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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.

Vol. 75, No. 6, pp. 2732-2736, June 1978


Inhibition of translation by poliovirus: Inactivation

of a specific initiation factor
(translational control/eukaryotic initiation factor-4B/in vitro translation/vesicular stomatitis virus)


Department of Biology and Center for Cancer Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

Contributed by David Baltimore, April 7, 1978

ABSTRACT Translation of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV)

mRNA, like host mRNA translation, is inhibited in cells infected
with poliovirus. To study the mechanism of poliovirus-induced
inhibition of protein synthesis, we prepared extracts from poliovirus-infected and uninfected HeLa cells. Poliovirus mRNA
was translated in Iysates from both infected and uninfected
cells, while VSV mRNA was translated only in the lysate from
uninfected cells. Addition of purified translation initiation
factors to the extract frosi infected cells showed that one factor
eIF4B, could restore VSV mRNA translation in the infected
lysate, but did not increase poliovirus mRNA translation. Further experiments involving translation of VSV mRNA in mixed
extracts from poliovirus-infected and uninfected cells showed
(j) that there was not an excess of an inhibitor of VSV mRNA
translation in the infected 1 sate, but (ii) that an activity that
caused a slow inactivation oleIF-4B was present in the infected
lysate. Inactivation of eIF4B appears to~e the mechanism by
which poliovirus -infection causes a selective inhibition of
Inhibition of host protein synthesis occurring after virus infection has been demonstrated in many eukaryotic virus-host
systems (1). The best studied case of inhibition of protein synthesis is that caused by picornaviruses such as poliovirus, but
the mechanism that allows discrimination between host and
viral mRNA translation has not been elucidated. Infection by
poliovirus results in extensive inhibition of host protein synthesis
at the initiation step (2, 3). During poliovirus infection the host
mRNAs are not degraded (2, 3) and their capping, methylation,
and polyadenylation are not affected (4). Furthermore, translation of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) mRNAs is prevented
when VSV-infected cells are superinfected with poliovirus (5,
6). VSV mRNA synthesis continues normally in the superinfected cells and the untranslated VSV mRNA can be translated
in vitro after purification from the infected cell (6). Also, the
kinetics of poliovirus inhibition of host and VSV protein synthesis are identical, suggesting that they occur by the same
mechanism (6).
In this study we have used translation of VSV mRNA in extracts derived from poliovirus-infected and uninfected HeLa
cells to study the mechanism of translation inhibition by poliovirus. VSV directs the synthesis of five mRNAs that encode
the five viral proteins (7, 8). These mRNAs, like cellular
mRNAs, have capped and methylated 5' termini that are important in ribosome recognition (9). In contrast, poliovirus
mRNA has a 5' terminus of pUp (10, 11). The evidence presented here indicates that loss of a single initiation factor activity
(eIF-4B) can explain the inhibition of VSV and host mRNA
translation by poliovirus. Other work has indicated that this
factor interacts with the 5' cap structure on mRNA (12). Thus,
poliovirus mRNA may bypass the cap-dependent recognition

mechanism and also inactivate an initiation factor involved in

recognition of capped mRNA.
A recent study (13) has described the roles of seven protein
factors in assembly of the eukaryotic translation initiation
complex. Briefly, eIF-2 and GTP are required for formation
of the 40S-Met-tRNAf complex. ATP and five factors, eIF-3,
eIF-4A, eIF-4B, eIF-4C, and probably e1F-i are involved in
mRNA binding to the 40S-Met-tRNAf complex. Factor eIF-5
and GTP promote joining of the 605 subunit to form the
805Met-tRNAf-mRNA complex.


Poliovirus Infection and Preparation of Translation Systems. The growth of HeLa cells in suspension in Joklik's modified minimal essential medium and infection by type 1 poliovirus were as described (14) except that fetal calf serum was
substituted for horse serum. For infection, 4 X 108 HeLa cells
were harvested, washed once, and resuspended at 4 X 108 cells
per ml in minimal essential medium containing poliovirus at
a multiplicity of 20. After adsorption at room temperature for
30 min, cells were diluted to 4 X 10/n/ml in minimal essential
medium plus 5% fetal calf serum. Except as indicated, infected
or mock-infected cells were harvested 3 hr after infection and
the cell-free translation system was prepared as described (15)
with the following modifications. 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-l-piperazineethanesulfonic acid (Hepes) buffer was used instead
of Tris-HCI in the isotonic buffer, and cells were resuspended
in 1.5 vol instead of in S vol of buffer. Cells were left at 00 for
2 min before homogenization. After homogenization, 5/18 vol
of 1OX incubation buffer was added. Preincubation for 45 mm
was as described (15), followed by dialysis for 2 hr against 100
vol 10 mM Hepes, pH 7.5/90 mM KCI/1.5 mM Mg(OAc)2/7
mM 2-mercaptoethanol. Micrococcal nuclease treatment (75
units/ml of extract) was for 15 min at 200 as described (16).
Small samples of the extract were stored at -80.
Cell-Free Translation. In vitro translation reaction mixtures
(25 Ml) contained 10 Ml of lysate and the following additions: 20
MM of each of 19 amino acids (minus methionine), 0.8 mM
ATP, 20 AM GTP, 6.4 mM creatine phosphate, 0.2 Mg of creatine phosphokinase (Calbiochem), 1.6 mM dithiothreitol, 14.2
mM Hepes (pH 7.2), 0.2 mM spermidine, 80 mM KOAc, 0.65
mM Mg(OAc)2, 5 MCi of [asSImethionine (Amersham, Inc., 300
Ci/mmol), and 1 Mg each of VSV mRNA, rabbit globin mRNA,
or poliovirus mRNA. Reactions were for 1 hr at 370 followed
by addition of RNase A (final concentration of 100 units/ml)
and further incubation for 5 min. Samples were precipitated
with acetone, heated to 900 for 2 min in sample buffer, and

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the

payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked
'advertisement" in accordance with 18 U. S. C. 1734 solely to indicate
this fact.

Abbreviations: VSV, vesicular stomatitis virus; Hepes, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid; elF, eukaryotic initiation



Biochemistry: Rose et al.

Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA 75 (1978)

subjected to gel electrophoresis by the procedure of Laemmli


Purification of mRNAs and Protein Synthesis Initiation

Factors. RNA from VSV-infected cells was prepared- as described (18) except that oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography
was omitted. VSV mRNA was assumed to be 2% of the total
RNA by weight. Poliovirus RNA was purified by phenol extraction of virions, followed by ethanol precipitation. Rabbit
globin mRNA was purified as described (19). Removal of the
protein from the 5' end of poliovirus virion RNA (20, 21) occurs
rapidly in this translation system (V. Ambros, R. Pettersson, and
D. Baltimore, unpublished results), converting the virion RNA
into the natural mRNA form. Protein synthesis initiation factors
were prepared from rabbit reticulocytes as described by
Schreier et al. (19), through the purification steps indicated in
each experiment Preparation 1 of eIF4B was purified through
step 4 and preparation 2 through step 5 of the procedure described (19).
Selective Inhibition of mRNA Translation. To determine
the rate of inhibition of cellular protein synthesis after poliovirus
infection, samples of infected cells were pulse labeled for 15min periods with [asS]methionine at various times after virus
infection of HeLa cells. The labeled proteins were then analyzed by gel electrophoresis as shown in Fig. 1A. Poliovirus
protein synthesis became evident at 2 hr, and extensive inhibition of host protein synthesis occurred between 2 and 2.5 hr.
Quantitation of a host protein band (arrow, Fig. 1A) revealed
little decrease in the rate of its synthesis before 2 hr and a decrease to 20% of the original rate between 2 and 2.5 hr. In
contrast, synthesis of a poliovirus protein (VP-3) increased 3-fold
during this time.
To examine this selective inhibition of translation in vitro,

Ohr 1 hr 2hr 2.5hr 3hr

2 3 4 5


I hr


we prepared cell-free translation systems from unlabeled

portions of the same cells harvested at 0 time, 1 hr, 2 hr, and 3
hrafter virus adsorption. Preparation of the translation systems
included a standard preincubation of the extracts at 370 for 45
min (15) and nuclease treatment (16) to eliminate endogenous
mRNA translation. The products of translation of VSV mRNAs
and poliovirus mRNA in these extracts were then analyzed by
gel electrophoresis (Fig. 1B). In extracts prepared from cells
immediately after poliovirus infection, VSV mRNA directed
the synthesis of four readily detected protein bands (Fig. 1B).
From previous work (7) these are known to represent M protein
(27,00 daltons), NS protein (45,000 daltons), N protein (53,500
daltons), and the unglycosylated form of G protein (63,500
daltons) running ahead of G protein marker. Compared to the
relatively undiminished rate of synthesis in extracts made 1 hr
after infection, synthesis of VSV proteins was reduced to less
than 20% of the original rate in extracts made 2 hr after infection and was almost completely abolished in 3-hr extracts (see
Fig. IC). In contrast, poliovirus mRNA directed the synthesis
of proteins at least 75% as well in extracts made 3 hr after infection as it did in extracts of mock-infected cells. Thus, the in
vitro translation system reproduces a selective translation inhibition similar to that seen in vivo., Note that theinhibition of
VSV mRNA translation in vitro appears much greater in the
2-hr extract (Fig. 1B) than the inhibition of host protein synthesis at 2 hr in vivo (Fig. 1A). This difference is apparently due
to the 45-min preincubation of the in vitro extracts, because
extracts prepared without preincubation showed the major
decrease in ability to translate VSV mRNA between 2 and 3 hr
after infection (data not shown). Enhanced inhibition due to
preincubation is to be expected because, as shown below, a
preincubation-dependent inhibition occurs in mixed extracts
from poliovirus-infected and uninfected cells.
To determine if the polypeptides synthesized in vitro in re-



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

i.-i_ -2

Go b|









O ..e








f aferinfecton

FIG. 1. Kinetics of poliovirus-induced inhibition of translation. (A) Inhibition in vivo. HeLa cells were infected with poliovirus and pulse
labeled with [(3S]methionine (10 #Ci/ml). Cytoplasmic proteins were subjected to gel electrophoresis (10% acrylamide) and detected by autoradiography. Times given above lanes 1-5 refer to times after virus adsorption at which each 15-min pulse label was begun. The 0 time sample
was from cells that were mock-infected. Equal radioactivity was placed into each lane. Total acid-precipitable incorporation (cpm per 0.01 ml
of cells) was 1.7 X 104 (0 time), 4.4 X 104 (1 hr), 5.5 X 104 (2 hr), 6.6 X 104 (2.5 hi), and 7.6 X 104 (3 hr). (B) Inhibition in vitro. [35S]Methioninelabeled proteins synthesized in vitro were subjected to gel electrophoresis (12.5% acrylamide) and detected by fluorography (22). Times above
lanes 1-10 indicate time after virus adsorption at which the cells were harvested for preparation of the three translation systems. The 0 time
extract was from cells that were mock-infected. Ten microliters of each translation reaction were analyzed: lanes 1, 4,6, and 8, no added RNA;
lanes 2,5,7, and 9, VSV mRNA; lanes 3 and 10, poliovirus mRNA. Lane 11 shows marker proteins synthesized in vivo 3 hr after poliovirus infection.
Positions of NCVP1A and NCVP2 as well as unlabeled VSV virion proteins are indicated. (C) Quantitation of inhibition in vitro. Regions of
the gel (B) containing proteins synthesized in vitro were excised and radioactivity was determined in a scintillation counter. Background radioactivity from the same regions (no added RNA) was subtracted. Radioactivity in N and NS proteins (-) and M protein (X) as well as total
poliovirus proteins (a) is plotted as percent of synthesis obtained in the mock-infected extract.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75 (1978)

Biochemistry: Rose et al.


sponse to poliovirus RNA were related to authentic poliovirus

proteins, we analyzed their partial proteolytic cleavage products
using the method described by Cleveland et al. (23). The results
indicated that the in vitro products in the range of 50,000105,000 daltons contained peptides that comigrated with those
from poliovirus NCVP-1A marker, and only traces of peptides
from other poliovirus proteins were seen (data not shown). Thus,
the synthesis does represent virus-related products, but, because
NCVP-1A is translated from the 5' half of the poliovirus mRNA
(24), the majority of the protein synthesis in vitro probably
terminates in the 5' half of the RNA.
Effects of Specific Initiation Factors. To determine if the
inability of the extracts from infected cells to translate VSV
mRNA was due to loss of a specific initiation factor, we added
purified initiation factors to the in vitro translation system
derived from infected cells and analyzed the products synthesized in the presence of VSV mRNA (Fig. 2). Quantitation
of the gels showed only background levels of VSV mRNA
translation (equivalent to no added RNA) in the presence of
eIF-1, eIF-3, eIF-4A, eIF-4C, and eIF-5. In contrast, addition
of eIF-4B resulted in VSV mRNA translation at a level of 60%
compared to the uninfected extract. Also, a very low level of
stimulation by eIF-2 (about 5%) -was seen. As shown below,
eIF-2 stimulates translation in both infected and uninfected
lysates. In contrast, the effect of eIF-4B was specific for the
infected lysate.
Additional experiments indicated that the activity that restored translation was actually the eIF-4B protein in the purified
factor preparation. The activity of eIF-4B is defined by using
a reconstituted system that is dependent on eIF-4B (19). To
correlate the effect of restoring VSV mRNA translation in infected extracts with the effect on the reconstituted system we
used two approaches. First, the elution of the two activities

during the final step of purification of eIF-4B was examined.

After four purification steps, both activities had been evident,
and during the final gradient elution from a phosphocellulose
column, the activities coeluted (Fig. 3A). At this stage, eIF-4B
was estimated to be 70% pure (19). As a second test, the heatinactivation kinetics of the two activities were tested. The two
activities were lost with indistinguishable kinetics (Fig. SB).
Effects of Initiation Factors in Infected and Uninfected
Lysates. To quantitate the effects of eIF-4B on VSV mRNA and
poliovirus mRNA translation in extracts from poliovirus-infected and uninfected cells, we analyzed bands of labeled VSV
proteins excised from gels for radioactivity (Table 1). Factor
eIF-4B (prep. 1) stimulated VSV (M or NS + N) transiation less
than 2-fold in the uninfected cell extract, but restored translation in extracts of infected cells from undetectable levels to 50%
(N + NS protein) or 100% (M protein) of the level seen in the
uninfected lysate. A more highly purified eIF4B (prep. 2) was
less active, but showed some restoration of VSV translation in
the infected extract. The effects of eIF-4B on poliovirus mRNA
translation were quite different. Prep. 1 inhibited its translation
about 3fold in both lysates, while prep. 2 had little or no effect
in either lysate. The inhibition by eIF-4B (prep. 1) may thus
have been due to a contaminating protein. Because addition
of eIF-2 to infected- lysates had given small but detectable






FIG. 2. Effects of initiation factors on VSV mRNA translation.

[35SjMethionine-labeled proteins synthesized in vitro were subjected

to gel electrophoresis and detected by autoradiography as shown.

Lanes 1-8 show products synthesized in a lysate from poliovirusinfected cells; lanes 9 and 10 show products synthesized in a mockinfected lysate. Lanes 1 and 9, no added RNA; lanes 2-8 and 10, plus
VSV mRNA and the indicated initiation factors. Positions of unlabeled VSV virion proteins are indicated. Approximate amounts of
initiation factors per 25-Mtl reaction mixture and the purification steps
used (19) were as follows: eIF-i, 0.125 Mg, step 3; eIF-2, 0.5 Ag, step
3; eIF-3, 1.0 Mug, step 4; eIF-4A, 0.75 ,gg, step 4; eIF-4B, 1.5 Mg, step 4;
eIF-4C + 5, 0.1 Ag, step 3. Electrophoresis was from right to left.

min at 500
FIG. 3. Purification and heat inactivation of eIF-4B. (A) Phosphocellulose chromatography. Fractions obtained during gradient
elution of eIF-4B from phosphoceflulose (step 5, ref. 19) were pooled,
concentrated, and assayed for eIF-4B activity in the initiation factor-dependent system b (19) and for stimulation of VSV M protein
and N + NS protein synthesis in an infected lysate as in Figs. 1C and
2. Pools 1-4 eluted at KC1 concentrations of 0.1 M, 0.13-0.23 M,
0.23-0.33 M, and 0.33-4 M, respectively. 0, eIF-4B activity-, 0,
stimulation of N plus NS synthesis; X, stimulation of M synthesis.
(B) Heat inactivation. Samples of step 4 eIF-4B in 20 mM Tris-HC1,
pH 7.6/100 mM KCl/0.1 mM EDTA/14 mM 2-mercaptoethanoV10%
glycerol were incubated at 50 for 1, 2, 5, and 10 min, and assayed as
described in A.

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Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 75 (1978)


Table 1. Effects of eIF-4B and eIF-2 on VSV and poliovirus mRNA translation

Infected extract

Uninfected extract



eIF-4B eIF-4B
+RNA (prep. 1)* (prep. 2)* eIF-2*

(prep. 2)* -RNA

eIF-4B eIF-4B
+RNA (prep. 1)* (prep. 2)* eIF-2*

(prep. 2)*
89,500 1,541 24,400
25,800 58,100 51,000
Translation of VSV mRNAs, poliovirus mRNA, and rabbit globin mRNA was as described in Materials and Methods. The amounts of initiation
factors added per 25-;l reaction mixture were approximately 1.5 ug (eIF-4B, prep. 1), 0.15 Mg (eIF-4B, prep. 2), and 0.5 Mg (eIF-2, purified through
step 3, ref. 19). The proteins synthesized in response to each mRNA were analyzed by gel electrophoresis, and protein bands were quantitated
as described in the legend of Fig. 1C. The numbers given are the cpm in the protein bands or in the equivalent region of the gel for translation
without RNA. The stimulatory effect of eIF-2 on VSV mRNA translation was variable (4- to 15-fold) in different extracts. ND = not determined.
* In the
presence of RNA.
N + NS


stimulation of VSV protein synthesis in preliminary experiments, we also tested this factor alone and in combination with
eIF-4B (prep. 2) in this experiment (Table 1). Addition of eIF-2
resulted in greater than 10-fold stimulation of VSV mRNA
translation in uninfected lysates in the presence or absence of
eIF-4B. A similar 10-fold increase in VSV translation could be
seen in the infected lysate when eIF-2 was assayed in the
presence of eIF-4B (prep. 2). Poliovirus mRNA translation was
also stimulated by eIF-2 (about 3-fold) in lysates from infected
or uninfected cells. These results indicate that eIF-2 can be
limiting for translation in both the infected and uninfected
lysates but does not appear to be directly involved in the inhibition of translation by poliovirus.
In a separate experiment, translation of globin mRNA in
infected and uninfected cell extracts was assayed. The results
were qualitatively similar to those obtained with VSV mRNA;
some globin synthesis, however, was clearly detectable in the
infected lysate. This suggests that all mRNAs may not show the
same extent of translation inhibition in infected lysates.
Inactivation of eIF-4B In Vitro. To examine the possibility
that inactivation of eIF-4B might occur in vitro, we measured
translation of VSV mRNA in mixed extracts from poliovirusinfected and uninfected cells. The results (Fig. 4) show that VSV
mRNA translation occurred in extracts from uninfected and
poliovirus-infected cells that had been mixed prior to translation. The level of translation was approximately proportional
to the amount of uninfected extract present in the mixture. This
result shows that there was not an excess -of an inhibitor in the
infected lysate that could cause a rapid inactivation of translation. If the mixed extracts were preincubated for 30 or 60 min
prior to translation, a loss of ability to translate VSV mRNA was
seen (Fig. 4). That this in vitro inactivation was due to loss of
eIF-4B activity was shown by addition of eIF-4B after a 30-min
preincubation of the mixed extract. This addition increased
VSV mRNA translation to approximately the unincubated level
(Fig. 4). Control experiments showed that the extract from
uninfected cells lost only 10% of its activity after 60 min of
preincubation (Fig. 4).
We have described here an in vitro translation system from
poliovirus-infected cells that reproduces the selective translation
inhibition of host and VSV mRNA translation seen in vivo. This
inhibition can be overcome by addition of a single purified
translation initiation factor, eIF-4B. Also, lysates from poliovirus-infected cells can inactivate eIF-4B when it is added to
the lysate (data not shown) or in mixed lysates from infected

and uninfected cells. The mechanism of inactivation is not

known, but it is presumably carried out by a viral protein

Because poliovirus mRNA translation occurs normally in
lysates from infected cells and is not stimulated by added

eIF-4B, it appears to require little or no eIF-4B or can use a

modified form of the factor. Factor eIF-4B interacts with the
capped 5' end on eukaryotic mRNA (12), and the capped 5' end
is important for ribosome recognition of mRNA (9). Poliovirus
mRNA lacks a capped 5' end and, therefore, must bypass any
5'-cap-dependent ribosome recognition mechanism. Inactivation of an initiation factor involved in 5'-cap recognition may
then favor poliovirus mRNA translation.
Consistent with our work, a previous study has shown that
initiation of translation of cellular mRNA is inhibited in extracts
from poliovirus-infected cells and can be increased by addition
of a ribosomal wash fraction (3). Studies on mengovirus and
encephalomyocarditis virus, two other picornaviruses (26, 27),
did not reveal consistent selectivity in translation of host and
viral mRNAs in extracts from virus-infected and uninfected




~~60 ~


2 20

Preincubation, min
FIG. 4. Translation in mixed lysates. In vitro translation was in
uninfected lysates or in poliovirus-infected and uninfected lysates
mixed at the indicated ratios. Lysates were preincubated for the indicated times prior to addition of translation reaction components
and VSV mRNA. VSV M protein synthesis was quantitated as in the
legend of Fig. 1C. The synthesis of M protein in the mixture of infected and uninfected lysates (1:1, 30-min preincubation) with eIF-4B
(prep. 1, approximately 1.5 Mg) added after preincubation is indicated,
*. X, Uninfected, 551 cpm at 100%; 0, uninfected + infected (4:1),
443 cpm at 100%; 0, uninfected + infected (1:1), 225 cpm at 100%.


Biochemistry: Rose et al.

cells. Another study on encephalomyocarditis virus suggested

that the inhibition of host mRNA translation during infection
might be explained, at least in part, by direct competition between encephalomyocarditis virus mRNA and cellular mRNAs
for initiation factor eIF-4B (28). Our own direct competition
experiments have shown that VSV mRNA translation is greatly
favored over poliovirus mRNA translation when both types of
mRNA are present at equimolar saturating concentrations in
lysates from uninfected HeLa cells (data not shown). Thus, the
inhibition of VSV mRNA translation by poliovirus clearly requires direct effects on the translation system itself.
We are grateful to Dr. Irving London for providing the support and
facilities for the initiation factor purification and to Marilyn Smith for
preparation of the manuscript. This work was supported by Grant
A114566 to J.K.R., Grant A108388 to D.B., Program Project Grant
CA12174, Core Grant CA14051 to Dr. S. Luria, and National Institutes
of Health Grant AM16272 to Dr. Irving London. D.B. is an American
Cancer Society Research Professor.
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