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Tng n tp kin thc mn Ting anh

Chapter 2 Vocabulary

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions
Question 1:
What can be done about the falling number of _____ to medical schools?
A. applicant
B. applications
C. applicants
D. application
Question 2:
Thousands of young people are facing long-term _____.
A. employer
B. employee
C. unemployed
D. unemployment
Question 3:
All nitrogen _____ are made from ammonia (NH3), which is sometimes injected into the
ground directly
A. fertilization
B. fertilizer
C. fertilizers
D. infertility
Question 4:
Several objects were taken away by _____ from the anti-terrorist squad.
A. detect
B. detection
C. detectives
D. detections
Question 5:
The new model will be in _____ by the end of the year, but it will quickly go out of
_____ in two years time
A. product
B. productivity
C. producer
D. production
Question 6:
Commodities are usually raw materials such as metals and agricultural _____, but a
commodity can also be anything widely available in the open market.
A. produce
B. productivity
C. products
D. product
Question 7:
Is Dad trying to starve me into _____, to make me go back?
A. submission
B. submissions
C. submitted
D. submit
Question 8:
Becoming a _____ requires undergraduate education, medical school, graduate medical
education as well as a residency program
A. physician
B. physics
C. physicist
D. physicians
Question 9:
Many children who get into trouble in their early teens go on to become persistent _____.
A. offend
B. offence
C. offender
D. offending
Question 10:
The countries have kept their own distinct political and cultural_____.
A. identify
B. identification
C. identifies
D. identities
Question 11:
Their _____is to report back by March on how the new tax law will change employment.
A. mandated
B. mandatory
C. mandates
D. mandate
Question 12:
She is standing for the first time in _____for the National Assembly
A. elected
B. elections
C. election
D. elective
Question 13:
Today's weather will be a _____ of yesterday.
A. continuing
B. continuation
C. continuity
D. continual
Question 14:
The government has promised to introduce democratic_____
A. reformed
B. reforming
C. reforms
D. reformers
Question 15:
My brother has been a brain _____for ten years.
A. surgeon
B. surgery
C. surgical
D. surgeons
Question 16:
Her action was an indication of her good _____.
A. intentions
B. intentional
C. intentionally
D. intended
Question 17:
The comprehensive _____of the bank revealed no illegal activity.
A. investigation
B. investigator
C. investigative
D. investigate
Question 18:
A _____of the UN visited the area yesterday.
A. representative
B. representation
C. represented
D. representing
Question 19:
During the Industrial Revolution, there was a complete _____of society in urban areas.
A. transforming
B. transformer
C. transformation
D. transformable
Question 20:
Phil was sentenced to three years______ for his part in the robbery.
A. prisoner
B. imprison
C. imprisonment
D. prison
Question 21:
We drove at five miles an hour because the _____was so poor.
A. visible
B. visual
C. view
D. visibility
Question 22:
We were impressed by the _____ of the children's work
A. originality
B. origin
C. original
D. originally


Tng n tp kin thc mn Ting anh

Chapter 2 Vocabulary
Question 23:
The atlas provides readers with not only each country's life _____ by religion but also its
language and literacy.
A. expectancy
B. expectation
C. expecting
D. expected
Question 24:
_____ disliked the play because the story was weak and the acting terrible.
A. Critiques
B. Critics
C. Criticism
D. Criticize
Question 25:
There is a _____of carrots because of the bad weather
A. shortly
B. shorten
C. shortage
D. short
Question 26:
The charity organization received a large gift from the _____.
A. donation
B. donor
C. donate
D. donated
Question 27:
The student did not do well in the class; he had a problem with _____.
A. absent
B. absently
C. absence
D. absenteeism
Question 28:
He offered to give me a _____of how the machine worked.
A. demonstrator
B. demonstration
C. demonstrate
D. demonstrative
Question 29:
The conference was organized for all of the _____ teachers in the city.
A. history
B. historic
C. historical
D. historian
Question 30:
Does Mr. John bring his farm ______ to the local market every day?
A. productivity
B. product
C. production
D. produce
Question 31:
This document requires the ______ of both yourself and your spouse.
A. sign
B. signature
C. signal
D. signing
Question 32:
A downturn in the _____is affecting many small businesses.
A. economist
B. economy
C. economics
D. economical
Question 33:
The government outlined a new set of _____ on human rights.
A. proposition
B. proposal
C. proposer
D. proposals
Question 34:
Sugar is the _____of healthy teeth.
A. destruction
B. destroy
C. destructively
D. destroyer
Question 35:
They carried out research into the roles of men and women in todays _____.
A. sociability
B. socialite
C. socialism
D. society
Question 36:
A number of doctors came under _____ of unethical behavior.
A. suspect
B. suspected
C. suspicions
D. suspicion
Question 37:
It is not possible for everyone to put their own _____ on the law.
A. interpreter
B. interpretation
C. interpretive
D. interpret
Question 38:
Macbeth believed the witches _____about his future.
A. prophet
B. prophecy
C. prophesy
D. prophetic
Question 39:
We are in _____ with four other companies for the contract.
A. competition
B. compete
C. competitiveness
D. compete
Question 40:
New machinery has enhanced the companys productivity and_____.
A. competitor
B. competition
C. competitive
D. competitiveness
Question 41:
The government is planning major reforms in the _____system.
A. educational
B. educated
C. education
D. educating
Question 42:
He has an _____next week for the manager's job.
A. interviewee
B. interviewer
C. interview
D. interviewing
Question 43:
The government has to set up an effective system of _____.
A. regulation
B. regularization
C. regularity
D. regulated
Question 44:
Smoke detectors must be installed to comply with fire _____.
A. regulation
B. regulating
C. regulations
D. regularity
Question 45:
Most of us would maintain that physical _____does not play a major part in how we react
to the people we meet.
A. attractions
B. attractively
C. attractive
D. attractiveness
Question 46:
The police are interested in the sudden _____ of the valuable painting.
A. appear
B. appearance
C. appear
D. disappearance
Question 47:
There are several places where residents face the threat of _____ every day.
A. terror
B. terrorism
C. terrorist
D. terrorize
Question 48:
_____ is the activity or job of taking photographs or films
A. Photograph
B. Photo
C. Photography
D. Photos

Tng n tp kin thc mn Ting anh

Chapter 2 Vocabulary
Question 49:
Its a piece of good news. The factorys _____ has increased considerably this year.
A. output
B. put in
C. put out
D. input
Question 50:
There's still no _____ about the reason why the Malaysian plane was mysteriously lost.
A. clarity
B. clear
C. clarify
D. clearance
Question 51:
Nowadays, quite a few internet courses can offer an effective _____ to classroom
A. alternating
B. alternative
C. alternatively
D. alternation
Question 52:
A _____ of scandals and revelations has undermined the government over the past year
A. success
B. succession
C. succeeding
D. succeed
Question 53:
When asked about their preference for movies, many young people say that they are in
favor _____ science fiction.
A. in
B. for
C. of
D. with
Question 54:
_____ your job application, we regret that the position has been filled.
A. In spite of
B. Instead of
C. In addition to
D. With regard to
Question 55:
My mother was _____ of making a cake when the front door bell rang.
A. at the center
B. on her way
C. halfway through
D. in the middle
Question 56:
We are prepared to overlook the error on this occasion _____ your previous good look.
A. thanks to
B. with a view to
C. in the light of
D. with regard to
Question 57:
She left home _____ strong opposition from her parents.
A. despite
B. by virtue of
C. in spite of
D. in the face of
Question 58:
I took a course in shorthand and typing _____ applying for a secretarial job.
A. with a view to
B. in view of
C. by means of
D. in terms of
Question 59:
Their economy has expanded enormously, while ours, _____ contrast, has declined.
A. on
B. at
C. in
D. for
Question 60:
Im going to make all efforts to win a gold medal in _____ for your help and concern.
A. return
B. mind
C. allowances
D. memory
Question 61:
"Didn't you find the film exciting?" "On the _____, I nearly fell asleep half way through
A. contrary
B. contrast
C. contradict
D. contact
Question 62:
Much of what he said had little _____ to the issue we were discussing.
A. accordance
B. involvement
C. concern
D. relevance
Question 63:
I never met Joe Louis, but he was a great boxer _____.
A. by all accounts
B. on account
C. according to the account
D. in the account
Question 64:
This library card will give you free access _____ the Internet eight hours a day.
A. to
B. in
C. from
D. on
Question 65:
From my _____ of view, the party was a complete success.
A. mark
B. idea
C. spot
D. point
Question 66:
They were given food and shelter _____ work.
A. in exchange for
B. with respect to
C. at the expense of
D. in the light of
Question 67:
_____ many mothers, she feels torn between her family and her work.
A. In the same as
B. In common with
C. As regards
D. In view of
Question 68:
Do you agree? - _____ point, but I dont think you are completely right.
A. To the
B. For a
C. Up to a
D. On the
Question 69:
His behavior is clearly _____ what the college expects from its students.
A. at odds with
B. in place of
C. on behalf of
D. in
exchange for
Question 70:
We bought the sofa _____ that we could return it if it didn't fit in the room.
A. in the agreement
B. with the purpose
C. with the aim
D. on the understanding
Question 71:
_____ her wishes, she was buried in France.
A. In respect to
B. In accordance with
C. In addition to
D. In terms of
Question 72:
Please accept these flowers with the _____ of the manager.
A. praise
B. criticism
C. compliments
D. aim

Tng n tp kin thc mn Ting anh

Question 73:
She received 40,000 in compensation _____ a lost eye.
A. with
B. of
C. to

Chapter 2 Vocabulary
D. for

Question 74:
He made the whole speech without _____ to the notes in front of him.
A. notice
B. reference
C. attention
D. sight
Question 75:
We worked _____ the accompaniment of Mr. French's drill.
A. in
B. in
C. to
D. at
Question 76:
You can use margarine in _____ of butter in some recipes.
A. position
B. place
C. space
D. spot
Question 77:
_____ the exception _____ the little baby, everybody in my family has to jog every
A. With / to
B. With / of
C. In / of
D. By / of
Question 78:
_____ the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work.
A. In place of
B. On behalf of
C. In the light of
D. With regard to
Question 79:
He left the country __________ arrest if he returned.
A. with fear of
B. with threat of
C. under threat of
D. in fear of
Question 80:
The student did not do well in the class; he had a problem with _____.
A. absent
B. absently
C. absence
D. absenteeism
Question 81:
We drove at five miles an hour because the _____was so poor.
A. visible
B. visual
C. view
D. visibility
Question 82:
There are small _____between British and American English.
A. differences
B. different
C. difference
D. differently
Question 83:
Farmers can enrich the soil by using _____.
A. fertile
B. fertility
C. fertilizers
D. fertilize
Question 84:
New machinery has enhanced the companys productivity and_____.
A. competitor
B. competition
C. competitive
D. competitiveness
Question 85:
Right at the beginning of their _____ program the Japanese realizes the importance of an
iron and steel industry.
A. modern
B. modernized
C. modernization
D. modernizing
Question 86:
There seems to be a large ______ between the number of people employed in service
industries, and those employed in the primary sectors.
A. discrepancy
B. discretion
C. discriminate
D. distinguish
Question 87:
Not everyone wants job as a _____.
A. mortal
B. mortally
C. mortician
D. morticians
Question 88:
Because of a traffic _____, he had to appear in court.
A. violated
B. violator
C. violating
D. violation
Question 89:
Because your medical problem is serious, you need to see a _____.
A. specialize
B. special
C. specialization
D. specialist
Question 90:
He was not concerned about the _____ of his actions.
A. careful
B. carefulness
C. carelessness
D. carelessly
Question 91:
The success of the party was mainly due to the presence of several _____.
A. celebrations
B. celebrated
C. celebrities
D. celebrates
Question 92:
Bill was about average in _____ in comparison with other students in his class.
A. performance
B. performer
C. performing
D. perform
Question 93:
Sorry but the _____ is out of use; you'll have to take the stairs.
A. escalation
B. escalator
C. escalating
D. escalate



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