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0 Introduction
This is a case study to study about the leadership traits and ability to analyse the leaderships
traits that should be exhibits by the school headmaster or principal or even the head of the
organizational organization.

In this case study, the researcher will trying to pin down what makes an effective school
leader can help to make the school to performs better in the its result and at the same time
will be able to produce students with higher capabilities not only in their studies but also in
their psychological and their physical
Before this research, many researchers has identified the quality of leadership as one of the
key factors driving the transformation, in line with many previous studies into school
improvement, such as Kenneth Leithwood and Karen Seashore-Louis influential 2011
Linking Leadership to Student Learning.

But the IoE academics professors David Woods and Chris Husbands and Dr Chris Brown
went further. Through a study of reports by school inspectors, they came up with a set of
characteristics shared by successful school leaders that the researcher thought was worth
Below are the list that most of the researcher had agreed on what traits that a principal or
head of an educational department should have.
1. The principle must have consistent, high expectations and are very ambitious for the
success of their pupils.
2. The principal should constantly demonstrate that disadvantage need not be a barrier to
3. The principle must focus relentlessly on improving teaching and learning with very
effective professional development of all staff.

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4. The principles are expert at assessment and the tracking of pupil progress with
appropriate support and intervention based upon a detailed knowledge of individual
5. They are highly inclusive, having complete regard for the progress and personal
development of every pupil.
6. The principle develop individual students through promoting rich opportunities for
learning both within and out of the classroom.
7. The principle also cultivate a range of partnerships particularly with parents, business
and the community to support pupil learning and progress.
8. Finally the principle are robust and rigorous in terms of self-evaluation and data
analysis with clear strategies for improvement.
Although this list was drawn up with particular reference to schools in difficult
circumstances, they appear to readily translate into different contexts. What is particularly
heartening is that there is also considerable overlap with qualities of leadership identified by
one of Englands most respected school principals. Sir David Carter is chief executive of the
Cabot Learning Federation, a group of 11 schools based in and around Bristol. Many of the
schools joined the federation after they were identified as in need of improvement, and Sir
David was knighted earlier this year for services to education.

When one of the researcher interviewed him for an article on superheads principals skilled
in turning around struggling schools he spoke about the need to work relentlessly on behalf
of pupils , having a clear and consistent vision and working closely with the community the
school serves . He also adds other qualities, some perhaps implicit in the IoE list, but all
crucial to the successful school leadership. Among these was the ability to balance strategic
and operational roles, and the ability to manage change and understand how it works.

Another is talent spotting. Sir David invests a huge amount of time in making the right
appointments and in getting people in the right roles.

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Effective principals also need to have a high level of emotional intelligence and interpersonal
skills. Often, the power of school leaders is vested in their capacity to persuade and influence,
rather than to direct. You have to take people with you, you cant be bullish, Sir David
says. You have got to build collaboration and get people to work together.

Finally, Sir David identifies a sense of moral purpose. While this may be of most significance
in disadvantaged areas, the desire to get the best for all children is something every principal
should possess.

Of course, every school leader will have a different list. Many will echo these characteristics,
many will emphasise different aspects and some will add their own characteristics. But this
list plus Sir Davids additions seems to offer a set of core qualities.

2.0Literature review
Based on the survey that has been done by the , the top ten traits of
School Leaders are :
1. Has a stated vision for the school and a plan to achieve that vision.
2. Clearly states goals and expectations for students, staff, and parents.
3. Is visible -- gets out of the office; is seen all over the school.
4. Is trustworthy and straight with students and staff.
5. Helps develop leadership skills in others.
6. Develops strong teachers; cultivates good teaching practice.
7. Shows that he or she is not in charge alone; involves others.
8. Has a sense of humor.

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9. Is a role model for students and staff.

10. Offers meaningful kindnesses and kudos to staff and students.

3.0Methodology of study
3.1 Introduction
This Chapter describes what approach the researcher used to conduct this research. This
chapter contains population and sample, research framework, sampling technique, data
collection instrument, data collection activities as well as method of data analysis.

According to Baserville (1991) methods are systematic and orderly procedure or process for
attaining some objectives. He continues by stating that methodology doesnt describe specific
methods, nevertheless it does specify several process. These processes constitute a general
framework, they may be broken down in sub-process and these maybe combined or their
sequences may change.

According to Wikipedia, Methodology is the systematic, theoretical analysis of the methods

applied to a field of study, or the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles
associated with a branch of knowledge. It, typically, encompasses concepts such as paradigm,
theoretical model, phases and quantitative or qualitative techniques.

According to Creswell, J. W. (2003) qualitative research is a method of inquiry employed in

many different academic disciplines, traditionally in the social services, but also in the market
research, this is aimed to gather an in-depth understanding of human behaviour and the
reasons that govern such behaviour

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Baserville (1991) continues to state that methodology refer to nothing more than simple set of
methods or procedures, or it may refers to the rationale and philosophical assumption that
underlie a particular study relative to scientific method. In context of social science and later
in other disciplines, two research methods are normally applied depending on the subject
matter and objectives of the research-Quantitative method and Qualitative method.

Research Framework

For this study, it is a case of choosing types of research of which a particular problem to be
studied in detail within a limited time scale. For this research as a researcher, I will identified
traits relating to the respondents perception on the applicability of the traits of principal ,
collecting data from them by using questionnaire, analysed all of the related data, and make
recommendation based on the findings. This is being done by distributing the questionnaires
to the teachers, seniors staffs and all people around the school.
In this research, the target population for this study is limited to five (5) staff members at this
company. This is as a result of constraints of money, time and limited resources. Although
there are only a small population of target population, they can still provide all of the data
needed to conduct this research.

3.3 Sampling technique

For this research the instrument that I will be using is a self-designed interview. I will prepare
a self-designed questionnaire made of an open ended questions and closed question . For
the open ended question, the respondent will provide their own answer. Meanwhile for the
closed questions, the respondent will select answer from the list of appropriate answer that
has been listed at the questionnaire.

As a researcher, I used the self-designed interview to seek information from the respondent
because it was good and fast way of deriving and gathering information. The reason I use the
self-interviews for this research because information is not quantifiable and interviews are
often described as qualitative research method.
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These sample techniques provided in-depth information needed for the research.

3.4 Data Collection

The researcher will personally administered the questionnaires. The researcher will
personally go to the school himself to conduct the interview. The researcher will give the
questionnaire personally to the teachers and staffs of the school. The respondent will be able
to ask some question regarding the question given in the questionnaire. After answering all of
the question in the questionnaire, the researcher will collect all of the questionnaires. It will
be able to save more time as they would spend minimum time in getting the data from
questionnaire for analysis. All data obtain will be analysed and compiled within the stipulated
time given.

3.5 Data analysis

Data analysis is a body of methods that help to describe facts, detect patterns, develop
explanations, and test hypotheses. It is used in all of the sciences. It is used in business, in
administration, and in policy. (Macintosh, 1996)

Data analysis is the process of systematically applying statistical and logical techniques to
describe and illustrate, condense and recap, and evaluate data (2011) Northern Illinois

For the purpose of this research the data gathered by the researcher is grouped into categories,
analyzed and presented mainly in narrative form.

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3.6 Data Collection Procedure

Based on the diagram above, it is the procedure of how data collections were done and
analysed. First of all, the researcher will preparing the self-design questionnaire that consist
of open-ended question and some questions with a quantitative measured typed of questions.
Then, the questionnaire will be distributed by the researcher to the respondents. As it is being
done with the researcher in the company, the researcher will be able to collect all of the
questionnaires for data analyzing. In analyzing the data, the researcher will be using a
software that can analysed all of the collective data to generate the desired findings.

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4.0 Data Findings


Mean score


The headmaster of the school have an 1.5




addressing his thought.

The headmaster is a good educator.



headmaster has explain his vision 2.8

and goal for what to be achieved at the


The headmaster is able to facilitates and 1.3
creating bond around

his staffs and

The headmaster follow the changes that 3.3
were made especially to the changes of the

education policies.
Being a headmaster, he has been so 2.5
successful in building a new culture within

the school.
He can be an effective leader by doing all 2.7
that he can and took risk in implementing

new policies within the organization.

He can be the data driver and produced 2.3
excellence students.

He had shown the character to which he 2.8

were able to create new character for his


staff and also his students.

He is the contributor in many aspect of 2.5
the school management.

Total Minimum Score

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Based on the result above, we can see that the headmaster has explain his vision and goal for
what to be achieved at the school. By doing so, he can show how the he as the head of the
department are able to shows all of his staff that he has vision for the school that he want it
to be in the future. By explaining the goal and vision; and at the same time improving the
current vision of the school, he show that he have something to achieved for the school.
Furthermore, the vision will be able to help the division to achieved greater result as well.
The mean score of 2.80 shows that the school with a visionary leader may be able to achieved
the good result in building new character with the organization.

The second traits of the headmaster are that he follow the changes that were made especially
to the changes of the education policies. The score of 3.3 of 4.0 shows that most of his staff
believed that he did well in doing changes that he felt suited to the school itself.
Based on the findings too, the headmaster is there are two traits that is this headmaster or
head of department of an educational is lacking of is the communication. Without the proper
communication, the staff will be unable to convey all the necessary messages needed in
deliver it to his staffs and also the students at the school. The intonation and how he talks
with it is making all of any critical decision. It will not be appropriate to makes any action if
the staff do not know what to do. He should try to understand and listened to his staff.

Another discussion would be on the traits being a facilitator. The score 1.3 seems that the
headmaster is not able to facilitate the staff of his own within the workplace. Furthermore, he
or she will be very difficult in dealing with outside world. Being in a workplace that relates
more with the outside world, as a leader of a school, the principal should be able to get
connected with people outside. Instead of we, the leaders that has been the headmaster here
always indicates I. no togetherness in implementing something new. So this will make the
staff to felt uncomfortable in

5.0 Recommendation

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5.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the researcher seeks to summarize what was discussed in the previous
chapters and draw conclusions from what was established from the findings of the interview
conducted in the chapter 4.
The conclusion are based on the data and fact that has been obtained from the staff of the
school respondents and various opinions that has been gather from other literature review.

People do not always expect a principal to solve their problems. Many times, they just need
someone who will listen to their concerns. An effective administrator knows when it is
appropriate to shut up and just listen.

When teachers always keep students and the impact of their decisions on students -- as their
focus, the ultimate answers to many problems become more obvious. Keeping students as the
focus of every decision is "the one trait that makes a stand-out principal. That might sound
trite, but we can used that statement as the principal guiding force for years.
Principals don't have all the answers, but a principal who is always learning, a principal who
is constantly growing, is likely to be a strong principal. A principal who is always learning
models what he or she hopes the whole school staff will become -- a learning community. "I
think if you view yourself as a learner, you are freed from being the sole dispenser of
knowledge and wisdom. You are also freed from feeling that you have to provide all the
answers. Hopefully, that engenders a spirit of 'I'm not sure about that, let's work on it
together.' That kind of spirit benefits the entire school." This shows that togetherness within
the school should be done together
A good leader offers all staff people the opportunity to improve. They [have the ability to]
bring out the best in the entire faculty by making marginal teachers better and better teachers
the best." (Sylvia Hooker).
One principal -- no matter how skilled, how child-focused, how positive -- cannot possibly
create an excellent educational environment for every child in the school without the
teachers. By demonstrating that I trust their judgment, have confidence in them, will acquire
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whatever resources they need, and will support them in their work, teachers will do their best
and kids will benefit." (Dr. Lolli Haws)
Based on some of the discussion above, we can see that a good leader must have the most
important skills that is communication. Being a good communicators, he will be able to
convey the messages not only directly to the students and also to all of his staff at the school
too. By doing a good communicator, you will be able to talk as a friends with your staff, or
say you are expecting something you want to achieved.
5.2 Summary of the findings
Based on the findings that is being made, we found that the headmaster of the school is not
being able to make proper communication in implementing his policies in order to make the
school to be able to moves higher in its achievements.
He also being likert scales as very poor in becoming a facilitators. Many of the staff had see
him still using the words I in any function that has been done in the school. So it is hard for
the school to achieved something when the people in the organizational felt that they are not
belong to the organization.

5.3 Conclusion
In conclusion, being a principal is one thing. But being a good principal is a things that any
principal want to be. So it is essential for the principal to do a good job in doing it with other
people within the organizations.
Being a good leader at school, one must know that any action taken will give impact others
within the school. So, the main traits that a principal need is to be a good communicator.
When you as a leader communicates well with your peers in the organization, all works can
be done in harmonious manners. Meaning to say that it will helps the organization to work
well with the societies.

5.5 Suggestions for further research

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Most of the research has its own limitation and that might mislead the findings and accurate
recommendation. For this research, the researcher find out that the headmaster has just being
appointed to this big school. So it is his first experience as being a boss at the school. Many
of this experiences will be his new experiences.

As we have known, not all information has been reveal and this cause has made this research
to be not up to its quality. There are some a very confidential information has not been

For the researcher that want to do the topic discussed, I think they should try to integrate and
make bigger area of the research especially in the research sampling and how to collect the
data. With bigger area of investigation, the

6.0 References:
"Good Principals: What Traits Do They Share?" (Education World -- May 3, 1999)
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Education World (2014) ABC Book of the Principal's Job, downloaded on 30 th June 2016,
Gardner, J. W. (1990). On leadership. New York, NY: Free Press.
Goldring, E., Porter, A. C., Murphy, J., Elliott, S. N., & Cravens, X. (2007). Assessing
learning-centered leadership: Connections to research, professional standards, and current





Horng, E., Kalogrides, D., & Loeb, S. (2010). Principal preferences and the unequal
distribution of principals across schools (Working Paper No. 36). Washington, DC:
Urban Institute, National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education

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