Background of Study

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Praise be to god almighty for the blessings of his grace, and that we were given the
opportunity to be able to compile a working paper entitled introduction to backround of study
is properly and correcly, an on time.
This paper is structured so that reader can know how to make backround of study. This
paper was compiled with help from various parties. Both parties come from outside as well as
from parties concerned itself, these paper can be finally resolved.
This is a papers about introduction to backround of study and deliberately chosen
because there are many student who do not understand about the structure of backround
The compilers also thanked to Mr. Samsul Bahri as the teacher in english subject and the
member of team has helped to complate the paper.
Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper has
advantages and advantages. For sugestion and please his constituents.
Thank you.


Papers is fabricated in the writing form which is the result of thoughts, observations,
review in certain fields and in stacking systematically. Some things should be in included in an
essay, among others, introduction, for the contents and cover. A paper has some structure that
should systematically arranged, so the paper can said to be perfect or complete.
Background information identifies and describes the history and nature of a well defined
research problem with reference to the existing literature. The background information should
indicate the root of the problem being studied, its scope and the extent to which previous studies
have successfully investigated the problem, nothing, in particular, where gaps exist that our study
attempts to address. Background information can also include summaries of important, relevant
research studies. Research studies cited as part of the background information of our introduction
should not include very specific, lengthy explanations. This should be discussed in greater detail
in our literature review section.
Background take place at the beginning of an essay after the cover. That's what makes
background into one structure that should included in the paper, so as to make the reader know
what is our purpose in making a paper.

Identification Problems
In accordance with the title of this paper "introduction to the background of study" the things
that will be discussed below are :
A What is background of study?
B What is the elements that must be present in the background?
C What step should be taken to make the background?


Background of the study is an initial sub-heading of chapter I in introduction. This

section describes the background of this research is done. Description starts from the things in
general is the background according to research topics, then boiled down to things in particular.
The background is the basis or starting point to provide insight to the reader or listener of what
we want to convey. A good background is drafted as clearly as possible and if necessary be
accompanied by supporting data or facts.
According to Bowker (2007: 37), background of study generally begins with a general
statement that reflects the topic or context of the thesis.
Wallwork (2011: 197) suggests that the background of study is to answer some
questions such as the following:

What are your concerns?

Is there any solution you offer?
If there are multiple solutions, which are the best?
What are the main constraints in your research?
What do you expect to receive in the future?
Did you really get what you want in the research?

The background synthesizes current knowledge on our research question in far greater detail
than our introductory section does. Its goal is to articulate patterns within the literature and to
describe unresolved issues or questions, then to show how our study fits into the larger body of
work in our field. We can organize our overview of other research in several ways, including in
chronological order, by significant issues, or from broad information about our field to specific
studies on our topic.


According to the guidelines of the Education Ministry of Indonesia (2007), Background

explained :
1. General issues on which the focus of the problem to be studied
2. Factors behind such problems arise :
Factors behind the problems illustrated by the fact that there are.
For example, the ability of biology teachers in the use of low CTL method. Present
facts that support, such as the results of our observations while performing

Give arguments why this capability is low
For example, teachers are less interested in trying, difficult to apply meterial
methods, tasks do not encourage the student activity. In providing arguments for this
analysis is based on a real proof based on his own experience when making

observation of teachers teaching in the classroom.

Give the approximate solving arguments are expected to tackle the problem.
For example, when the dominant issue is the training technique, then choose a
training technique that is considered to increase the ability of teachers in teaching
biology with CTL method. For example, engineering problem solving as an effort to
improve teachers ability to apply the CTL method in teaching biology in high

Give arguments excess of problem solving techniques.
so the research is expected to solve the problem, or in other words it can close or
minimize the gap.

3. Pursing issues have become more focused on the research variables.

One thing to keep in mind and often overlooked in the writing Background of the Study are :
1. The ideal condition includes a state that aspired to, or expected to occur. The ideal
condition is usually manifested in a vision and mission to be achieved.
2. The actual condition is a condition that occurs at this time. Used to tell the difference
between the situation of current conditions with conditions that aspired to happen.

3. The solution is a brief advice or offer a solution to the problems experienced before
stepping further into the subject.

So in the Background of the Study, things to note are :

1. A general description of the background according to research topics,
2. The description of the background of a general nature, but more particularly in
comparison with the first paragraph, because it has entered the initial topic of information
3. The description background is special, because it has been narrowed down to the
phenomena in the company. Phenomena that will be used as a basis to identify a problem
and something to be solved in the study.
1. Be like "spy"
To locate the problem, suppose we as a "spy" who want to find out everything that we
think it is a problem. Like mentioned earlier, we can find the problem of the environment around
us. For example, social issues, culture, education, security, political, and so forth.

2. Facts problem
In preparing the background of the problem, it helps us to think in advance the facts that
will make the problem as a focus problem. Because the real problem is the gap between what
was expected with a reality.
3. Discover the focus problem
The focus of the problem is a problem that we think is more dominant, more crucially,
and more actual. Seek focus problems that we find the most unique problems, must be put
forward for discussion, and indeed the issues that really happened. Do not make trouble. But the
problem must be that actually happened.

BPJS health policy in Indonesia.

Identity population tends to double
Community environmental
Jamkesda and jamkesmas
Suppose we find 5 above problems related BPJS effectiveness of the policy, then choose

which issues we think is most dominant, most crucial, and real-time. But the main thing is that
the crucial issue first. That is a problem that needs solving roughly overcome and solutions based
on theory and suggestions. I mean the suggestion here could have been from the academics, the
demands of society, and so on. Suppose we select a point 1 and point 2, the policy BPJS
problematic because of a lack of socialization and service. So in the process of making the
background of the problem later should not be separated from the second issue.

4. Describe the problem

Make arrangement background of the problem, we can compile them from the general
first and then the new thing special. Otherwise, firtly we can make specific then general.
BPJS health policy in Indonesia
The problem is in the select :



This point we consider to be the dominant issue, crucial, and real-time. Well, when
describing the problem in the background of the research problem, arranged above two ways we
can make the guidelines are :

General Specific
At this point, we can talk about a general first. But do not deviate from the two crucial

issues in bottom. The manner are :


Look for prevailing regulations on Health BPJS policy. Later analysis of the
ineffectiveness, and conclude. For example, according to the regulations of health BPJS


Discover the facts about socialization and service field BPJS.
Discover related theories of socialization and good service system. In accordance with


the rules or not?

Describe the conditions related to their public health policies BPJS.
Create a reason why we chose this title.

Specific General
In this way putting special things used to be discussed. Or the first express intent and

purpose of choosing a title, then recited a common thing. This method is the opposite of the way
Special General. Please think about it.


Chapter 1
Background of the Study
Cockroaches are common pests in the tropics. They have been known to cause
allergicreactions to most people and chew holes on clothes. According to Bato Balani for
Science and Technology ,Vol. 14, No. 2, the real danger of cockroach lies in their ability to
transmitsometimes lethal diseases and organisms such as Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus
spp., Hepatitis viruses, and Coliform bacteria. They have been known to contaminate food, at
thesame time infect it with the bacteria they carry. The bacteria they spread in food can cause
food poisoning.
People have used various instruments to control the cockroach problem in homes.
Themost popular is the commonly used insecticide sprays. Most of these can destroy
cockroaches but they can also do serious damage to humans as well. According to the experts of
the website, the active ingredients in these sprays, like tethramethrin, and
petroleum distillates can cause severe chest pains and cough attacks when inhaled.
The second most popular instrument is the cockroach coils. These coils can
kill cockroaches the active ingredients in these coils like allethrin, pynamin forte, prothrin
and pyrethrin, can cause harm to humans when inhaled. It also has an ozone-depleting
The third most popular is the flypaper. The concept of the flypaper is simple. Theroaches
just stick into it. But when they are stuck, the roaches die and carcass can spread more bacteria.
In addition to the side effects of these materials, the costs of these insecticides are
high. All these set aside, the question on everyones mind is: What can be an effective and
Tubang Bakod (Jatropha carcas) is a common plant in the Philippines. According to the
website,, its seeds contain a certain toxic substance known as toxalbumin
carcin, Along with other ingredients like sap, onions and weeping willow leaves are Tubang
Bakod seeds feasible to be used as cockroach killer?


In this background example, we can identify that the writer used deductive style
(common-specific) in his research. We can look at the first paragraph :
Cockroaches are common pests in the tropics...
It talks about common information first, about the cockroaches itself and about its habitat or else.
Then continue more specific to the problem that he want to talk about, like :
They have been known to cause allergicreactions to most people and chew holes on clothes...
In the second paragraph, we can look that the topics discussed into more specialized or
closer to the issues to be examined researcher. In this case the researcher discusses the tools
exterminator roaches are popular among the public.
People have used various instruments to control the cockroach problem in homes. Themost
popular is the commonly used insecticide sprays...
In the last paragraph, the topic discussed has been climax stage, which means the
research topic will be discussed here. As in the example of this background, the researchers look
at a plant that is expected to be the cockroaches killer and culminate in a question "whether these
plants can kill the cockroaches?" Question from that researchers started to explain about his
research on the part hereinafter.
In addition to the side effects of these materials, the costs of these insecticides are high. All
these set aside, the question on everyones mind is: What can be an effective and
Tubang Bakod (Jatropha carcas) is a common plant in the Philippines. According to the
website,, its seeds contain a certain toxic substance known as toxalbumin
carcin, Along with other ingredients like sap, onions and weeping willow leaves, aretubang
Bakod seeds feasible to be used as cockroach killer?

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