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Hammad Alrashidi

ELI 182
June, 20, 16

Extensive Reading Assignment No. 3

Book Information:
Book Title: Frankenstein
Author: Marry Shelley
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Copyright: 2008
Pages: 80
Fiction or Non-fiction: Fiction

Fainted: go unconscious
Thunder: Very loud noise in sky during storm
Laboratory: a building where scientists work
Float: stay on top of water
Judge: a person who decides how to punish a criminal
Ugly: something that is not beautiful


This book titled Frankenstein (Shelley, 2008) tells a very interesting story.
Robert Walton is captain of a ship going to North Pole. He tells the story of
his mission to his sister back in England. He does this by writing her
letters. He sees a person with a sledge driven by dogs in the way. That
person is Victor Frankenstein. Frankenstein tells his tale to Robert. He tells
him of his early life in Geneva. He enters University of Ingolstadt to study
natural philosophy and chemistry. He thinks he has found the secret of
life. He spends months to build a body out of old body parts. He brings it
to life. However, he is shocked at what he has done. He has created an
ugly monster. He plans to go back to his family in Geneva. He receives a
letter that his brother was killed by someone. He hurries home. Justine is
a girl living in Frankenstein house. She is accused of killing Victors
brother. Victor knows that his monster killed his brother. But he cant tell
anyone. Victors goes to spend holidays in mountains. There he meets the
monster. The monster asks him to create another monster just like him.
Victor is persuaded by the monster. He goes to an island and starts
working on another monster. However, he is shocked by what that could
mean. Victor destroys the new monster he was creating. The monster is
very angry. Victors goes to another town where he is taken to jail. Victor is
accused of killing his friend Henry. Henry has been actually killed by the
monster in his revenge. The monster says that he will take revenge on his
wedding night. Victor marries Elizabeth. Elizabeth is killed by the monster.
This makes Victor very angry. He promises to kill the monster and chases

him to North Pole. But he gets very sick. He is picked by Robert Walton.
Victor dies after a few days. When Walton comes to see Victors body after
a few days, he sees a strange thing. The monster is crying over Victors
body. He says that since his creator has died, he too will die. He goes to
the North Pole to die.
This book titled Frankenstein (Shelley, 2008) tells about a monster. It is a
very interesting reading. It has made me think about carefully thinking
before doing something. Victor did not know what would be result of what
he was creating. Therefore, he created a monster. Noting should be done
without thinking. The monster is very lonely after Victor moves away.
Victor has not thought of monster as a person with feelings. The monster
is upset with the way people behave when they see him. He sees himself
as an ugly person whom nobody likes. Not even his creator. The story was
very emotional for me. It made me think of how lonely a person can get.
Victor lost nearly all of his loved ones. This was a sad story too. Overall, I
think I enjoyed reading this book.
Nobes, P., & Shelley, M. W. (2008). Frankenstein. Oxford: Oxford University

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