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ONGC 1982

For more efficient grinding, the ball mill should be operated ------ Below the Critical speed.


The frequency response of a second order system becomes ------ < 1.


In a reaction A ----- B, if the standard free energy is negative & large then the reaction is ---- Feasible.


For a plate & frame filter the washing rate to the final filtrate rate is -------- 1.


Air is efficiently heated in a double pipe exchanger with ateam on ------ Fins outside.


If air is heated under constant humidity then the dew point will ----- Remain the same.


SO2 + air mixture taken for absorption in water the major resistance to mass transfer is in ----- Liquid


For a flash distillation column if the feed is changed from saturated vapor to saturated liquid then the no:
of theoretical plates will ------ Decrease.


The alcohol + water system when operated in distillation column, if encounters a situation wherein the
product purity is decreased from 96% - 93% the no: of plates will ------ Considerably decrease.

10. In t1/2 & eA0-1 the reaction is ----------Second order.

11. The pump used for pumping slurries is ------- Centrifugal Pump.
12. Runge Kutta methods are used for solving the --------- Ordinary differential equations of any order.
13. The pressure head is constant in which flow meter? ------- Rotameter.
14. A satellite gets heated up on entering earths atmosphere because of -------- Air fraction.
15. Creeping flow past spheres in liquids occur at ------ Re<1.
16. Chromatography technique is used for --------- Gas analysis.
17. Activity coefficient is a measure of ------ Deviation from ideality.
18. Steam Distillation is used to prevent ------- Decomposition of the product.
19. A



C for E1>E2 the yield of B can be increased by ----- Increasing the temperature.

20. For cold & viscous liquids we prefer ------ Backward feed.
21. In a shell & tube heat exchanger, when there is a large temperature difference between hot & cold fluids
then we use -------- Floating head.
22. When the pressure is increased the relative volatility of a binary mixture is ----- Decreased.
23. BOD is the term applicable for ------- Industrial effluents.
24. For more efficient grinding, the ball mill should be operated ------ Below the Critical speed.
25. The frequency response of a second order system becomes ------ < 1.
26. In a reaction A ----- B, if the standard free energy is negative & large then the reaction is ---- Feasible.
27. For a plate & frame filter the washing rate to the final filtrate rate is -------- 1.
28. Air is efficiently heated in a double pipe exchanger with ateam on ------ Fins outside.
29. If air is heated under constant humidity then the dew point will ----- Remain the same.
30. SO2 + air mixture taken for absorption in water the major resistance to mass transfer is in ----- Liquid
31. For a flash distillation column if the feed is changed from saturated vapor to saturated liquid then the no:
of theoretical plates will ------ Decrease.
32. The alcohol + water system when operated in distillation column, if encounters a situation wherein the
product purity is decreased from 96% - 93% the no: of plates will ------ Considerably decrease.

33. In t1/2 & eA0-1 the reaction is ----------Second order.

34. The pump used for pumping slurries is ------- Centrifugal Pump.
35. Runge Kutta methods are used for solving the --------- Ordinary differential equations of any order.
36. The pressure head is constant in which flow meter? ------- Rotameter.
37. A satellite gets heated up on entering earths atmosphere because of -------- Air fraction.
38. Creeping flow past spheres in liquids occur at ------ Re<1.
39. Chromatography technique is used for --------- Gas analysis.
40. Activity coefficient is a measure of ------ Deviation from ideality.
41. Steam Distillation is used to prevent ------- Decomposition of the product.
42. A



C for E1>E2the yield of B can be increased by ----- Increasing the temperature.

43. For cold & viscous liquids we prefer ------ Backward feed.
44. In a shell & tube heat exchanger, when there is a large temperature difference between hot & cold fluids
then we use -------- Floating head.
45. When the pressure is increased the relative volatility of a binary mixture is ----- Decreased.
46. BOD is the term applicable for ------- Industrial effluents.


The Reynolds number for plug flow is ----- not defined.


The kinematic viscosity of water in comparision to that of kerosene is----- lower.


A pitot is most effective at ----- low velocities.


Gas flow is measured the best by ----- wet meter.


Friction factor is dependent upon ----- conditions of flow.


Packed columns are more useful under ----- low pressures.


Kinematics viscosity of gases when compared to the liquids is ----- lower.


Stokes law is applicable only for ----- RC < 1.


A liquid drop behaves like a solid sphere if it is ----- very small.


Condition for the Bernoulli flow to apply ----- Re is small.


A drop of liquid is spherical in shape because of its ----- surface tension.


Webber number depends on ----- surface tension.


A polymer jet in comparison to a water jet is ----- more stable.


Laplace-Young equation defines ----- surface tension.


Kelvin effects determine the ------ smallest & the largest drop size.


Isobars are lines of ----- constant pressure.


The Froude No: of a dense fluid & a light fluid is ------- Same.


Resultant of the addition of a surfactant is ------ increase in surface tension.


Pressure drop in a sieve tray is higher if ----- the sieves are small.


Elasticity is a result of ----- strain.


Viscoelasticity is the result of two laws ----- Hookes & Newtons.


Grashoff number describes ----- natural convection.


Natural convection in comparison to forced convection is ----- less effective.


Prandtl is dependent primarily on ----- heat capacity & conductivity.


Thermal diffusivity of water when compared to kerosene is ----- lower.


Film thickness is higher in ----- Rational Convection.


Heat transfer coefficient is higher in ----- liquids.


Stevens law of Radiation depends on ------ T4.


Nucleis number depends on ----- Re0.5.


Is the shape of a radiating body significant? ----- Yes.


A cold finger is ----- a) a direct contact system, b) an indirect contact system.


Schmidt number depends primarily on ----- Diffusivity.


Diffusivity is highest for ----- Mono Gases. *


The phenomenon of hysterics is possible in ----- Adsorption.


Peculate number is highest for ----- liquids.


Reflux in distillation column is ----- very essential.


Mass transfer rates are highest in a ----- packed column.


For vacuum distillation the most favorable column is ----- Packed bed column.


Feed to a distillation column can be ----- vapor and liquid.


For a feed vapor (1-q) the value of q is ----- <1.


Ternary diagrams are used in ----- leaching and extraction.


A triple point for a pure substance has what degree of freedom? ----- 0.


Enthalpy of an ideal gas is ----- CP.


Reversible process compared to irreversible process is ----- more efficient.


The term HXTS represents ----- Gibbs Free Energy.


Photochemical reactions generally have an order of ----- zero.


Exothermic reactions are always ----- spontaneous.


Adiabatic process is always accompanied by ----- heating.


Spontaneous process is always accompanied by ----- a decrease in free energy.


At equilibrium the value of G is ----- zero.


In a ternary system the plait point ----- Always exists.


Azeotropes exist in ----- ideal systems.


Adiabatic processes are always ----- a) less efficient than isothermal, b) more efficient than isothermal.


Joule Thomson coefficient is irrelevant to nozzle design ----- False.


From corrosion point of view, which is more dangerous? ----- Pure & dry HCl.


Sublimation is a process that goes from ----- solid vapor.


Amongst the nitrogen oxides given below, which is a petrochemical? ----- a) NO, b) NO2, c)N2O5.


Stability of O3 compared to O2 depends on ----- Temperature and Pressure.


If the volume of the reactor is suddenly reduced the rate of reaction ----- decreases.


Mass can never be driven by temperature difference ----- False.


Momentum can be driven by concentration difference ------ True.


High-pressure steam in a shell & tube type heat exchanger is better used in ----- the inside tubes.


For drying of heat sensitive materials it is better to use ----- thin film evaporators.


For efficient grinding, the speed of ball mill should be ----- less than the critical speed.


Barometric condensers are used in evaporator, as they do not require the use of -----pumps.


For course control flow use a --------- Gate valve.


Thermal conductivity of a material is 18Kcal/Kg-hr-K , express it in Cal/gm-sec-C ------- 0.005.


A solution is dried from 10 to 20 % solids of 1000Kg then the amount of water evaporated is ------- 500.


A solution has 50% salt aqueous 100Kg, which is cooled to 20 C. Then the amount of salt
(anhydrous) crystallized out if at 20C, the solubility is 20gms/100gms of water ----------- 40.


Equation of relative volatility is --------- (Y/1-Y)/(X/1-X).


A reaction is 25% complete in 5 minutes of 1 st order, if it is 40% complete then the time taken
is ------ 5(ln0.6/ln0.75).


For the same conversion the ratio of volume of PFR to BMX reactor is one in ------ Zero order.


The main disadvantage of pneumatic conveying over belt conveying is that --------- It
consumes more power.


Water flow is measured with a manometer of Hg reading 2cm. If the liquid is replaced with a
liquid of Sp. gr 1.36 for the same flow rate of water the pressure drop in terms of liquid height
is -------- 70cm.

10. Ergens equation is used for the measurement of the pressure drop in ---------- Packed beds.
11. For a wall having Ka>Kb>Kc, the temperature drop is maximum across -------- Material C.
12. What happens to the head of the centrifugal pump with decrease in flow? -------- Decreases.
13. The optimum size of the pipe is which ------ ***
14. For the same velocity if the diameter of the pipe B is 1.2 times that of pipe A. Then the

pressure drop is more ---------- Same in both.

15. In the above question the friction factor is -------- More in A.
16. If the heat exchanger of 1-1 type is made to 1-2 type then the pressure drop in the tube side

compared to 1-1 will be increased by ---------- 2 Times.

17. In the above question the gas velocity of the tube side will be ------- 2 0.8 Times.
18. Ratio of thermal resistance to heat transfer resistance is ------ Nusslet No:.
19. Terelene is made from -------- Dimethyl Terepthalate & Ethylene glycol.
20. At minimum no: of stages in a distillation column the reflux is -------- Total Reflux.
21. In the absorption of pure CO 2 by water the major resistance to mass transfer is in the

---------------- Liquid phase.

22. For the absorber the operating line represents ------------ Mass balance in the column.
23. For the counter current absorber the operating line lies --------- Above the equilibrium curve.
24. In distillation of nitrobenzene (b.p 300 C) by steam distillation the temperature of distillation is
-------------made less than 100C.

25. DCDA is the new process for the manufacture of ---------- H2SO4.
26. Material of construction for the absorption of oxides of nitrogen is ----------- Stainless steel.
27. Material of construction & storage for HCl is ----------- Rubber lined vessel.
28. Water gas contains the maximum of ---------- CO2, H2.
29. Methox process is the new process for the removal of ---------- Sulfur.
30. Antiknock property to petrol is given by the addition of ----------- Tetra Ethyl Lead.
31. In the Gyratory crusher the crushing action is by ------------ Compression.
32. In free settling at the terminal velocity:

a. The sum of Fg + Fb = Fd

b. The sum of Fd + Fb = FB

c. The sum of Fd + FB > Fg

d. None of the above.

33. In the separation of silica & galena particles from a mixture to obtain pure particles the

velocity of water corresponds to ---------- The largest particles of Galena.

34. Phase lag for 1st order instrument is maximum at ----------- 90.
35. He transfer function is -------- Ratio of laplace transformation of input to the laplace

transformation of output.
36. In a triple effect evaporator the highest temperature is in the ----------- First effect.
37. The advantage of forward feed compared to the backward feed in a multiple effect evaporator

is --------- Hot feed.

38. If the temperature of the cooling water to an evaporator is increased the concentration of

product when all other parameters remain constant will ------------ Increase.
39. In a single effect evaporator the overall temperature drop is 15 C. If it is a triple effect evaporator
then it would ------------ Remain same.
40. In the production of Hydrogen from naphtha the catalyst cracking is done by ------- Water.
41. If a gas at 40C & 50% humidity is passed through a heater & through a spray chamber & leaves at
60C & 50% humidity, then the dew point of the gas will ----------- Remain same.
42. In the above question the WBT of the gas will --------- Increase.
43. In the constant drying period the temperature of the solid corresponds to air --------- WBT.
44. A 1000Kg solution is evaporated from 10 50 % . What is the amount of water evaporated? ----- 800Kg.
45. According to penetration theory , the mass transfer coefficient is proportional to diffusivity

raised to the power --------- 0.5.

46. If a refrigerator is opened in a room insulated then

the temperature of the room will

47. The specific reaction rate constant K is dependent upon --------- Temperature.
48. The packed tower should operate at --------- 70% of its flooding velocity.
49. If C is burnt in air the gas evolved is 10% CO 2, 11% O2 & the rest N2 then amount of exess air

used is ---------- 110%.

50. For a reaction A



C the value of CA/CAO depends on --------- Value of K.

51. In a 1st order reaction the units of the specific reaction rate constant are ----------- (Time)-1.

52. ORSAT apparatus is used for -------- Mass transfer coefficient.

53. Dowtherm is used as a heating medium since it has ------------ High boiling point.
54. Superheated steam is not used as a heating medium because it is ---- Highly corrosive.
55. If a centrifugal pump has aspeed of 1000 rpm & if increased to 1200 rpm, then the capacity is

increased by a factor of -------- 1.2.

56. Joule Thompson effect is exhibited by ---------57. In Q. no: 55 the power is changed by a factor of ------- 1.2 2.
58. Ideal gas law is established at -------- High pressure & low temperatures.
59. Which action eliminates the offset? --------- Integral.
60. In Solvay process of manufacture of Soda ash the recycling agent is -------- NH 3.
61. Hydraulic radius of a duct of square shape of side b is --------- b/4.
62. If the filtration rate is 1000 liters / 5 min then the time of washing with 100 liters of water is

------ 0.5 minutes.

63. If the critical moisture content is 20% & if the solids are dried from 35 50% in 5 hrs, then the

time taken for 25 40% is ------- 5hrs.

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