Bowling Park Primary's: Date: 20th October 2016

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Bowling Park Primarys

New Cross Street,

West Bowling, Bradford, BD5 8BT

01274 770270


Usher Street,
East Bowling, Bradford, BD4 7DS

01274 723255

Date: 20th October 2016

For more information check out our blog - http://

Today, we will break up for the

October half-term. School will be
shut for one week, and will reopen on Monday 31st October.

Parents Evening will take place on:

Wednesday 2nd NovemberNCS
Thursday 3rd NovemberUS


A big thank you to the parents,
carers and children who attended
our BD5 Bedtime Stories event last
We hope you enjoyed the author,
poet and illustration workshops and
hand fun exploring the National
Media Museum and Bradford City
Keep reading at home and enjoying
bedtime stories!


This week, a group of Yr5 pupils

visited Bradford Bulls for an
afternoon of fun-filled activities.
They worked with sports coaches,
and Bulls player, James Clare, in a
series of sessions based on
improving skills and fitness. They
also took part in a very energetic
dance activity!
The children came away with a Bulls
t-shirt and a goody bag to round off
their afternoon.

Over the past few days, we have
celebrated our We Love Books event.
Children were treated to a fabulous
bedtime story assembly with Mr
Langley, where he told the story of
The Journey by Aaron Becker.
The book, which has no text, is the
story of a young girl who draws a
magic door with a red pencil. The
drawing takes her on an amazing
adventure, filled with danger and
imagination! Because the book has no
words, the classes then had to write
their own text and present it in
assembly this afternoon.

This is a great chance to meet your

childs teacher and to find out how
they have settled into their new
Halloween is just around the corner,
and is often a fun-filled evening,
with lots of sweets and amusing
costumes. However, the police have
issued a notice, to all children and
parents to be aware of the potential
risks of Halloween and trick-ortreating. They suggest that young
children always be accompanied by
an adult, and only visit the houses
of friends and family. Trick-ortreaters should also remember that
elderly neighbours may not want to
be visited on Halloween.

Children wore red to school in honour

of the little girl from the story, who
uses a red pencil to escape into her
own world.

Have a fantastic half-term holiday.

The weather is due to be mild, with
some sunshine on Wed and Thurs.

Stuart Herrington,

This week, you should have received

your Parents Evening letters. Please
return your slip as soon as possible, as
places are filling up fast!

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