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Jupiter is the largest, slow moving benefic planet. It represents knowledge,

wisdom, fortune, good karmas, dharma and honours in life. The movement of
Jupiter is slow and it takes about 13 months to transit from one sign to
another. Its movement can signify a lot of changes in a persons life and can
impact in various forms depending on where it is located in the horary chart.


Jupiter shifted to Virgo on the 11th of August 2016 at 8:24 pm IST and shall
remain in Virgo till 11th September 2017. It goes combust from 12th
September16 10th Oct16 and retrogrades from February 2017 to June 2017.


The transit of any major planet does have its own good and bad effects on the
people by and large. I am giving inputs on how this transit will affect various
ascendants and moon signs for the coming year and what can be done to
expiate the negative aspects of this shift.


I would also like to mention that these are generic forecast, the main
transition effect can only be seen by analyzing ones individual birth chart and
running main period, sub-periods. It shall be extremely beneficial for the
ascendant /moon sign of Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,
and Pisces.


Jupiter transits to your sixth house and might cause you anxieties and ill
health in the coming 13 month period. You need to be careful about your
health issues especially when it comes down to abdominal problems, liver,
pancreas, anal and fat related problems. The metabolic system goes slower
than normal in this time of transit and you should be careful about your diet
patterns. On the positive side it directly aspects the twelfth house and the
earnings house.


Unexpected gains from foreign resources and MNCs can be expected during
this duration. There will be some monetary gains also that one can expect in
this time. Jupiter aspects the house of career with a debilitated aspect and
problems related to professional front can be expected. Avoid taking any major
decisions during this period.
REMEDY: Donate yellow cloth to a priest in a temple. Shri Rudra pujan is highly


This is an excellent transit for the Taureans with Jupiter shifting to their
mooltrikona house. Manifestations of good fortune, self-growth, property gains
all are likely to come to you with open arms. Life had been tough off late but
now is the time when situations shall suddenly turn the tables in your favour.
This is a time to reap the rewards of your hard work. Honours, appreciations,
and growth are all yours to enjoy. However, the health of children or issues
related to academics can be a cause of concern the whole year through.
Spiritual inclinations and works were done for the upliftment of the society by
and large too will become dominant in your mind.
REMEDY: Avoid taking gifts from strangers during this period.


Jupiter transits to your 4th house. This brings in mixed results for you. On the
career front Jupiter aspects its own sign with full intensity and therefore there
will be good growth opportunities that shall open up for you in this front. Also,
there will be some windfalls related to foreign deals or travels. Keep a check
on your diet patterns and your health as there are possibilities of sudden
downfall in this area.


You also need to keep your secrets buried in your chest as the moment you
share your inner thoughts with others, chances are that they might
boomerang back at you. There will be a detachment towards religious
activities and spiritual path. Problems related to the health of your mother
might crop up in this year. Also there can be troubled issues related to your
property, vehicles that you own.
REMEDY: seek blessings of elders before doing any important activities. Bathe
with mustard seeds and honey mixed in water.


If you have moon sign or ascendant as Cancer then the transit is going to
bring you a mixed result. On the positive side, your good luck shall enhance
and you will benefit from the blessings of elders and Gurus (mentors) in your
life. There are also strong chances of inhering property or probably thinking
about buying a new one. Wedding bells might ring in for the singletons who
have wanted to settle for some time now. Mutual understanding and respect in

between you and your life partner enhance all through this period. However,
you need to keep a check on your laziness, weight gain and also need to learn
to balance your relationship with your friends and acquaintances.
REMEDY: worshipping Goddess Durga and reading Durga saptshati


Jupiter transits to your 2n house bringing in growth & success in professional

front. This is a good transit and shall bring you gains in many forms. Honours,
success, and appreciations are all yours to achieve easily in this period.
Sudden openings in foreign land or areas are foreseen in this transit. You will
also develop a good intuitive instinct and this will help you in further
manifesting good growth in life. Health, however, can be a cause of concern
and you need to learn to avoid unnecessary stress in life. Chances of incurring
abdominal problems are high. Keep a check on your speech.
REMEDY: recite Guru strota, wear five Mukhi rudraksha for positive changes in


Jupiter transits to your own house now. You have had a tough time recently
and most of your actions must have misfired in the last one year. This is all
going to change for good now. Marriage plans manifest for many Virgos in this
phase of life. You will be happy with the way things turn out in matters of your
heart. Good news related to your life partner is also expected in this period. A
debilitated aspect on the house of children might create some stress related to
children and their education. Inclination towards religious activities, short trips
especially religious trips are sure to take place in the year. Good fortune
showers on you and growth comes in easily.
REMEDY: chant Aum Namah Bhagwatey Vasudevai namah daily 108 time


Health benefits shall come through and one will be able to overcome major
resistances in this front as the year progresses. However, this transit can be a
little tough on Librans all through the year ahead. However, you will surely
witness some respite from this transit from Feb June 2017 when Jupiter goes
retrograde and shifts to your house of gains. You need to be careful in most of
your dealings and should avoid any important transition around in this period.
Avoid trusting strangers as chances are that you might get ditched by them for
no reasons. One might also incur some problems related to home front and
also related to health and well-be of ones mother.


Remedy: Keep an energized Guru Yantra in your puja altar and chant Guru
shanti Mantra, Aum gram greem graum sah guruveh namah 108 times


Jupiter transits to your house of gains and this is an excellent place to be in.
you shall be showered with a lot of success, happiness, gains, property
benefits during this time. Family bonds strengthen although there can be some
tough stands that you might have to take related to younger siblings. Wedding
celebrations for many is also high on the cards. If already in a relationship then
there will be more peace, love, harmony that you shall experience in between
you and your life partner. Good news related to children and their education is
also highly expected in this phase of your life.


This is also an excellent period to confess your inner feelings to the one you
love, chances are that they shall be accepted in affirmative. However avoid
any such plans in between Sep and October 2016 as Jupiter goes combust
then. Business partnerships shall fructify and build up better avenues for you.
Be careful about the new associations you make, there are possibilities of
being let down by either a trusted person in life or a new acquaintance letting
you down in your expectations.
REMEDY: Donate turmeric and ghee in a temple. Also chanting
Vishnusahastranaam shall do you a lot good.


The transit of Jupiter brings in mixed results for you all through this coming
year. Property gains, home renovation or buying a new vehicle is sure to take
place as the year progresses for you. Health of your mother improves and
benefits come in various ways from her end. Health issues resolve and bring in
a new rejuvenated self. Monetary gains come through in many forms but after
a lot of hard work. You will take initiative to do some good for your extended
family. Honours and accolades are surely to knock your door in this phase of
your life but after experiencing some difficulty.


Avoid any ego clashes with your bosses in your work matters as this can affect
you adversely. Being ethical in your approach towards your work helps you in
manifesting success and growth in this area. Legal matters or conflicts if any
shall be overcome easily due to this transit.
REMEDY: put saffron and sandalwood paste daily on your forehead, throat, and
navel starting from an auspicious Thursday.


The transit brings in appreciations and accolades for you in various aspects of
your life. This is an excellent period to manifest the fruits of your hard work.
Good luck favours you and brings in success and growth easily. You will feel
more confident as the year progresses as the aura gains strengths and brings
about a lot of positive changes in your entire personality. This is the time to
brush up your PR skills as they will boost up the opportunities in your life.
Children bring in a lot of happiness in life and so does your academic front.


Capricorns preparing for important exams and interviews are likely to be

successful in their efforts. There will be bouts of confusions and pseudo
egoism that might develop in you as the year progresses. Keeping a check on
this and also being spiritually rich in your approach helps you in manifesting
more success and growth in life. Avoid unnecessary clashes with your bosses
or government organizations.
REMEDY: Donate almonds in Vishnu temple. Chant Guru strota.


The transit shifts to your eighth house and might create hurdles and sadness
in life. However, since its aspects your house of name and fame, it still should
shower some goodness in this aspect of life. Monetary gains are also likely to
take place in the coming year but simultaneously there will be chances of
financial obligations rising up and creating an outflow too. However, be careful
while dealing with foreign assignments and strangers.


Chances are that you might get duped in these activities. There will be a lot of
restlessness and anxieties that you might face during this transit. Health
issues might crop up suddenly and can pull down your energies. Gains from
home front however are sure to come. You might also buy a new vehicle or
renovate your house in this year.
REMEDY: Recite Shri Rudram daily starting from an auspicious Thursday. Bathe
with mustard oil mixed water. Pour water with a handful of rice grains on a


Jupiter transits to your seventh house and aspects you directly in your own
sign. This brings in a huge boost in your personality. The radiance of your aura
enhances its effect for others to get mesmerized by it. Self-growth and gains
are sure to take place as the year progresses. Gains from elders, property
gains, growth are all yours to manifest in this phase of your life. Your friends
and family help you in your endeavours and this shall also build up a lot of
positive reflections in your life.


Physical strength improves and you exude a stronger personality trait by

means of your energy levels and also your inner insight and determination.
Honours and appreciations all come through easily and powerfully. Wedding
plans might take place but after a lot of efforts from your end. Avoid any
business partnerships in this period. Health or issues related to life partner
might be a cause of worries.
REMEDY: Do Rudrabhishekam and Shiv pujan for expiating negative aspects of

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