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Chapter 3 Quiz

The Beginnings of Islam

Key Version A
1) What is the Key Version?
a) A
b) B
2) What is the climate in most of the Arabian
a) Artic
b) Desert
c) Forest
d) Tropical
e) Tundra
3) What is the distance of the Arabian
Peninsula from north to south?
a) 12 miles
b) 120 miles
c) 1,200 miles
d) 12,000 miles
e) 120,000 miles
4) Who were a group of nomadic Arab herders
that lived in the Arabian Peninsula?
a) Athenians
b) Bedouins
c) Minoans
d) Spartans
e) Trojans
5) What is a vocabulary word for a group of
people related by blood or marriage?
a) Allah
b) Clan
c) Nomad
d) Oasis
e) Pilgrimage
6) The Arabian Peninsula is located between
what 3 continents?
a) Africa, Antarctica, Australia
b) Africa, Asia, Europe
c) Antarctica, Europe, North America
d) Asia, Australia, Europe
e) Europe, North America, South America

7) The Arabian Peninsula is located between

what bodies of water?
a) Arctic Ocean, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and
Persian Gulf
b) Caribbean Sea, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and
Persian Gulf
c) Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Arabian Sea,
and Persian Gulf
d) Pacific Ocean, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and
Persian Gulf
e) Southern Ocean, Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and
Persian Gulf
8) By the early 600s C.E., most Arabs moved
into what cities?
a) Aden, Mecca, Medina
b) Athens, Aden, Mecca
c) Athens, Mecca, Sparta
d) London, Mecca, Medina
e) Paris, Mecca, Medina
9) Where do Muslims travel to for a pilgrimage
known as Hajj?
a) Athens
b) Constantinople
c) Delphi
d) Mecca
e) Rome

Who built the Kaaba as a temple to God?


11) In Arabic, what is God called?

a) Allah
b) Augustus
c) Jesus
d) Muhammad
e) Prophet
12) Christians, Jews, and Muslims share the
belief in one God. What is the vocabulary
word for belief in one God?
a) Democracy
b) Monarchy
c) Monotheism
d) Oligarchy
e) Polytheism

13) What is a vocabulary word for a person

who follows the religion of Islam?
a) Athenian
b) Christian
c) Jew
d) Muslim
e) Roman

19) Muslims do NOT eat meat from what

a) Chicken
b) Cow
c) Pig
d) Sheep
e) None of the above

14) Who told Muhammad that he was, You are

the messenger of God?
a) Abraham
b) Gabriel
c) Jesus
d) Julius Caesar
e) King Leonidas

20) What do Muslims follow to live their

religion and serve their community?
a) Bill of Rights
b) Hammurabis Codes
c) Five Pillars
d) Justinian Codes
e) Ten Commandments

15) What is a vocabulary word for when

Muhammad and his followers moved from
Mecca to the city of Yathrib?
a) Allah
b) Caliph
c) Hijrah
d) Mosque
e) Oasis

21) What is the day of worship for Muslims?

a) Monday
b) Friday
c) Saturday
d) Sunday
e) First of the month

16) What was Yathrib was later renamed?

a) Aden
b) Constantinople
c) Mecca
d) Medina
e) Sparta
17) What is the holy book of Islam?
a) Bible
b) Book of the Dead
c) Quran
d) Textbook
e) Torah
18) What is a vocabulary word for Muhammads
words and deeds, which serve Muslims as a
guide for proper living?
a) Allah
b) Clan
c) Nomad
d) Oasis
e) Sunnah

22) What are buildings that Muslims worship?

a) Cathedral
b) Church
c) Mosque
d) Synagogue
e) Temple
23) Who believes that Abraham was a prophet?
a) Only Christians
b) Only Jews
c) Only Muslims
d) Christians, Jews, and Muslims
e) No religion believe Abraham was a prophet
24) What is the holy book of Christians?
a) Bible
b) Book of the Dead
c) Hammurabis Code
d) Quran
e) Torah
25) What is the holy book of Jews?
a) Bible
b) Book of the Dead
c) Hammurabis Code
d) Quran
e) Torah

26) Who became the first leader of the Muslim

Empire after Muhammad died?
a) Abu Bakr
b) Ali
c) Uman
d) Uthamn
e) Umayyad
27) What is the order of the first 4 caliphs?
a) 1) Abu Bakr, 2) Ali, 3) Uman, 4) Uthamn
b) 1) Ali, 2) Abu Bakr, 3) Uman, 4) Uthamn
c) 1) Uman, 2) Abu Bakr, 3) Ali, 4) Uthamn
d) 1) Uthamn, 2) Abu Bakr, 3) Ali, 4)Uman
28) What family became leaders of the Muslim
Empire, and set up a hereditary dynasty?
a) Abu Bakr
b) Ali
c) Uman
d) Uthamn
e) Umayyad
29) Where did the family that became leaders of
the Muslim Empire move the capital?
a) Athens
b) Damascus
c) Delphi
d) Rome
e) Sparta
30) What is a group who believed that the caliph
should be a relative of the prophet
a) Catholic
b) Orthodox
c) Protestant
d) Shia
e) Sunni
31) Why were the Bedouins nomads? (DO
NOW 09/26/2016)
a) Hostile invaders kept them constantly on the
b) They were hunters and followed animals
from place to place.
c) They moved from oasis to oasis in search of
grazing lands for their herds.
d) They relocated when the farmland could no
longer support them.

32) How did the Bedouins develop military

skills? (DO NOW 09/26/2016)
a) Every man had to serve in the military for a
certain number of years.
b) Piracy was one of the ways in which they
made their living.
c) They often had to fight against other clans to
protect their water and grazing rights.
d) The natural resources of the Arabian
Peninsula were highly sought after.
33) In what way did trade affect settlements at
the oases? (DO NOW 09/26/2016)
a) The settlements grew into large cities.
b) They became military bases.
c) Trade largely passed through the oasis
d) The population decreased as many people
relocated to other regions.
34) What happened after the Hijrah? (DO NOW
a) Muhammad moved to Baghdad.
b) Muhammad and his followers won their first
c) Muhammad encountered his first opposition.
d) Muhammad became a political and religious
leader in Medina.
35) What are two important teachings that are
common to Islam, Judaism, and
Christianity? (DO NOW 09/29/2016)
a) Dietary laws and belief in one God
b) Judgment Day and abstinence from alcohol
c) Life after death and Judgment Day
d) Descent from Abraham and observation of a
month of fasting
36) What is the relationship among the Torah,
the Bible, and Quran according to
Muslims? (DO NOW 09/29/2016)
a) They are the same, only written in different
b) The Quran continues the story begun first
in the Torah and then in the Bible.
c) The Bible includes the Torah and the
d) They are all holy books that contain sacred

37) What is the attitude of Muslims toward the

teachings contained in the Quran? (DO
NOW 10/04/2016)
a) The teachings are open to interpretation.
b) The Quran may be used to support
Muslims own opinions.
c) The teachings in the Quran are always
d) Some of the teachings are outdated.
38) What is the significance of the Quran to
Muslims? (DO NOW 10/04/2016)
a) The Quran is sometimes referred to in
spiritual arguments.
b) The Quran is the major influence on
Muslims lives.
c) The Quran is seen primarily as a great work
of literature.
d) The Quran is reserved for religious rituals.
39) What might explain why there was no northsouth route through the center of Arabia?
(DO NOW 10/05/2016)
a) No cities in the northern part of Arabia had
products to send south.
b) Trade routes across Arabia were planned
around the location of oases.
c) Parts of central Arabia had unfriendly
d) People in central Arabia had no need of
products from other regions.
40) Which of the following accurately
characterizes trade in the Muslim Empire?
(DO NOW 10/05/2016)
a) Very little internal trade took place.
b) Arab caravans did not extend as far as
c) A common currency within the empire made
trading easier.
d) Arabias location was a disadvantage for
regional or long-distance trade.

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