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Part A:

Table of content

The complexities that emerge from three aspect


of education
The concept of education cannot be equated with

Schooling sometime infringes with the right of the

Kenya education reform resulted in significant

gains in ensuring availability and accessibility to

education but the aspect of acceptability has been less
Learning outcome as the basis for the right

Educaton process as the basis for the right to

education reformulation of the right to education

g. Education Processes as the basis of the right to


a) The concept of Universal Right to education

Education as a human right means:
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The right to education is guaranteed legally for all without any discrimination
The government must take the obligation to protect, respect and fulfil the right to
education for all ages of children.
b) The complexities that emerge from three aspect of education
From the early 50s the developments and policies of national higher education
systems in the economically advanced countries were analysed in most cases by
referring to a limited set of factors: growth of student enrolment, diversity of talents
and motives, the changing graduate labour market, compatibilities and tensions
between the teaching and learning function and the research function of higher
education, and finally institutional policies between imitation and search for unique
solutions were referred to most frequently.
Certainly the following factors deserve special attention for explaining the current
International cooperation and mobility,
Globalisation in terms of blurring the borders of national systems and
increasing world-wide interconnectedness,
New media,
The new steering and management system in higher education, and
Knowledge society (pressures for relevance, new patterns of competences).
In the framework of the UNESCO Forum on Education, Research and Knowledge,
experts from the Europe and North America analysed recent structural developments
on higher education, thereby paying attention to key forces reflected in structural
policies and actual structural developments. These analyses clearly indicate a growing
complexity of the major underlying forces. The role these five forces named above,
finally, will be outlined briefly.
c) The concept of education cannot be equated with schooling
As we have known, the learning process in children education is mainly on the
educuational itself but then there are several aspect that the school did not teach our
children that is:
Personal finance
This financial illiteracy is actually a really big problem. Because, see, if you have a
society full of people buying a bunch of crap they cant afford, retiring with no
savings, getting sick and not being able to afford health care well, that screws all of
us in a major way

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Many things make for a happy life, but few things have as much influence and impact
as our relationships do. As humans, we are fundamentally social animals. We dont
exist in a vacuum. We cant. Our social bonds make up the fabric of our life.
Logic and reasoning
The point is, we are making these logical fallacies all the time. And often in subtle
ways that go unnoticed by us. And often regarding important decisions and beliefs
that have life-or-death consequences.
d) Schooling sometime infringes with the right of the child
it is the government obligation to protect children from any form of discrimination and to
take positive action to promote their rights.

All actions concerning the child shall take full account of his or her best interests. The
government shall provide the child with adequate care when parents, or others charged with
that responsibility, fail to do so.
Every child has the inherent right to life, and the State has an obligation to ensure the childs
survival and development.
The child has the right to express his or her opinion freely and to have that opinion taken into
account in any matter or procedure affecting the child.

e) Kenya education reform resulted in significant gains in ensuring availability and

accessibility to education but the aspect of acceptability has been less successful
In Kenya why it is less successful? It is because of the certain factors below.
a)Parents continued to finance education of the children in primary and secondary. So
when the parent do not have enough monies then the children cannot go to school
b) Kiswahili had not been made compulsory in early eighties
c) Mother tongue continued to hinder national unity
d) Vocational education was not introduced; another Commission was established in
e) Lack of qualified teachers to teach mathematics, science and vocational subjects.

Inadequate finance, many facilities were not put up in schools for practical and
vocational subjects such as agricultural workshops, home science, art and design,
woodwork, electricity, power machines among others.

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g) Society, communities and part of stakeholders resisted changes since it involved cost
which they were to
incur especially parents, students resisted overloaded curriculum hence failure to
implement fully
f) Learning outcome as the basis for the right education
In the right to education the government must set the objective on why the education can
be successful and what is their planned outcome. Is the curriculum is effective enough
and will it be useful for the country in the future? So most of the country hope that the
school will be able to produce human capital that will be able to help the country to
develop in the future.
g) Education process as the basis for the right to education reformulation of the
right to education
Availability funded by governments, education is universal, free and compulsory. There
should be proper infrastructure and facilities in place with adequate books and materials
for students. Buildings should meet both safety and sanitation standards, such as having
clean drinking water. Active recruitment, proper training and appropriate retention
methods should ensure that enough qualified staff is available at each school.
Accessibility all children should have equal access to school services, regardless of
gender, race, religion, ethnicity or socio-economic status. Efforts should be made to
ensure the inclusion of marginalized groups including children of refugees, the homeless
or those with disabilities in short there should be universal access to education i.e. access
to all. There should be no forms of segregation or denial of access to any students. This
includes ensuring that proper laws are in place against any child labour or exploitation to
prevent children from obtaining primary or secondary education. Schools must be within
a reasonable distance for children within the community, otherwise transportation should
be provided to students, particularly those that might live in rural areas, to ensure ways to
school are safe and convenient. Education should be affordable to all, with textbooks,
supplies and uniforms provided to students at no additional costs.
Acceptability the quality of education provided should be free of discrimination,
relevant and culturally appropriate for all students. Students should not be expected to
conform to any specific religious or ideological views. Methods of teaching should be
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objective and unbiased and material available should reflect a wide array of ideas and
beliefs. Health and safety should be emphasized within schools including the elimination
of any forms of corporal punishment. Professionalism of staff and teachers should be
Adaptability educational programs should be flexible and able to adjust according to
societal changes and the needs of the community. Observance of religious or cultural
holidays should be respected by schools in order to accommodate students, along with
providing adequate care to those students with disabilities.

In conclusion the education right of the children is very essential. No discrimination on
children to learn. if there any restriction on how the children to study at school then the
government is the one that have to take responsibility. No children should not go to
In order to make any country to be develop in the future, then the government must
encourage parents to send their children to school. Set a regulation like punishment for
those who did not send children go to school.
So it is the obligation for the government to make sure they produce enough human
capital in order to make their country to be fully develop in the future.

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