Kazuhiko Kawahara

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Kazuhiko Kawahara (Neo Vortofotografa)

kazuhiko kawahara is a japanese architect and photographer who creates

mesmerizing images of landscapes and infrastructure. kawahara uses digital
manipulation to morph and transform buildings into strange sights that explore
the limits of form. The works suggest that kawahara uses the technique as a
way to prototype buildings or even imagine new ones. he usually shoots
buildings which are very banal and boring to people in an attempt to reveal the
hidden structures and systems. the works are very reminiscent of
kaleidoscopes, but also remind us of fillip dujardins work.
Fuente: http://www.designboom.com/art/kazuhiko-kawahara/
ART: https://www.artsy.net/artist/palla-slash-kazuhiko-kawahara

sl_cloud05, 2010
33 x 42.8 cm
Impresin de inyeccin de tinta de pigmento sobre papel japons.
Galera: COHJU Contemporary Art

sl_building04, 2010
33 x 42.8 cm
Impresin de inyeccin de tinta de pigmento sobre papel japons.
Galera: COHJU Contemporary Art

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