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TSG-SA/WG5 (Telecom Management) meeting #6

Cork, Ireland


31 August - 3 September 1999






45th IETF, Oslo, July 11-16, Summary Meeting Report,

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There were close to 1700 attendees, and the IETF chair mentioned in the plenary that there were many
participants from Telecommunication companies. The social event was hosted by Ericsson.
The ITU-T director, Dr. H. Zhao, gave a plenary presentation and talked about the need to strengthen the
cooperation between the IETF and the ITU. Three main concerns of the ITU-T are IP-based networks,
IMT-2000 networks, and accounting rates.
A common goal between the two organizations is to avoid overlap in standards development,
and all ITU-T Study Groups take IP infrastructures into consideration.
IETF O&M and Services WG meetings highlights:

Differentiated Services (diffserv):

1. Ericsson, Microsoft, and Extreme proposed a conceptual model of a Diffserv compliant router. The
conceptual model will enable management tools to more readily be able to manage networks
incorporating Diffserv routers of various implementations.
2. Cisco proposed a Diffserv MIB that contains five elements: Behavior Aggregate Classification Table,
Classifier Table, Meter Table, Action Table, Queue Table.
Next Generation Transition (ngtrans):
1. There is currently no killer app that will encourage the move to IPv6. IPv6 is planned for large
domains, including home usage.
2. Different migration strategies were discussed including IPv4 packet tunneling, dual stack support (v4
and v6), IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses, and others.
Distributed Management (disman):
1. Three drafts (expression, log, and event MIBs) are in working group last call. The remaining internet
draft, the remote operations MIB document, was discussed in some detail, with working group last call
planned in the next few weeks.
2. Progression to draft status of the Schedule and Script MIBs, RFCs 2591 and 2592, respectively, was
discussed as well. The Schedule MIB was implemented by SNMP Research.
Remote Network Monitoring (rmon):
1. A new draft defines objects for managing remote network monitoring devices for use on high speed
networks. Included are 64-bit counters. It was decided to publish it as a proposed standard.
2. The SMIv2 RMON-1 MIB is done with updated rate counters.
3. A discussion was devoted for the need of a Diffserv (DS) RMON MIB where the DS forwarding
information is separate from the DS monitoring information.
4. A new WG charter was proposed. The new topics to be addressed are: a) Network service QoS
measurement, b) Diffserv services statistics collection, c) Application performance measurement.
5. A lengthy discussion took place on how to measure application performance. Should basic metrics be
measured or should statistics be measured. For example, should response time and availability be
measured? There are many definitions of these latter statistics, and this can lead to different

TSG-SA/WG5 (Telecom Management) meeting #6

Cork, Ireland


31 August - 3 September 1999

interpretations. There was no definite conclusion.
LDAP Service Deployment BOF:
With the availability of multiple telecom service providers, there is a need for a single directory service,
essentially a referral service, that gets the required number information from a specific service provider
directory. The Swedish government, for example, came up with such a requirement. An architecture that
proposes a client-server access to directory numbers was proposed. This architecture uses a common
directory representation so that N clients accessing M directories will require only N+M schema mappings
instead of N*M. Expected response times from such a system is 1-3 seconds. A WG may be formed to deal
with LDAP services.

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