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Page 5

EPIB Trail

Volume 8, Issue 5

However, preserving public lands is not only the concern of environmentalists or the envi-
ronmentally conscious. According to an ar cle in the Star Tribune, a majority of Wyoming ci zens
oppose public land seizure as well. The Wyoming Wildlife Federa on and sportsmen organiza ons
across the West have successfully opposed bills promo ng state takeover of na onal public lands,
killing twenty-one of the proposals in six state legislatures. They o en cite the aesthe c and recrea-
onal values of public lands, saying that they are part of the American iden ty.
Works Referenced
Davenport, C. (2016, January 14). In Climate Move, Obama Halts New Coal Mining Leases on Public Lands. Retrieved
March 5, 2016, from coal-miningleases-on-public-lands.html?rref=collection/sectioncollection/earth
E. (2016, February 21). Moody: Sportsmen want public lands to stay public. Retrieved March 6, 2016, from
opinion/columns/moody-sportsmen-want-public-lands-to-stay- public/article_a4964798-2a6b-53fe-b156-372988aa9670.html
Jervis, R., & Brown, E. (2016, January 04). Oregon militia takeover: How did we get here? Retrieved March 5, 2016, from

Milman, O. (2016, February 24). House Republicans seek to open up national forests to mining and logging. Retrieved
March 6, 2016, from news/2016/feb/24/house-republicans-open-national-forests-mininglogging-oregon-
militia-malheur-wildlife-refuge Retrieved March 6, 2016, from

(Source: Peacock, G. Pariah Canyon-Vermillion Cliffs, UT-AZ [Photograph found in Flikr]. Retrieved March 6, 2016, from http://
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