Projectile Project

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Projectile Motion Project

Karis Katekovit
Pith Laohavirojana
Neeracha Lokunpai
Yonlada Nawilaijaroen
Supichaya Nobnom
Kimmy Pathanasap
AP Physics 1102
Ms. Susana Alulod
Mahidol University International Demonstration School
Semester 1

AP Physics Design
Title: Projectile Motion project
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to demonstrate the different ranges obtained from
launching projectile at different angles.
1. If the projectile is launched at an angle of 45, then the range obtained will be the longest.
2. If the projectile is launched at 30 and 60, then the ranges obtained will be the same.
Materials and Equipment:
PVC pipe
A sheet of wood
Bamboo sticks
Steel wire
2 Solid Square
4 Screws
2 Binder clips
Elastic band with a piece of leather (sling)
Double-sided tape
Golf ball
Theoretical Background:
Projectile is a motion moving an object in a curved pattern by applying the object with an
initial speed. A flight of projectile consists of two motions, one in horizontal, and another one in
vertical. The horizontal motion contains horizontal speed(Vx), which will remain constant
throughout the whole flight, neglected of air resistance. However, the vertical motion will
contain only vertical speed(Vy). Yet, the speed that is contained in this motion will not stay
constant due to the Earths gravitational pull (acceleration of 9.81m/ " downwards, if the upward
direction is defined as positive). Not only speed that is being used to calculate a projectile
motion, angle is also one of the main element that determine how far an object will go. So when
launching a projectile at different angles but same speed, the resulted distance and time will also
be different.
Mathematical Equations:
Since horizontal speed is constant (absence of air resistance), therefore Vx = x/t is the
common formula that can be applied to find variables.
In a vertical motion, gravity is being considered. Hence, many equations can be
considered. For instance, V = Vo + at, this equation can hypothesize the vertical velocity.
Other common equations would be X = Vox(t) + a " , Y = Voy(t) + a " , and
" = " + 2a(X).

1. Prepare materials:
Paint the wood sheet and the PVC pipe in different colors.
Make two small holes, the same size as the bamboo stick, at the corner of the
Screw the two solid square next to the holes.
Cut both side of the PVC pipe off, leaving a space for the elastic band.
Cut the bamboo stick in different lengths; one stick with short length and two
sticks with long length.
2. First, stick the PVC pipe, using double-sided tape, onto the middle of the wood sheet.
3. Stick the protractor onto the side of the PVC pipe, and then put a small piece of steel wire
into the protractor's hole. This will be used for indicating the angle of the projectile.
4. Tie the two elastic bands onto the solid square and tie each of its end to the leather,
creating a sling. The leather should be in between the PVC pipe.
5. Put the two long length sticks into the punched holes.
6. Then use the steel wire to tie the short length stick with the two long length sticks.
7. Place the two binder clips at the bamboo stick, under the wood.
8. Conduct an experiment by launching the golf ball at different angles.
Data Table:

Distance (cm)

Average Distance


Average distance = average of the three distances 8.5% of the average distance


Analysis Questions:
What can you notice about the distance between projectile launched at 30 and at 60?

What would happen if the projectile is launched at an angle that is less than 45?

What would happen if the projectile is launched at an angle that is more than 45?

What can be the factors of error percentage?


Work Log
Lap Report


Supichaya Procedure
Analysis Questions

Prepare materials
Help to assemble all the pieces to form a
projectile launcher


Materials and

Paint the wood sheet

Help to assemble all the pieces to form a
projectile launcher



Help to prepare materials

Help to assemble all the pieces to form a
projectile launcher


Data Table

Prepare materials
Paint the PVC pipe



Prepare materials
Help to assemble all the pieces to form a
projectile launcher



Paint the wood sheet

Help to assemble all the pieces to form a
projectile launcher

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