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Form FC-4 {see rule 171) ‘The Seeretary tothe Government of Ini, Ministry of Home Airs, Foreigner: Division (FCRA Wing) "First Floor NDCC-II Building,” 1,IAT SINGH Road ‘New Delhi 110001 Subject: Account of Foreign Contribution for the year ending on the 3ist March, 2014 1. Association FCRA registration number and name (). Number : 075901292 (i), Name : India Sudar Bdveatonal and Charitable Trust 2. Details of receipt and uiisaton of foreign contribution: 4. Foreign Contribution received in eashikind(value): 1 reap Tver Tos comune bogang aTibs | TSAO at 1) nero or ti sep rng ear TT [0 Farin Coniston eeced image mal yar "TDiealy Fora ip are EHR ar rast om oad awe 700 Toa Foca Conon (TS FH TARE contribution, eg. the year “i. interest sccured on foreign contribution, or any other income derived from foreign proceeds from assets created from contribution, or interest thereon during 1). Donor wise dial of foreign contribution received in excess of rupees 20,000: ‘S| Namo af donors | Tvttons[ Deal af the donor ‘noun Xo said ws) Tier Taal | PO ae 22 New Yor NY.USR, | Eduction | 2750000 | Blscton United Sines of Arse, Ea ‘nord poeetsasbanet or, ‘Webate Addo upstart ong | Matar Trat— tonal] Ve Mart dla Liber, 12014] Edveaonal [32720385 Ones Demome, Cao, ly, aly, Ena i]Page "FORA Arwual Retthe fnancl yer 2013-2014 ieussiionaiamnbiia Tho onighatiraineo, Websie ‘denen maar o: 7 Raa Telia | Retnond VA USA, Eaacatonal | 5,00000 (0). Camulative purpose-wise amount of all forelgn contribution donation received SINe_[ Faroe Aenea 1 Lessa eas All. Details of Utilization of foreign contribution: = Taal Ulzatoa® Terps pe ans a CHEAT sector ofthe scion) Total Adninoratve Expenses provided Tae Tao 5, FORAY (ts) Teal uve ae Sepa aa Toa Puce of es eR) ooo Tot iain nthe yeu) rbd 6264070 * Its affirmed thatthe uttisation of foreign contribution is not in contravention ofthe provisions contained in proviso to Setion (e) and Section 12(4)(8) of the Act which sates tha the acceptance of foreign contribution isnot likely to affect prejudically. (A) the soverignty nd integrity of india; oF. (B) the security, strategic, scientific or echnomic interest ofthe state; or (©) the public interest; or (D) freedom or fairness of election to any legstature; or (© fiend relations with any foreign stat; o (harmony between religious, racial, social ingusite or relgional groups, castes or communities iv, Balance of untilized foreign conebution, in cash/bank, at the end of the year (Rs): 1727.00, ¥. Total number of foreigner working (salaried! in honorary capacity. 0.00000 3.(@) Details of designated Fe bank account for receipt of Foreign Contribution ( As on 31st ‘March ofthe year ending) ‘| Ran of Bank of | Branch Aare With TASC Code [Account Ty ICICK Bank Cited Neng 10 Teicaoana | TASS ‘Nangrmbatiam High Road {Chena = 60 034, Tar Nadu (Maes aivage "FORA Anal Ratu fr Pancil year 20132014 4. (b) Details ofall uslzaton bank accounts for utilization of Foregin Contribution (As on 31st March ofthe year ending) S| Name o Wana | Branch Adare With WSC Code No_| donare placed TCict Bank Lasied | Norgnmbatta, 170 Teron — [ooo ‘Nengembskdam High Road, ‘Chena = 600034, Tan Nad (Mada) Declaration "hoteby doolare that the above particulars fumished by me are tue and coerce also affirm that the receipt of foreign contribution and its utilization have not been violative of any ofthe provisions ofthe Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, rules, notifications! ‘orders issued there under from time to time and the foreign contribution was utilized forthe ‘urpose(s) for which the association was granted registration! prior fermission by the Cental Government Signature of the Cheif Functionary seuss vcs a HST RA a Rane ay 20132016 ou uojg popes spuonas put syooq Jad sy Toceye arate Ha _ pam Tat Tai ists woes UHL USED SUTTBTT 16s soz ote paoooy ass os929——tov9eo ‘unsioug uoseanp, ui0g VON PUR SIUOPROY ISLSHEE — n2woa syuomseg 0. susouiod udp, ‘r0z--1¢ popu sea 2 4} noone eRe pa IRL 260 009-004 va Toes soe eS, EN HAC ON MEN SHY IS HUIBREL ASML STAVALRAVHD ANY TWNOLLVONGA Vas VIGNI Tuer LOTT suet samy 1802 pany aan snereo pono2oy woaevoc roof 1 Tuy daq, ime vipa >ewon suas we sumnpuodns PLOT ee pepue 0a pj ynoaoe aumypusd per awo04p 80 SUPA "ON MON SAY 0 NET CL ASML SIAVARIVHD ANY TYNOLLVONGS AVAAS VIENT (susan ae ‘au auojoq paonpand spzoat pus syoog iad sy = rams wt Loess Tanomy ASML FTAVLRIVHO ANV TYNOLLYONGa UVaAS VIGNT CA. P.V.HS. Kishore Babu, 8m. 1c. cet 98401 43777 (CERTIFICAT! {hae audited the account of INDIA SUDAR EDUCATIONAL AND CHRITABLE TRUST, Flat No, D, Lakshmi Sree Apartments, No.2, Vedha Nagar, Chinmaya Nagar, Stage 1 Extenstion, Chennai - 600092. Registration NoAS42004- Tamilnadu forthe financial year ending the 31st March 2014 and examined al relevant books and vouchers and ceriy that according 10 the suted account 1. The brought forward foreign contribution a the beginning ofthe financial year was Rs, 1844 2. Foreign contribution of worth Rs, 624208 was received bythe Association yea rom 1.042013 t0 31.03.2014 3, Inerestacerued on foreign contribution and ether income derived from foreign contribution or Interest thereon ofworth Re, 2061 was recived bythe Association during the Finacial year fiom 1.042013 0 31.032014 ing the Finacial 44. The balance of unlized foreign contribution withthe Association at the end ofthe financial year 31.05.2004 was Rs. 1727 5. Certified tht the Association hs maintsind the accounts of foreign conus and records relating thereto inthe manner specified in sttin 19 ofthe Foreign Contribuion (Regulation) ‘Ac, 2010 (42 of 2010) ea with ule 17 ofthe Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011, (6 The information in this cette and inthe enclosed Balance Sheet and statement of Receipt and Payment is correct as checked by me. “The association has lized the foreign contribution received fo the purposes) its registered! frat prior permission under Foceign Contebuton (Regulation) Act, 2010 Place: Cheam - 17 Date 13-102014 PLVHS. KISHORE DABU,2con.r0, ‘MEMBERSHIP No: 26408, 128. CHARI STREET, T NAGAR, (GHENNA'O0 017 Flat #4, # 26, Chari Steet, T, Nagar, Chennal - 600 017. Te! : 044 - 2814 4188 E-mail: INDIA SUDAR EDUCATIONAL AND CHARITABLE TRUST Registered No: 54/2004 web: www indlasudar org mall: D-takshmi Sre Aot, New No.2, Vedha Nagar, Chinmaya Nagar Stage It, Chennal-600 092, TN Declaration Certificate of Chief Functionary. | hereby declare that the above particulars furnished by me are wue and correct. | also afiem that the receipt of foreign contribution and its utlization have not been violative of any ofthe provisions of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010, rues, notifiatios/ orders issued there under from time to time and the foreign contribution was utilized forthe purpose(s) for which the association was granted reglstraton/ prior permission by the Central Government Place: Chennai, 10 Date: 13-10-2014 ‘Stanature of the Chief Functionsar | | |

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