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Section A: Reading

Read this article on charcoal.

Charcoal is formed when trees or other organic matter are burned in the
absence of oxygen (usually in a kiln-type structure), preventing the plant
material from turning into ash. The burned material forms charcoal, a
hardened material that burns with little or no flame or smoke. Charcoal
provides a greater amount of heat in proportion to its volume than the
wood or other biomass material from which it is formed.
Charcoal historically has been a major source of fuel for cooking. It is
still used in many countries every day in this way. When charcoal is
burned for fuel, the carbon stored in it is released in the form of carbon
dioxide (CO2) back into the atmosphere. If this occurs at a greater rate
than the rate at which the oceans or plants and other trees are able to
convert the CO2 back into oxygen and energy, more CO2 is left in the
atmosphere than is removed. CO2 acts as an insulator; it keeps heat
from evaporating into the atmosphere, causing the Earth to be warmer.
Thus, the release of CO2 from burning charcoal can affect global climate
change. In addition, creating charcoal involves burning wood in a kiln
very slowly for long periods of time, which also releases CO2 into the air.

Kiln A large oven for hardening, burning, or drying substances.
Insulator A thing that blocks the transfer of heat.

Now answer the questions in the spaces provided.

1 (a) How is charcoal produced?


(b) In you own words explain what happens when charcoal is burned.



(c) How is charcoal responsible for global warming?



2 Give the meaning of each of these words as they are used in the
passage. In each case give a word or a short phrase.

(a) hardened ____________________________________________________ (1)

(b) volume ______________________________________________________ (1)
(c) released ____________________________________________________


(d) convert _____________________________________________________ (1)

3 Add the missing punctuation to these sentences.
what is charcoal used for asked Amit.
charcoal is often used in blacksmithing for cooking and for other
industrial applications explained the teacher One of the most important
applications of wood charcoal is as a component of gunpowder
4 Re-write this sentence adding
information from the passage.


The villagers use charcoal for cooking.






5 Combine these three sentences into one complex sentence.

Do not use and or but.
Charcoal incense sticks are jet black in colour.
They burn very clean
They allow the true fragrance of the incense to flow freely.

6 Complete this sentence, using two different forms of the same verb.
The lady has ______________ Sam charcoal painting; from tomorrow he
_________________ his sister how to make charcoal paintings.


7 Read this extract form an autobiography and then answer the


Charcoal was made by burning woods in a charcoal-kiln. Uncle Chin's

charcoal kiln was about fifteen feet tall and it had an arched crosssectional opening. Clay made, the top of the kiln was always covered with
leaves. The daily charcoal-making work was well divided among the
workers. Every morning, the workers took turns to collect mangrove
woods from the nearby swamps. Upon returning, they sawed the wood
into appropriate lengths to fit the kiln. Uncle Chin would then stack the
pieces of woods vertically in the kiln. When the kiln was full, the fire
would be started and the woods were burnt from the top, downwards,
just like a burning joss stick.
Staying by the kiln, Uncle Chin would explain that the fire must not be
red hot; otherwise, the wood pieces would be reduced to ashes. Instead, a
slow, greenish fire should be maintained for the wood to be sufficiently
smouldered (burnt).


List the number of steps and conditions necessary for manufacturing

of charcoal.


(b) Write a summary of 80 100 words using your list to describe

Uncle Chins charcoal manufacturing process.
Use your own words as far as possible.



Section B: Writing
8 Imagine you are a boarder (a student of a boarding school). Your
school has organized a field trip to a factory and you need to pay a
particular amount for the same.
Write a letter convincing your father to pay for your trip.
You may include the following points:

Give some interesting information about the trip / factory.

Why the trip is important for you.

Space for your plan.

Write your letter here.



--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Purpose and Audience




Text Structure




Sentence Structure


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