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Expository Essay (Environment)

What is pollution? We always talk about pollution. What is pollution actually is?
The types of pollution are including water, air, soil and radioactive contamination.
Pollution occurs in many forms ranging from chemicals in the form of gases or liquids,
noise, energy sources such as light or heat, or even solids such as the types of waste
that end up in landfills. There are several types of pollution.
The first type of pullution is air pollution. Air pollution is in the form of the gas
released by the factories, power plants, automobiles and many more. The most
common sources of air pollution include oil refineries, power plants, burning of fossil
fuels, automobiles, fumes from aerosols and chemicals such as paint, factories, and
Water pollution occurs anytime. It occurs when many toxics, rubbish and any
other things enter into water source such as the ocean, rivers, lakes or ground water.
Many of the same sources that result in air pollution can also release pollutants into
water supplies through either directly leaking or spilling materials into the water or
releasing chemicals into the air that then fall back into water supplies in the form of acid
The third type is soil pollution. Like air and water, the soil itself can also become
polluted from dangerous materials such as heavy metals, pesticides, and landfills.
Chemicals, like herbicides and pesticides, are major polluters. Commercial farming is
one of leading causes of soil pollution along with strip mining and land fills. Pollutants
can impact soil everywhere. For farmers, pollutants can reduce crop yields and lead to
heavy erosion. So what can we do? Most importantly, recycle. The less trash we put
out, the less chance that trash will end up in our soil. If youre a gardener, use
environmentally-friendly insect control methods.
Noise pollution is also an environmental issue. Noise is only a by-product of
modern technology. The harm noise brings us is more than the intrusive and distractive
sounds that can cause health disorders and low productivity.In fact the sources of noise
pollution can also do damage on its own. There are many causes of noise pollution. For

example, factories, highways, airports, and construction sites are obvious sources of
noise pollution. Automobiles, trains, and farm tractors immediately affect our physical
well-being, not only by the intrusive sounds that can cause hearing impairment and
hypertensions. A flying airplane produces harsh reverberating sounds with the use of
several air pollutants that can directly affect the Earths climate system. Cetaceans or
the orders of mammals that include whales, dolphins, and porpoises who rely on
sounds for feeding navigation have been highly affected by sonar activity in the ocean
waters. Noise pollution can be reduced if we human know how to respect others.
Radioactive Contamination is a deadly radiation from nuclear plants, uranium
mining and refinement, weapons, or other industries can have a long range effect on an
environment both locally and hundreds of miles away from the original contamination
In conclusion, pollution can be reduced. There are many ways of reducing it. We
can use the 3R method : reuse, reduce and recycle. Besides that, we can also make a
campaign. By doing these, we can reduce pollution.


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