COSA PPT 2nd July

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Problem Statement:

AI and CC have emerged as a disruptive force in the business world today. The IT
BPO industry is heavily susceptible to these effects. It is imperative that firms
plan and adapt to the changes that are in the offing.

To develop a strategy for the company to adapt to the changes brought by the
rising influence of AI and Cloud computing.

The IT services industry in India is as large as $143 billion in 2015. It is expected
to grow at 8.3% CAGR over 2015-16.
The major components of IT BPO are banking and insurance services,
marketing and customer services, risk and compliance, etc.
Humans have always over looked at opportunities to simplify their jobs. Now the
world is looking at replacing human activities by AI and expert systems.
In the UK, an insurance firm has an RPA, where just 4 people can process 3000
US, service desk robot, 62000 calls a month

1. Find out what this BPO does and how it does it
Segments/Industries it serves
Revenue model
Business processes model
Internal structures and strategies, competitive strengths and
2. From its business model, we will look at what resources it employs
What resources
How deployed
Audit of processes
Efficiency and effectiveness
Key metrics of resource utilization and optimality
3. Analysing environment of AI and cloud technologies in automation
Strengths and weaknesses of these technologies in the
corresponding business and processes of the BPOs
Study scope and limitations of such
Study costs involved in such implementations as well as timeline
Study implications on regulatory requirements of such
Client reactions to these technologies

4. Strategy development to adapt to the challenges posed by ai and cc

Collect parameters for deciding on the goals(resources to hold,
processes to evolve for best competitive advantage)
Develop a plan for achieving those goals(mobilisation of financial
resources, strategy to manage changeover into new platforms, risk
mitigation, entry/exit strategies)

Stakeholders: Clients, Employees, Software and hardware vendors,

Measures of success:
Anticipated challenges: There are always challenges in forecasting trends of
technology. The industries served by BPOs are generally very highly regulated.
The regulatory environment is strictly dependent on governments and
international bodies. This could seriously impact the assumptions made by us.

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