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Bailey Gladfelter

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Mrs. Henry
ELA/ Reading
11 October 2016

Decisions Decisions
Scientists conduct research on new, promising life saving drugs every day. These life saving
drugs require countless hours of research to ensure they are safe and effective for humans. Who
should these experiments be tested on, animals, humans or both? Using humans for medical
experiments is completely unethical. On the other hand, the effects on an animal may not always
be the same as effects on a human. It may also depend on what type of animal is being used for
the experiment. Therefore, in some cases, using humans for medical experiments the positive
results outweigh the risks. However, these positive results are not always a guarantee and could
jeopardize the health and well being of the human involved. Therefore, using humans for
medical experiments is unethical because it puts the humans life in danger. Algernon died two
days ago. (80). Putting human lives in danger is never acceptable. Second, there is no
guarantee the medical experiment will go correctly or have the results that were expected.
Deterioration progressing. I have become absent minded. (80). Even though the mouse
experiment was successful, the experiment on Charlie was also successful but did not have the
same results. Another reason it is unethical to use humans for medical experiments is the person
may not live a healthy normal life as a result of the experiment. I have already begun to notice
signs of instability and forgetfulness, the first symptoms of the burnout. He was no longer living

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the life he had lived prior to the experiment. Overall using humans for medical experiments is
unethical because the humans life could be put in danger, there is no guarantee that it will work
completely, and their condition could get worse.

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Works Cited
Keyes, Daniel. Flowers for Algernon. Common Core Literature, Pearson, 2015, pp. 52-86.

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