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Lab Session 4


Ergonomics is the study of different factors which affect the working condition of labor and
application of different techniques to set the working conditions as per the workers
requirement so that their complete focus is on the task.
The performance of workers is affected by
1. Workplace Arrangement
2. Environmental Conditions

Workplace Arrangement
Reach Envelope
Reach envelope is the maximum reach of body part when body is at rest.
Maximum Range
It is the maximum reach of body parts when body is at rest but natural posture of the body is
disturbed and we fell stress so it is not a comfortable zone.
Tools or raw material which has to be moved one by one can be placed in Max range zone
Normal Range
It is the maximum reach of body parts when body is at rest and natural posture of body is not
disturbed. We dont fell stress in this zone so it is a comfortable zone.
Normal working equipment should be placed in normal rang zone
Application Of Reach Envelope
For designing we use reach envelope to get the idea about the size of equipment required and
material required for it.

Height Of Workplace
Height of workplace depends upon type of work.
For Precise Work
Height should be greater for precise work. e.g Drawing
For Heavy Work
Height should be lower for heavy work to avoid injuries and for comfort.
Allowance in Height
There should be some allowance available for different people working on same work place
due to height variations between them.

Lab Session 4


Study Of Designing of Chair

While designing a chair following points should be kept in mind

Reach Envelope
Dimensions and angles

Reach Envelope
Chair should be rotatable because it will increase the reach envelope
For comfortable working chair height should be appropriate. If it is lower than the normal it
will cause stresses in the body joints and worker will be tired soon and if it is higher than the
normal then footrest should be provided.
Proper footrest should be provided for comfortable working.
If there is no backrest in chair then worker will feel pain in his back so proper backrest should
be provided.
Armrest should be provided if working conditions demand it.
Dimension and Angles
All the dimensions of the chair should be according to the requirement and all the angles
between different components of chair should be proper to have maximum comfort

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