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Rugby 4 Week Unit Plan

Unit of Study


Year Level


Lesson Programme

4 x 100 min lessons

1. To understand and abide by the
rules in Rugby (no forward
passing, offside rules, etc.)
2. Develop key movement points
when playing the game of rugby
(weaving, side-step, jump, spin)
3. Acquire the proper technique for
passing the ball (correct grip, most
efficient way)
4. Demonstrate the ability to execute
all the skills required in a match

Unit Outcomes

Level Of Experience

Students should have been exposed to

invasion games in previous years of
school. Therefore movement patterns
and basic skills should be achieved.
However rugby isnt a very common
sport in earlier ages so the unit will be
catered to beginners to intermediate
skilled student. They will develop the
basics in rules, movement, technique
and offensive/defensive positioning.

By: Ozer Gurpinar and Daniel Guerrieri

Australian Curriculum Outcomes for rugby unit (Years 7-8)
1. Examining and demonstrating the similarities of strategies used in
different physical activities and how they can be transferred to new
movement situations
Transferring skills from previously learned ball games such as
Detecting and applying the similarities in movement situations from
previous sports
2. Performing physical activities that improve health- and skill-related
components of fitness and analysing how the components are developed
through these activities
Improving skill levels through game-sense and other activities

Incorporating specific drills/movements into the lesson to improve

overall fitness, agility, speed, strength, etc.
3. Demonstrating an understanding of how to adjust the angle of release of
an object and how this will affect the height and distance of flight
Developing the most efficient and fastest way to pass the ball
Understanding how different release points and spin of the rugby
ball can affect distance/accuracy
Principles of Learning and Teaching (POLT)

Applied to Unit:

1. The learning environment is

supportive and productive:

The lessons are catered to beginnerintermediate skilled students.

Therefore guidance and support
from teachers will always be
present to help development rugbyspecific skills.

2. The learning environment

promotes independence,
interdependence and selfmotivation:

Lessons promote
Independence: Students aim to
improve certain skills individually.
Interdependence: Students will
work collaboratively in skill
development activities and during a
match of rugby
Self-Motivation: Students will
develop confidence in themselves
and their skills, increasing their selfmotivation to continue to improve.

3. Students needs,
backgrounds, perspectives and
interests are reflected in the
learning program:

Lessons will accommodate all

learning styles and individual skill
levels to keep each student

4. Students are challenged and

supported to develop deep
levels of thinking and

Students will be challenged when

learning new skills, positions and
strategies required in the sport of
rugby. Higher level thinking will be
required to play correctly in a match

5. Assessment practices are an

integral part of teaching and

Students skill development will be

assessed during basic activities and


the application of skills in a match

6. Learning connect strongly

with communities and practice
beyond the classroom:

The lessons will promote rugby

competition outside of school for
students and therefore practice
beyond the classroom.

The E5 Instructional Model



1. Engage
Develops shared norms
Determines readiness for
Establishes learning goals
Develops metacognitive

- Lessons are outlined and prepared

prior to lesson commencement
- Sport area is set up properly before
lesson starts, to ensure efficiency
- Lessons have clear and specific
learning outcomes which will be
achieved at the set time

2. Explore
Prompts inquiry
Structures inquiry
Maintains session momentum

3. Explain
Presents new content
Develops language and
Strengthens connections

- Lesson plans will be drawn upon to

ensure it is flowing suitably
- Challenges will be put forward to
ensure questions are asked by
students about the specific activity
- Lessons/Activities will end with
reflection, including open-ended
questions asked by the teacher

- Each lesson will have new skills

introduced or different activities to
continue improving specific skills.
- Students will understand key words
and rules of rugby once unit is
- Learning connections and
understanding will be strengthened

through demonstrations and auditory


4. Elaborate
Facilitates substantive
Cultivates higher order
Monitors progress

5. Evaluate
Assesses performance
against standards
Facilitates student selfassessment

- Allow students to develop

constructive thinking when executing
certain skills
- Leave time at the end of sessions
for questions and other feedback
- Keep a record of student skill level
throughout the unit (simply by
scoring them from 1-10)

- Students are assessed through their

performance and ability to reach
learning outcomes
- Practical application allows for selfassessment by students through
developing their individual

Behavioural Outcomes
Students must be ready with FULL sports uniform or change into FULL sports
uniform. Failure to have sports uniform will result in sitting out and doing theory.
Students must arrive on time and be ready for the warm-up activity. No watches,
bracelets or other jewellery to be worn when doing PE/Sport.
expectations are similar to a normal classrooms rules. Respecting one another,
participating in all activities and cooperating with the teacher are all expected.
During class it is expected that students try their best at each activity and help
other students when in need. No disrespectful actions will be tolerated, allowing
for a fun session of PE.
Each session will be concluded with 5 minutes of reflection which will include
constructive feedback and answering open-ended questions. Students will then
be given time to get changed back into normal school uniform (if required) and
must wait until formally dismissed.
Skills development outcomes

The skills outcomes throughout the four weeks are as following:

Lesson one: Students should be able to show skills in a rugby pass, by doing a
running pass and catching that pass. Students will also be able to show some
form of evasion skills by weaving and going in a running pattern that is not
straight. They also will have some idea on how to kick the rugby ball to the
opposition in a game situation.
Lesson two: Students will begin to use their evasive skills and to also master
their passing skills with the rugby, trying to put a spin in their pass. They will also
learn how to pass the rugby ball to team mates in a confined area to develop
possession scenarios. Playing an adapted form of a rugby match, to introduce
the roles of attacking and defending scenarios.
Lesson three: Students will continue to develop their skills in possession and to
implement what they have learned throughout the following weeks. Students will
be introduced to tackling and to have knowledge on the technique. Students will
be put in a match situation and have developed decision making and to also be
introduced in a game of rugby with no tackling, developing their knowledge on
the rules of rugby and to implement what they have learned.
Lesson four: In the final lesson students should be competent with the basic skills
of rugby and the rules. They will continue to show effort in their decision making
skills and team work. Students will finish off the unit by playing a complete
match of rugby tag, to show what they have learnt throughout the unit.

Assessment method
Students will be observed and assessed throughout the unit of rugby by using
the following criteria:
Participation: Students are engaged and are participating in the lesson in an
appropriate manner.
Development of skills: Students are learning the skills of rugby and are
developing in all aspects of the game.
Team work: Students will be assessed to demonstrate and to work efficiently in
team situations.
Fair play: Students will be assessed on being honest and to always respect the
referees call and playing by the rules.




Development of skills


Team work




General content analysis of the specific sport program

The content of this unit is focused on the physical skills and cognitive areas of
rugby. Students are put in situations that allow them to develop the fundamental
skills of the game and to also learn the advanced thinking strategies in game
situations to help build team work and communication; they will also develop
decision making skills. A completing of this unit will allow students to be
competent in the sport of rugby by being able to play a match and to understand
the rules and culture behind the game. Students will not be tackling each other
in this unit due to safety measures.
Brief Block plan/progression of the individual lessons
This section outlines what is being taught in each section of the lesson plans as
Lesson one:

Passing while running

Evasion and scoring
Roles of attacking and defending

Lesson two:

Passing while running.

Possession and team work.
Picking up the rugby off the ground, agility and evasion.
Learning how to attack and defend in a game situation.

Lesson three

Evasion and sprinting

Decision making situations and team work
Playing a match of rugby to learn all the rules

Lesson four:

Darting, evading and agility work

Decision making situations and team work
Using everything they have learned in a rugby match competition round

Specification of general organisational and equipment requirement

The Rugby sessions will be conducted in an area of grass such as the school oval.
Students are required to wear sport uniform under their school policy. Students
also must be wearing appropriate footwear. Equipment that will be used for the
unit will be dependant for each individual lesson; the equipment is as followed
that the school needs:

Rugby Belts with tags

Coloured sashes
Coloured cones
Speed ladder
Tackle bag
Rugby balls
Outline of Safety or Activity Specific Special Conditions

No tackling should be executed at any time

Appropriate uniform and footwear should be worn during every lesson
Respect one another and all the equipment
Stay within the marked area
Abide by all the set rules
Show good sportsmanship during and after every match

Victoria State Government (2016), Australian Curriculum, viewed 27 May 2016,
Victoria State Government (2016), Australian Curriculum, viewed 27 May 2016,

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