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James Sifford
Mr. Harriston
FRST 101 H03
October 6th 2016
Faculty Interview
Because I am a sociology student, I chose a teacher from the sociology field. I decided
for my faculty interview to interview Professor Anderson Bean. Professor Bean is a full time
Sociology teacher with his Bachelors and Master degree, and is currently working on his PhD all
for Sociology.
Professor Bean attended six colleges throughout his college career. He started out going
to Guilford college just for basketball. He was told he was going to be a sixth man point guard
for Guilford. Upon arrival he found out there were 4 other point guards recruited for the team
and so Professor Bean left Guilford. Unfortunately, because he left so late in the year his only
other option was Central Piedmont Community College. Professor Bean studied there for a year
and then transferred to UNCC majoring in Spanish. As a Spanish major because of his high
interest of the language Professor Bean studied abroad at the University of Guadalajara. As he
studied abroad, his significant influence came from Spanish revolutionaries, which made him
change his entire career path. Professor Bean became, more interested in the history and politics
of Latin America and Mexico rather than the actual language. So he moved his Spanish major to
a minor and picked up sociology and graduated UNCC with a Bachelors degree in sociology.
Professor Bean likes the methods and approach Sociology has towards social processes, social
forces, and the political economy. Professor Bean enjoyed sociology so much he continued his
education at UNCG and achieved his Masters at UNCG. While at UNCG he had a few

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internships, but one of his most significant was a paid internship with the City of Greensboro to
do a research project on their performance appraisal systems. Professor Bean interviewed 30
people, took data, had to write a detailed report. Though his college years are over now,
Professor Bean is currently working towards his PhD at George Mason University while working
as a full time teacher of sociology.
To become an adjunct, or part time professor, you have to have at least a Masters degree.
To become a tenured, or full time professor, you have to have your PhD. Professor Bean has just
recently become a full time professor and so he always has to teach classes. On Monday,
Wednesday, and Friday he has one class in the morning and so he teaches and goes home to
grade papers and prepare for his next class. On Tuesday and Thursday, he teaches practically all
day, from 9:30 to 5, with a small break to eat. Thought it seems like a pain, Professor Bean really
enjoys his job.
He finds interaction with students to be the best part of his job. Because sociology is a
relatable subject with the real world, Professor Bean always wants to know what each student
will bring to the discussions. Professor Bean dislikes grading and certain administrative work
because its extra work for him to do that doesnt allow interaction with students, which is his
favorite part. The most rewarding part of his job is when he can tell that a student understands
the concept. When he sees that a student understands what he is talking about and makes
progress throughout the class, it is very rewarding. For students who arent anonymous in the
class he is also a source for letters of recommendations. He writes them for students trying to get
into graduate school and/or for students trying to get a job. Professor Bean is a very well
educated sociology Professor and it will be a great pleasure to learn from him especially since I
too am a Sociology student with a Spanish minor and I am also from the Charlotte area.

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