Personality Adjectives

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_________________: having or displaying warmth or affection (carioso)

_________________: having a strong desire for success or achievement


_________________: skilled in using analysis (analtico)

_________________: vigorously active; having a sturdy and well proportioned


_________________: showing a fighting disposition (competitivo)
_________________: not liable to error in judgement or action (seguro
de s mismo)
_________________: exercising usually unwarranted power

_________________: working with others for a common purpose or benefit


_________________: marked by a tendency to find and call attention to

_________________: willing to give and share (generoso)
_________________: not dependent on (independiente)
errors and flaws

_________________: producing sound of great volume or intensity


_________________: skillful in influencing or controlling others to your own



_________________: able to feel or perceive (susceptible,
_________________: lacking self-confidence (tmido)
_________________: marked by quiet, caution and secrecy (solapado)
_________________: friendly and pleasant (sociable)
_________________: difficult to treat or deal with (testarudo, terco)
_________________: full of trivial conversation (charlatan,
hablador, parlanchn)
_________________: concerned chiefly or only with yourself

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