Pexoutline 1

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Richard Thiele

ED 495
Title of Presentation:

PEX Video Transformation

Media to be used: There will be a collection of edited videos that show my strengths as a
teacher. I was thinking of showing my progress by video taping several lesson plans (3-4).
Feelings I hope to Invoke: This is a tricky question to answer. Im really not sure if I will Invoke
any? Maybe satisfaction? I could invoke satisfaction by showing my transformation and
progress through the videos. Other than that I am not really to sure what kind of emotions I
could bring out in my audience as of yet.
Summary of how I will use artifact: I want to lay out my video in a lesson plan format. For
instance, I want to show my use of learning targets, warm-ups, initiatives, direct instruction, and
debriefs. I was thinking of taping all of these and showing progression through the videos. So
my video would show at first how I progressed with teaching warm ups, then my video would
show how I developed with teaching initiatives and so on. Basically the video will be a lesson
plan but with multiple examples of how I progressed with teaching in each area of a lesson plan.
Essentially I am hoping to show a weak example, a stronger example and then my strongest
example of how I teach each of these categories through video.
Steps by step:
1. First, I will introduce myself and talk a little bit about Escalante and the school's culture.
2. After the introduction I will show my progression video which I aim to be anywhere from 15-30
minutes depending on how long the PEX is supposed to be.
3. After the video I am to have a discussion with my small audience about how I progressed and
what helped me transform my teaching persona.
4. I will then take questions from panelists and/or the audience members.
Key Question/the End:
At the end of the PEX presentation I will ask the audience did anyone see any progress or
transformation? Or I will ask something like Was there any evidence of my progression as a
teacher? I will then comment on where I thought I saw progress and transformation. I will
facilitate participation with the audience by asking them questions and asking them to input their
feedback from the teaching video.
What is my work:
At the very end of the presentation I will read a meaningful passage from my What is my Work
essay that I have yet to pick out. The passage I choose will most likely have something to say
about how I have transformed into the daunting routine of becoming a 7th grade teacher.

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