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Growing up is simply fun Comment on this statement with reference to Lenfant


As a child one experiences most life events for the first time. One is babied by
adults and responsibilities are largely unknown. In the novel LEnfant Noir we
witness Layes excitement and enjoyment childhood experiences. Like most other
children he visits his relatives, undergoes rites of passage and attends school.
Layes experiences living in his fathers concession with the co-meres and les
apprentis, his visits to Tindican, school and his eventual estrangement from his
mother and culture give us the impression that childhood has many fun moments
but it is also rather confusing and emotionally painful.
The child enjoys watching the father at his craft in the workshop saying: Je devrais
dire : un spectacle. Similarly the celebration with the griot fascinates the child. The
first rays of confusion make themselves known when the father expresses his belief
that Laye will not visit him frequently enough to learn the art of blacksmithing: Tu
me quitteras petit and out of his confusion arise emotional discomfiture expressed
in his inability to sleep Le sommeil me fuyait et je magitais sur ma couche
In Tindican the mothers familys residence the child enjoys being fussed over by his
grandmother and the other women in the village ma venu tait une fte. The
arrival of the dry season in December is another point of joy for Laye. This is la
belle saison and it [le] faisait danser de joie and he describes it in flowery
monologue. He enjoys himself in the rice harvest but is again bemused when Layes
uncle remarks, ce nest pas ton travail de faucher. [..] cela sera jamais ton travail
leading to now familiar confusion from Laye.
Back in Kouroussa during the circumcision festival there is again much revelling
and excitement until the actual event transpires bringing physical pain and some
awkwardness in confronting his mother. He wonders, De quoi embarrassais-je? He
is still largely satisfied for now he is a man.
In contrast Layes first experiences with French school were not as fun as his earlier
childhood what with irresponsible principals and teachers nous vivons dans la
crainte perptuelle dtre envoys au tablau and abusive upperclassmen ils
trouvaient commode de nous en fouetter. His move to the city, Conakry to attend
the Camille Guy School leads to his encounter with Marie. Young love blossoms and
the two pass many a joyous Sunday studying together. Sadly one of his classmates,
Check, dies from a serious illness, Check nous prcds sur le chemin de Dieu. At
the end of his studies at the Camille Guy Secondary School Laye earns a scholarship
and the chance to study in Paris and he accepts without discussing it with his
parents. This leads to a confrontation with his mother. She is terribly angry and
reproaches Laye saying, loigne-toi ! Tu nest pas mon fils ! These experiences
suggest to me that Layes childhood was an intricate one, exposing varied human
emotions not just limited to fun.

Growing up is simply fun Comment on this statement with reference to Lenfant

To recap, it seems to me that Layes childhood was a rich, complex experience with
many different facets; while indeed holding many opportunities for fun, it was
nevertheless also coloured with confusion, discomfort and sadness.

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