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Name of Student: ________________

Teachers name: Sarah Jothi/

Ms Soo
Class: Y8A1
Lesson No.58

Date: 6/10/2016 (Thursday)


Subject: Science (Physics)
Review exercise: Sound and light
1. A guitarist plucks the string of a guitar.

a) How does the string produce a sound?

Complete the sentence below.
The sound is produced when the string
b) The guitarist hears the sound. What did the sound travel through to reach
his ear?
c) He plucks the string again but this time with greater force. What does he
notice about the note?
Underline the correct statement.
it sounds louder

it has a higher pitch

it has a lower pitch

d) The diagrams show three sound waves.
Which one, A, B or C, has the highest pitch?
Circle the correct answer.

it sounds quitter

2. A student is holding a ruler as shown in the diagram. To make a sound she

pushes the ruler down and let it go.

a) How is sound produced

b) She holds a microphone near the ruler and shows and shows the sound on
an oscilloscope. Describe how the student can make the sound louder.

c) Draw on the diagram the wave that would be produced by a louder sound.

3. If you pluck a string it will make a sound. If you put a box underneath the
string, like the box on guitar, the sound will be louder.
a) In the term of the properties, what is the differences between sound wave
that you hear with the box and the sound wave that you hear without the

b) What scientific word means making the sound louder?

c) Explain how a sound wave is displayed on an oscilloscope.

d) How does the sound wave produced when there is box underneath the
string look different on the screen of an oscilloscope from the sound when
there is no box?

4. A boy is whistling a note that has a frequency of 1500 Hz.

a) Explain what a frequency of 1500 Hz means?

b) What would change about the sound he would hear if he whistled at 2000

5. A fisherman uses sonar to find a shoal of fish. A pulse of ultrasound is sent
out and the reflection is detected 0.4 seconds later.
a) How long did it take the sound to travel from the boat to the fish?

b) The speed of sound in water is 1500 m/s. How far below the boat are the

c) Sometimes fisherman will see another signal on the sonar after they
detect the echo from the fish. Why?

1. A student has been learning about shadows and how they are formed. She
sets up a torch pointing at a wall. She puts a ball half-way between the
torch and the wall. She measures the shadow, it has a width of 20cm. she
then moves the torch, ball and screen to see what happens to the size of
the shadow.
a) Fill the gaps in the table below using the phase closer to or away
What the student did
Put the ball half-away between the
torch and the shadow

Width of the shadow


Moved the torch

the ball


Moved the torch

. the ball


Moved the ball .

The wall


b) Would the shadow of the balloon of the ball on the wall be sharp or
would the edges be fuzzy? Explain your answer.

2. Here is a diagram showing some people are some buildings.

a) Which pairs of people can see each other?

b) Why can the other pairs of people not see each other?

3. When you look in a mirror you see your image.

a) Complete the table
Things that are the same about

Things that are different about

you and your mirror image

you and your mirror image

b) You stand 50cm in front of a mirror. What is the distance between you
and your mirror?

4. A student designed a puzzle that needs the law of reflection to be solved.

All the mirror reflects on the both sides. Use an angle measurer to work out
on which side of the box (A, B, C, and D) the ray of light will emerge after
reflecting off the mirror.
The ray will emerge on side: .
5. A student is finding out what happens when light goes from water into air.
She puts a coin in the bottom of a cup and puts the cup on a table. She walks
away until she cannot see the coin at the bottom of the cup.
a) Use what you know about how we see things to explain why she cannot
see the coin when there is no water in the cup.

b) Her friend now pours water into the cup while she is looking at the coin.
The coin appears. Use what you know about how we see things to explain
why she can see the coin when there is water in the cup.

c) Complete the diagram of the cup filled with water showing rays from the
coin in each case.
6. Deepak has been studying what will happens when the light goes into the
glass. He measures the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction.
Angle if incidence

Angle of


refraction (o)









a) What is the angle of refraction if the angle of incidence is zero?

b) Which result or results does not fit the pattern?

c) Deepak replaces the block with one that has a lower refractive index.
Write a prediction that he could make about what will happen to the angle
of refraction.

7. The diagram shows a ray of white light being dispersed by a prism.

a. On the diagram label R where you can see red light in the spectrum
and V where you can see violet light.

b. Draw a circle around the points on the diagram that shows light being
c. You can add another prism to recombine the light and produce white
light. On the diagram draw where you would put a second prism.
8. a) What do filters do to light? Complete the diagram to show what happens
when light goes

through filters.

b) is the light transmitted by a filter brighter than, less bright, or the same
brightness as the light that hits it? Explain your answer.

9. the diagram shows a ray of light reflecting from paper of different colours.
Label the arrow to show the colour of light that appear on a paper.

Past year questions

1. Tomas investigates coloured lights.
a) Tomas shines red, green and blue light onto a green object. He draws a
diagram to help explain what happens

Red light


What colour does the object appear? [1]


Explain what happens at the surface of the green object? [2]

b) Thomas adds some coloured lights together.

Draw lines to match the colours added together and the colour

Colour added together

Colour Produced
Red and green


Red and blue


Red and blue


2. a) A ray of white light is entering the Perspex block


Most of the lights have hits the blocks enter it. A small mount does not.
What happens to the light that does not enter the block? [1]


The light that enters the block changes direction. What is this process
called? [1]

b) White light passes through a triangular prism as shown below.

Write the letter R on the screen on the diagram where red light can be
Write the letter V on the screen on the diagram where violet light can be


3. A non-luminous object can be seen because light from the source is scattered
by the object and then enters the observes eyes.
a) Explain what is meant by non-luminous object? [1]

b) Complete the ray diagram shows to show how an observer can see the
book on the desk. [2]

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