Running From Vampires Part 2

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By mizzimays
Sam took me to the oval and we sat under a tree. Me sitting
in his lap crying. I eventually look up to his face.
“If it’s not to much can I ask you something?” I ask sobbing
mid sentence.
“Name it”
“Would you be able to give me a lift home after school and
please please do not mention this to anyone?”
“Sure thing”
“Thank you”

I honestly can’t tell you about most of my day after that. It

didn’t matter. The last bell went. I got my stuff out of my
locker as quickly as I could and ran out to the car park and
waited for Samy at his car.
“You don’t need a lift??” JACE!!
“No Samy’s taking me” I say acidly.
“I’m really sorry but I thought you should know.”
“Go Away!” I yell at him “YOU”RE NOT SORRY!!” I went to
hit him but some one grabbed my arm.
“Hey hey what’s going on here??” I heard Samy’s voice. I
spun around and gave him a huge hug. While I was hugging
him I saw Matt. I began to cry again. Hysterically.
“C’mon lets go.” I say urgently to Samy. He turned around
and saw Matt walking towards us.
“Alright.” He put an arm around me and opened the
passenger door to let me in. Once he was in we were off.

I woke to my alarm blaring through the room. It was a crisp

yet warm morning. Everything seemed ok but I knew this
feeling would not last long because the harsh reality would
soon set in and I couldn’t stop it.
Samy gave me a lift to school this morning and he told me on
way that he would do this for as long as I needed. After
saying goodbye to Samy I went to sit under a tree to wait
for the bell.
My best friend and my boyfriend (Make that my ex-best
friend and ex-boyfriend.) have both betrayed me. I turned
my phone on to see 25 missed calls and 16 messages pop up
on my screen. All from Matt. I delete them all.
“Still mad and upset hey?” I heard Jace say in a relaxed
“Leave me alone!” I say as calm as I could.
“You don’t mean that” he said smirking whilst touching my
“Keep your filthy hands off of me!” I say standing up to
leave. Grabbing my arm tight he spun me around and
grabbed my other arm. He squeezed them and I could feel
them bruising.
“Don’t ever talk to me like that again-“
“Hey, what’s going on here?!” I hear a new voice shout. Then
all of the sudden another girl was standing in between us
and pushing Jace. He landed against the tree with a huge
thud. By now a crowd was beginning to crowd around.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU!!!” They girl shouted. “If Riley knew
what you were doing he’d kill you.”
“I was just having some fun” He replied coolly.
I didn’t hear the rest because I was already walking away
with Samy. Samy’s face was full of worry. On the way to
class I explained everything to him.
“Okay seriously Abby,” he said cutting me off midsentence.
“stay as far away from him as possible. He’s a complete
“Don’t worry I know.” I say “I’m sorry I’ve been dumping
everything on you lately.”
“No problems. You’re my friend and that’s what I am here
“See you at recess! I’ll meet you at the cafeteria!” I say
walking away.

First period I had Humanities with Matt. I got to class and

remembered that Samy was also in this class. So I sat at
the back and saved a spot for him. I was looking through my
I-pod for a good song when I hear the chair beside me come
out and back in.
“Hey Sam-“I began looking up to see Matt sitting there
next to me.
“Are you mad at me or something?” he asked slightly
annoyed. “You’re avoiding me and rejecting all my calls. What
did I do?”
I saw Samy walk into the room and look at me suspiciously. I
deliberately got my stuff and went over to Samy. I dumped
my stuff next to his and leaned up to whisper in his ear.
“Do you mind if we make him jealous?” I ask. He shook his
head so I moved my forehead so that it was touching his
and slowly leaned in. I could feel Matt’s glare from across
the room. When I got close enough I wrapped my arms
around his next and his arms wound around my waist. We
leaned towards each other…..


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