. Mech. Inf. Div. (AMID).; 34th Inf

Bde; 2 x Airmobile Pts; 1 x SOF Marker
1 x CVBG; 124th/42GA AMID; 3rd Inf Bde; 1 x
1 x division; 92nd Inf Bde; 1 x SOF Marker
1 x division; 179th Inf Bde; 1 x Airmobile Pt
1 x division; 36th Inf Bde; 1 x SOF Marker
1 x division; 1 x Airmobile Pt


1 x division; 1 x SOF Marker

1 x division; 1 x Airmobile Pt
1 x division; 1 SOF Marker
1 x division
1 x SOF Marker

Allied Scenario Specifications

Allocations: 15 Supply Points; all ROC Special Forces counters;
1 U.S. Special Forces counter; 1 Supply Depot; 0 x Mine Marker
Density; ASW Level: 1 (+1 each if the U.S. or Japan intervenes
at Level 2+); 1 ROC SAG may set up in the Inshore Box, the
other may set up in any friendly Port in Taiwan or an All-Sea hex.
Air Defenses: Detection 7; SAMs 5; AAA 2
Setup: All ROC non-Reinforcement units set up as defined
[GSR18.1.2]. ROC air units set up in the ROC Basing Box.
Reinforcement Schedule:
Replacements: ROC 1 per turn GT3+; U.S. If Posture is
Aggressive, 1 per turn GT5+
GT4 C; 2 x random Reserve brigades
GT5 D; 2 x random Reserve brigades
GT6 E; 2 x random Reserve brigades
GT7 F & I; 4 x random Reserve brigades
GT8 G; 4 x random Reserve brigades
GT9 H; 4 x random Reserve brigades
GT10 J; 4 x random Reserve brigades
GT11 K & L; 2 x random Reserve brigades
GT12 M
GT13 N & O
GT14 P & Q & R
GT15 S & T
GT16 U & V
Scenario Special Rules:
1. Allied Air: Prior to the beginning of play, the Allied player
must randomly choose half (rounded up) of each aircraft type
(i.e., F-16, FCK-1, F-15, etc.), in the ROC Basing Box and place
them in the Flown box. These are unavailable on GT1. No Air
Unit based in Japan may fly any missions on GT1.
2. Naval Detection: Prior to the beginning of play, either player
may attempt to detect enemy Naval units which set up in the
Taiwan Straits Inshore Box or any All-Sea hex.
3. PRC Cruise Missile Attacks: Prior to the beginning of play,
the PRC may conduct 10 Cruise Missile attacks on any eligible
targets. Damage to Airbases/Airfields counts for Steps a. and b.
of the Air Superiority Sortie Step for GT1 and Collateral Damage
is resolved immediately.
4. PRC SOF: On GT1, during the Special Forces Phase, the
PRC player may conduct two SOF Phases and allocate its Special

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Forces counters twice. Allocate all available counters, resolve

the missions (do not roll for survival all automatically survive),
then re-allocate and resolve again. Roll for survival as normal.
5. Allied SOF GT1: Allied Special Operations Forces may only
perform Air Defense Track Raids on GT1.
6. Surprise: All PRC attacks on GTs 1 & 2 receive a bonus of
one column shift right on the CRT.
7. Weather: PRC Player choice on GTs 1 & 2.
8. Initiative: The PRC has the Initiative automatically on GTs
1 & 2.
9. Initiative VPs: 11

Allied Scenario Specifications

Allocations: 20 Supply Points; all ROC Special Forces counters; 1 U.S. Special Forces counter; 2 Supply Depots; 2 x Mine
Marker Density; ASW Level: 1 (+1 each if the U.S. or Japan
intervenes at Level 2+)

Setup: All ROC non-Reinforcement units set up as defined

[GSR18.1.2]. ROC air units set up in the ROC Basing Box. The
Allies have already received Reinforcement IDs A-C. Set these
up according to the rules for Reinforcements [GSR8.0] and apply Supply Points, etc. received to the General Records Track.

11. Victory Levels:

Overwhelming 130+
Decisive 110-129
Substantive 80-109
Marginal 46-79
Draw 0-45

Reinforcement Schedule:
Replacements: ROC 1 per turn GTs 3-5, 2 per turn GT6+; U.S.
If Posture is Aggressive, 1 per turn GTs 4-7 and 2 per turn GT8+

18.3.5 Tactical Surprise

This scenario explores the middle ground between complete
strategic surprise and a long buildup. The Allies are aware that
the PRC is maneuvering its forces, although that really could be
just an unscheduled war game
PRC Scenario Specifications
Allocations: 40 Supply Points; 3 Airmobile Points; All Special
Forces counters; 2 Mobile Supply Units; 42 Cruise Missile
Points; Submarine Threat Level: 3
Air Defenses: Detection 7; SAMs 7; AAA 2; AWACs
Advantage 1
Setup: All Marine units; 3 x Airborne Divisions; 1st/1GA
Amphibious Mech. Inf. Div. (AMID); 2 x Zhi-10; 1 x CVBG;
2 x SAG; and 4 x AMPHs. All PRC air units begin in the PRC
Ready box. PRC Marine and Naval units may set up in the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box; all other ground units must set up in
the China Holding Box.
Reinforcement Schedule:
Supply Points: 1 per turn GT2+.


D; 2 x random Reserve brigades

E; 2 x random Reserve brigades
I; 3 x random Reserve brigades
F & G; 3 x random Reserve brigades
H; 4 x random Reserve brigades
J; 4 x random Reserve brigades
K & L; 4 x random Reserve brigades
M; 2 x random Reserve brigades

Scenario Special Rules:

1. Naval Detection: Allied units which set up in the Taiwan
Straits Inshore Box or any All-Sea hex are automatically Area
Detected. Prior to the beginning of play, either player may attempt to detect enemy Naval units which set up in the Taiwan
Straits Inshore Box. This detection attempt cannot result in No
Detection for the Allied units.
2. PRC Cruise Missile Attacks: Prior to the beginning of play,
the PRC may conduct 10 Cruise Missile attacks at any eligible
targets. Damage to Airbases/Airfields counts for Steps a. and b.
of the Air Superiority Sortie Step for GT1 and Collateral Damage
is resolved immediately.

Replacement Points: 2 per turn on GT3+.

Cruise Missile Points: 2 per turn GT3+.


1 x division; 1 x Airmobile Pt
1 x division; 1 x SOF Marker
1 x division; 1 x Airmobile Pt
1 x division; 1 x SOF Marker
1 x SOF Marker

Air Defenses: Detection 8; SAMs 6; AAA 2

10. Automatic Victory Roll VPs: +120 or more




124th/42GA AMID; 34th Inf Bde

1 x division; 3rd Inf Bde; 1 x SOF Marker
1 x CVBG; 1 x division; 92nd Inf Bde; 1 x SOF
1 x division; 179th Inf Bde; 1 x Airmobile Pt
1 x division; 36th Inf Bde; 1 x SOF Marker

3 Allied Air: Prior to the beginning of play, the Allied player

must randomly choose half (rounded up) of each aircraft type
(i.e., F-16, FCK-1, F-15, etc.), regardless of basing, and place
them in the Flown box. These are unavailable on GT1.

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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

4. PRC SOF: On GT 1, during the Special Forces Phase, the

PRC player may conduct two SOF Phases and allocate its Special
Forces counters twice. Allocate all available counters, resolve the
missions (do not roll for survival all automatically survive), then
re-allocate markers and resolve again. Roll for survival as normal.
5. Surprise: All PRC attacks on GT1 receive a bonus of one
column shift right on the CRT.
6. Initiative: The PRC has the Initiative automatically on GTs
1 and 2.
7. Weather: PRC Player choice on GTs 1 & 2.
8. Initiative VPs: 12

1 x division; 1 x Airmobile Pt; 1 x SOF Marker

1 x SOF Marker
1 x SOF Marker
1 x SOF Marker
1 x SOF Marker

Allied Scenario Specifications

Allocations: 20 Supply Points; all ROC Special Forces counters;
1 x U.S. Special Forces; 2 Supply Depots; 4 x Mine Marker
Density; ASW Level: 2 (+1 each if the U.S. or Japan intervenes
at Level 2+)
Air Defenses: Detection 8; SAMs 7; AAA 2

9. Automatic Victory Roll VPs: +100 or more

Setup: All ROC non-Reinforcement units set up as defined

GSR18.1.2]. ROC places 4 x random Reserve brigades. ROC
air units set up in the ROC Basing Box. The Allies have already
received Reinforcement IDs A-K. Set these up according to the
rules for Reinforcements [GSR8.0] and apply Supply Points, etc.
received to the General Records Track.

10. Victory Levels:

Overwhelming 110+
Decisive 90-109
Substantive 60-89
Marginal 41-59
Draw 0-40

Reinforcement Schedule:
Replacements: ROC 1 per turn GTs 1 & 2, 2 per turn GT3+;
U.S. If Posture is Aggressive, 1 per turn GTs 2-6 and 2 per
turn GT7+

18.3.6 Extended Buildup Scenario

This scenario explores the situation after tensions have been rising steadily between the PRC and the ROC. The U.S. and Japan
are highly likely to intervene with naval and air forces, and the
U.S. is more likely to commit ground units to the defense of
Taiwan. This scenario is quite difficult, even impossible, for the
PRC if the U.S. has intervened.
PRC Scenario Specifications
Allocations: 45 Supply Points; 4 Airmobile Points; All Special
Forces counters; 2 Mobile Supply Units; 46 Cruise Missile
Points; Submarine Threat Level: 4
Air Defenses: Detection 8; SAMs 8; AAA 2; AWACs
Advantage 2
Setup: All Marine units; 3 x Airborne Divisions; 1st/1GA
Amphibious Mech. Inf. Div. (AMID); 124th/42GA AMID; 2 x
Zhi-10; 2 x CVBG; 2 x SAG; and 4 x AMPHs. All PRC air units
begin in the PRC Ready box. PRC Ground and Naval units may
start in the Taiwan Straits Inshore Box.
Reinforcement Schedule:
Replacement, Cruise, Supply Points: 2 per turn GT2+.


34th Inf Bde; 1 x SOF Marker

1 x division; 3rd Inf Bde; 1 x SOF Marker
1 x division; 92nd Inf Bde; 1 x SOF Marker
1 x division; 179th Inf Bde; 1 x Airmobile Pt
1 x division; 36th Inf Bde; 1 x Zhi-10
1 x division; 1 x SOF Marker
1 x division
1 x division; 1 x Airmobile Pt; 1 x SOF Marker


L; 3 x random Reserve brigades

M; 3 x random Reserve brigades
N & O; 3 x random Reserve brigades
P; 3 x random Reserve brigades
Q & R; 4 x random Reserve brigades

Scenario Special Rules:

1. Naval Detection: Allied units which set up in the Taiwan
Straits Inshore Box or any All-Sea hex are automatically Point
Detected. Prior to the beginning of play, either player may attempt to detect enemy Naval units which set up in the Taiwan
Straits Inshore Box. This detection attempt cannot result in No
Detection for the Allied units.
2. PRC Cruise Missile Attacks: Prior to the beginning of play,
the PRC may conduct 10 Cruise Missile attacks at any eligible
targets. Damage to Airbases/Airfields counts for Steps a. and b.
of the Air Superiority Sortie Step for GT1 and Collateral Damage
is resolved immediately.
3. Surprise: All PRC attacks on GT1 receive a bonus of one
column shift right on the CRT.
4. Initiative: The PRC has the initiative on GTs 1 & 2.
5. Weather: PRC Player choice on GTs 1 & 2.
6. Initiative VPs: 14
7. Automatic Victory Roll VPs: +80 or more
8. Victory Levels:

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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules


or Sea Landing. In addition, units may be moved via Airmobile

and Paradrop following all normal rules. The ROC 66th and 99th
Marines set up in the Box and may not leave.

Overwhelming 90+
Decisive 70-89
Substantive 50-69
Marginal 30-49
Draw 0-29

5. Installation Strikes/Raids: Strikes may be conducted against

the Taiwan Holding Box [GSR6.5.3]. Use the tracks on the AirSea
Battle Scenario Card to track damage.

18.3.7 AirSea Battle Scenario Res Nullius

This scenario allows players to play the game using just the Advanced Air and Naval rules. Ground units are present, but they
do not conduct combat; they exist to be transported to the island.
Scenario Specifications
Players choose one of the above Advanced Game scenario setups: Strategic Surprise, Tactical Surprise, or Extended Buildup,
as the base for this scenario. After choosing which scenario to
use, players should set up the Naval and Air Units as specified
in that scenario. In addition, U.S. Posture is automatically set
at Aggressive with Intervention Level 4 (allowing the use of all
U.S. units). Roll normally for Japans Posture. Only Marine,
Marine-capable, Airborne, and Airmobile-type units are used.
Scenario Special Rules
1. Maps: Use only the Naval Map, Air Superiority Chart, and
AirSea Battle Scenario Card.
2. Special Rules: Follow any scenario specific (as chosen above)
special rules as regards moving air units to the Flown Box or conducting Cruise Missile attacks. U.S. Naval unit Reinforcements,
as an exception to the normal rules, always start in the U.S. Port
Box on the Naval Display. SOF Missions are handled as below.
3. SOP: Only the following portions of the Sequence of Play
are used:
a. Weather Phase
b. Initiative Phase [SSR #8]
c. First Special Operations Phase
d. Air/Naval Phase
e. Second Special Operation Phase
f. First Strike Phase
g. Initiative Movement Segment
h. Exploitation Movement Segment
i. Reaction Movement Segment
j. Second Strike Phase
k. Basic Movement Segment
l. Basic Reaction Movement Segment
m. Reorganization Phase (2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
n. Reinforcement and Replacement Phase (2)
o. Victory Determination Phase
p. Game Record Phase

6. SOF Missions: Ignore any other PRC-specific Scenario Special Rules for SOF markers. Instead, both sides may use all of
their SOF markers once on GT1 normally, i.e., roll for survival.
On GT2 and after, roll a die for each marker. On an odd result,
move the Marker to the Used box. On an even result, the Marker
is Available for use normally.
7. Sortie Restrictions: Because of the ongoing land conflict, not
every Strike/Combat Support-capable air unit is available for
Strikes against Naval Units or Installations. To reflect this, each
time a player wishes to use an Air Unit with a Combat Support
rating in a Strike Mission, he must roll a die. On an odd result
move the Air Unit to the Flown Box; the Air Unit is not available.
Exception: Carrier-based Air Units are always available for Strike Missions
against Naval Units.

8. Initiative: Use the starting scenario Initiative for as long as

stated. Following that, Initiative goes to the player who scored
the most VP on the previous turn. If tied, its a Contested Turn.
9. ADF Repair: Both sides may repair Air Defense Tracks in
every Reorganization Phase as if they had spent four Supply
Points. Do not track Supply Point expenditure.
10. Ports and Submarine Threat Level Adjustments: Adjust
the Sub Threat Level normally for Destroyed Ports. However,
since Repair is not modeled in this scenario, for every PRC Port
Destroyed, the PRC player may automatically increase the Sub
Threat Level two turns later. Once the Sub Threat Level reaches
zero, it may not be increased [].
11. Land Area Control: As there is no Ground combat, control
of the Land Areas is awarded to whichever side has at least twice
as many steps as their opponent in the Land Area. The stacking
limits in Land Areas, for this scenario, are unlimited. For the
purposes of the GSR18.3.3.3 South China Sea War DRM, the
PRC may only count a maximum of four units per Land Area.
12. Victory Points: In addition to earning VP for inflicting damage on enemy units and Installations as normal, the Allies earn 2
VP for each Allied step in Taiwan at the end of the scenario. The
PRC earns 1VP for each step in Taiwan at the end of the scenario.
13. Victory Conditions: The player with the most Victory Points
at the end of GT10 wins.

4. Taiwan Holding Box: Either player may deliver units to

Taiwan by successfully moving from the Taiwan Inshore Box to
the Taiwan Holding Box (see Scenario Card) via either AMPH
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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

19.0 Advanced Game Air Unit

Order of Battle
The following details the Air Unit Orders of Battle available for
each side. The mix of Pilot Skills, if there is variation, is listed
in parentheses.

19.1 PRC
All are available At Start:
4 x J-7 (3x0, 1x+1), 3 x JH-7 (2x0, 1x-1, 4 x J-8 (2x0, 1x+1,
1x1), 4 x J-10 (2x0, 2x1), 4 x J-11 (2x0, 2x1), 2 x J-16,
1 x Q-5, 5 x H-6 (2x1, 2x0, 1x+1), 2 x Su-27, 3 x Su-30
(2x0, 1x-1)
19.1.1 Optional units [17.12]
2 J-20, 1 x J-31, 2 x J-15

19.2 ROC
All are available At Start:
6 x F-16 (2x1, 3x0, 1x+1), 5 x F-CK-1 (1x1, 2x0, 2x+1),
2 x Mirage (1x0, 1x1)

19.3 U.S.
At Start status is determined by scenario, the rest arrive as reinforcements:
USAF: 4 x B-52H, 2 x F-35A, 4 x F-15C (2x2, 2x1),
4 x F-15E (3x2, 1x1), 6 x F-16D (2x2, 2x1, 2x0),
2 x B-1B, 2 x B-2A, 6 x A-10C (1x2, 3x1, 2x0), 4 x F-16DJ
USN: 4 x F/A-18E (2x2, 2x1), 8 x F/A-18F (3x2, 4x1,
1x0), 4 x EA-18G
USMC: 4 x F/A-18 (2x2, 2x1), 2 x AV-8B (1x2, 1x1)
19.3.1 Optional Units
USAF: 2 x F-22A, 4 x F-15C (1x2, 2x1, 1x0) [GSR17.1]
USN: 3 x F-35C [GSR17.5]

20.1 SOF Counters

U.S. (and Commonwealth SOF [GSR17.12]) counters may freely
set up or move between Game Information Displays. When a
counter is moved from Used to Available the owner simply
places it on whichever Game Information Display he desires.
SOF counters may only conduct missions in the theater associated with their Game Information Display.

20.2 Japan Holding Box

This Holding Box exists in both theaters and refers to the same
location; all rules apply from both games. Units are free to move
from either Holding Box into either theater.
20.2.1 Japanese Self-Defense Air Force
Use both sets of JPN air units from both games (12 counters
total). They may fly missions in either theater subject to game
specific restrictions.

20.3 Wider Conflict

Instead of rolling to determine where Allied Reinforcements arrive, the Allied player may place them in either theater subject
to current Posture restrictions and game specific reinforcement
rules. Reinforcements are no longer delayed nor must the Allied
player roll to determine their arrival.

20.4 PRC Commitment

Both games call for the use of certain units: PRC Marines, 1st
Amphibious Mech Inf Division, AMPHs, SAGs, CVBGs, and air
units. In a combined game, use only the units from NWT. They
may operate in either theater and arrive according to whichever
game calls for them first. The exception to the above is that all
Air Units from both games are used. Their initial Basing Boxes
are per the setup in each particular theater, i.e., NWK units set
up on that Air Superiority Chart and NWT units set up on its Air
Superiority Chart.

20.5 Air Units and Basing Boxes

USMC: 2 x F-35B [GSR17.5]

19.4 JPN
At start status is determined by scenario, the rest arrive as reinforcements:
2 x F-15J (1x1, 1x0), 2 x F-4EJ (1x1, 1x0), 2 x F-2A (1x1,

20.0 Integrating Next War: Korea

The following rules detail how to integrate playing Next War:
Korea and Next War: Taiwan together.
The basic underlying assumption is that players simply play both
games at the same time. There are some ramifications, however,
regarding moving between the two games, which are detailed
below. For ease of reference each game will be called a theater.
You are going to need a big table

This applies primarily to the PRC and Allies. Air units must occupy the Basing Box for the theater in which they are intended to
be used. They use the range limits and rules associated with that
particular Basing Box. Units may transfer to the other theater by
Rebasing. As an exception to the above, units in the Japan Basing Box may fly missions in either theater and are governed by
the range restrictions of the theater in which they are operating.

20.6 Sea Control

Use GSR18.1.3 to determine initial Sea Control except that the
East Sea Inshore Box should be marked with DPRK control and
the Sea of Japan At Sea Box is Contested. Use the Sea Control
rules from NWT when playing the combined game.
Exception: Ignore GSR5.2.2.1 in a combined game.

20.7 Victory
Keep track of Victory Points normally in each Theater. If a side
wins in one theater and loses in the other, the overall result is a
draw. If a side wins in both... Enjoy!

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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

21.0 Extended Examples of Play

21.1 Holding Box Strikes [GSR 6.5.3]
In the SOF Phase of a given turn, the Allies Raid the Airbase and
the Port in the PRC Holding Box. Each raid achieves a Strike 1
Result. Collateral Damage is rolled immediately for the Airbase.
In the following First Strike Phase, the Allies launch a Cruise
Missile attack against the Airbase in the Holding Box resulting
in the placement of a Strike 2 marker. In addition, in the Second
Strike Phase, the Allies sortie two Strike missions of two Air
units each; one against the Airbase and the other against the
Port in the PRC Holding Box. The Airbase Strikes result in two
Strike 1 markers (which become a single Strike 2) for a total of
one Strike 1 marker and two Strike 2 markers. The Port Strikes
result in two Strike 1 markers (for a total of one Strike 1 and one
Strike 2 marker). After the Collateral Damage Step is resolved,
the Allied player removes a Strike 2 and Strike 1 marker from the
Airbase (totaling 3), earns 2 VP, and moves the PRC Airbases
Captured/Destroyed Marker up one on the Game Information
Display. The Allied player removes both Strike markers from
the Port and earns 2 VP. During the Reorganization Phase, the
Submarine Threat Level is reduced by one (for the destruction
of a Port) and the remaining Strike 2 marker on the Airbase is
reduced to a Strike 1 marker and will affect the Air Superiority
determination in the following turn.

21.2 Initiative [5.0]

Lets say a particular scenario lists Side A as the Initiative player
on GTs 1 & 2 and the Initiative VPs as twenty. The players performance over the first eight GTs is as follows:

Turn Initiative Goes to:

As VPs
in turn

Bs VPs
in turn

A(Scenario Special Rule)


A(Scenario Special Rule)



A (VP from prev. turn)



Contested; A is First Player



B (VP from prev. turn)



Contested; B is First Player



B (VP from prev. turn)



B (VP from prev. turn)


An examination of this record shows the following Initiative

shifts during the game:
On GTs 1 & 2, Side A automatically holds the Initiative. The fact
that Side A didnt gain the required Victory Points (20) during
GT1 would normally indicate that GT2 would be Contested,
except that the scenario says Side A automatically has the Initiative for GTs 1 & 2.
During GT2, Side A scored more than enough VPs to keep the
Initiative, while Side B did not. So, GT3 will be another Side A
Initiative Turn.


During GT3, neither player achieves the necessary VPs for

Initiative, so GT4 is a Contested Turn, with Side A player as the
First Player. During GT4, the Side B player scores more VPs
than the Side A player. Since the previous turn was a Contested
Turn, Side B gains the Initiative for GT5.
GT5 sees both players achieving enough VPs for Initiative, so
GT6 is played as a Contested turn, with the Side B player as the
First Player. During GT6, Side B scores more VPs, so GT7 is a
Side B Initiative turn.
GTs7 & 8 both see the Side B player scoring sufficient VPs to
keep the Initiative.

21.3 Clearing Operations [8.4.1]

In the Basic Movement Segment, a reduced PRC Mechanized
Infantry Regiment & a reduced PRC Airborne Brigade (3 SPs
total) move into an Urban hex with a Port. The minimum required
SP (MSSP) for Clearing is 4 SP, so the non-Allied player knows
this is a tough fight and would like to reinforce, but he has no
other units available and desperately wants to control the Port.
The non-Allied player pulls a random Clearing marker from
the counter mix. He places the marker on top of the units and
continues the turn. During the Clearing Operations segment of
the Reorganization Phase, the non-Allied player resolves all
Clearing Operations. He reveals the Clearing Marker as a 5 and
proceeds to determine DRMs. He chooses the Mech Inf (ER5)
as the lead unit as it is easier to replace in case he fails and
takes a loss and compares this to the Clearing Number (which
is also 5). There is no DRM. Next, he determines if he has the
minimum required SPs and finds he is one short. This becomes
a 1 DRM. He does have mechanized infantry present, for a
+1 DRM. There is also a Port (Installation) in the hex which
incurs an additional 1 DRM. Finally, because he is Clearing
in the ROC, he incurs another 1 DRM. The non-Allied player
rolls the die, a 6 modified to 4 and just misses equaling
the Clearing Number. In addition, because he was below the
minimum required SP, he takes a step loss. The Airborne brigade
remains under the Clearing marker. In the following turn, the
non-Allied player realizes he needs to reinforce the effort to clear
the hex, and sends in another full-strength Mech Inf brigade
and Airborne brigade bringing the Stacking Points to 4. In the
Clearing Operations segment, he rolls an 8 and takes control
of the hex earning the appropriate VP.

21.4 Naval Movement [8.5.6]

For this example, refer to the Naval Display.
The Japan Holding Box is adjacent to the East China At Sea
Box, which, in turn, is adjacent to the Taiwan Straits At Sea
Box. The Taiwan Straits Inshore Box is contained within the
Taiwan Straits At Sea Box and connects to all of the All-Sea
hexes and Ports surrounding the island of Taiwan. It is a nonAllied Initiative Turn. In the Reaction Movement Segment of the
Initiative Movement and Combat Phase, the Allied player moves
a U.S. AMPH (w/ embarked Marines) from the Japan Holding
Box into the non-Allied-controlled East China At Sea Box. The
Allied player passes a Contested Sea Movement die roll. In
the Reaction Movement Segment of the Basic Movement and

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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

Combat Phase, the Allied player moves the AMPH through the
Taiwan Straits At Sea Box, through the associated Inshore Box,
and, finally, to a Port in the ROC. Since both the Taiwan Straits
At Sea and Inshore Boxes are non-Allied-controlled, the Allied
player makes another Contested Sea Movement roll. He fails the
roll and incurs an Abort or Strike 1 result. He has the choice
of returning to his origination point, the East China Sea At Sea
Box, or continuing to the Port, but, if he does the latter, he will
place a Strike 1 marker on the AMPH and must take a step loss
from one of the embarked units.

21.5 Installation Destruction [12.1.2]

The non-Allied player earns two VP for Destroying a Port on GT1
and reduces the ASW Level by one. The Allied player spends two
Supply Points to initiate the repair process and places a Strike
2 marker. If the non-Allied player strikes the Port in GT2 and
Destroys it again, no VP are earned nor is the ASW Level reduced. If, instead, the non-Allied player waits until GT4 (after
the Port has been fully repaired and the ASW Level increased
by one) and Destroys it again, two more VPs are earned and
the ASW Level is again reduced by one. Players may have to do
record-keeping to track this.

The combat is resolved as follows:

The U.S. F-22, the only unit with Long-range capability, fires at
the J-11B. The die roll is a 5. There are no die roll modifiers
for Long-range combat so the result is consulted under the +1
column (F-22 ACR of 6 minus J-11B ACR of 5 equals +1). The
outcome is Ad/D. Since only the Ad applies during Longrange and Stand-off combat, the F-22 will be Advantaged over
the J-11B. The non-Allied player rotates the J-11B to indicate this.

21.6 Air Superiority [22.10]

For the purposes of clarity in this example, were going to use
very few units to detail this entire process.
Lets say it is turn 3 of a given scenario. The Allied AWACS Advantage is 2. The non-Allied player allocates four air units (3
DPRK and 1 PRC) to the Air Superiority Box. The Allied player
allocates five units (2 US and 3 ROK) to the Air Superiority Box.
The units are pictured below:

Now both players attack with their air units capable of Standoff combat. All Stand-off combat is simultaneous, except for the
F-22 vs. J-11B engagement. Since the F-22 is Advantaged and
a Stealth air unit, it will fire and extract losses before the J-11B
fires (which it cant anyway because Stealth aircraft can only be
fired at in Dogfight).
The Stand-off die rolls and DRMs are as follows:
F-22 vs. J-11B: The die roll for the Advantaged F-22 is a 3,
with no modifiers under the +1 column, which results in an
A. The J-11B is immediately (since the F-22 is Advantaged)
Aborted and placed back in the PRC Abort box.

Since the Allied AWACS Advantage is 2, the Allied player

chooses the first two engagements. He engages the PRC J-11B
with his F-22 and the enemy MiG-29 with his F-15.
Now the non-Allied player gets to choose one engagement. He
engages the ROK F-5 with the MiG-23.
The Allied player would normally choose two more engagements,
but the enemy has only one unit left to engage. So, he engages
the remaining MiG-21 with the ROK KF-16.
The Allied player decides to allocate the excess F-4D to the
combat by placing it against the enemy MiG-23 along with the
ROK F-5..

F-15 vs. MiG-29: The F-15 die roll is 7. The MiG-29 roll is a
1. The F-15 roll is on the +1 column. This results in No
ef- fect on the MiG-29. The MiGs roll is modified by +1
(non-US/PRC Stand-off attack) for a final 2. Under the 1
column, this results in an A. The F-15 is immediately Aborted
and placed in the Japan Abort box.
F-5 and F-4D vs. MiG-23: The F-5 cannot fire as it has no Standoff rating. The die roll for the F-4D is a 7, modified by +1
(non-US/PRC Stand-off attack) to 8. Reading under the 0
column results in a No effect on the MiG-23. The MiG-23
fires at the F-5 (he could choose either opponent, but not both).
His roll is 5 modified by +1 (non-US/PRC Stand-off) to a
final of 6. Under the +1 column, this results in Ad/D.
The Allied player rotates the F-5 to indicate the Advantaged
situation for the MiG-23.

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Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

21.7 Wild Weasel [23.3]

On a given turn, the Allied player allocates a Wild Weasel mission. The non-Allied Air Defense Tracks are currently: Detection
= 8, SAM = 8, AAA = 3.
The Allied player allocates the following units to the mission:

KF-16 vs. MiG-21: The MiG-21 does not fire as it has no standoff capability. The die roll for the KF-16 of 8 is modified by
+1 (non-US/PRC Stand-off) to 9. Reading under the +2
column results in a No effect on the MiG-21.
Dogfight combat is now resolved for all units, sequentially, from
highest to lowest ACR and allocating losses after each set of air
units with the same ACR has fired.
The KF-16, with a rating of 4, fires first at the MiG-21. The
roll is a 1 modified by 1 (Pilot Skill) for a final of 0
on the +2 column. The result of X eliminates the MiG-21.
Since the KF-16 was the only unit with a 4 rating, losses are
now allocated. The MiG-21 is removed from play (and the Allied
player scores VPs).
Now, all units with a 3 ACR fire. The DPRK MiG-23s roll is a
0, which, on the +1 column, eliminates the ROK F-5. The
ROK F-4D also rolls a 0 modified by 1 (Pilot Skill) to a
1. Under the 0 column, that results in an X, thus eliminating the MiG-23 and avenging the loss of the F-5 squadron. All
3 rated units are finished firing, so losses are allocated. The
F-5 and MiG-23 are removed from play (and VPs are scored).
As there are no engaged units remaining, the Air Superiority
combat is complete.

Striking Units

Suppresion Escort

The non-Allied player now attempts to detect the mission. He

rolls one die and refers to the Detection Table under the 8
(his current Detection Value) column. The die roll is 4, modified by +3 (+1 for each of the three Wild Weasel units in
the mission) to a 7, which results in a D. So, the mission
is Detected and will undergo ADF but cannot be intercepted.
The F-15C is returned to the Flown box because no escort is
necessary and it cannot it be attacked by SAMs or AAA.
To resolve the SAM fire, the non-Allied player rolls once against
each of the three remaining units (Wild Weasel units that accompany a Strike or Wild Weasel Mission are subject to SAM and
AAA fire), referring to the 8 column of the Advanced Game Air
Defense Table for each unit. The results are as follows:

DR: 4

DR: 7

DR: 1

Each of these die rolls is modified by +6 (+2 per Wild

Weasel unit in the mission). Thus, the fire against the two F-16DJ
WWs has no effect, and the fire against the F-4E WW results in
a +1. Since Defense Suppression aircraft ignore all +#
results, this, too, has no effect.
Since the mission was Detected, AAA fire now engages each unit.
The non-Allied player rolls once for each unit under the AAA 3
column of the Advanced Game Air Defense Table to determine
the results. The AAA rolls are:

Since the Allied player has a 3:1 Advantage of air units remaining
in the Air Superiority box, the Allied side has Air Superiority
this turn. Because of this, the Allied AWACS Advantage is
increased by one to 3.

DR: 6

DR: 9

DR: 2

There are no applicable modifiers for these attacks (weather

is CLEAR). The fire against F-16DJ WW #1 results in a +1
DRM to his ensuing Wild Weasel attack. The AAA misses F-16DJ
WW #2. The F-4E WW suffers an A result and is immediately
removed to the Abort box.
Now the F-16DJ WWs make their attacks. The Allied player
an- nounces that F-16DJ WW #1 will fire against the enemy
Detec- tion Track, while F-16DJ WW #2 attacks the SAM Track
(they could have both attacked the same Track, if the player had
so desired). He rolls one die for each unit and consults the Strike
2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC


Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

Table. F-16DJ WW #1 rolls a 2, modified by +1 for the AAA

result and 2 for Pilot Skill for a roll of 1. The combat result is 2, which inflicts two hits on the enemy Detection Track
(which is immediately reduced to 6). F-16DJ WW #2s roll is
a 7, modified by 2 (Pilot Skill) to 5. The result is a 1,
inflicting one hit on the enemy SAM Track (which is immediately
reduced to a 7). The Wild Weasel Mission is now complete
and the two planes return to the Flown box.

21.8 Interception [24.4]

On turn 1 of a given game, the Allies allocate a strike mission
as follows:

First, well resolve the MiG-29s attack. The non-Allied player

rolls on the 0 column of the Air Combat Table (MiGs ACR
of 4 minus the KF-16s ACR of 4). His die roll of 2 is
modified by +1 (non-US/PRC Stand-off attack) for a final roll
of 3, which results in an A result. The ROK KF-16C, after
it fires, will be returned to the ROK Abort Box. The KF-16s roll
of 5 is also modified by +1 (non-US/PRC Stand-off) to 6
and just misses.
Resolving the other engagement, the MiG-23s roll of 7 (again,
the ACRs are equal, so we use the 0 column) is modified by
+1 (non-US/PRC Stand-off) to a final 8, which results in
No effect. The F-4Ds roll of 4 is modified by +1 (nonUS/PRC Stand-off) to 5 and results in Ad (Advantaged)
for the ROK air unit in the next combat segment. The non-Allied
player rotates the MiG-23 180 degrees to show that Advantage
situation. Stand-off combat is now complete.

Defense Strike
This strike is detected with an ED result. The non-Allied player
intercepts with one MiG-29 and one MiG-23. The Strike units
and the allocated Interceptors are as follows:
The MiG-29 is now unengaged, so it may choose another unit
to attack. It engages the F-4E Wild Weasel (because it cant fire
back), ignoring the Strike aircraft.

DR: 8



DR: 2

Since the intercepting player is allowed to choose engagements,
the non-Allied player allocates his MiG-29 against the escorting ROK KF-16C and the MiG-23 against the escorting F-4D.
Neither side has any Long-range capable air units, so we skip
to Stand-off combat.
All stand-off capable units fire (simultaneously). Their die rolls
are as follows:

DR: 2

DR: 6

DR: 6

DR: 5

Now we resolve the Dogfight combat, with units with the best
ACR firing first. The MiG-29 die roll is an 8. This is modified
by 1 (Pilot Skill) and 1 for firing at a () rated aircraft for
a final roll of 6, which, on the +1 column of the Air Combat
Table, results in a D. The F-4E is Damaged, and, since it has
only a single step, is eliminated from play (providing VPs to the
non-Allied player).

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC


Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

In the other Dogfight, the F-4D fires first, even though the units
have the same ACR, because it is Advantaged. The die roll
of 2 is modified by 1 (Pilot Skill) to a final roll of 1,
which is a DA on the 0 column. The MiG-23 is flipped to
its reduced strength side and immediately placed in the DPRK
Abort Box. Note that if the F-4D had not been Advantaged, the
MiG-23 would have been allowed to fire before taking the step
loss and being Aborted.

Finally, the F-4D unit is ready to drop its bombs. The Allied
player rolls on the Strike Table, using the column where its Strike
Rating (2) intersects the terrain of its target (Rough Woods). In
this case, that is the third column from the left on the Strike Table.
The die roll is a 3, modified by +2 due to the SAM and
AAA results and by 2 because the target bears a Targeted
2 Marker (thanks to the snake eaters!) and another 1 for
Pilot Skill. Thus, the modified roll becomes a 2, resulting in a
1 on the Strike Table indicating a Strike 1 hit on the MSU.

A Strike 1 marker is placed on the MSU (which also retains

its Targeted 2 marker until the Reorganization Phase of
this turn), and the Strike is complete. The F-4D is placed in the
Flown Box.

21.9 Air Strikes [23.4.1]

21.10 Combat Support [23.5]

(For the beginning of this example, see the Interception example.)

The Allied player is left with one Strike unit, a 3*-2-2 F-4D,
with a 1 Pilot Skill. Since the Detection result was ED,
and the unit survived Interception, it now undergoes SAM fire.
The non-Allied player, with a SAM value of 6, rolls once on
the Advanced Game Air Defense Table. The die roll is a 5,
and, with no applicable DRMs (the Wild Weasel accompanying the mission was destroyed, thus losing its +2 DRM for the
mission), the result under the 6-7 column is +1. The air
unit will be allowed to Strike the target (a Targeted 2 enemy
MSU in Rough Woods), but it will suffer an adverse +1 DRM
(representing being too busy dodging SAM fire to optimally
prosecute the attack).
Since the Strike was Detected, and the F-4D has no Stand-off
Strike capability, it must undergo AAA fire before its attack. The
non-Allied AAA Value (fortunately for the Allies) is 1. The
AAA die roll is 2, which results, under the AAA 1 column,
in a +1. Thus, the F-4D will have an additional DRM to its
attack for a total of +2.

This example assumes that the Local Detection is used for the
mission. After a ground combat has been declared, the Allied
player allocates Combat Support missions to support his attack.
He allocates two U.S. A-10Cs accompanied by a U.S. F-16DJ
Wild Weasel for Defense Suppression. In addition, he allocates
one AH-64 Apache attack helicopter (he could have allocated
up to two helicopters as the attacker).

Combat Support

Defense Combat
Suppression Support

The non-Allied player declines to allocate Combat Support and

proceeds to resolve ADF by attempting to detect the missions.
He rolls once to detect the Air Mission (2) and once against
the helo (5). A +1 DRM for the Wild Weasel makes the first
roll a 1, which is a D result (the air mission is Detected). A
5 against the attack helicopter fails to detect it. It will subtract
its full CSR from the combat die roll without undergoing SAM
or AAA fire.
Since the air units are detected, Local SAM fire attacks each unit.
The SAM die rolls are as follows:

DR: 4

DR: 7

DR: 5

All of the SAM attacks have a +2 DRM due to the presence

of the Wild Weasel unit in the mission. Cross-referencing the
Local column of the Advanced Game Air Defense Table, the
SAM fire misses.
2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC


Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

Now, each unit is attacked by AAA fire using the Local column.
The AAA attack die rolls are:

DR: 0

DR: 7

DR: 9

There are no applicable DRMs. The fire against the F-16DJ WW

and A-10C #2 misses. The 0 against A-10C #1 results in an
A, which Aborts the unit; the Allied player immediately returns
the unit to the Abort box.
Both the AH-64, which was not detected, and A-10 #2, after
fighting its way through heavy SAM and AAA fire, contribute
their CSRs to the combat. Since they are attacking, this results
in a -6 (2 for the AH-64 plus 4 for the A-10) Combat
Support DRM. (The maximum achievable DRM for CS is -6.)

Counter Notes
Unfortunately, the PRC 45th Airborne Division
HQ was printed incorrectly on Sheet #3. Fortunately, we were able to catch it in time, so the
correct counter is provided on Sheet #1.

21.11 Cruise Missile (Theater Weapon) Strike

A PRC Cruise Missile Strike is declared against a Targeted Allied
Airbase. The die roll is 3. A +1 non-U.S. Cruise Missile
DRM is applied but is canceled by the -1 Targeted DRM.
Cross-referencing the Cruise column and Urban Terrain row,
a die roll of 3 yields a result of 2. The non-Allied player
places a Strike 2 marker in the Installations hex and will roll
for Collateral Damage at the end of the Strike Phase.

21.12 Collateral Damage [27.7.4]

In GT1, an Airbase incurs a Strike 1 result from a Theater Weapon
attack. The marker is placed and rotated as a reminder. During
the same Strike Phase, the same Airbase incurs another Strike
1 result from an Air Strike. As this is increasing the damage
within the Phase, the Strike 1 marker is replaced with a Strike
2 marker (still rotated). At the appropriate step in the SOP, a
Collateral Damage roll is made under the Strike 2 column. In
GT2, the Airbase (now with a Strike 1 marker due to Repair)
incurs a Strike 2 result and is Destroyed. First, a Strike 2 marker
is placed and rotated indicating that a Collateral Damage roll
must be rolled at a later point under the Strike 2 column (not
the Destroyed column). After Collateral Damage is resolved, the
Strike markers are combined and a Destroyed marker is placed.

21.13 UN Resolution [28.0]

It is GT4 of a given scenario, and a UN Resolution has been
passed. The non-Allied player (as the PRC), elects not to Veto.
The Allied player (as the U.S.) chooses not to Veto the Resolution
because the VP situation currently is a Draw. The non-Allied
player, as the scenario Initiative/First player, immediately declares he will Disobey the Ceasefire, and the Allies immediately
earn 10 VP this turn and in every subsequent Initiative Phase that
the non-Allied player continues to Disobey until the game ends. If
using the UN Mandate Optional rule, then the U.S. Intervention
Level would increase by one.
If, instead, the Allies had chosen to Veto the Resolution, they
would have lost 5 VPs, and the game would continue normally including rolling for another UN Resolution in the next game turn.

Also, Missiles is misspelled on the back of the PRC Cruise

Missile marker. Neither of the above affect play.

NWT Credits
Original Crisis: Korea 1995 Design: Gene Billingsley
Next War: Taiwan Design/Development: Mitchell Land
Series Developer: Chris Fawcett
Research: Apollo Yeh, Arrigo Velicogna
Art Director, Cover Art and Package Design: Rodger
B. MacGowan
Map Art: Mark Simonitch
Counter Art: Mark Simonitch
Manuals & Player Aid Cards: Charles Kibler
Proofreaders/Playtesters: Brett Avants, Lloyd Bonagura,
Doug Bush, John Clifford, Gordon Geissler, Francesc
Pelej i Graell, Johan Halvarsson, Charlie Kidwell, Jeff
Komives, Chris Longtin, Jim McNaughton, Glen Oberhauser, John Rainey, Greg Sapara, Dan Stueber, Stacey
Redding, Apollo Yeh
Production Coordination: Tony Curtis
Producers: Tony Curtis, Rodger MacGowan, Andy Lewis,
Gene Billingsley & Mark Simonitch
Special Thanks: Id like to extend an extra bit of gratitude
and recognition to John Clifford who single-handedly
found over 200 typos and errors in the rules; hes a nitpicker, but hes my kind of nit-picker! In addition, Id like
to thank Charlie Kibler for his outstanding perseverance
in correcting the over-400 typos and errors we found. I
believe we set a record for number of proofs with the
Naval Display!

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC


Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules

Formosa Plastics
Formosa Plastics

Type Hex VP
Capital 4610 6
Town 2707 1
City 4810 2
Town 3010 1
Urban 3208 4
Town 1715 1
Town 1318 1
Town 2918 1
City 2608 2
Airbase 2608 2
Town 2809 1
Town 2108 1
Town 3506 1
Town 2212 1
Town 2906 1
Town 3108 1
Town 1518 1
Town 4809 1
Town 1420 1
Town 1911 1
Town 3207 1
Town 1519 1
Town 4607 1
Town 2612 1
Town 2619 1
Town 2507 1
Town 3007 1
Town 2909 1
Town 2511 1
Town 2609 1
Town 3117 1
Town 3216 1
City 1713 2
Town 2817 1
Town 4311 1
Town 3116 1
Town 2110 1
Town 4506 1

Hsuehshan Tunnel
Hsuehshan Tunnel

2014, 2015 GMT Games, LLC

Type Hex VP
City 1219 2
City 4207 2
Airbase 4207 2
City 3616 2
Airbase 3616 2
Port 3616 2
Town 1909 1
Port 1909 2
Airbase 1909 2
Town 2808 1
Airbase 2219 2
Town 2219 1
City 4408 2
Town 4306 1
Town 2308 1
Town 3515 1
Town 4512 1
Capital 4611 6
Town 4909 1
Town 2607 1
Urban 1512 4
Urban 1513 4
Port 1513 2
Urban 1612 4
Port 1612 2
Urban 1613 4
City 4911 2
Port 5011 2
Town 2113 1
Town 2115 1
Town 3106 1
Town 4609 1
Town 4608 1
Airbase 4608 2
City 4513 2
Town 2418 1
Town 1319 1
Town 3907 1
Town 2708 1


Next War: Taiwan ~ Game Specific Rules


Type Hex VP
Town 4115 1
City 4811 2
Town 3009 1
City 1910 2
City 1714 2
Airbase 1714 2
Town 2907 1
Town 3310 1
Town 2010 1
Town 1812 1
Capital 4709 6
Town 2513 1
Town 4213 1
City 4107 2
Town 4908 1
Town 3306 1
Port 3306 2
Town 3112 1
Town 2508 1
Town 4509 1
Town 3416 1
City 1514 2
Town 2209 1
Town 4711 1
Town 2908 1
Town 3715 1
City 4510 2
Town 4407 1
Town 2210 1
Town 3107 1
Airbase 3407 2
Town 4415 1
Port 4415 2
Town 2408 1
Urban 3307 4
Urban 3308 4
Town 1718 1
Urban 2009 4
Capital 4710 6
Town 1917 1
Town 2706 1


Type Hex VP
City 2118 2
Port 2118 2
Town 3606 1
City 4508 2
Town 3806 1
City 4613 2
Port 4713 2
Town 3607 1
Town 3017 1
Town 3109 1
Town 4708 1
Port 4708 2
Town 2011 1
Town 4910 1
Town 2109 1
City 3008 2
Town 3706 1
Town 3311 1
Town 2916 1
City 1711 2
Airbase 1712 2

Capital Urban 4
Urban 8
City 20
Town 89
Airbase 9
Airfield 8
Port 11
Factory 1
Mixed - 18 (for 72 VP)*
* Mixed (shaded above) indicates a hex containing one or more
VP type locations.

GMT Games, LLC

P.O. Box 1308, Hanford, CA 93232-1308

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