Air Strike Bulletin 9

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Socialist Party bulletin for BA workers and trade union activists


• Solid strikes continue into
• third week
ndustrial action by cabin crew has battle with management. The re-ballot cabin crew to invite all trade union reps
now entered the final bloc of five will give cabin crew time to consider ways across the company to a meeting to
days. Walsh may have imagined of shortening this dispute. It is of critical discuss defending terms and conditions
back in November there would be a importance to extend this dispute beyond and combating intimidation of union
quick sprint to victory for management. cabin crew to other parts of the company. activists. In this way workers at BA can
In reality this dispute has turned into a Air Strike is aware that there has not begin to overcome the divisions between
marathon. Every strike day produces big always been agreement among trade different sections and present a united
crowds at Bedfont football ground and unionists over the best way to defend front in the face of BA management.
cabin crew doing picket line duty for the members interests. Ironically Walsh’s There is no contingency plan of Willie
first time. So while management must behaviour has now provided a unifying Walsh’s that can deal with that.
deal with this problem of its own making issues for workers
day after day the superior numbers of across the company
cabin crew and the efficient rota system to rally around. Occupation A Mistake
for the pickets mean cabin crew are well The new conditions The defeat of Willie Walsh and the brutish BA management
placed to out last management. Walsh has is the most important aspect to this dispute. It is therefore
Despite the much hyped contingency introduced into any unfortunate that the reported decision of the Socialist
plans of BA it is clear Walsh has new deal, such as Workers Party (SWP) members at the end of the Right to
underestimated the determination of changes to the 1948 Work Conference to invade talks between British Airways
cabin crew to defend their union. Another Redeployment management and Unite has partially obscured this issue.
piece of management hype that has Agreement and This occupation was completely mistaken.
taken a beating during the course of this renegotiating trade
dispute is the idea that Walsh is a skilled union facility time It is the view of the Socialist Party that the actions of the
negotiator. are changes that SWP were not in the best interests of striking cabin crew
will effect every workers. Such tactics will prove to be counter-productive.
In fact during the course of this It is the mass action of cabin crew through their union
dispute rather than engage in serious worker and trade
unionist at the that is the key to defeating Walsh, not the actions of a self
negotiations Walsh has only ever played appointed minority. Despite this we are totally opposed to
three cards; intimidate the workforce into company. A call
for no changes to any victimisation of those who took part in this mistaken
scabbing on cabin crew, blame BASSA protest.
for a failure to reach an agreement and the Redeployment
run to the courts to over turn democratic Agreement could be The priority for all workers in the trade union movement
strike ballots. the basis for other now is to support the cabin crew workers against Walsh
sections of the BA and BA management.
Hopefully an agreement that protects workforce to move
the interests of cabin crew can be to ‘failure to agree’
reached by the end of the current round and begin balloting
of strikes. However given the kamikaze for strike action.
determination of Willie Walsh to destroy
the union this seems unlikely. Now that The period of
the 12 week window of strike action the new ballot
allowed under the anti trade union laws could be used
is closing, Unite are correct to re-ballot by cabin crew to
for strike action. From discussions on the campaign amongst
picket lines Air Strike is confident another other sections
thumping majority in favour of strike of the workforce
action will be returned. for extension of
action across the
Cabin crew have shown time and again company. A good
they have the stomach for a protracted start would be for
• No to the “New Fleet” -
defend terms, National Shop
conditions and pay!
• Reinstate all Stewards Network
For justice in the workplace, workers rights, solidarity and
suspended equality - trade union freedom
workers now – no to
• United action across
Conference 2010
Saturday 26th June 11am, South Camden Community School,
BA to defeat union London NW1 1RG
busting BA Cabin Crew, civil servants, rail workers...
• Take BA back into Trade unionists are voting for, and taking, action to defend their rights, conditions
and pay against the onslaught from the bosses and the government. Cameron
public ownership and Clegg are wielding the axe and working class people are having to prepare
for the fight of our lives. Come to the 2010 conference of the Shop Stewards
Network to discuss with other trade unionists about how we can work together
and support each other in the struggles that working people will face over the
coming year. In particular, the NSSN invites you to send:
• Workplace reps and stewards
• Delegates from union branches
• Representatives from regional or national bodies
11.30am Preparing our Class for Big After the General Election, and more.
Battles Ahead Speakers with direct involvement on
• Matt Wrack General Sec FBU the ground in various campaigns will
• Steve Hedley Regional Sec RMT lead discussions.
• Janice Godrich President PCS
• BA striker 3pm As part of the “Week of
Solidarity” initiative by members
1.45pm Workshop Debates of the Left Group in the European
Ten workshops about issues facing Parliament (GEU/NGL), NSSN
workers in struggle - including Young Conference 2010 will include
Workers, Migrant Workers, Fighting
Cuts and Redundancies in the Public an International Solidarity Rally
and Private Sectors, Racism, the Anti- with trade unionists recently and
Trade Union Laws, Climate Change, currently involved in action:
• Pedro Higuera Madrid Regional Government worker,
Workers Commissions and Izquierda Unida, Spain
• Terry Kelleher CPSU executive member, Ireland
• a public sector worker from Greece
• Chris Baugh Assistant General Secretary, PCS, Britain
For more details and to register: email
phone 020 8522 1156
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airSTRIKE is a blog which was set up
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direct from the picket lines, so make Send to: PO Box 24697, London E11 1YD, email or ring 0208
sure you check it out. 988 8777

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