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Krishna 1

Mitri Krishna
Mrs. Henry
ELA/Reading 1/4
19 September 2016
Decisions, Decisions
Would you ever take part in a medical experiment that appears to be risky? It is not
ethical to use humans as test subjects because it puts them at unnecessary risk. Although using
humans for medical experiments could lead to new discoveries, it is not worth putting human
lives in unsafe situations. As a matter of fact, there are no guarantees in medical experiments like
deteriorating after an experiment. In Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, Charlie regresses
after an experiment conducted on him.Im forgetting things that I learned recently. It seems to
be following the classic pattern- the last things I learned are the first things forgotten (Keyes
81). Experiments are not always successful, since there are no guarantees they are accurate.
Therefore, it is unethical to use humans in medical experiments based on the effects. After an
experiment, participants may face illness and sickness. I get awful headaches and aspirin does
not help me much. Mrs.Flynn knows im really sick and she feels very sorry for me (Keyes 83).
Its unethical for humans to be used in such scientific experiments when there is a high
possibility humans can end up in a problem caused by it. In addition, medical experiments are
not reliable and give hope of success in the scientific process when it is not dependable.
According to UI Hospitals and Clinics, New methods may have side effects or risks that doctors
do not expect or are worse than those from normal treatment (UI Health Care 1). It is not ethical

Krishna 1

for humans to be used in experiments when even the doctors are not sure if the experiment is
reliable or not and, most likely, be a failure. In conclusion, there are many reasons why it is not
ethical to use humans as test subjects in experiments. Overall, we know that these experiments
put them in danger, are reliable, and there are no guarantees. By understanding the topic of
medical testing on humans, unnecessary risks taken by people just for an experiment can be
avoided, and society can be protected.

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