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Todays Date: Friday 7 October 2016

Classes to be covered by Kevin on:

Monday 10 October 2016 2 classes, the same level: A3 (1) and A3 (2)
& Tuesday 11 October 2016 2 classes, different level: A4 and A5
Date: Monday 10 October 2016
(1) 19.00-20.30


Class aims:

Vocabulary: Food
Reading: Reading for specific information
Pronunciation: Food terms including: e.g. Carbohydrates, Protein

Book pages: Students Book P4-5 (P6 if there is time)

Extra materials: Food & Drink TABOO CARDS GAME (in TABOO box in staff
1. Introduction/Warmer: Food & Drink Taboo game
2. P4: Question 1a, in pairs do the FOOD QUIZ
3. Teach containers: can of coke, bag of crisps, packet of biscuits (stress
pronunciation biskits NOT bisqueets), jar of jam (jam jar), tin of beans
(can also be can but never tin of coke)
4. Question 1c: Practice pronunciation and explain the meaning of the
words of food preparation
5. Question 2a: Explain the sounds and that there is one word in each
section which is wrong and needs to be removed. Do this in pairs. Ask
them to speak out loud the words so you can hear if they are saying
them wrong!
6. Question 3: Speaking exercise in pairs discuss their own food habits
and preferences
7. Question 3a: Listening exercise Match speakers to the questions
that they have been discussing
8. Question 5: Reading The reading is to be done alone, but the
questions alongside the reading are to be discussed/answered in
pairs. Introduce the reading by stressing the pronunciation of carbohii!- drates and proteeens
9. Turn to Page 6 and do question 5a: Discussion of restaurant habits
and preferences with a quiz, in pairs.
10.If time, do questions 5b,c,d LISTENING.
11.If they have gone through very fast, then question 5e discussion at
the end. I think this class will go through things slower than the next
class, which is a bit smaller and with a similar sense of humour and

Date: Monday 10 October 2016

(2) 20.30-22.00


Class aims:

Vocabulary: Food
Reading: Reading for specific information
Pronunciation: Food terms including: e.g. Carbohydrates, Protein

Book pages: Students Book P4-6

Extra materials: Food & Drink TABOO CARDS GAME (in TABOO box in staff
1. Warmer: Food & Drink TABOO card game
2. Question 3: Speaking exercise in pairs discuss their own food habits
and preferences
3. Question 3a: Listening exercise Match speakers to the questions
that they have been discussing
4. Question 5: Reading The reading is to be done alone, but the
questions alongside the reading are to be discussed/answered in
pairs. Introduce the reading by stressing the pronunciation of carbohii!- drates and proteeens
5. Turn to Page 6 and do question 5a: Discussion of restaurant habits
and preferences with a quiz, in pairs.
6. Do questions 5b,c,d LISTENING.
7. If time, Question 5e: Discuss the questions in pairs, and then share
ideas with the class.

Date: Tuesday 11 October 2016

ENGLISH FILE 19.00-20.30


Class aims:

Vocabulary: Interviews
Reading: Using a text to understand words you do not know
Pronunciation: Making questions and responses friendly
Listening: For specific information

Book pages: Students Book P5-7

Extra materials: none
1. Go over answers to HWK, on sheet revising question formation and
indirect questions. Get them to read out the conversation with
emotion, see if they can make it sound real
2. P5. Question 3a,b,c,d,e: Practise pronunciation with listening to make
sure the students can ask questions, and then respond in a friendly
3. Turn to p6. Question 4a: Discuss interviews, and interview questions.
What do you get asked at interviews in Spain? What is the worst thing
about you? Joke that you cannot say I always arrive to work late,
but they would prefer to hear things like I work too hard or when I
am under pressure, I give all my money and savings to my boss.
4. Question 4b: Read the article and answer the question.
5. Question 4c (page 7): Try to figure out what the words mean from the
context with a partner stress that this is an important skill (orange
box on top of page)
6. Question 4f: Answer the questions in pairs, then discuss quickly as a
7. Question 4g: In pairs, select a question that is the best and then
answer it.
8. Question 5b: Listening

Date: Tuesday 11 October 2016


Class A5 SPEAKOUT 20.30-

Class aims:

Vocabulary: Personality adjectives

Listening: For detail, and for gist
Pronunciation: Of questions

Book pages: Students Book P8-9 and p148 Vocabulary Bank

Extra materials:
1. Intro: Play video of What makes a good flatmate? Ask students to
discuss in pairs, then discuss as a class.
2. P8. Question 2: Listening They need to figure out which questions
the people in the listening are discussing, before listening again to
find out which sentences are true or false then correct the false
3. Collect lots of personality adjectives on the board, before teaching the
PERSONALITY Vocabulary in Question 3a by initially eliciting what they
think it means, before telling them. Then the students fill in the gaps
in pairs.
4. Page 148 Vocabulary Bank Lesson 1.1 Personality adjectives
5. Teach the subject inversion difference between direct and indirect
questions ie. Where is the bank? Is too rude when you ask someone
for help, so you need to say: Do you know where the bank is? (Can
use p.128 to help for you, and for them too)
6. Students do 4a and 4b in pairs. Check answers and understanding,
before next question
7. Question 5a in pairs.
8. Students write their own questions and ask each other the questions.
Set it up that students can go around the classroom, swapping seats,
like a fast date
9. If time, SPEAKING Question 8

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