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Government of India/Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Railways/Rail Mantralaya (Railway Board) a No. 2011/TG-II1/600/38. New Delhi, di. 7-9-2011 ‘The Chief Commercial Managers, All Indian Railways, Sub: Action Plan fo Revamp Catering Services on IR.. A high priority has been given by hon'ble MR and the Board towards improving catering services (both mobile and static) on IR There have been detailed interaction between hon'ble MR and the Board not only with us bat also with the Licensees, on measures to be taken to improve the catering services, Based on the above, an action plan to revamp the catering services on IR has been made out, which is enclosed as annexure t0 this letter. Zonal Railways are advised to take follow up action. Monthly report on the action taken may Kindly be sent for information of the Board. Enels: as above (Kamlesh Gupta) Addl. Member (Tourism & Catering) Railway Board, ACTION PLAN TO REVAMP CATERING SERVICES An Action Flan to revamp Mobile Cateving Services 1 28 under (&— VARIETWIN MENU: 1) ‘The ments of meals on Rajdhasi/Shatebdi/Daronto trains have to be ideally made cyclic so as to be non-repetitive. 2) Tn Mail/Express tains, it may be examined whee the standard © eh/aimmer may be added with a choive of & Deluxe lameh Gives which aoe ete anger variety. Passenger demand if existing wil desermne @ decision on this. 4) Regional cuisines and a greater variety of Combo-meals etc. in the &- 2) carte tems of snacks and mini meals be made available, As per policy the vec tariff of a-la-carte meals is decided by Zonal Railway’ themselves. In the past this had cteated anomabes in the taxi ofthe samme To OA diferent Raiays. Road had, therefore, made a Standing Comets 10 bring not Gly a areater variety but also uniformity The Uist of a-la-carte items prepared at present, by Unis Committee comprishts of 50 items is to be aeeeersed gtadually, based on suggestions/ recommendations of Zonal Railways. “Note: Zonal Railways may give amy suggestion on trem and (2) above. (B) REVISION OF LICENSE FEES AND TARIES: 4) There is a suggestion presently uncer examina Railway Board ‘ether ihe 7% cushion money deducted from the montty hills of licensees providing, catering, services or Rajdhani/Shatabdi/Durontos for tating Care Preunfoveseen expenditure on additional catering, services consequent to Seo) tiaing or late sunning ete. de to accidents, agiaons etc. is 10 ee Seciuced in view of the very such occasions of diversion /late running of trains. 4’ in (3) The taviff of Standard Meals andl controlled segment items (iea/coftee oe is under review to decide need for upward revision 6) _Axeview of the policy on reserve price of mobile units, isin process ‘Note: Zonal Railways may give any suggestion on tens (2), (@) and (©) above. (©) REVAMPING CATERING SERVICES & AUGMENTATION OF CATERING INFRASTRUCTRURE: +) ‘The provision jn the policy (para 15) of Trait Side Vending (SY Qhntencts to “hook a meat on phone” will Be pul th place and made Operational withi « period of 2/8 months e+ from the award of such TSY contracts to the licensees. 8) The facility of providing “Take Away” packed food through all big static units, including in some of the stalls, wall be put in place within the next I month, The Zonal Railways will procure eco-friendly biodegradable vacking materiel, attractive in looks, at a minor additional charge to be decided at the level of CCMs, for supply of the “Take-Away” items, 9) Base Kitchens are to be proliferated by Zonal Railways cither as, ¢ Mega/Medium Base Kitchens, of «Mini Base Kitchen as part of Cell Kitchen; in case of non-availability Of Cell Kitchens, services can be provided through Refreshment Roons and even Jan Ahaars. The grid of trains to be serviced by each station through a nontinated ase Kitchen (Mega/medium or mini base kitchen) will be identified by each Zonal Railway. ‘The supply of meals 1o the pantry cars will be from the somningied kitchens only, on payment of a transfer vaie as decided by Railway Board. The SBD for the base kitchens will be issued to Zonal Railways around the 15% of September. There can be 2 alternatives as under: «Infrastructure 10 be provided by Railways and operation of the base kitchen by the licensee Ge, licensee only procures the equipment required) — SBD will be ready by 15.09.2011. «Both the infrastructure as also the equipment is provided by the jicensee (SBD will take a month) Note: Zonal Railways may give suggestions on the above alternatives. 10) The proliferation of new and upgradation of existing mim Base Kitohens will be gradually done by Zonal Railways, Existing Refreshment Rooms and Cell Kitchens where required, may be upgraded. £1) Bvery pantry car should have a Manager (or Captain), whose mobile Number should be available in the Commercial Control office of the Division, from where the train having primary maintenance, evighvates. The Manager would be responsible for all actions of the staff working jm the pantry car. 12) The turn-out of stait (waiters, bearers, Kbalasis) in the panboy cars wil be improved by licensees. All the staff (especially waiters and Superviscr/Manager) should be in proper and clean uniforms The crepe Wwaters/Bearers etc. should have theis nails freshly cut, @ viSie sea pndge, & be shaved where this i applicable etc. The type of wnltoete rane by the stadt working a Panbry Cat be sila; this can be decided Py the aoe asthe Manager of the pantry car has to ensure this. Presentation of seeneeee ved as also of the staff eployed in the pantry car has to be of @ high level 13) The SAD for Rajahani/Shatabdi/ Durortos and other M/E trains has 4 1B) ge of termination of comtract i 220 Srnere fines/penalties have bees mposed when am irregulanty Thas beer wtoticed on 5 occasion. In the ting held with tae mobile Hoens ‘A was brought out that action '8Ke) ie default of Hensees should be ssradedl based on Ute Severs of the offence} Che jnstance cases of overcharsins sae varowing, garbage on tack OF NT for Boule otc. should be giver a Wighet \peighrage as compared 19 some oTE! offences. Notes Zonal Reis may give SUSgeoHCE® on this. 14) A. suggestion has beer received that the repair of defective equipment, as also of Meficiencies (when defective) 9° ‘equipment of the pantry car, and where ‘onived additional equipment Cam be provided in the srry cat, by, the hcensee, subject to pict approval of Sr.IME/St.DEE/ SP. DCM of the Division having primary maintenance of the vake, The approval will be giver subject to limitations of electrical load, safely consideration eC. Note; Zonal Railways may she suggestions on this. is) A fall back option fo nominal’ ticensee from a panel miele 1 pavance (valid for ome oF WO YEAS Te gaare) to undertake mobile cater Services in Pantry Cars is fo BE prepared for situations 28 weer 4s ehhen a new train Js introduced a¢ SRO notice. shen an existing contract is termina ted for unsatistactory WOrKINS: Note: Zonal Railways may give SUBBESTOM itany, on this. 16) _ The design of Stainless Steel coaches inchiding of Pantry Cr vased int some of the Duronio Express FFeains is not conducive to assist providing soactary catering services. The coaches go not have a mini Pantry Car as is the case 38 Rajghani/Shatabai coackes; in SIeepeS Class coaches. great dhsrieuy is, therefore, Felt in providing catering services, Most of the Pantry ay aged in Daronto Express trains 27e of The above type in which halt the caeeh only is Pantry Car portion, the otter Mnalt ig 40 Sleeper Class berths The alt vowels area ‘of the Panizy Car is highly inadequate te service food to 16/17 coaches. oa oe designig of Pantry Cars of Duronto EXP trains as also of he 9 ene eee Raydhanis and M/Exp), is presently under Note: Zonal Railways may give suggestion, ifany. 17) Feed back forms should be u regularly got filled by the passenger ‘onthly Reports should be giver to the Commercial ‘offcees for Rajdhani /Shatabai /Duront Rajan Shatabl? to traing. and Quarterly Reports for other 13) Checks on unauthorized vending should be stepped wp by the Ticket 10) _gdnig staf on the Zonal Raibways; the check ghoul involve both RPF and GRP. 19) 168 more Food Flazas should be set 18 quickly by IRCTC. Out of hese, 26 are awaiting commissioning, for 140 Food Flazas/Fast Food units ese ve been identified, IXCTC should sive POU to the setting up of al! He od Plazas. Zonal Railways may provide “the site as soon as IRCTC completes the formalities. 20) The licensees have been advised that consideration of their suggestion Gn higher tarit? and/or reduction 1 fleense fee will be based on thew” on ee ment to provide better quality food 68 ‘also higher level of presentation (Iris inches the quality of uniform, fun ot ad the belavion PFehe staff ancl improved food supplies.) 21) Departmental supervision of the mobile Fale services rendered by 2) iconsees is to be anade more stringent, THI: Wy ‘Ge done by nomninating Inspestors/ Supervisors 10 exercise checks periodically #3 also of randoms basis. 29) _ Systems of collection of gavbage, non LEN of vestibules of coaches, paging of garbage and its disposal st ‘nominated stations, as per guidelines peas ty Railway Board, may Be enforced.

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